What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>having big dicked transgender characters is transphobic

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Nothing? Resetera outrage backfires on them, as usual.

this is why you dont pander to SJW, they are never happy

Society shifting and advancing to where people could freely swap their parts is a threat to the special statuses.

Only the grotesques are angry. Chill trans people who aren't bugfuck insane at worst don't care at all.

>in the future, trans people have mainstream acceptance which makes them too fair game for capitalistic sexualisation to sell garbage

This is completely fair commentary.

would've been better if it was futa and not tr****

unironically this. give them an inch

the dog bit the hand that fed it

Nothing to see here. Retards are just writing clickbait articles again.

Psychotic people who hate their own appearance and have 50/50 odds of killing themselves don't like their appearance in a videogame.

Who'd a thunk it?

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I don't get it
is the girl in the middle supposed to be a tranny?
it doesn't have a bulge
do the trannies just think its a tranny becaues it has a sjw haircut?

You can't please the insane.
Don't waste your time.

replicating a thing isn't the same as satirizing it


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It's funny how whenever some tranny or faggot gets offended its always played out in the media as a "CONTROVERSY", even when it's an absolute non-issue like this.

What does "transphobic" even mean? I thought "phobic" meant "afraid of". How does this image demonstrate any sort of fear?

This is the present.

That is the ultimate gesture of acceptance in society. Shouldn't they be glad to see it even if it is only in a fictional setting?

>making fun of trannies
>murdering nigger gangs
And thats only the tip. Definitely pre-ordering.

>This is the present.
2077 is the present?

It's an amazing double standard when you think about it.

this can't be something you're confused about at this point

Where is the transgender in that image?

Discord trannies seething.

"snickering at the funny trans lady". That's pretty much the crux of the issue right there. They see any representation that isn't cliche'd as mocking them.

Trannies are fucking mentally ill. It's a capitalist dystopia for fucks sake, why wouldn't sexualized tranny ads exist?

The girl clearly has like a 1ft long boner up her stomach.

It is never enough. It will never be enough. When have we "progressed" enough? When beastiality is normal? When pedophilia is normal? What the fuck are we progressing towards, exactly?

While this person comes off as a pompous dipshit they do have the FOUNDATION of a point.
"You're really telling me the average teen is going to see something like this in game and think about the cultural impact of sexualized marketing, as opposed to snickering at the funny dick lady?"
That's the truth. Nobody who sees it will say anything other than "that's weird" or "why" or some variation of "What the fuck". This isn't a way to market to transgender people, it's just a dickgirl in a game setting that doesn't make much sense to be there other than to pander.

Its more akin to "disgusted of"

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Historically it doesn't matter if a minority group is accepted if people want to sexualize them for money. The Yakuza made some decent money from tranny pimping. People need to stop freaking out and acting like anything that's depicted in a game is a statement from the devs declaring that said things ought to exist in today's world.

Remember that these are the same people who think that "To Kill A Mockingbird" is a racist story

And trans means otherside. Did you read it as fear of the other side? You might be retarded.

I live in a country where trans people are non-existent. I've never seen one outside of the internet and a few movies, and never heard anyone ever mention or talk about them in real life. It's simply not an issue here, so you'll have to excuse my ignorance.understand.

Do women also have the same response to seeing two women kiss?


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Am I missing something? I thought that a theme of cyberpunk settings was the ability for people to modify/augment themselves with various changes to their bodies?

Are they not trying to say that corporations are using LGBT shit as marketing?

>lurid shock value
Or it's titillating. God forbid someone have a taste for the exotic. No, that's just making something a fetish, despite a fetish being a specific thing. God forbid someone not be heteronormative. Because god damn these fucking morons seem hellbent on upholding hetero stereotypes to justify their own existence. No gays or lesbians allowed anymore. They're all just trans and need to be drugged and butchered. Get them while they're young, and then when there are no more fags you can get rid of the LGB and the Ts can stand alone.

As well as claiming "Fahrenheit 451" is a fascist book.

They still won't care. Being pro trans is more important to them than being against corporate exploitation

Listening to and reposting left wing extremists

If only CliffyB spent as much time making a good game as he did spouting off.

the inmates running the asylum


Why should we give a shit about a few whining trannies?

Looks like they gave them 8

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Its so tiring. A show like Glee that was called progressive would be hated by SJW now

Your concept of "the future" is far closer than you think. In fact it's so close, you can practically call it "the present."

