Daily reminder if you play or get hyped for Smash bros and you're over 18 you're a manchild
Daily reminder if you play or get hyped for Smash bros and you're over 18 you're a manchild
Explain what's objectively wrong with being a manchild
If you get "hyped" over any videogame (a children's toy) you are a manchild.
Mentally unstable and embarrassing to anyone that knows you
Say it to my face, hick ass bitch.
I kinda think this but Smash is pretty cool so...whatever
Why is it always the children who think growing older means not having fun?
>Implying that anyone on Yea Forums isn't a manchild
Absolutely true. If we can’t curtail waifufaggots the next best thing for this board would be forcing all smash discussion over to vg
>Mentally unstable and embarrassing to anyone that knows you
Describes OP perfectly
Daily reminder that if you're reading this you're a manchild
This is true, but such an understatement. If you get "hyped" about anything, you're a manchild living in a fantasy world.
>butt fat curving to the structure of the bike seat
who gives a fuck? why do you give a fuck? why are you so insecure? why are you trying to make sure other people feel bad about what they do with themselves?
reminder if you like video games youre a manchild
Yeah, you're right, user. Playing Smash Brothers makes you mentally unstable and embarrassing.
Instead let's just go outside, start some riots, burn some homes down, kill white people indiscriminately, and pat ourselves on the back for being a bunch of radical anti-fascist nutjobs who genuinely believe we still live in the 1800s. That's totally sane and rational.
Fucking retard.
reminder that in order to be preoccupied with what others do in their free time, you necessarily do not have anything going on in yours
t. i think smash is pretty crappy, and i would never consider buying a switch. but why the fuck would i buy any console anyway
Why would I give a fuck about your dumbass opinion?
>who gives a fuck?
People who aren't manchildren.
Fucking manchild.
Daily reminder if you get upset or angry about other people being happy about something you're over 18 you're a manchild
t. manchild
So old fucks that don't use the internet. Got it.
shower then have sex