Link's Awakening Remake

This game looks like funko pops and you know it

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Other urls found in this thread:

i like the aesthetic, it looks better than anything on xbone tbqhwu senpai

>Gears of Wars funkopop
>Zelda funkopop
Who's next?

I don't have a Switch, but the game looks comfy desu. Not exactly what I would would consider ideal for a Zelda remake, but looks fun nonetheless. I'd probably buy it if I had a Switch

Looks more like an awkward Mother remake honestly. I don't like it either but it's nowhere near as soulless as funko pops. I hate the "SOULLESS" meem but that's the only word that really describes funkos

It's okay, but I wished they had gone with an aesthetic more creative than making everything look plasticky

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Funko looks like shit. Awakening looks like they took artwork/sprites from 80s/90s RPGs and just made them fully 3D.

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Now that we have a close look at the models, it reminds me more of Rankin-Bass Christmas specials than anything else. Pops force characters in a very specific template whereas the characters other than Link can still differ in body type and especially head shape/features.

For the record, I don't give a fuck about LoZ, I just think the artstyle isn't that bad.

>Funko invented beady eyes

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>it reminds me more of Rankin-Bass Christmas specials than anything else

I like the cute arts and crafts style

Nose machine broken

He has a mouth.

Don't you dare compare that beady eyed soulless trash to Rankin Bass.

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Me too, but as far as I know Nintendo only used it for like two games and then it fucked off forever

I like the environments and the enemies.
I absolutely fucking despise links face.

Not even close.

What the fuck, you must be one fucking retarded nigger if you think that looks anything like fuckopops.

You've just showcased how it doesn't look like funko pops you shitposting fuck

Funko Pops wish they looked like that Amiibo.

It looks like absolute trash. Even Oceanhorn has a better aesthetic and it's a fucking mobile game rip off of Zelda. Even if I owned a Switch and got this game for free I'd rather just replay DX on my 3ds, and I'm not one of those faggots who hates remakes.

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??? Sure it does???

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OK? Please explain why that's a bad thing.

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It's the same thing

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Fuck off OP

this it reminds me of a kid from when I was in grade school who used to do these really elaborate and well done dioramas and bring them to class to show them off.

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>Not popping out perfectly round eyes
>Not a giant square head
>Has a mouth
It's like zelda with Mother art.

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you have absolutely awful and obtuse taste.


Nothing is sacred

It's the worse art style Nintendo has used in the last 2 decades. I understand why some people dislike New Super Mario Bros and say it's soulless (I don't agree) but I can't understand how anyone thinks this new Link's Awakening looks good at all.

Namco sleeping on the job like usual.

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It's how you know that OP is a zoomer.

Yet another case of "it's ok when Nintendo does it"

Wrong and dumbpilled.

This looks like shit.
Link's Awakening looks like a toybox diorama

Attached: D81V5pSUYAAOB5H[1].jpg (1200x900, 216K)

Did you forget what the Link's Awakening remake is going to look like? You really think this looks better?

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_olliebarder_files_2019_02_zelda_links_awakening_switch-1200x675[1].j (960x540, 79K)

Eat, Santa! Eat!

>oh my god how could nintendo do this
>nintendo nintendo nintendo

rent free

I'd say it's OK, but it looks like it was meant for the 3DS.

This is not how you do this style, too much detail lost, processing power wasted for no reason.

>op tries to post comparison pic
>Still fails


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Nope. Dan Ryckert proved you wrong!

It only looks better in the image you posted because everything is pushed together. Here's the same scene in the actual game That's the problem with the remake, the individual models have higher detail but then they leave so much empty space on the ground tiles that it looks stupid.

I am OP?

>Links ReAwakening is Wind Waker 2.0

fucking edgy faggots

it absolutely does and I don't even own a switch.

Marin for this shitty thread!

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I think it looks like miniatures brought to life, which makes sense since it's a rather small game.

It still fucking hurts bros...

Haha! Got em! Why focus on the positives when you can focus on the negative?! All games are awful.

I wanna FUCK Marin! In her cloaca after she turns into a seagull!

They should sell the dioramas

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>game boy color game remake + dungeon creator lite
>$60 price tag
My only gripe. I didn't like the art style when it was announced but it's grown on me.

No. It looks like Overcooked: Zelda Edition.

>Reveal trailer is beautifully animated
>Actual game is soulless plastic

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If the game looked like this it would be good, but it doesn't.

Hello Yea Forums.