Oh you're a dumb esl then.

Wait what? do you have any screenshots?

I'll never understand their obsession with using cis to describe people.

To be fair, pedophilia is just a sexual orientation. They can't help the way they were born.

why are trannies latching on to this game of all things? what about it attracts them to it, this is the most outrage ive seen from them over one title in particular

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Never finished farenheit. Why is it fascist.

>trannies are too retarded to understand marketing 101 despite being university educated

they will still buy it despite their whining and nigger behavior.

Men make dick jokes and have dick jokes told about them, women make vagina jokes and have vagina jokes told about them, no one is offended, wouldn't being part of that normalized discourse be seen as beneficial to trans people

This. What is the right way to portray a trans person in a game that won't make "the average cis het gamer teen" laugh at them?
I find it more likely they'd laugh if they gave some retarded speech in a falsetto voice or whatever dumb shit they'd think would be a good idea instead of just glancing at a poster and maybe noticing the dick.

They just pretend they like it.
Like everything else.

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Out of sheer curiosity, because this is probably the right demographic to ask this:

Did any of you find the ad funny or like a gotcha punchline?

I genuinely didn’t read it to be intended as a joke, but maybe I’m missing something

Incase better draw this shit

>What attracts trannies to this dystopian future where you can purchase literally anything to change yourself to literally anything and no one gives a fuck about you anyway?

It paints banning "problematic" content in a bad light. But to be honest both the far left and far right advocate for that.

>As a girl with a dick who doesn't have dysphoria
So he's just a fucking dude. I thought men's opinions didn't matter in the whole lgbtbbqpdfbraap scenario.

I get the impression this has more to do with CDPR. The lefty media in particular has had a bit of a hate boner for them following Witcher 3 and this "controversy" is pretty fucking desperate.

Because they all think they're a bunch of transhumanists now that they're trannys.

I'm a girl with a dick and think the ad in the game is fine. I know most of you guys hate me and I'm used to it, I just want to live the life I want to live before I die. I don't think the game is being offensive, I think people are moronic and are so superficially sensitive that they can't engage with art critically and can only handle "positive", sanitized work.

As people like me fight for equality, we should ask ourselves what the ultimate outcome is. It'd look like that: being exploited by corporations like everyone else. That's the victory for SJWs. A lot of butthurt people on ResetERA obviously can't cope with that and are happy to fight for the sort of equality that has banks adopt rainbow logos. Fuck them.

I genuinely thought it was an ad to sell cyberdongs. If I was selling a sexual product, I'd use a really hot chick to sell it. That was my initial thought and remains the way I'm thinking about it, I have no idea why this is becoming a hot-seat issue for anyone.

Fuck off discord tranny

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at a certain point society is going to have to start treating them like freaks again right? clearly acceptance is not working


>as a girl with a dick
how gay am I if I suck a feminine penis, Yea Forums?

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>Tries hard to showcase tranny as vogue

>Real life trannies think it's 'exploitative'

Why are they so afraid of their own image

why is that art transphobic? because it features a trans person with a big wang?

the trans mad that it looks like she has a dick?
jesus christ its not a fucking buldging 7 inch cock its just the way the spandex she wears looks

why are trannies commonly associated with Discord? I've only ever seen one "tranny" in a discord server

No. Women are proven to be aroused by anything remotely sexual. Even animals fucking.

Have you seen their Twitter avatars? They legitimately think they're anime girls yet they can't look themselves in the mirror without wanting to kill themselves.

What was their gripe with Witcher 3?

>As a girl with a dick who doesn't have dysphoria about her dick

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The etymology comes from latin with cis being the opposite of latin. Early Roman usage included naming of barbarian tribes around which side of the Alps they lived on dividing into Trans Alpine Gaul and Cis Alpine Gaul.
The etymology is the best I can give you. You're on your own understanding the modern use.

i didn't see it before i heard about the controversy, but i still feel i only read it as a profit-oriented endorsement of the setting and its culture.

It makes no sense that it would be an orientation. It's a preference, or fetish, or whatever. What mechanism makes an animal prefer mates of a very specific age

because some fag went to a tranny discord server and took screenshots to make /pol/fags salty

Demon worship duh, I'm sure lord lucifer would be proud

You know most of us don't hate you we are all just edgy faggots, especially you faggot.

so much mental gymnastics there, that's why everyone thinks they're mentally ill. Because they are lol.

