Censor Tifa

>censor Tifa
>every recent and upcoming Squareenix jrpg game has big tits even big bouncing tits.
Explain this as being anything other than censorship. You can't.

Attached: IMG_1554.jpg (286x500, 15K)

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snoys should hang from trees

I'm glad to see that you idiots are being open that "censorship" just means "I'm mad I can't jerk off to this as hard"

Pic related their new gacha game

Attached: IMG_1562.jpg (700x1050, 139K)

I'm glad to see you admitting that censorship is just something done to make people less happy.

if they aren't censoring the other games what makes you think they're censoring this one and that it wasn't just a design choice

making her tits smaller isn't censorship you fucking moron

are you fucking retarded?


and breasts should hang free

i'm gonna miss her milky boing boings

What? That would just be evidence it ISN’T censorship, because if they wanted to censor big heaving breasts they’d do it across the board on principle

When censorship is rampant, which it is, people will see censorship everywhere, even when its not there. However I agree, given sony's publicly stated policy, that Tifa's "design change" isn't so innocent, and rather a blatant form of censorship. God I miss when gaming was a niche hobby, before corporate greed and morale shitslingers fucked it all into the dirt.

No you idiot.

Is it also censorship that Cloud's hairspike isn't a foot tall anymore?

Attached: Cloud-ffvii-field.png (320x320, 20K)

My question is, why are they body shaming Tifa? It is totally realistic that a woman would have large breasts. That's something that really exists and happens. It's not an "unachievable beauty standard" or whatever. It's completely real. Why aren't they allowed to portray reality?

It obviously is they very arbitarily and heavy handedly censored Tifa's entire body with black clothing to minimise skin. This is classic chinese style game censorship that can be seen time and time again nowadays.
What gets me is they will do it than overlook other things that are similar and not censor it
Which is even a bigger a insult. I'm playing a similarly censored game at the moment and you can find nipples in the game.
It's all because the censor is a moron.


It's arbitary "decency" censorship. Tifa's character got earmarked as sexy and so they hit her with the obnoxious double whamy of covered skin and reduced tits. See this all the time in censored copies of games.

I agree, I'm just saying that when there is abundance of one thing (censorship, in this case) that people will see it everywhere, even if its not there. In this case it is there, but if sony ever reverses course, people will still be questioning every design change, alteration, etc.

I actually like the game it looks amazing. Loved the trailer.
Tifa is obviousky censored though and the fact you can point to many "sexy" characters in their other games that aren't being treated this way makes it stand out more.

You just gotta get with the times. You have to program yourself to hate mammary glands.

Someone did some pixel analysis and puts Tifa's bust size at 93.5cm.

What's the difference between Tifa's tifas on this fig and in the trailer?

Attached: Tifa_bot.png (1920x1080, 1.75M)

What other game are you talking about?
The last FFs were XIII and XV, and neither of them had bouncing tits.
Aranea had decent tits, and Lightning got a boost in her third game but nothing bouncing about them.
And Lightning was a flatboard anyway.

How is it decency? (To be clear, I know you're not making this argument, you're just saying that's how some people perceive it) Women with large breasts exist. How do overly conservative people manage to cope with the fact that these people actually exist? I guess by pretending they don't - But what happens when we don't all want to play along?

I'm also not sure that it's really about decency, because sexual things are everywhere these days. (Even saying that misses the point, because a woman simply having large breasts isn't inherently sexual, again, it's just a thing that exists in reality). I think all this censorship is happening because of feminism. They are catering to female insecurities. They can't stand seeing someone with larger breasts, or someone prettier than them. These are the people who just happen to have political dominance at the moment, so they make the rules. If there were hoards of men saying to remove and censor muscular men because we can't sexually compete with them and it creates unachievable beauty standards, that would just be laughed at, even though it's the exact same fucking thing - The only difference is in who has the power at the moment.

i think Nomura himself nerfed Tifa, not Sony or anybody else.

And for all to see.

Yeah it's really pathetic the way people are misusing the word "censorship" now like they do with every single term they see on Yea Forums and twitter.

I'm the trailer they are smaller.

Yes you colossal faggot

When it was used after sony decided to lightbeam everything then yes it was correct

In this case it's

I hope I can NWF Tifa in the remake

People have warped views about whats right and wrong in positions of authority. That is why it up to people to expose them.
>I think all this censorship is happening because of feminism.
Well I agree but that is the "denecy" desexualisation and censoring women to stop ambiguous things like "objectification". Which usually just means attractive woman = bad.
No rational person thinks "attractive woman = bad" just for existing.

>Bravely Default
>"it's no censorship, stop misusing the word"
>"it's no censorship, stop misusing the word"
>FE Fates
>"it's no censorship, stop misusing the word"
Censorship apologists should be hanged.

Nah I think he was forced to do it for the international reveal.
Because of chinese probably.
It doesn't make sense reading his notes and earlier comments.

Given other alteration's like Barret's shirt and shades, I think it's a good possibility that she just had her look changed just because. But it could also be because of Sony.

I guess we can add "censorship" to the list of words Yea Forums doesn't understand.

>country that literally censors their porn does this
i'm so SHOCKED

Attached: 1548554813051.png (1000x432, 165K)

90's og polygon tifa had no bounce physics at all.
In order to recreate this in current gen, they had to incorporate a sports bra to make little to no bounce, and they had to add more black to her character so the sports bra made more sense hence the hot as fuck thigh highs.
There, I spelled it out for you because you're too retarded to think of it yourself.

Attached: 1559802556949.jpg (480x360, 15K)

They look closer to her battle model size. It's just that no one remembers the battle model tits because the FMV tits were so much bigger.

There are no words to describe what bad things I want to happen to you. But know that they are bad.

>all the bootlicker censorship fags
What are you even doing here. Games aren't for you obviously.
Go buy some textas and black out words in the newspaper you brain damaged lunatics.

What was the first iteration of Tifa after FF7? Was it the Advent Children movie? Her tits have been nerfed to years.

they only censor benis and bagina, at least its not like murica that censors tits and ass.

AC Tifa had huge tits you mong.

>Square Enix redesigns Tifa with every fucking reimagining of FFVII they have ever done
>suddenly, out of nowhere, it's censorship

Nowhere near as huge as original Tifa in her CG videos. Plus it's not like she has small tits in the remake, they're still pretty big.

Except that they look much smaller than even her battle model.
It's also clear that they wanted the Battle Model to have bigger tits but they weren't good enough at 3D yet.
Ergheiz proves this where Tifa has much bigger tits.

The FMV's are the canonical size.

No the hell she didn't.

>Plus it's not like she has small tits in the remake, they're still pretty big.
They're small as shit.

>I'm the trailer
Well, this guy is the trailer, he would know

From another thread. You fags are wrong.

Attached: IMG_1564.jpg (1281x818, 380K)

>What was the first iteration of Tifa after FF7?
Ergheiz. Her tits were bigger there than in the FF7 battle model.

They only started to redesign her since AC where Nomura desperately wanted to turn her into Rinoa.

In Ergheiz she looked the same as in FF7 FMV's/artwork.

>The FMV's are the canonical size.

Were that the case I'd expect her tits to be even bigger on her character art. But I don't believe it, it's not like they couldn't do big tits back then, Tomb Raider did it a year before FF VII. It's just one of those things that fluctuates based on who makes the art/model, just like with Samus' figure.

>every recent and upcoming Squareenix jrpg game has big tits
Yes, including the FF7 Remake.