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The look has grown on me honestly, but I still wish they just did a sequel to ALBW and based it off of LA with the whole of it being a new game

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it fits the style of the old advertisements. this is what it was supposed to look like. it's a dream world

Have the gods no mercy?

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Obviously went for a style akin to the original sprites, don't even mind it honestly since if this was on 3DS nobody would be saying shit.

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>Soulless with no mouth
>Soul with mouth

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Most of the anger at Wind Waker was because they had shown a trailer of Zelda for the Gamecube already and it looked nothing like Wind Waker.


Is Nintendo smoking crack?

Why is Dampe everywhere

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They already made Oracle of Seasons amiibos?


>since if this was on 3DS nobody would be saying shit.

People constantly complain about Link Between Worlds artstyle and it's far better than Link's Awakening Remake.

aren't funko pops based on chibi artstyle, which is from japan.

It's just Lucas, dead mother and all

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I actually really like the toy diorama style, but 60 dollars seems ridiculous for a game that is almost assuredly as short and simple as its gameboy forebear.

I guess I see why, but I loved that game and the style

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This is the kind of care in development I've been noticing with this game, and I've been warming up very much after seeing more gameplay. It's a remake that's true to the original

In order of most disgusting: depth of field > rubbery shader > power gap > Link > mega power gap > everything else

Don't forget Mario

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What did funko mean by this?

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>and it's far better than Link's Awakening Remake.
LBW looks mailed in. Nothing about that style is good

I actually don't mind the game's art direction in itself -- it's a bit bland but the tilt shift rescues it a little. My issue is that it doesn't strike me as being a good fit for Link's Awakening. Making everything look like a Playmobil toy set imposes an artificiality that the original game did not have. When everything looks artificial and tossed together the weirdness of the game isn't as defined. A chain chomp, telephones, an alligator selling bananas, etc. are weird because they're in an otherwise normal looking Zelda game. But because it's all just a toy world the surrealness is absent. Some kid just dumped random shit out of
his toybox or whatever. What a dream!

Remakes are cancer anyway, but this one seems especially pointless.

Fuck off underaged

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Closer look inside one of the rooms

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baby's first zelda


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That’s literally the fucking inspiration.
Remember there’s fucking Mario, Chain chomps, Motherfucking Yoshi eggs

This design of link predates Funko.

I want this pretty badly

I just wished they made Link’s Awaking into “Top down Zelda Maker”

Same, would buy this one

>it looks like shit on purpose!

I just wish it looked less plasticky and more like clay or something.


The game itself looks a lot more bland than the art for it. I'm also tired of cutesy Link. Bring this stone cold killer back.

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>please give me attention
Here's a pity (You)

Kino sceno

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Take this (You) and shove it up your ass

Mad af

if anything it looks like Paper Mario, which has a great aesthetic and design

Yea Forums is the only place that pretends to be outraged by the direction of this game

Link's Awakening is my favorite game of all time. I still have mixed feelings about it this release but I accept it. I'm not a fan of the price. I still remember buying the original for $30.

I'm assuming that's due to the hardware and still wanting to work in a 3D effect
But yeah I wish we could get badass Link again too even though I like this Link a lot more than most of the other cutesy depictions

Attached: ALBW_Link.png (560x599, 307K)

Not even a little. Enjoy paying $60 for Nintendo to shit on your eyeballs

This one I didn't mind, the art for ALBW looks really nice. I do agree though, my favorite Link design is still OoT.

>Looks like an uprezzed 3DS game (That's because it IS one)
>omg so based it looks so cute I love my funko pop aesthetic *sips söylent bottle*

>Sword and Shield gets revealed

Fuck you twofacing Zelda faggots. You're more contrarian for liking the way this piece of shit Unity game looks than the so-called shitposters. No water off my back though, I'm not the one throwing 60 dollars into a sewer grating.

Acha is pretty cute, I hope she has a lot of porn

The characters look kinda meh, yes, but everything else looks fine.

Day 1 buy for me

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I'm not poor and I will enjoy it. Stay mad

TP for me. OOT is up there too though, along with LTTP/LBW, HW, and maybe SS as well

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it's almost like "nintendo fans" are not one person

generalize more, seething snoynigger

Lol seething

It looks like he was a toy left on the island of misfit toys.

Hahaha no


>being this butthurt
LMAO@Your life

I like it, it's cute. It's literally made for the Nintendo audience. Don't complain ust consume.

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Fuck, even the UI looks soulless mobile trash

Nahhh. The key points of a fucko pop are square head, black circle eyes, and no mouth. There are some that buck this trend but MOST of them have these three things.