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>"You're really telling me the average teen is going to see something like this in game and think about the cultural impact of sexualized marketing, as opposed to snickering at the funny dick lady?"
The average teen will masturbate to it.

being molested when you were that age, or otherwise being retarded

I think the picture actually befits the product. The drink's name can be interpreted as a portmanteau of several different words:
All of which hint that it's either some kind of on-the-fly gene editing or a sexual enhancer. In both cases, a picture of a girl with a dick, while blunt, seems appropriate.

The lack of black people in the game and that the only black person in the base game is a succubus.

Literally it was because of no black people.

Its just homosexuality in a different coat. One we are supposed to accept because they can't help it and are born that way. They other we are supposed to shun because they can't help it and are born that way.

It’s an urban perspective on cyberpunk a genre I’m obsessed with in media/literature like blade runner and 1984. I love table top rpg mechanic influenced games like VTMB. One of my favourite concept artists has even worked on the project (Maciej Kuciara). It’s made by cdprojektred responsible for making the Witcher games my all time favourite series.

The list goes on but as a tranny those are what draws me in about it.

>we want more representation in games!
>gives representation
what the fuck?

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I'm sorry, why is there any controversy about this at all? It's in the Cyberpunk genre by name. Isn't crazy kinky sexual shit like this supposed to be normal for Cyberpunk? I'm more surprised her dick isn't bigger.

and thats a bad thing...?

There’s different aspects to dysphoria ya fuckin idiot. Go shower, stinky

It's called satire. Is a fucking fictional dystopian future...so of course it will have some social commentary in it.

>What the fuck are we progressing towards, exactly?
Ideally? Acceptance of everyone regardless of anything.
In practice? Segregation of society, or a complete censorship tyranny. They say they want to be inclusive, but if you notice, almost all of their "events" are exclusive to their clique or doesn't accept people with different views.

>"hey look at me when im talking to you"
>"yea ok sorry"
>turns his head 90 degrees eyeballing the police officer for 2 hours without pause
kino interrogation clip

My problem is the dick is gigantic and erect, riding up the outfit. That shit is gross for anyone regardless of ideals.

Honestly the first thing I noticed was the jawline. Only a few seconds later after asking myself why people were mad at it did I see the dick, then I still didn't understand because I thought they wanted representation.
The only reason it made me laugh is because upon seeing it made me think of the "I recognize that bulge!" meme and all of the people that would photoshop outlines of dicks onto anime characters.
Maybe that in itself is "transphobic" but I don't give a shit because to me its just a dumb internet joke

Based CDPR slavs don't give a shit about their outrage culture and never fold to their bullshit unlike every other western dev, this is obviously very problematic

They believe that cyberpunk is a distopya for everyone except trannies, trannies are transsexuals, they transcended humanity and should be praised as gods in cyberpunk.

This. It's just powertripping under the guise of "social justice" because it resonates with normalfags.

Do we really need to have 500 threads about this? Everything that can possibly be said has already been said; this thread will inevitably be a gay circlejerk of our smug superiority

For all newcomers, here's the recap:
>CP2077 has an in game advertisement with a sexualited dickgirl
>twitter literal who trannies are up in arms for a variety of reasons including but not limited to:
>-the poster fetishies trans people and that's bad
>-the phrase 'mix it up' implies that trans people are somewhere in between male and female, not a 100% pure woman who just happens to have a massive cock
>-CP2077's society is a corporate dystopia and the fact that an image of an intersex person is being used as part of the corporate engine that perpetuates that dystopia is bad because I can't handle the idea that a trans person could ever be part of something bad or oppressive
>Yea Forums has a fun field day with pointing out all the obvious shitty arguments and cognitive dissonance
>the usual tranny infographics and horror story screencaps get posted

There, we can move on to the next thread now.

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I thought they got it from chemistry. It means the same thing but why the latched on to it is just baffling. Like is it trans this side of sane?

>What the fuck are we progressing towards, exactly?

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Phobia means repulsiveness. Either it be through disgust or mental shock.

>FUCK YOU Transphobe! How dare you not feel attraction to me because I am a trans
Also Trannies
>FUCK YOU Transphile! How dare you to feel attraction to me because I am a trans

I’m also a transgirl and this doesn’t offend me in the slightest.