Attached: punch.gif (500x208, 2.3M)

Attached: sosmall.png (1024x1500, 120K)

Also from another thread.
Literally the first ever sketch of Tifa gave her huge tits and this is a constant theme no matter what.
Which is consistant with Nomura's comments on how he wanted her to look.

Attached: IMG_1563.jpg (8032x2080, 3.83M)

Considering the fact that every other Square-Enix game has big bouncing tits then it's clearly a design choice rather than any sort of censorship.

I swear, it's her bra. The lack of boob physics add to the illusion that they're small plus there's camera angles.

I'm crossing my fingers for alternate costumes though I highly doubt there will be any.

retarded idiot

the remake is being handled by a bunch of sour grapes aerithfags

>Were that the case I'd expect her tits to be even bigger on her character art.
They were pretty damn big. Look at the upper right here.

And Square approved all of those FMV's and we all know how Tifa's boobs kept getting bigger with every FMV especially on the last cutscene.

Attached: Tifa_Early_Sketch.jpg (895x905, 191K)

Faction of Fennes, just saying.

Her world game model was designed with big tits.

Attached: IMG_1546.jpg (160x378, 34K)

I agree with you for the most part. I think there's a good chance it was a design choice. The only thing that makes me doubt it at all is the fact that other SE games with big-titted characters came out before Sony's new censorship policies.

> that g-bike
Hot damn

So you like fake, unnatural tits? Gross.

>Gamers are so gay now they defend breast reduction
>they are so domesticated now they defend censorship
What happened? Did everyone move on and the new generation is just like that?

I'm not even sure how people can look at her from the side and say those boobs are small. They stick out quite a bit. Angles are probably fooling people, but considering we get to see plenty of shots of her where they're pretty obviously still big, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.


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it's just shills

>I'm glad to see that you idiots are being open that "censorship" just means "I'm mad I can't jerk off to this as hard"
Pure fallacy. You don't have a real argument.

Your concession has been accepted.

So then is making tits bigger called censorship? hm...

Yeah I know they're big in the art. But they're not FMV big. And you just ignored the possibility that it fluctuates by designer, which has happened to fictional characters forever.

>I swear, it's her bra.
LMAO no. Stop with this autistic shit.

>Gamers are so gay now they defend breast reduction
What breast reduction? They're the same size they've always been. Is everyone on Yea Forums just blind?

Attached: Tifa Comparison.jpg (1288x1083, 820K)

I keep my bet on the bra that she's wearing. I'm sure if the game has alternate costumes, that they'll look much bigger on those.

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They said that was because they wanted you to actually be able to see them on those shitty models.

"Quite a bit" is not the "quite a lot" of the original. If you don't like big boobs just say so.

Yup though they couldn't make them look as good as they wanted them too due to the PSX limitations and due to them being new to 3D as well.

>the resetera tranny appears reposting the same pic

Sexy designs have been left uncensored still on PlayStation; Sony themselves have even published a couple of VR games with sexy female characters. The stuff that gets censored is a result of the scenes/gameplay. For example, the Senran Kagura remake on PS4 still has plenty of jiggling titties, but they removed the interactive mode. If a sexy character is fully naked in a game, they shine magical beams of light to make it a little bit less explicit I guess--stupid and ineffective like all censorship. But my point is that it seems outfits aren't what Sony censors, unless the outfit is maybe just tiny bandaids over the nipples and pussy.

To be clear, I don't like censorship and obviously find it dumb how Nintendo of all platforms is more open. The problem is that Final Fantasy is mainstream and targeting normies more than other JRPGs. It's possible that someone from Sony talked to Square about Tifa, since FF7R is a timed AAA PS4 exclusive. But I can easily see Square making the decision themselves. They might feel like toning down Tifa won't alienate people who'd be turned off by her having big tits (bigger than they are now), thus securing more sales. I don't think those people would buy the game either way, but that's probably Square's line of thinking. Avoid the obligatory Kotaku/Polygon articles about Tifa being a "shallow product of the past" or something to that effect, which means better press and better sales--supposedly.

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I can't wait to buy the new Tifa Play Arts tbqh famaland desu

Everyone on Yea Forums just remembers her giant tits from all the porn they've been fapping to forever.

I wish that was a costume wig, but that's just me.

Don't make me turn on my computer to post the kicking picture, you dishonest shill.

>But they're not FMV big
They're pretty damn close if you ask me.
Remake Tifa looks not much bigger than Aerith in comparison. There's a huge change.

In any case Square approved all of the FMV's. If they didn't like them they wouldn't have approved them.

>i think Nomura himself nerfed Tifa, not Sony or anybody else.
Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that. Let's see if you will convince any other solitary neuron other than yours.

I played ff7 before the fan porn was even made. Never even bothered looking at it.
Tifa always had big tits you lying shitbag.

Do I have to redline for you? And yes, I do like big boobs. I'm just confused as to how everyone isn't seeing that she still has them.

Are you fucking retarded?
user literally posted an official concept art of chibi Tifa with huge tits.
She was ALWAYS meant to have huge tits, get over it you fucking tranny.

Not anymore. Now Japan will have to abide to the standards of their Landwhale masters from Burgertopia.

The gaslighting denial tranny is in the thread he posts thiseverytime and just starts shitposting non-stop.

>In any case Square approved all of the FMV's. If they didn't like them they wouldn't have approved them.

Indeed. It doesn't mean they won't change later on. Samus's body type has changed before in Metroid.

It's literally one niggerfaggot who has unironically been spamming every Tifa discussion. Watch for the way the posts are always worded.

>how everyone isn't seeing that she still has them

Invariably shows up in its posts.

Kotaku must be a really powerful website then.

Yes and people bitch about Samus too.

It was ours.

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doesn't that prove that it isn't? because they're above it?

I'm yeah I want to fucking jerk off to her? Don't you? I don't understand people like this at all. There's nothing wrong with some sexy shit in games, novels, or movies.

And they aren't as big on the chibi art as in the FMVs. Which is my point, but you're too angry to see the point.

Nope. I've only posted in a few.

I know but actually I think there's more than one of them.
A lot of cancerous resetera/discord trannies.

Of course you want bad things to happen to people, you have the mind of a chimp.
Essentially you can only comprehend feelings instead of being able to think.
Retard :^]

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>Plus it's not like she has small tits in the remake, they're still pretty big.
Holy fuck, just deal with it already. Her breasts won't be bigger just because you're ignoring reality. Nothing you do will change that, you are powerless in this matter.

Because we're not pretending to be blind or bootlicking Square and Sony like you.

Indeed. But that's not the point. The point is different handlers create different looking characters. It's an extremely hard concept for people here to grasp.

I would have been fine if the bra was an actual bra and didn't stick out the bottom of the white shirt, also the thigh highs do not fit her character. While the pleated skirt sucks it's not as egregious as the former.

These things do look good on other characters, but Tifa is iconic.

>And they aren't as big on the chibi art as in the FMVs.
It's a fucking chibi model you deranged tranny. That means they scale propotionally.

No it's not hard to grasp anything you pseudo-intellectual faggot.
Nomura is the only one who has designed Tifa since the beginning and he has censored Tifa since the AC days to appease Ameritards and he tried to turn her into Rinoa.

G-Bike was made 2014, BY NOMURA, and her tits are huge there you dumb nigger


Has it ever crossed your mind that they were drawn large on the chibi models *because* they were going to be big on the in game models? You do know what concept art is for, do you not?

You can all thank Square outsourcing their FMV's to a subsidiary company in 1997 for this constant stream of two decade long inconsistencies.