The design for Link here has personality. He's not mass produced. But there are some very basic similarities.

TP's design looked good in the art but was a creepy twink in the game. It's like Nintendo just can't help but make him androgynous fujo-bait. BotW killed my hopes for a good Link design in the near future. It's not even as if the earlier Link designs were terribly masculine or anything.

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Why would someone be excited to pay for a soulless cash grab when you could be emulating the real game right fucking now?

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Then don't buy it. But you don't own a switch so you already knew that


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Because he's one of the best Zelda characters ever made.

>minimalistic = soulless

That's old

>filter "soulless"
>like ten posts hidden


that picture oozes such a ridiculous amount of soul

its kind of sad that there's hundreds of thousands of people out there who genuinely believe this so called remake

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No it doesn’t

I really wish they would give Link a real face. Otherwise I think the game looks great. Much better than BOTW, that's for sure.

>It's a remake that's true to the original

No fucking shit, we knew that from the first announcement. The entire game is a 1:1 port from a gameplay perspective, it's just the artstyle that looks like ass.

Based Grim Adventuresposter

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Only for minor characters.

This. At least this amiibo has a mouth and no gen VIII starter head.

I think aside from the hair and some facial expressions, the model wasn't all that bad. Certainly would take that over BOTW Link. Makes me wish even more that they either went full force with the Wii U tech demo or just used it as a base to make TP HD.

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The game world layout was specifically designed with screen to screen transitions in mind. Making a 1:1 rendition of the world with camera scrolling is fucking awful

this picture says it all

because pic related

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>The entire game is a 1:1 port from a gameplay perspective
You could see in the first 15 seconds of the original reveal that this is false because the map doesn't have segmented box areas. Stay eternally mad.

You kill her and her dad


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I'm mad what they did to the soundtrack, but that's it.

You erase this baby from existence

Look at how shit the shield is on the fuckopop

at least the remake link has a mouth and a consistent design language
funko pop link has no mouth and a hugely simplified face, meanwhile the rest of his body maintains an element of realism
plus, the constant angry brows don't make sense for a character like link

And that is a good thing!

Even the right link has more soul than funkos

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I hope it does well enough to get Oracle remakes in the same style


O that is comfy

I'm on the fence about that. They almost certainly wouldn't include both games, and the ability to transfer your save over was the main gimmick of the Oracles games.

if we were in a universe where funko pops weren't horrifically ugly, sure

You're not allowed to like that. It's new, therefore it's soulless.

if these nerds claim to be such big nerds then why don't they buy stuff from nendoroid instead of funko?

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i miss this more anime expressions

Just make it one huge game
Legend of Zelda Oracles

Maybe they can combine the Oracle games into one and even include the planned third game

If you're implying the new game looks like that you need your eyes examined

A bastardized chibi style. At least Nendoroids have a bit more uniqueness to them.

Looks more like that than Funko pops

What is a tech demo?

You and I both know that won't happen. Look at FF7R, one game they're chopping up and selling piecemeal.


Except the Oracles games are shit undeserving of a remake. I'd rather we just forgot about them entirely.

holy fuck, how can nintendo keep getting away with this???

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That's true, but wasn't FFVII a huge game?

It doesn't matter, it's ONE game they're going to sell in at least three parts at full price.

That's so fucking cool.

you're right, it looks even better.

Yeah that's probably the case, unfortunately

Having black, rounded eyes doesn't make you a funko pop.

>FFVII a huge game
it has the regular length of any JRPG, the game is also the most overated jrpg ever made so of course they make the remake sound like a big deal

>that thing on the left

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I wonder if we're actually getting the mermaid's top this time, and if Cukeman will get any new tripped out dialog

Cute link laughing at the haters.

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wait, does funko pop actually has the license to use nintendo IPs? i've heard they only have Pokemon and that was recently

A tech demo that looked like utter dogshit witin a few years time while WW is practically timeless

I wasn't sold on it, but after E3 I'm pretty certain it's a buy. Framerate is questionable but otherwise I think the artstyle is great. Certainly nowhere near funk levels of bad.

blessed and hylianpilled

lets be honest here, nothing is as bad as funko pop

Oh I see, my mistake then

What did Nintendo mean by this?

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Not a fan of the Yoshi doll being the new design.

>Dungeon creator
>premade rooms from the game only

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Nice this will look really good when I emulate with actual anti-aliasing and higher resolution.

Feels sorry for people who bought a shitch.

>Feels sorry for people who will actually play the game on release while i wait years for yuzu emulation to be decent