It sucks we have transphobic men talking for us though they have no idea our real perspective other than SJW twitter tranny blobs but what can we do.. this place is a cesspool of terrible opinions

finally the incel has met its match

>everyone should be allowed to behave how they want regardless of the genitalia they were born with
>people should be given new genitalia so they feel good behaving in certain ways
i have never understood how people reconcile these two 'progressive' ideas

Homosexuality actually makes sense, since animals will prefer males or females. So there is some kind of feasible scenario where it could get mixed up. But there is no similar mechanism that makes creatures prefer a very narrow age group of males or females

Is this that Ellie something chick?

The Cyberpunk series isn't the kind of representation they want. Even the original RPG book talks about shit like corporations controlling everything, not owning your own body, etc.
Since it isn't a tech utopia where they can finally really be a girl and be revered and loved as goddesses (◡◡)(◡◡)(◡◡) they're hyper pissed off because it puts their mental illness in a darker light.

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go become a statistic

Would you lot get this outraged over if it had loli/pedo sexualised kids? I honestly dont think so, anything trans related gets you fuming like mad. Yet loli seems to get a pass.

This is where I’m at. A lot of people in this supposed controversy seem to be upset at the idea of trans people being “mocked” or a punchline

As a raging sjw I don’t think this was the smartest way to handle it, but it feels reverent to me

Having a trans girl as the hot girl and implying that her being trans is what makes her desirable and cool is a stupidly progressive concept, even if it’s obviously being exploited within game context

No I saw it as a nice piece of world building.

>transpeople who are actually sexually appealing are unrealistic caricatures
sounds like someone's scared of the competition

I didn't even register it as a joke or anything really, it was just something that was there. I mean it IS a cyberpunk dystopia world.

That's because loli is legal

are you a qt or a horrific goblin?

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wait did the copypasta come from this or did someone larp on resetera

The chemistry gets it from that same latin origin I mentioned.

Nothing went wrong, OP. The game is going to come out, it's going to be loved, lots of people will buy it and no one will care about that shitty picture of the shitty thing that some shitter on the internet said.

God damn it, stop being such outrage peddling cuckolds. You're literally L I T E R A L L Y tumblrina tranny levels of obsessed with this shit. God fucking damn iiiiiiiiit.

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they use the suffix -phobia when really it should -disgustia. why? it's a simple question with a complex answer. first of all, people who push this kind of language not only get off on controlling what others say, but also lying and making others lie. see pic related. secondly, people are not afraid of fags if they don't like fags, they are disgusted by fags, but you can't have the population going around saying fags are gross if you're a propaganda pusher with the duty to apread globalhomo, right? thirdly, saying that people are afraid of fags has the effect of belittling these people by saying they are afraid of emaciated AIDs carriers, and also, through their propaganda, they push that fags are just misunderstood and that people hating them (they say being afraid of them) are simply people that are uneducated on the issue. so they call people who hate fags retarded pussies in one term. hope that elucidates you.

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Seek help

it's just progressive pandering hiding under the guise of "dystopian"

and Yea Forums eats it up

You mind backing that up with scientific evidence? Or am I just supposed to believe your bullshit head canon regarding what you determine to be "natural"?

It's the most hyped game currently so trannies and journos will try their hardest to smear and browbeat them into complying and spreading their propaganda.

according to them and some journalists it was. Even with the explanation that the game is set in the northern realms and that there are people of colour in other places of the word it was not enough.

I don't remember them complaining when some Arab like zerrikanians were in the expansion though.

For them apparently. I'm sure there are black people in the world of the witcher, just in the place with the type of climate you find them. Hell even the people who look Middle Eastern show up now and then but since they aren't black they don't count and the place they come from is real far way.

Im just so happy that trannies wont be playing this

Nothing, if anything too much is going right.


at least read the thread before posting retard, we're not the ones outraged about this. The majority of Yea Forums has no problem with the ad being in the game, its the resetera trannies who are up in arms about this for some reason.

>they hate stereotypes
>when they want to look like a boy, they cut their hair short and use stereotypical boy clothes
>when they want to look like a girl, they wear dresses and girly accessories and makeup
I never understood this.

>You know most of us don't hate you

Why do we accept some literally who's interpretation of what the poster is depicting as correct?

What if it's supposed to be a real girl with a penis attachment? What if it's a drag queen? A vandalized? A dick shaped armor? An ad for juice that makes you grow a dick?