You're a fool who can't grasp the wider implications of what this sort of censorship means.

Are they the one starting these Tifa topics? cuz lul. Give me a Tifa fanart topic anyday.


Please don't tell me you think "indeed' is a big word.

> he has censored Tifa since the AC days to appease Ameritards

Bullshit. Japan still didn't give too much of a shit about what upset Americans back then and the SJW shit wasn't around like it is now. Back then it was just the usual mothers complaining about everything they're child played/watched that wasn't the Care Bears.

The FMV was fine and the Canon size

Not nearly as big as the original and you know it.
He was trying to find a balance there but now Sony Commiefornia won't even let him even make Tifa's boobs as big as even that.

You can't deny that he tried turning Tifa into Rinoa in AC.

Theres literally been some tranny that has been arguing tifa has small tits for months on here. Even before the trailer.
They claim to be a cgi game artist despite not knowing anything about it.
I think some user may have even posted their twitter and confirmed they are in fact a crazy tranny.

There's too many mentally ill faggots here. NSA need to kill you chimps faster.

the art comes before the model you dipshit. Dilate.

>Bullshit. Japan still didn't give too much of a shit about what upset Americans back then
Yes they did.
Big companies like Square-Enix and Capcom did care.




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You are REALLY obsessed with trannies. Something you wanna tell us, man?

Square approved all of those FMV's tranny.

FMV Tifa was, is and will always be Canon Tifa.

You're extremely easy to pick out in these threads because you cannot stop yourself from making retarded, snide posts like this to anyone that mentions trannies.

seethe more freak

Have you seen the crowd on square enix? Its full of feminazis, SjW, and fujoshits. They don't wanna trigger most of the audience there buddy

Am I just getting trolled or did you retards get acid dumped onto your eyeballs?

Attached: pointedout.jpg (926x591, 373K)

If her tits weren't supposed to be big then she would have been given the Aeris/Yuffie treatment.

Her tits were supposed to be huge. End of story.

Well yeah isn't it obvious? Fags opinions don't matter on straight narrative games.
You stand out like glowing aliens in every thread because you are commenting about a straight game and misunderstanding everything about it.
Wishing it was changed to your preferences.

Original Tifa's tits are clearly bigger/fuller.
And that's just the battle model where they couldn't make her tits as big as they wanted to and not the canonical FMV's.

Fuck y'all. Best part about Tifa is
>she kicks major ass
>big fucking beautiful reddish eyes
>long flowing locks of brown hair
>smart and gentle
>doesn't abandon you in your time of need
>can literally kick you to the moon

Her tits are just a bonus.

Attached: 6bb7976d98029dc9fb2aeb8bcaa2c59btifalockhartfantasyartwork.jpg (350x460, 24K)

>Wishing it was changed to your preferences.
It already was.
They nuked Tifa's titties.

>And that's just the battle model
"Just her battle model" is exactly how she looks in Nomura's art.

Attached: Tifa.jpg (425x797, 120K)

Nobody ever cared about any of that gay shit.
Tifa was popular for her tits.

I honestly can't understand why fags get so obsessed with games that revolve around hetereo romances.
Like why can't they just make their own game: Final Faggotry.

I hate how they made her look more and more Asian when she clearly was never. Yuffie is the Asian girl in ff7 not Tifa

Give me your eyes, you don't know how to use them.

y'all are playing the wrong Final Fantasy

Attached: 3.0 Roegadyn RSE Breast Physics.webm (656x756, 2.87M)

or Faggot Fantasy

>Original Tifa's tits are clearly bigger/fuller.
The overlay in the middle contradicts that.

Do you want to be her or something?

Yeah no see upper right on Ergheiz making them to resemble the FMV's more also proves you wrong and makes it clear that Square always wanted to make them bigger but they couldn't because they were inexperienced with 3D graphics at the time.

Holy shit, I remember that statue. I used to have one

i'm telling you it is to appease the chinese. Full blown chinese style censorship on her outfit and bust and a more chinese look.
Even the 2ch anons commented on that and they are japanese.

No. I wish she was real so she could be my wife.

You're being a disingenuous prick now.
The proportions are clearly different.

What happened to Tifa's milk? is a comment post by Japan.

Also, what happened to the Boing Boing?

>This thread again



this already has been figured out. they NEED normalfags and SJWs and any other like-persons to buy and/or hype this game. MHW did the same thing. they plastered the handler in the middle all over their TV ads so normalfags, SJWs, and women would feel that sje isn't too pretty, therefore, "okay" to play this monster hunting game

im short -- they simply CANNOT let the big games with worldwide appeal slide

It's Nomura trying to make her into Rinoa.

Barret's new design is much more different from his original than Tifa's, why weren't people crying "censorship" for him?

They complain she is too asian a lot.

This is not censorship



I don't even care about the boobs (like's small firm) it's the ugly ass undershirt, out of place leggings (while normally a turn on) and the shorts on under her skirt that I find unforgivable.

And if anyone's wondering what the literal enemies of gaming/art/fanservice/sexy think of this:


That basically coming from a "old outfit equals rape culture" level idiot who couldn't STFU in older threads about how much they needed to downsize her, or make are skin/face rough, or cover her belly, or put pants on her, get rid of her skirt etc.. One of the more extreme voices is very happy with what they see.. That alone should tell you how bad the fandom, game and spirit of the character lost out here.. And puts to rest any questions about whether there was any censorship or not.


All this shit about her breasts doesn't even matter because Nomura's art and the original Tifa model aren't ruined by shitty black sports bra and shitty thigh highs.

That would be racist. As decent human beings we are supposed to respect people independent of their skin color.

>I don't even care about the boobs (like's small firm) it's the ugly ass undershirt, out of place leggings (while normally a turn on) and the shorts on under her skirt that I find unforgivable.

This. Her redesign is garbage. The breasts are a non-factor, someone fix that shitty redesign.

Her tits are big here.
You're just all autistic about her looking like an inflation fetishist's dream girl

If they already covered her up, why can't you admit they reduced her tits? Your marketing team/tranny illness won't understand it's censoring, but how can it be that hard to understand they "de-sexualised" her?

Any anons with experience with censorship in asian region games/gacha can see it is censorship.
It is text book censorship.

>Yeah no see upper right
I see it just fine. Do you?

Attached: look you blind motherfucker.png (1066x432, 355K)

>I don't even care about the boobs
>Resetera link
We get it. You're a tranny.

Fight censorship for Tifa.

Attached: IMG_1556.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Attached: index2.png (228x206, 75K)

Because we're not gay.

Fuck off already.

>fanatical woman

>Her tits are big here.
Dude, that is just average at best. Tifa's breasts are supposed to be about 1/4 of her head, for fuck's sake.

Original Tifa's tits are bigger, fuller and they're sticking out much much more as well as covering more of her torso you fucking tranny piece of shit.

Attached: index.png (295x250, 101K)

Why? So that you can keep flooding the board with complaints about an issue that doesn't even exist?

Reported you resetera shill.

Can you fuck off already? We have eyes, we can see, you faggot.

It's starting to look like some people never played the game and have only ever seen Tifa in that cutscene and hentai

This too! "de-sexualised" is the perfect term for this type of censorship!


Okay, fuck off already. You're just fucking baiting at this point. There's no way you can be this fucking retardedly blind. And yes, I'm pissed. People purposely pretending to be retards is just as bad as people actually being retards.

Her tits there are almost the size of her head in that gif.
That's bigger than DD.


