Isn't FF VII basically promoting eco-terrorism?
Isn't FF VII basically promoting eco-terrorism?
so did call to power, and that game was better for it
no, because at one point BASED Cait Sith says "Barret you're a dumb fuck for blowing up the reactor" and Barret agrees what he did was wrong. It has a character arc of an eco-terrorist realizing eco terrorism is wrong.
have sex
The reactors are what we desperately need to be building right now, they should have updated it to blowing up a natural gas plant.
>mfw the redpilledest man alive is barely 5'2" tall
based manlets
As it damn well should
>Avalanche is just as bad as Shinra, both sides are just as bad, hey isn't that the upper plate dropping do--
>the world will just sing kum bah ya when whites destroy their military and industrial capacity
based centrist poster
AVALANCHE killed hundreds if not thousands, it was basically 9/11 tier. It wouldn't be completely unreasonable to not like them until the plate is dropped.
no but it does contain eco terrorists
What did he do to make them niggas that mad?
the unabomber wasn't an eco terrorist tho. He didn't give any particular shit about it in his manifesto. He was more anti social and unplugging from the system blah blah blah. same thing with ff7 it's not really about the trees bby
the reactors are powered by the life force of the planet it's more representative of the entirety of human consumption than a particular energy source we use
cait sith is based
thank you
Mako reactors don't explode.
okay but he blew it up
with a bomb
desu the lives of thousands aren't worth as much as our planet
Debatable, but Barrett blowing shit up probably wouldn't have amounted to anything anyways. His plan was just to keep blowing up reactors until Aerith is kidnapped.
retard if we don't have a planet to live on there are no humans you turbo-dumb-dumb
there is no free lunch bro
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
as ecological collapse becomes more prevalent and the social decay inherent to modern media begins to accelerate ecoterror will become extremely commonplace
You're delusional. That is physically impossible.
When was the last time eco-terrorists had the balls to blow up a power station or equivalent?
And VI does the same for racial segregation yes
That's a fucking long time ago.
How Can Mako Be Real If Our Cloud Is Not Real?
It really did not go well for the ecologists cause.
There won't be shit we can do by the time crop failures and mass migrations actually start happening.
plenty of time to shoot migrants
There will be wars no doubt but when the planet is already at +7 degrees blowing up a power plant isn't going to have any immediate effect.
that's centuries of warming bro you'll have way more problems to deal with than carbon emissions from power plants by then
There will always be refineries to burn and factories to bomb.