Cyberpunk 2077 most viewed video on youtube this week

>Cyberpunk 2077 most viewed video on youtube this week
>Destroy all Humans remake most viewed video on youtube
>Elden Ring most viewed video on youtube

Is Elden Ring, dare I say, a flop?

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fatigue is setting in. people are tired of soulsshit

I hope so. From software is garbage. It appeals to the sort of knuckle dragger that thinks anyone gives a shit about all his uber leet hard videogame achievements.

the leak took a chomp out of its momentum i would say, but the trailer didnt show any gameplay or story so its no surprise it doesnt have a lot of views relatively speaking

It's just a 2deep4u video. Nothing interesting.

it's literally a teaser trailer for a niche game
just wait for the real one

It's got the word ring in it.

Just like rimworld, nobody clicks a video related to asshole unless they're a fag or a child and that's 99% of youtube so yeah it's a floppy cock.

This is the worst time to partner with GRRM, and it looks like another dark souls instead of unique setting like Bloodborne or Sekiro

It's gonna be the highest selling from game to date

Lol, you don't really believe this

we want a sci-fi
instead we got another fantasy with GRRM's name attached to it

git gud.

Dark Souls(1~3) series sold 8+ million copies per title. no doubt elden ring will sell more.

It's Dark Souls + open world, of course it's going to sell fuckloads.

Go play faggot ass the surge, and leave us real gaymers alone.


honestly the trailer and connection to GRRM don't really make me that excited, but the interview with Miyazaki gives me the impression that this is somewhat of a passion project for him now. I sure hope so, because while I liked DS3 and Sekiro they definitely felt like they were lacking in some way that's hard to describe.

Is this a game about trying to craft items before you break apart

Lot of people maybe including you said same for dark souls 3 but finally it became best selling in the franchise

what fatigue you shitter, we have 6 games fucking 6 games in the last 10 years. no one except them makes games like this. 6 fucking games you shitter.

Because there's no gameplay footage, just le cinematic trailer, for a world we've never seen, and STILL know 0 about.

I think they're shitting them out too fast, From games, I mean. I barely just finished my first time in Sekiro and starting NG+, and they're already making another game.

maybe just me
>after bb already tired of the setting and artstyle
>finale of GOT left sour taste among public and i drop it around season 3
>GGM is a hack for not finishing book
their marketing strategy backfired

>no one except them makes games like this
lmao. also 6 games in 10 years is almost yearly installments. shit's getting out of hand. we're getting really close to the point where people will look at souls games the same way they look at assassin's creed and call of duty.

agreed I can't describe it either but there was always that feeling that something was missing

The Destroy All Humans trailer was metal as fuck and 2077 had fucking Keanu Reeves in it.

Elden Ring had no hook, but it's damn impressive to get that many views still.

no chance of that happening, while ac were made there bunch of other open world run arround game at the same time, same with cod. we literally don't have anything else except from to make games like this.

No one cares about shitty gatekeeping games anymore.

>we literally don't have anything else except from to make games like this.
you are factually wrong. i have no clue how you missed out on the "souls-like" craze.

P... Please...
Just one Armored Core game... I don't need much...

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Well the GRRM thing would have been a pretty good hook a year or two ago, but the GoT hype has died down now not to mention the recent backlash about it. Pretty bad timing for it all.

trailer was lame

If it wasn't exclusive to Xbox and Windows 10 then it would have garnished more interest. Baffles me why From would make it exclusive to their least successful platform.

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The guy that leaked sekiro and elden ring said it's next, expect it 2021

>Is Elden Ring, dare I say, a flop?
what the fuck is elden ring?

souls craze, lords, surge, nioh. one is mediocre shit, one is average 1 playthough with gimmics and 1 that is too far apart from souls with diablo loot and superpowers.

Based if true

Literally each one sells more than the last. This was the third most popular game at the entire conference, if this is a flop, EVERYTHING is a flop. Hell compare the content of the trailer, they got 700,000 people to watch a trailer of a shirtless dude in basically a black void hammering away for two minutes while almost no explanation of what the game is is going on. Because people love souls style games and want to see more of it, rightfully so considering it's one of the last bastions of creativity and fundamentally good game design philosophy.
You =/= we

You're welcome to live in the false reality you have created for yourselves, time will do nothing but dig you deeper in the hole of bullshit you're spewing.

cyberpunk 2077 has had a huge influx of normalfag following, and now that Reeves is in it of course its going to be more popular, not to mention that its something that has already been shown off
DaH im actually surprised has that many views, but its from an IP that is already established and a cult classic

Elden Ring is a brand new IP, and its the first video thats released and have any official news on, which is just a teaser with little to no explanation, of course its going to get overshadowed.

He said something along the lines of
>it's in production and will be released after their next major dark fantasy title
This was shortly after Sekiro got announced but for some reason nobody cared enough to talk about it. Considering every detail this person has leaked of Sekiro and Elden Ring turned out to be true it's pretty safe to be excited if that's your thing

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>Cyberpunk and Destroy All Humans has combined views from every YouTube trailer

>He is only posting the views of a single teaser without gameplay

Lazy shitposting

>George R. R. Martin

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nobody wants to release on playstation now because of sony's censorship antics.

Oh, and they've said dozens of times Bloodborne 2 isn't in pre-production/development

Long story trailer starring Keanu Reeves
>Destroy all humans
Snippets of actual gameplay
>Elden Cockring

In the past, Microsoft paid up for Xbox exclusives so I assume there's a decent money incentive.

What the fuck is elden ring?

Dark Souls 6


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They barely showed anything. Plus like with all from games brainlet bandwagoners come later on. It will outsell everything except maybe not CP077 and FF7R.

The "trailer" is narration of some dude moaning over lost jewelry. No gameplay or anything whatsoever and only a bare glimpse of the world

Those games are all garbage and only gained popularity because DUUUUUDE ITS HAAAAAARD

Game was shown at Xbox conference

>Dude, bro. Elden Ring is a flop because nobody watched the video. Not because It's not named Souls so the masses don't know what it is and the fact he video is 1 min long and shows and says absolutely nothing about the game.

How do you adapt GRRM's autism and excitement over describing a girl having diarrhea into a Soulsborne game?

The other games went on the trending page but Elden Rings were too spread out for it to go there. Every time you searched it a different one would be shown but it's still got like 5m+ views with the big ones.

How long until gameplay trailer? Took only 15 days for DSIII.

>third most popular game

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Easy. Have a npc read the pasta, laughing like a lunatic after every sentence.

Miyazaki clearly has a scat fetish so he'll find a way.

>beaten out by Watch Dogs

Let's be honest, the trailer was really boring.

GRRM wrote it so that certain characters have explicit sexual relations

>6 games in 10 years is almost yearly installments.

In what world is 1.2 games per year "almost" 2 per year?

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they're just shitposting


You =/= we
I for one WOULD welcome a sci-fi Soulslike. As it stands another dark fantasy is just.. yeah.. that's a hard pass.

The next Dark Souls game.

It doesnt help theyve partnered with a morbidky obese hack

Can't wait to invade and kill you fags on the release date.

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>2 per year
who said anything about two per year? yearly installments implies 1 per year and 6/10 does not equeal 1.2. are you okay user?

can't wait for the seething from the inevitable "no multiplayer" announcement.

>caring about youtube views

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i was too burned out to finish 2s dlcs. only beat the first boss in 3 before i stopped playing. Ill still try this for the open world meme.

Maybe it will get more popular closer to release when it shows adds that george was involved.

>1.2 games per year
That would mean we would have 12 games by now