The issue is that the internal censorship policy thats been active could have had a hand in how she turned out. I think she looks fine, but if it did have hand in her being somewhat nerfed thats the real issue.

>abloo abloo the thread
Where do I sign up? What's the epic buzzwords I need to use to let you know I fit in?

I cant. Its censorship. Dont buy it faggot.

It might make you brap to know I'm still going to play the game and enjoy it because tits on one character arent a deciding factor for me but I'm sure square will feel the squeeze from one less sale.

The retardera fags argue this way because they face no reprocussion for it on their home site. Anyone that questions their crazy posts get ding dong bannu. They never have to make an intelligent post just repeat themselves till someone gets banned.

Kill yourself you blind piece of fucking tranny shit.
The proportions are clearly different. Remake Tifa is wider than the original.

Oh yeah, clearly.. I was just playing to the "stupid" who never seem to see censorship, or at least censorship that they find troubling.

Is this worth playing? Or is it just a cutesy rpg for kids?

No one can

>Tits with legs
>But she kicks major ass and has awesome hair and a fantastic personality!
Yeah, that's gonna be a yikes from me. Nobody cares about who she is. She's a walking pair of tits, and on top of that, she's fictional.

>they can have Jade in DQ
>but no bombshell oppai Tifa

Fuck you and your disingenuous fake outrage over an imaginary problem.

lol The only time I look at that hellhole is times like this or to get an idea about what the next battle is going to be.

Well I mean if everything else they're doing is still boobalicious then maybe this isn't so much censorship as it is just a shitty design choice. If the motivation for the change was political or moral then it would be censorship, but if they just think it looks better without either of those two factors bearing on them then it's just design choice.

Attached: 1365658282724.gif (291x260, 1.14M)

you are just too dense to appreciate it will be what you love next.

It's the top. In the old designs it seems like a loose piece of cloth. In the remake designs it's a more "stretch"-like fabric and she also got the sports-bra. Otherwise you can still clearly see how WIDE her boobs are.

>fake outrage
Back to retardera spambot

>Remake Tifa is wider than the original.
This is true, and probably because the style is now a little more realistic and less toony. The tits are still the same, though, relative to her head.

2chan calls it 'policing'

How fucking pathetic do you have to be to make shit like this?

censorship is arbitary and selective. The entire point is how inconsistant it is and they are only doing it to Tifa.

>Ever looking at resetrannyera
You need to go back

DQ is the last CHAD franchise SE has left.
Hopefully Horii doesn't deal with Sony's bullshit and makes the franchise Nintendo/PC exclusive from now on.

We know it's socially motivated.


And you wonder why incel is a pejorative

>every recent and upcoming Squareenix jrpg game has big tits even big bouncing tits.
wouldn't that imply that it's not censorship you utter tard?

>The tits are still the same
They are NOT.
See Look at the 3rd pic
Original Tifa's tits are clearly bigger and cover more of her torso. Not to mention they're much fuller looking and stick out much more.

Name of the game?

Nigger, DQ is the fucking untouchable franchise. The naps will fucking set fire to Square and impale every employee to the last if they try to fuck with it.

Very great point.. But it's about censorship so nobody is going to want to talk about it..

Really our biggest enemies aren't prudes, SJWs or moralists.. It's "friends" who never seem to be able to handle even the mention of the term censorship or anything anti-prude.

The other games are the Mana games which are Switch exclusive for the most part.
Guaranteed Trials of Mana remake will be censored on PS4 later(if it hasn't been already, we've only seen Switch gameplay so far).

People really miss the point (probably because they are gay) that Tifa is supposed to be like a 90s swimwear centrefold model, She suppose to be physically blessed. Shes Cloud's dreamgirl.

Yet they complied with CERO when it came to DQ8 on 3DS just to get an E rating so you're wrong.

i dropped
>almost all AAA games
>probably a lot more i don't even know
i've also dropped any hope for FFVII remake since the initial trailer or report, then dropped them even harder when they put out help wanted ads while they were making this game

the problem here is that a lot of you on Yea Forums will complain about a game, but then you won't drop it. many of you will still proceed to go and buy and support the company who they are "fighting" against. you have to be a man and drop things completely rather than paying to take it up the ass

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Oh the Sony angle went completely over my head. Maybe, Sony has been extremely autistic lately so it wouldn't be that surprising.

Show me in the designworks where it says that was their vision for her

He is right though it is the biggest game in Japan and popular with everyone even women.

Nah i've stopped buying a lot of games. I'm enjoying saving money.

Are you fucking retarded? And i'm sure you believe whiners and fear of backlash had nothing to do with DOAX3 not coming over too?

I guarantee that if FF7R wasn't on PS4, Tifa's tits would be much bigger...at least Dissidia size and all of these ugly older-looking faces would be much prettier/younger.

Why are they doing that? Is Sony trying to get the PS4 sold in China or something?

Yes but they censored 8 on 3DS to get a lower rating. You can't deny that.

Reminder that Tifa has skulls on her skirt
Reminder that Tifa calls other people retards
Reminder that Tifa listens to hardcore punk all day
Reminder that Tifa has a drinking problem
Reminder that the country girl Cloud fell in love with is now a ruffian and he's depressed because of it
Reminder that Rinoa is the superior FF girl because she makes Squall happy and respects him as a manly protector.

Attached: Final.Fantasy.VIII.full.1395470.jpg (800x600, 211K)

Perform intercourse

Sony's PS4 division is owned by Commiefornia or some shit so there's a lot of SJW trannies running shit now.
They censored some echii titty kusoge recently on PS4 and the jap dev made fun of them in their trailer considering it was uncensored on Switch.

I'm a pirate.

Remember that shitty critical aim mechanic in RE2make? You had to wait after aiming to get critical damage (nothing related to where it would hit, but just a critical)? There was a full defense force then and there is a full defense for now that is intellectually dishonest, false-flagging and full blown liars, with it's """arguments""".
Fuck this game, I'm pirating (and modding) on PC.
>further GAMES

Attached: fuck trannies and shills.png (918x902, 961K)

The china angle is one part of the puzzle.
My guess an unholy union of snoy californian liberals and chinese souless communists.

Already been there with you on dropping Sony. Gamefreak now too, but for different reasons clearly. Same with almost all AAAs.. as there still might be a japanese one or two i'll play.. but western gaming is basically dead to me.. Much like most of the other things and fandoms I once helped build and enjoyed.

>shitty design choice
>shitty localisation
>it's not censorship if the company does it to itself
>it's not that bad
Fuck you and your censorship shill-tranny

Not even worth pirating for me because playing a game takes time and I would rather play something else or do something entirely different rather than sit around playing this shit.

>that pic
I hope this company goes bankrupt.

The fakest thing on this board right now is you posters acting like Yea Forums wasn't speculating about Tifa's tits getting nerfed for years.

Technically she has big boobs but that fucking black bra ruins everything, just remove it already SE.


I'm pirating the sooner I can and seeding it 24/7 for a whole month out of spite.

Of course they were, I never denied that. I was one of them. But they aren't nerfed. By "fake outrage", I meant that I pointed out they're still the same size, but people just WANT to have something to complain about, so they ignore what's right in front of them.

Because, seriously, how the hell can anyone in their right mind look at these gazongas and say they're "small" or "flat"?

Are any of these other games coming out on Sony platforms? Because they're the source of the censorship.

>But they aren't nerfed.


actually you are right because the ones not being censored are mobile games. Smart post.

Attached: image.png (980x607, 915K)

Stop lying, Jesus Christ. Don't you feel bad at all?

