Kazooie has more Personality than most Female characters in videogames from this decade.
Kazooie has more Personality than most Female characters in videogames from this decade
Based Kazooie poster
*witty retort* isn't a personality.
she's also the most attractive
She's just kind of a bitch that lives in a backpack.
But her concern for the safety of some baby dinos and her distress when separated from Banjo hide a softer side. Can you be the user to break through her shell?
You say that but she was really the first forced feminist character in gaming. The whole "I'm smarter than you" Banjo even though Banjo was doing all the work. I like her but she paved the way for SJW shit
But Kazooie likes it rough.
>bratty gf you can smack around when you can't take the banter
Basically perfect.
Sorry I'm right.
Haven't seen a single feminist or sjw even acknowledge kazooie, besides those type of people aren't really making games, you're paranoid
Kazooie did more work than Banjo
>runs Banjo everywhere with bird legs
>shoots all the eggs
>does most of the attacking
Banjo was basically like her shell as a hermit crab
But Laylee has the exact same personality
Kazooie got most of the abilities though. Banjo was the guy that'd take the hits and protect her while doing a lot of the leg work.
She was tsundere before anyone knew what tsundere was.
in banjo tooie banjo is straight up worthless, kazooie does everything
you are allowed to be smarter than your horse/house/bestfriend/husband you know.
But Yooka is a boring white rice motherfucker.
Banjo is a lovably gullible hick and it’s good chemistry with Kazooie’s sass.
Banjo can take more of a hit than her so I always headcanon have it he's the tank, taking hits she can't.
yooka's also naked and sounds like a pervert
>oh yeah that happened
oh no here comes the porn again
Do you fags ever stop thinking about politics? Do you really wanna be Resetera this bad?
I love these Kazooie threads.
Tsundere bridfriend is best.
He can pick up fat fucks with his empty backpack.
unironically kill your self
with his backpack banjo is inmortal.
>Get near beat to death by generic anime swordsmen #354
>"Kazooie, move over.
>Nap sack away all damage.
>Kazooie makes the pack cozier
It's telling you dont probably didnt even know it's a girl. Women are discouraged from having a personality.
Laylee is fucking ugly.
I wish these YL had more going for them than "we're not-Banjo and not-Kazooie!" like fucking slap some clothes on them or give them something to stand out
It’s pretty much a hammerspace pocket dimension huh? Kazooie really likes it in there even when it’s just hanging on a coatrack.
It gets fucking huge in tooie when it's just banjo.
The irony of it is that's how western female characters are made nowadays too. For films as well as videogames. Think of something like Captain Marvel. She fits that description perfectly
The N64 logo has more personality than most female characters in video games