Western female design

>western female design

Can the Asians even compete?

Attached: tryharder.jpg (548x569, 33K)

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This is problematic. Why can't videogames ever have women fully clothed?

>lip ring

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Compete with how ugly they all are? No, I don't think they can.

Looks like a tranny.

she looks jewish

Tremere, so pretty much.

Where's the problem?

Obviously Toreador

She'd honestly be fine without the giraffe neck and lip ring.

She refers to the Pyramid as her superiors.

Nigga are you blind?

Asia has already won

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Your standards for women really are unrealistic huh?

she's confirmed tremere

are you implying her necks is "realistic"?

>neck is almost a full head length long
>lip ring
>greasy hair
Yeah OK.

she's a nosferatu wearing the mask of a thousand faces

are trannies going to be good female character designers because they're all girl fetishists?

hnnnnng I wanna deepthroat that giraffe

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>Take me now...

Attached: 1560341863646.webm (1240x698, 2.87M)

>me no like female unless she bug eyed insect from muh moeshit

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she cute

Whoa, hey guys. Welcome to EB Games.



Don't forget the balloon tits

Attached: 664.jpg (558x614, 18K)

Vidya needs more goth girls.

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its looking like its going to be an sjw game so this looks like its as good as it will get.

Neck seems a bit wierd (and once you've noticed it you already cannot forget)
but what's wrong with ring?

>its looking like its going to be an sjw game
How so?

I can't take her seriously with a neck that long. And the writing was stupid and the flirting souless.
I miss Jeanette

>I miss Jeanette
Do you expected Tremere to act somewhere closer to Jeanette?

I just want her to be interesting. But as far as we know she's just a walmart version of Therese/Jeanette. A flirty vampire boss lady hanging in a nightclub...

Yo in bloodlines 1, without any spoilers, am i able to be mr. big shot as a ventrue or am i pretty much just always gonna be a lil bitch?

lil bitch

You never get to run shit like a true Ventrue
You only cause chaos like an anarchist

I just don't like lip rings. Unaesthetic, make kissing awkward.

Still nowhere as bad as sleeve or other full body part tattoos.

Thanks, looks like ill drop my ventrue playthrough and go with something else.

Cute giraffe. How does one go about becoming a longneck?

Ventrue is perfectly fine as a powerful fighting character, as I remember. But you're not going to actually boss people around as a CEO.

They have a good balance between melee and social. And melee is the superior form of fighting in game.

ehh I dont know about superior
good all game but guns outpace melee late game

>that piercing
Disgusting as fuck.

Pitch me your game about a goth girl.

i agree
hack n slash where you play as a necromancer who has to kill her daddy Satan

I'm pretty positive their in the game. Plus I herd rumors so is their dad since hes a sabat plus they own nightclubs throughout the country so. You might get your malk romance

Deadly Premonition-style game with zany humor where you're a cute goth grill who moved into a small town and begins to investigate a gruesome murder for fun.

You watch Outstar huh

Sandman game.

So Ash with tits and without depression?

What would that even be? Walking simulator?

Nah. Yea Forums does like mentioning her, it's where I got my info desu. Like a malk, gotta weave through all the bs that comes on this forum to find the gems and I believe that one is true. Plus I play v5 occasionally

a vampire girl on a quest with her gargoyle companion to find her boyfriend

Attached: primal.jpg (400x300, 22K)

Shit taste.

Attached: 1A05F859-B084-408B-B86A-23F8A449C67A.jpg (313x470, 44K)

You wouldn't play that? Plus its DC so they can pull something out of their ass. A gothic romantic horror would be nice. Gotta please your death goth gf somehow

i think she's cute
i'm gonna be a tremere so maybe i will have a qt club slut gf

this desu, ruins everything

Cute? Look at her endless neck tho

Looks fun.

its called primal

I kind of got that.

just making sure
lot of braindead cunts on here

I'd play it.


Me too, if I do say so myself.

What's the most "normal" clan in vtmb? All the choices seem either too edgy or too up their own asses, though I realize I might be asking too much of the wrong setting


All the clans technically only exist because the 3rd generation of vampires decided to kill the 2nd generation of vampires which caused Caine to curse the 3rd generation to get all the signature clan weaknesses and also become dumb faggots as a side effect


more room for my penis haha


Toreador are just chads and stacies

Why is her neck so long

Am I being trolled? This is the exact floor layout of the clubs in GTAOnline.
Please tell me they didn't just lift that wholesale for their game?

I mean like totally ripped it off. The stairs are in the same location. The stage is. The bar is, the hallway leading out even is. What the fuck.

It's a homage.

extra lewdness

How the hell was Jenn so peppy right off the bat when she finds herself in a weird alternate world after seemingly dying? Perky goths are so good.

vamps probably sexualize necks so she's got the goods.

that woman looks like she loves her nigger cocks.

Makes sense actually.

Fuck that. She looks like a giraffe and it's distracting

Stop watching anime

I honestly don't get why people didn't see it instantly. Isn't the whole appeal not just being a vampire but fully getting into that freaky world and thinking like the vampire?
Takes 2 seconds to piece together when you think of it like an actual role playing game.
I know its just a dating sim series now that trannies got into it but rpgs used to be about actually thinking about the role you were playing, not just fantasizing about your fetishes in polite society.

Do not underestimate the destructive power of a giraffe.


What? I don't watch anime

Means she's down to fuck. Sign me up.

Start watching anime.

Start watching anime so you can stop watching anime.

What do you recommend senpai?

Shiki, it's a fun vampire story that starts off lame and moe and gets progressively darker and more fucked up.