Tifa tho

Attached: 75179905_p0.jpg (1200x1600, 1006K)

Even in a sports bra her tits are still pretty big and around DDs, you guys are just mad they aren't the hentai sized like the PS1 days.

She's fine, the only problems are the thigh highs (love'em, they look weird however), and her thighs themselves need to be a tad thicker. Other than that she is fine.

Go away already.

one's censorship and one's art direction. I'd be one thing if we saw FFF-Cup No bra missile tits flopping around the screen, but this is all we've seen of this Tifa. Cloud and Barrett look different too, why aren't you complaining about that?

>Barret's new design is much more different from his original than Tifa's, why weren't people crying "censorship" for him?
Brutal truth, because he's a guy, no one care's about guys when it comes to censorship topics.

Cloud and Barrett look different while being faithful to their key features.
Tifa's key features were censored.

Pretty easy.

I think it's because of Sony.

are you blind?

Attached: IMG_20190613_003950.jpg (800x667, 74K)

Fuck. Off.

Because his design wasn't censored.


>Tits still big
>show annoyance with some design aspects

Literally what is there to complain about other than maybe how you personally feel about her face? Her tits are still DD and big, again outside of the things I personally dislike and the face thing, what else is there to complain about, because it certainly isn't her tits other than the sports bra, which could be covering up a scar from the Sephiroth incident.
That's like saying Yuffie's key features are her unbuttoned pants rather than the gaudy ass arm/shoulder gauntlet she has.

>waaahhhhh in their attempt to make a 3D model realistically-proportionate they had to reduce the big anime tiddies this is literally censorshiiiipppp reeeeeeee
Engage in intimate relations with a female, OP.

Attached: h.png (231x272, 146K)

Yeah, everyone knows that in real life there are literally no women who have breasts larger than C cup.


Attached: D8w74xOV4AAnW0Z.png orig.png (600x759, 515K)

Was this drawn just now to prove a point?

Yes she is fine, her tits are still DDs, that is big, what is the problem other than what I pointed out there and here

her changes come down to some clothes aesthetics that are definitely in line with her original design. her black sports bra and thigh highs are no different that barrett's sunglasses. By this logic cloud's hair should be triple the size. it's ok to wish she had ara ara tits but this was a decision made internally, not by a government or higher body stepping in to cut content.

none that love you

Tifa's are larger than a C-Cup even in the remake, it's obvious even to a blind man.

Dont bother. The people your trying to rationalize with have long since abandoned it. Their porn addiction addled brains can't grasp the fact that he breast we never the hentai sized oppai they rememebr forn their massive porn habit. Just ignore them like the loud useless reprobates they are.

Inb4 vtrany dilate fuck off back to resetera"

Your all so predictable.


They've been like this since AC, nobody complained then, especially not this hard. The complaining is just a product of the current times.

Attached: Tifa AC.jpg (930x680, 88K)

>muh realism in a game with an anime haired twink effortlessly swinging around a giant sword!
>women with large breast DO NOT exist!
Drink bleach

Fuck off shill

>he can't swing a large anime sword around

Do you even lift bro?

>Women with big breasts are not realistic this is how I cope with being a chestlet/tranny. Who are you to judge me cislord?


>have sex

Why is every thread the same?

I told you to fuck off, shill. Give up your narrative here, it won't work.

>D+ tits aren't big

What fantasy land do you guys live in and don't say Final Fantasy.

>The complaining is just a product of the current times
Yes people are hypersensitive to any change that could possibly be deemed as toning down sexuality. You can thank Snoy for this

>nobody complained then
zoom zoom

Well I was hoping for an actual discussion and potentially have my mind changed, but if you're going to act like a fucking retard then so be it. Have a nice day user.

i'm op and i don't even watch porn. Oppai is wholesome.
If you take away wholesome oppai ecchi you leave just porn.
Why do you want a world like that?

Nice joke

Guys you have to help me I can't get Tifa's thigh-highs out of my head I just want to hate-fuck the SHIT out of her

Bringing out these letters are useless. If she were tinned down to a C you'd be saying it's big too.

I don't think you know how tit sizes work, nor do I think you have any realistic idea what a D+ sized set of tits look like. Please, go find me an actual pair of D tits in a video game user, I'm waiting, I'd love to see the joke of a post.

Kill yourselves trannies.

Well that's kinda rude, you know

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>nobody complained then



Looks the same to me, just has 15% more clothes. Tifa isn't a ho so a modern-day Tifa rocking a sports bra while brawling makes sense.


I hope Yea Forums actually learns the definition of words one of these days.

have sex volcel

Called it. Have anything new to say besides buzzwords?

Fucking predictable reprobates, the lot of you.

If she had big tits it would be sexual exploitation of women and that's bad.

Sony's complete gaming division is being run now both by and from CA. SJWs and westerners are in charge.. And since they have no skin in it truly, they are willing to run it into the ground in the name of fighting "sexism"..
Since they were basically just given control, they don't give a shit.. unlike the other big players. So Sony is being used to ram through the new "global content standard" (i.e. censorship of any and all hetero fanservice/sex/etc. ESPECIALLY in anime / asian form)

They are actually trying protect fictional characters in fictional worlds from "sexism".



God these new memes are such trash, kill yourselves. I fucking miss Japan Time and the old days, Yea Forums just gets worse and worse all around.

Yea let me go waste my time on Google images

You're wasting your time fighting imaginary arguments already on the internet, what's 2 minutes gonna hurt to try and prove your point?

Why would Sony be so careless with probably the only thing keeping them alive? Microsoft can afford to fuck up with the Xbone but can Sony? I have a bad feeling for Snoy next gen

"realism" and calls for it.. (esp selective ones) are and will continue to be the ruination of gaming/anime/sci fi/fantasy/FICTION


Tifa's design blows hard chunks, but this dilate meme is even worse, nothing based about it.

Why didn't they censor Aerith's cleavage?

>>D+ tits aren't big
Correct. You chestlets make me sick

Tbh there's no other site that compares to Yea Forums and how you can just hop into a thread and talk about shit. I think that's why I stick around. But fuck do I miss it when we'd have talks about stuff. It still happens but it's so rare.

dilate trannies

>same pose
>both have giant tits and fight with their fists

Attached: makoto-tailwag.gif (254x419, 51K)

It's time to leave your basement lad.

I'm not going for Sony next gen. This has been decided. Maybe I'll ake some years off gaming and let this political correctness blow over. Maybe keep a PC for strategy games.

I barely even do that, I just wanted to come and talk about E3 news lately, and god the place is a bigger mess than I last remember it. I think the shitty memes and constant tranny shit is just too much anymore. I'm getting old user.

That is the question without a seemingly sane answer. Or and answer at all right now in fact. Somehow the western branch got control (maybe through the market where the current "wisdom" is still somehow "don't get woke then go broke" or maybe back room dealing.. who knows. but they are)

It's time to drink some milk, flatty

>Only thing keeping them alive

Yeah no, a quick search of all the anti censorship petitions will show it's only a small but VERY vocal minority of gamers affect by this. The highest signed petition only has 11.7k signatures. That's after months.

Dont believe what the people shouting say, even if its shit its nothwere near as bad as proclaimed, and will in no way affect the normies that buy the consoles.

Trannies don't deserve based memes.

It's time to stop living in America fatass.

You are actively making Yea Forums worse just like they are, you aren't helping, just stop replying. Fucking idiot.

>I'm getting old user.
Everyone is but the thing is that things are also just much shittier. Gameplay looks promising for this game. Characters look great. People wanna bitch about tits. Which is to be expected if we're honest, but all the fucking tranny and incel shit from Reddit just sucks this place dry.

