Just got an Xbox One. What are some cool games to try?

Just got an Xbox One. What are some cool games to try?

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Get the game pass for a dollar and play whatever looks interesting.

I don't do that.

Get gamepass, and use the discount to buy games at a cheaper price then

The Rare Replay + Gears of War Ultimate collection. All those good Rare games (and 60% shitty ZX Spectrum crap) and Gears if War which Inthink is fun but you might not.

Retailed for $30 but can he found a lot cheaper now.

None, sell it and build a pc

if you get gold you can upgrade it for a dollar so that it includes gamepass

bought another year of gold and upgraded it for a dollar

I refuse to stream games.

Gamepass isn't streaming

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Are you dumb?
You don't stream game, you download them.

Thanks for clarifying. I like to own my games on a disc.

Then try gamepass, play games that you think look interesting, and if you like them, go to the store and buy them

Hold on let me check my pc


>Game recommendation thread
>Only one game recommended out of 15 posts

Play RDR2, OP. It's fun.

Rare Replay.

games I liked from this gen

witcher 3
dark souls 3
rocket league
forza if you like racing
titanfall 2 but online is probably dead
vermintide 2 but same maybe
hellblade has a cool gimmick
halo 5 was fun but haven't played in years

also a bunch of backwards compatible older games

I play ESO and Destiny 2 mostly, but Gamepass is legit fucking great. I even get it for free because I use bing.

Onrush on Gamepass is fun as fuck and actually has players on Xbox because of gamepass.

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this is the kino way. ive done this with a few games and it feels good.

also depends what you like op. i recommend battlefield 1, titanfall 2, gears 4, halo mcc if you want multiplayer shooties. dark souls 3 is a great rpg. valkyria chronicles 4 is one of the best games ive ever played, half strategy half rpg. team sonic racing is a decent mario kart clone.

for bc games, i recommend catherine, ninja gaiden 2, banjo kazooie and tooie. but you really should get on that gamepass deal for a dollar, should last a few more dollars.

gamepass is unironically a good deal if you get it on sale