What makes him so cool?
What makes him so cool?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's an unlikeable asshole in a universe that's completely aware he's an unlikeable asshole, which makes him endearing.
the fact that he's a fucking loser, but also not apologetic about it
The fact that he's really confident
Anyone else not able to relate to Travis ever since he banged Sylvia?
He seems to be pretty happy with his life. I wouldn't call that a loser. He's more of a dork if anything
I love how Charlie in NMH2 has this genuine respect for Travis despite being a Chad.
Does someone have the design on the back of travis jacket in TSA?
Or do i have to wait until 2020?
He's us but he is confident about being a fucking weeb vidya virgin loser
If we did that henshin bullshit we'd get laughed at. What a shame...
Because he isn't and he's too much of a block-headed prick to realize it. He's great.
All of this
Honestly I think 2 kind of ruins a lot of what 1 had going for it. In 1 he's a total faggot weeaboo loser who comes up with retarded catchphrases. In 2 he's worshipped by most people as the coolest guy around. I still like Travis in 2 but I really think they lost their way
Hes only worshipped because hes the only psycho that decided that this was getting too retarded for him
Anyone got that infographic of what Suda games to play in what order? Trying to explain to a friend why The Silver Case is important to Travis Strikes Again and too autistic to do it right
And that's fair, but I liked it better when you're were just an overconfident literal who going out and devastating these bombastic eccentric assassin types, it was a nice juxtaposition.
There you go frend
same reason ash williams is cool
I think he suffers from the Rorschach effect where a character that was meant to be an unlikable asshole and makes fun of the audience instead becomes this cool cult figure because he plays by his own rules and doesn't take shit from anyone.
Will badman and travis purple jacket return in 3?
he is a spontaneous and genuine character
He wasn't worshiped for being cool though. He was worshiped because he found a way out of the assassin game that wasn't death. He found the exit and Bat Jr. pulled him back in. NMH1 was about Travis entering this crazy world and being excited to become part of it. NMH2 was an angry Travis forced to return to a life he escaped.
>though you could get away you god damn nigger?
What was his problem?
You da real MVP
>all the psychopaths and travis are considered above ground
>the killer 7 and all the retarded foes they fight are underground
How deep does this killer autism go?
All the way to the fucking moon
Hes just a good non-try hard character
basically this. Hes Ash from the evil dead in vidya form
How would travis react to retards like ulmeyda or curtis?
Are there more examples of this? Seems like such an enjoyable backfire.
Thinking about it, I guess Don Quixote kind of fits this description?
Snoipin's a good job m8
At the risk of sounding like a dbz powerlevelfag, Travis would underestimate them and probably get fucked up in the process. I love Travis and all, but the Killer 7 characters are on a whole different level of powerful, we're talking battle between gods tier here.
>travis would be defeated by the living personification of san francisco and the man who raised a chuuni sex slave for shits and giggles
Yeah, youre probably right
>Implying Henshin (No More) Hero Travis isn't god level
Wait, why play FSR before 25th ward? Why'd Suda remake 25th ward first on PS4?
I mean he is an unlikable asshole, but I think that his love of anime and vidya was also meant to be an easier way for the audience to relate to him in some way and also because Suda genuinely has a love for those mediums, even though he can still make fun of the kind of people who glorify it as well.
>implying travis would even be able to kill a normal heaven smile
>NMH - No More Heroes reffers to everyone being a piece of shit
>NMH2 - No More Hero(es) is one of Travis' nickname due to him finding the exit
>NMH3 - No More Heroes on Earth except Travis
Because FSR was released between Silver Case and 25th Ward. It's a side story, but it makes most sense to play them chronologically.
>travis, you are the no more hero
Bravo suda
>I killed my hero, no more heroes
Man that Nolan collaboration wasn't subtle at all
sure buddy
>what are we, some kind of killer 7
I knew that dc crossover was gonna be shit
>Travis is wearing an Unknown Pleasures style T-Shirt
>Henry is meant to be visually based on Ian Curtis
Could this mean anything?