Fine, then I'll have her hate-fuck ME after beating me up.

God only knows.. but this is a good reason how:



I'm waiting for the improved Switch that keeps getting leaked and then I'm never touching Snoy shit again

FF7 is the biggest normie JRPG to ever exist. SJWs are normies. Try thinking for once.

I meant Playstation is the only thing keeping them alive.
I'm just saying Microsoft started acting a little too big for their britches and look where it got them this gen.
I already have a PC but was considering getting a PS4 for Dreams until I found out it was no fun allowed. LBP1 and 2's moderation was pretty lax in comparison.

Yeah it's gotten out of hand, and I guess the old saying is true to some extent, the age-base always stays the same. It'd be nice to actually talk about some of the cool things and the ATB in the gameplay trailers rather than just bitching on the internet about Tifa's tits. Whatever I guess, it's Yea Forums after all, I guess I'll just go play RE2make for now or something. You have a nice night reasonable user.

Just leave. Only use discord chats with people that actually play and enjoy video games.

The people here do neither.

Aerith is in the same game as Tifa you retard.

It's time to consider implants, washboard

looks like a tree

have sex

you're good.

Attached: 1473196037829.jpg (1534x1534, 638K)

I'm actually starting to think this is true and that it's just the same people arguing with themselves to try and create some grand agenda picture.


Attached: D8yXnFXWwAMq7vL.jpg orig.jpg (579x819, 58K)

>milkers for love and nourishment bad
>muscles for wrath and destruction good
if humans were anymore backwards they'd even make reptilians sick

Attached: 1554062847.jpg (750x628, 490K)

It's time to suck my dick, on your knees faggot.


All thanks to retarded faggots like yourself.. Who so much can't be bothered to worry about censorship of others, that they can't let even the hint of a discussion about it take place without whining and screeching about how big of a non issue it is.. Fuck off reeeeera fagtard, nobody is buying your shit anymore.

I think their movie division has rebounded a lot in the past 2 years, but I see your point.

I’ve played enough senran kagura and DOA to know how fucking goofy it looks for a girl with huge tits to be fighting with martial arts
If this didn’t happen she would look completely out of place
do you honestly think that they didn’t start with a perfect recreation and decrease the size of her tits little by little making sure the animations didn’t make her look retarded as hell

so you admit its censorship.


Question, what is this resetera shit some of you keep spouting anymore?

are we just using unrelated single words now

is that the new meme


its a site where tumblr migrated to because tumblr fell apart.

Just mod it on PC and stop bitching holy fuck.


Objectively I know you're right and that's what I should do but even despite hating what this place has become just the act of hopping on here is too familiar a comfort. I don't even know where to find Discords for this kind of stuff

They didn't censor her, they just made her better.

Attached: 1560216316308.png (342x848, 297K)

Accept I said it was shit. But your so consumed by your fake outrage to see any dissenting opinion without screaming tranny dilate resetera.

Pretty pathetic really.

Ah, well thanks for the spoonfeeding user, didn't actually expect anyone to tell me. Sounds lame, but whatever.

Sorry. Meant to reply to

Discord has a search feature now for servers, you can just type in the game or activity/hobby you want and it will sort through a generalized list of some big ones for you to potentially join and see if you like.



Can someone sane please explain what the everloving fuck "dilate" means?
I know what the word itself means, but what does this dumb cunt spamming it think it means?

remainder that resetera are checking Yea Forums an they know about tifa topics.

there was a picture someone posted about them checking us and seeing all tifa topics

you'll never be a women trannies,%40.

Attached: 1548270533958.jpg (1280x720, 419K)

I didn't see any big tits in the trials of mana remake
But they sure as hell bounced.

I like this image

>that tummy
>tits are still big
>wider hips and bigger ass
Just a little more muscle/thickness in the arms and legs (thighs!) and I'm 110% please. As is I still think she looks amazing. Pleated skirt looks kinda funky in some parts but they'll fix it.




Good for them I guess, can we just talk about the actual game for once?

Can't just ignore how Barret was censored

Attached: 13438945_1033915533370093_3781531656086889893_n.jpg (960x648, 63K)

trannies need to dilate their artifical pussies

Yeah, trying to find real gaming communities is a bitch. For the most part I just use in-game chat and clan/guild functions within the games to be part of the community. Then you at least know you have shared interest.

Always be weary of any site that dosent require an account to post. Then you get shit like....this.

resetera more like.... stupid hahaha

Sorry but my mother taught me not to suck dick for free

You've got to be some of the dumbest niggers to ever grace this fucking site, kill yourselves.

they don't listen reason, user. fuck them, come ye ye with us

Just ignore tards like that.. They are no gamers or friends of gaming.. They are the type top always show up to cause a shitstorm anytime talk of censorship comes up. Almost as if they are more upset by the idea of fighting against censorship, than they are by censorship itself..

They are also the type of whiny fags who show up every time a petition or something comes up, reeeeeing and screeching about how "pointless" it is.. even as companies like sony outright STATE fear of such things being the reason for censorship in the first place. (i.e. by the ONLY people currently even trying it, SJWs)

But yeah, Sony is dead to me and PS5 is a non starter until they drop the censorship bullshit completely.. All it'll take is for gamers actually standing up for once.

Personally, I'm concerned about how much of the game they'll be making before syphoning off the rest onto a sequel. I know I'm a big enough schmuck to still buy whatever comes next, but the idea of losing all my character progress partway through the story just sounds kinda shitty.

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reminder sjw literally spam threads with shit to slide them off boards they call it "self-moderation"

Your mother was a whore with a fat arse.




I guess it's some type of slight agaisnt trannies? I've never heard it used outside of this shit hole so I was confused too.

Google says its when post OP transsexuals "tend" to their surgery area so it dosent close. Gross.

>they only censor benis and bagina, at least its not like murica that censors tits and ass.
Japanese gaming censorship is much worse, nips censored frontal nudity of God of War and Witcher games for the local Jap release.

That's fake news. See the truth here: "Due to the work already done on the first game we anticipate development of the second game to be more efficient."

holy actual canon tifa would be so hot in aerith's dress.
>we will never get it
time to skyrim mod it.


Only trannies and sjws have been using that dilate meme shit, learn to ignore them.

It's all about whether the content is worth the price or not.

Do YOU have a surgically opened wound that needs to be kept open? Dial 8 now!

That said I don't consider her breast size censorship because she has always had an inconsistent breast size
But the bra and leggings are absolutely censorship even if you personally think they make her hotter

That's very kind of you

You never know. With how DLC goes these days, I could totally see there being an outfit swap pack. The game will surely sell like hotcakes, so there's a market for it.

Attached: 1460174733695.png (647x1058, 415K)

barely noticable

Tifa got her full legs covered.

yes holy shit, they covered his chest, how can this be? he used to be thiccker too bros, why

Fake? You haven't been paying attention to well over the last ~6 months as gaming has fallen back ~20 years or more into censorship.. as all that gaming and gamers fought for for so long goes up in smoke.. thanks to "friends" like yourself and the backstabbing gaming press.

Sports girl fetish. If only that designer liked thicker thighs we'd actually have the best Tifa design hands down.
>reminder when she does her DP her tits still jiggle around and her ass bounced in the shot with her spats showing


This, it's them trying to stir shit up from resetera. It's literally them arguing with themselves and replying on both sides to try and create chaos and ruin this board.