I don't think I like anime. Most of it seems really fucking stupid. I watched Eva because of 4chins and I got really obsessed with it for like a year. But now I don't feel like watching any other anime since lots of pretentious people kept saying that this was the peak of anime and everything else is pointless. I know they're wrong but I don't feel like trying to watch other anime.
So I DUNNO MAYBE EVA or maybe avoid it for a while if you want to really get into anime.

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Guys, this isn't a joke. I desperately want this game to be good. They need to release another trailer in a few months in a more modern release version, assuring us this truly is "pre-alpha."

You have no idea how hyped I was to hear about this game's return. If it turns out shit I'm going to lose hope in everything. I'm not prepared to become a shit-eating faggy doomer.

EVA is a meme. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is the peak of anime, everything else is pointless.

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It's great but jesus christ I wish it had a dub. Even a shitty one so that I could rest my eyes once in a while.
What game is it? Is it the new VTMB?

Woe to the Ching-Chongians. Even they know White Europid women look better than Mongoloid women since their women either get plastic surgery or use extensive makeup to make themselves look part White.

Here is a short video for any East Asian who disagrees.


>What game is it? Is it the new VTMB?

Holy shit how could they fuck up the neck like that?

>wtf vampires are real now

Attached: unknown.png (391x390, 224K)

Let the right one in.

>she's fucking Tremere
I never would have guessed. The triangle necklace makes sense now.

The trailer I've seen seemed alright.
The first one was good because of the Troika people though. No reason to assume that the new one will be good just because it's a VTMB game. I'm really hoping that they've realized what was good about the first one and not fuck it up.

>but rpgs used to be about actually thinking about the role you were playing,
Only tabletop ones

>he hasnt believed in vampires
Come visit /x/ sometime. You might learn something

God I wish I could believe in vampires.

Should I ask /x/ about that dream I had where I lived as someone else in the 1950's and was trying to blackmail an embassy-worker with some smut about him crossdressing?

that's a long fucking neck
also this

Attached: tumblr_mgtn5tAt1y1qmt85zo1_500.png (500x348, 275K)

Imagine the deep throat.

I'm not aware of Japan making tranny propaganda games like Masquerade

Boners is blood getting trapped in the penis.
I doubt she could resist biting.

you don't need much room haha

>not liking giraffe girls

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unbelievably rude

>no lip ring is an unrealistic standard

>tfw even pokemon has girls with cute exposed tummies

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That's some Modigliani shit right there

Iced mocha lattes fear her.. for she is...
The Proto-WhiteGirl.

Danger makes it better. Just have her in chains while doing it.

why are goth chicks so sexy?

Attached: sigh.jpg (1226x1080, 321K)

how do you chain throat?


>It's a homage.
you expect anyone to believe that they're paying homage to a club in some other video game? kys

Anyone remember that news piece a while back where some Japanese scientists claimed they had found some sort of key to easily used and replaceable stem cells in average human blood? But then it was quickly recanted.

really makes you think

>Humanity Gained

They look cute on teenagers because it's just them being angsty, and teenage angst is adorable, it's like a baby pouting.

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>wanted a lip ring back when i was in high school
>reached uni and realised it wasn't going to make me cool or attractive so i never bothered

I understand the sentiment but I still think it's gross.
Find some other way to be angsty desu.

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objective ranking (not including face):
abdomen & waist
upper chest

Attached: neck.webm (880x1068, 2.71M)

Well, that's the thing about being angsty, doing things that will make them "rebel" against what people find decent.

Why didnt I think to do this with my penis when i was young and growing? That totally would have worked right?

They should totally fuck neckbeards then haha you know to piss off their parents haha.

games in general are on the up IMO


Could someone please edit my pic so that sweatyman is a vampire? I need it for when I see webms like this

Attached: sweatyman.png (2271x2380, 298K)

Posting /neckfu/

Long necks can be realistic

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absolutely disgusting

You can just take them out and they heal up. It's not like she's covered in ugly tats or anything

It's a fucking vampire game

That's no excuse.
Trying to be so edgy is cringe for vampires too.

>muh cringe
Oh please, get the fuck out, millennial, the very concept of a vampire is just a cringeworthy fantasy from a neck fetishist.

It wasn't an excuse. It's a part of the setting.Being edgy isn't always a bad thing

You are aware that World of Darkness was made in the 90's where the underground culture was all about being edgy and 2cool4school, right?


so if you could choose a clan to be embraced by which one would you choose?
for me? it's lasombra or true brujah

Probably would've lost girth

this designer needs help. This is not up to video game standards. vtmb1 would be ashamed of this. I assume she is supposed to be one of the few ugly characters in the game, like that those backalley hobos in vtmb1

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Tranny. Guaranteed

True Brujah are cool

I'm literally going to a LARP to play as a Nosferatu in two weeks.

Looks like a twitter tranny. Not a fully monstrous resetera tranny but a not-really-convincing uncanny valley twitter tranny breed.
Also her proportions are fucked even if you ignore the gaunty facial features. Big, long head in comparison to her body and elongated neck as well. Just weird.

Apologize to Slug.

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Would still bang cuz I'm a 26 yeah old virgin haha

Loyalist Assamites

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Have sex faggot

STFU, I would if I could

japanese design is making sexualised kids and calling them a ''1000yo vampire'' They havent been able to compete since ever.

>Legend of the Galactic Heroes is the peak of anime
Either the sub translation is laughably bad or the writing was absolute dog shit. Me and a friend had a great time watching it and cracking jokes the whole time but it's nothing like how people make it out to be.

I recently watched that movie, was surprised to find it was actually pretty fucking good considering I usually hate vampire movies.