Stop giving them (You)s.

call me when they add a boob slider dlc

I'm moderately excited, but very cautious until we learn how much of the game they're remaking. Honestly, the whole pricing structure makes me want to wait until all three(?) games are released so I can just play the darn thing as a single product.

Really liking how the gameplay looks so far, especially after how utterly boring 15 was to play. I hope it stays as active as it looks. I understand if others are concerned about being able to mash, but if we're all being honest, you could totally mash through turn-based too, so, as long as it feels good then I'm agreeable.

Attached: 652432232.jpg (1002x1492, 434K)

Yes, fake

Did gaming itself fall apart during the censorship rein of terror of the mid 90s? No.

Did gaming fall apart during Nintendo's censorship craze in the mid 00s to mid 10s? No.

This too shall pass, as it always has. Your fake outrage and slippery slope fallacy is meaningless. Just a small minority of games pissing in the wind about how less than 20 of their games that wont sell more than 100k each have been slightly changed.

Your soapbox is full of shit and so are you.

Attached: lmfao.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

lol where do you think all these blind faggots who see nothing wrong are coming from here.. (not just now or with this either) and it's not just here either.. You ever wonder how anything even mildly unPC gets so raped at places like main line subs on reddit and other forums? If someone was actually in a spot where they were able to info dump.. You'd see brigading at places like reddit on a whole other level.

You don't even need inside info, just the fact that certain types of posts quickly get down votes in numbers many times the level of overall activity of the sub at said point.. Or all suddenly happening a day or two later. (i.e. +346 after 36 hours > -483 at 48 hours in a dead thread)

The mods there are always careful to protect the correct brigaders and whine to the admins about anybody who even posts in a thread about the topic on another sub before or after voting.

I came from Yea Forums, fuck the trannies, fuck the complainers, fuck the stupidity.

>Tifas tits were 2 round balls in a cartoony FFVII
>Tifas tits are huge, but naturally looking in a realistic remake of FFVII
You fuckers don't understand what the word means.

They've corroded their mind with hentai and /d/ and think big tits are only giant balloons which looks utterly ridiculous.

>inb4 I'm called a gay tranny
They can fuck themselves too.

Honestly they have so much time to adjust the models that it's kind of pointless to whine now. If these titcensorfaggots get the ZR and sports bra removed though then they're truly faggots as bad as the far left.

Sony's gaming division is but a small part of their entire company. It makes them money - yeah - but it's not what they entirely focus on.

I believe it's their financial and some other division that holds them afloat. Their gaming division IS doing better than some other parts (I think their television and movie parts have been making a loss for ages, although movies have ), but they can quite literally do whatever the fuck they want and be fine for a while. That being said, the moment this starts making them losses, you can be sure their act will be cleaned up.

they're retarded. don't stress about it.

this is what they would have if they could.

Attached: 1449478574720.jpg (566x800, 55K)

although movies have rebounded as another user said*

This is what I get for not reading my posts properly.

I'm personally okay with the size of the boobs, the real problem here is the bra, the socks and her arms and legs being too thin

Fixed it for you.

Attached: Tifa for 4chan.png (455x438, 6K)

a lot of "huge rack" Tifas look like their boobs are either erect, or in bondage.

I'm more mad that she lost her dolphin tail.

They're already bound to clean up if you go by the usual trends. Shawn Layden hasn't been seen for ages, and he's not out in front of the PS5. Same thing happened with Adam Boyes where he got pushed out of the spotlight. It means Layden's group is being pushed out of the company.
The new group is already contradicting the mantra of the previous one. They want to develop more games, acquire and build more studios, and increase services. The new group is the one that went for crossplay too. Chances are the "socially conscious" elements of Sony are tied in to Layden's group and will be ousted once he's gone. You can already see it too, how Sony has shifted away from Naughty Dog in the last year and more heavily promoted and talked about Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima.
However, the Playstation division has been keeping Sony profitable for the last 4 years. Their financial division went into a spiral in Japan in 2014. Music has been good though, esp. in Japan.

See there's the problem.. For one thing, in the past we were united industry/press/gamers. Second, nintendo did their own thing and largely didn't target 3rd party games that they didn't have a hand in pubing. Sony is going across the board! Worse, they are run now by people who would happily burn it to the ground in order to fight "rape culture and sexism".. Not to mention likely the "gamer" as well. Third, we are already seeing 3rd party devs cheeping out (or even worse, contractually forced) to censor all versions to meet Sony's new standards. And we aren't just talking about western games.. Sony is censoring japanese only games in japan and has LITERALLY stated that because of the net, it might cause trouble from complainers (SJWs) if anything is allowed on their systems anywhere! Japanese devs now have to answer to westerners, IN ENG, about the content of their games for japan.. That has never happened before.. It's what people don't realize! We are already way WAY past "they'll never touch japan so don't worry".. the shrill cry of the anti-anti-censorship troll for many years. We aren't just there now, we are PAST there!


And this is all well before even getting into the china issue.. (i.e. seen as the next big thing/market) and talk about "global standards"


anyone has the jap twitter reactions to tifa?

No, unfortunately not yet.

i remember someone said the top one was one saying they were too small,just don't have a pic sadly

Protip, Anakin skywalker: people disagreeing with you aren't your enemy.

You people love this word so much, you're obsessed with it, you want everyone to be it.

There are over 21 mil tweets with them throwing a fit about it.

Nearly as pathetic as constantly shitting yourself into a blind rage over a fictional video game woman's boobies.


Most of the complaining I saw was about the sports bra specifically. One guy I followed was REALLY upset about it though

have sex unironically

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

Yea Forumsirgins, don't even try to deny it, you'sd be spamming these threads and screaming yourselves stupid no matter what Tifa looked like in the remake. She could have Hindenburg tatas in a sling bikini that shake the earth with every bounce and have the face of a five-year-old and you'd still find something to shit yourselves retarded over.

Is that really 90 cm G cup? I really don't get how boobs work. If you showed me those tits without the measurements I'd say C at most

Attached: 1560263568077.jpg (700x803, 43K)

Act like a gibbering faggot nonstop long enough, even your stanchest ass-kissers will abandon you. /pol/'s a little slow in learning this lesson, though.

we need some weeb to translate a collage so we can spam it at square enix

so are you actually posting this shit in every thread or is it a bot? either way fucking pathetic.

I'd be happy with big jiggly titties but yea of course there are fags that post here that would bitch about them being too big

But both nowhere near so as whining fictional sexy women.. or applying terms like "sexism" and "objectification" (seriously how fucking retarded do you have to be to use this term at all, let alone with fiction?!) to completely fantasy/fictional beings.

There is a huge false equivalence with complain about people calling others out for actually whining and caring about this kind of stuff in the first place! I mean would you have called the jews babies for talking about what the nazis were calling/fighting for?

There is a such thing as fighting for a principle! Even one that doesn't now affect you at all! When people start trying to force censorship of fantasy and fiction, of art! In the name of tinfoil hat ideology and repeatedly failed/false illogic. (i.e. "fictional violence/sexism causes real violence/sexism") It becomes everyone's problem.. People need to unlearn that "complaining doesn't do anything" and "doing something to fight it is pointless" bullshit. Not to mention start calling out "friends" of the cause who do nothing but whine about anyone talking about censorship and SJW bullshit.

Not really but her boobs are shaped a bit strange so it’s hard to tell. I’d say that’s probably wrong given people’s penchant to lie about their measurements. When she was pregnant my wife had G cups and they were fucking huge; I’d say new Tifa is more like a D but I’m not about to go examining this shit

WTF does that have to do with here? Go back to reeeeera.

Protip: what they do and what you do are equally autistic.

You guys are crazy and insane

Unless its the ultimate meme troll

Anyway i wana hotglue that

Have sex Boomer.

Protip: You are truly an autistic moron of the highest order if you really think defending something from those who demand it change to fit their personal mental disorders and ideological fantasies, means you are as sad as the people who are attacking it. Especially when they are outsiders only even interested in making sure your fantasy/fiction conforms to their personal feels and dogmas!

To put it in simple terms that even a REEEEtard or their mindless shills could understand.

If you punch open a bee hive and get stung, the bees aren't equally as moronic as you are just because they responded to your idiocy!

P.S. Fuck off whiny reeeeera faggot!

Attached: JUST AS BAD.png (772x444, 32K)

Yet here you are complaining about the people who dare complain about the whiners complaining about fictional "sexisms" and hurt feel-feels... What stupid fucking POS. No awareness at all.

>Its ok when Nintendo does it.

Ok, now I see your just a doomsday faggot that loves asuming assumptions about conjecture.

Your insanity has been disregard.

the fact that every upcoming squeenxi gme has big bouncy tits is more indicative that this is a simple design tweak and not "censorship" you dumb incel.

No, i wasn't giving them an excuse overall, i was trying to make a point within the context of the argument i was replying to! That this is no different than all those other times..

Do try to keep the fuck up though.. It sure would help.

To me the size looks absolutely in line with Advent Children's Tifa. The complaining should be directed at the outfit change, the sports bra sticking out, the thighhighs, different and longer skirt, and lack of red gloves. No other character has these major changes, so why does Tifa? Hell I'd be fine if they had just the sports bra because "realism" since there was obviously something under the white shirt it just used to be hidden, but the thighhighs (which aren't even less sexual) and skirt change are unacceptable.

This is exactly what I said up there. To be fair, i'm not the biggest fan of very large boobs (smaller and firm ftw). It's the ugly sports bra that makes them look so much smaller than they are. Those leggings and such are also unforgivable. Coming from someone who usually LOVES such things.

>I’ve played enough senran kagura and DOA to know how fucking goofy it looks for a girl with huge tits to be fighting with martial arts
Clearly you haven't since the girls look fine fighting and the issue has always been lack of model diversity to match each girls 3 sizes. The two main martial artists Yo and Kat look great during their attacks. You'd know this if you weren't a lying faggot.


Makoto is superior to Tifa because she shows off her underboob

Attached: 1494791633895.png (1011x1934, 1016K)

He's likely a reeefag or sheep conditioned to always see certain types of things as being "problematic" and thus "goofy" by default.

Must be, Because I've played Senran a lot, all the girls have really nice animation flow in their movesets hell if we go with non martial artists Murasaki's fighting style which is heavily based on her hair shuriken looks graceful as fuck as she spins same with Ryona and her ballet/figure skater themed fighting style. The only awkward attack styles I can think of are the few non standard types(Mirai, Yagyu(to an extent), Haruka, Hanabi, Ryobi, etc.) because the combat flow is off but pretty much every girl with a more orthadox or attack focussed style has a nice combat flow.

Senran Kagura has really bad animations dude. It's not an expensive game therefore doesn't have an expensive animation budget.

> It's not an expensive game therefore doesn't have an expensive animation budget.
So you're bitching it doesn't look "realistic" aka clunky ass horse shit. How is something that flows so naturally and acrobatically goofy?

So 'censorship' is just shorthand for 'design decision I don't like' now, right?

yes, welcome to zoomers

You really think it's all a coincidence, huh?

Attached: sony metoo.jpg (1080x1197, 388K)

Yes. Did you read the OP? It's not like Square's stopped putting big tits in games all of a sudden. Why would they target Tifa and only Tifa if this was all about Sony's new guidelines?

Why did you reply to yourself with this first-trick-in the book "if I change my grammar, no one will know I'm samefagging" gambit?

I'm laughing so hard. Babby's first attempt at pushing a narrative

Attached: 1391646010688.png (800x1200, 71K)

Beggin ya to have sex and take ya meds

>It's not like Square's stopped putting big tits in games all of a sudden.
They have, lol. There haven't been any Square characters with genuinely big breasts, like Tifa-sized, in I don't know how long. They recently said they wouldn't add any more teen-looking characters to FFXIV because of "social and moral subjects occurring internationally."

You are extremely fucking naive if you think any big-budget studio isn't being affected by American politics. American money carries American influence. The journalists will tank your game if it doesn't adhere to the chosen ideology. In this case that means your characters better not look too young or too attractive.

Attached: ffxiv gaymers.jpg (1280x640, 172K)


Attached: roastie toastie.jpg (1600x1306, 277K)

>American politics
>Posts a picture from Sydney

Australia is one of the "Big Five" America-pozzed countries. They even share intelligence.

>guys they're censoring big tits
>my proof is them censoring small tits

Are you underage or do you just have a room temperature IQ? How in the world do you not have eyes in your head to see the political bullshit happening to the games around you?

The only way I can understand it is if you are underage & new to games and you literally have never experienced the industry any other way besides how it is right nowjavascript:;

Someone give ironized yeast to nu-Tifa already.

Attached: skinny-girls-vintage-ads-men-hate-the-sight-of-you.jpg (300x399, 60K)

getting triggered, /pol/tard?

She still has big bazonkers and her tits never bounced in the original.

She's having a sports bra that restricts her honklers so she can fight more comfortable.

>"*Handwaves Handwaves Handwaves Handwaves... but doesn't disappear*"
>.......ah um your really sad and stupid if you think "SJWs" have anything to do with censorship!.......... "


>"omg how sad... worrying about people trying to take away your fake boobies..."

Which is the usual type reply to facts like that getting posted.. Hell, you couldn't even post that on a main sub or other major gaming board without getting downvoted into hell and it deleted. Even in an argument with people arguing that SJWs aren't real, aren't coming for anything anyway and not a danger.. or that censorship is not a threat.

It's damn shame they censored her design.

>so she can fight more comfortable
So let me get this straight
I'm meant to believe this fucking twig is capable of supplexing Super Weapons with those pissy little noodle arms and at the same time think about how she could realistically fight with big boobs... Nigger you're high as fuck.

I'm not even sure if it's worth putting in an effort one on one with people that far gone. Even if it's based in ignorance. There has to be some level of deep programming if they are at the point where they openly defend even the hint of disagreement to the narrative.

thanks america

You could've tweeted that about trump supporters on twitter and you wouldn't have to change a word to fit in with the SJW types.

Jap cups are two sizes smaller than the west

This is one of the reasons why realism arguments in general when it comes to fiction, are cancer! 80% of the time they are just excuse for what ever it is causing the real issue for someone/groups.

Even when not being used that way, it's still highly destructive to fiction. Part of what's ruining it today.

sjws and art don't mix

Are you retarded? That could be said about ANY party/person/group/ideology/religion etc's true believers! Their side, my side, your side, his side, etc.. That alone isn't the problem or what's scary. What's scary is when one group is able to shift the narrative so far one way that normal people act like such only within the context of certain issues. (like this.. bring up woman/sexism/trans/gay and all logic goes out the fucking window for far too many people today.. as well as critical thinking, which is literally vilified in such cases.)

nice argument

I don't apologize for it, it's a good thing.

He isn't bare chested anymore

She still has it, are you blind?

This is your brain on hentai

Fang had nice tits

VIIR is Triple A
Everything else is not

i am. trace me proof in braille plz