>NMH1 description
>skip the PS3 version
Is it also censorship or are there other details I should be aware of?
Ulmeyda was anything but a retard. He's the closest thing Killer7 had to an unambiguously good human being and did absolutely nothing wrong.
Yeah? It would make absolutely no sense for other assassin's not to worship the previous #1 who somehow left without being killed. It was unprecedented
You're basically complaining that you'd rather them ignore logical continuity to keep him an unknown loser just because
Wii controlled better and PS3 ruined the art style
The assassins league is fucking fake anyway
it's those aviators
It cuts content so a portion of the city is missing, changes the artstyle in a way that completely misses the point of some things like making Travis look buff instead of a skinnyfat loser, and even runs worse than the wii version. Avoid it at all costs.
So are they gonna show anything tomorrow or is all we getting is the trailer?
Man, it'd be so cool if Ulmeyda's protege had a cameo in NMH3
But it became real thanks to the fake one. Probably thanks to Jasper, but is stated that the fights on the first NMH were broadcasted online
It was a scam, but people still fell for it and it still involved real assassin's/killers so Travis's fame was still actually earned
Imagine being a professional assassin and falling for an MLM scheme
just get the North American Wii version
If I recall, in exchange for all the blood taken out, you can watch the music video for Heavenly Star in the Europe and Japanese versions instead.
PS3 has some insanely bad issues
Being a complete otaku and proud of it.
Bad girl, death metal, dr peace, badman and helter skelter seem to indicate the contrary
>Try to fuck a chick
>End up becoming part of an underground snuff ring
>escape that life style
>everyone wants to know how you did it
>kill them
>obtain henshin powers
It's basically a ponzi scheme but I'm not sure how it can be considered fake if all of the IAA assassins are real life contract killers.
His clothes of course
jk, but I can't fucking WAIT to see what suda wants to put on this bad boy, maybe we'll get some lucha libre masks this time around
how did they get away with this one?
Didnt travis live in texas?
Why did he never heard of the ulmeyda cult
Noone played it
He doesn't give a fuck
Pretty sure Santa Destroy is in California
>traffic kids organs to a terrorist org
>rape the females before killing them
>turn an innocent girl into a killing sex slave for shits and giggles
>rape the wife and daughter of your partner and also kill his son
>force birkin to betray dan
How did suda get away with curtis?
Im pretty sure he went hiding in texas before and during TSA user
>People deal with grief differently. Some People Fuck at funerals, I cut off heads
what did he mean by this?
>the killer 7 decide to kill curtis not because they were asked to, but because they were too disgusted by him
he is a skilled killer with a personality neets can relate to
Why did travis help birkin again?
He was hellbent on revenge and the murderous bloodlust was his coping mechanism after Bishop's murder. Though in the end that was just a scapegoat excuse, as his passion for killing was fueled by his own indulgent nature.
It's like looking into the power fantasy of an incel but his attitude and personality doesn't change one bit.
But hes married user...
He even has a zoomer daughter and a loser son
He just wanted to play the Death Drive. He didn't give a shit about Bad Girl. Their interests happened to coincide, that's all.
>betray the smyth sindycate
>as his punishment he needs to help the otaku survive his shitty games for the slim chance of seeing his daughter back
>play the NTSC version to get the uncensored experience
Wait what?
I've been playing a bit of NMH on an emulator with the NTSC version but dropped it because the command prompts were annoying to pull off. I considered getting a physical version of the game for Wii but if the PAL version is going to be censored then I won't even bother (I live in Australia).
Is NMH2 censored as well?
You can make a rather large leap to assume that Birkin being given that Death Ball was them dumping the job on him. I bet they were tasked with killing Juvenile or something, or intended for it to happen at some point. Makes sense if you give it some consideration.
Also worth mentioning that Travis didn't care about the wish at all since he already had everything just like Death Metal said and only wanted to escape reality. Reminder that Travis found the exit to Paradise and rejected it
Hey folks, what are your toughts on the Parallels between Lo wang and Travis?
I mean, one is an American otaku and full blown weeb who learned to use a sword from movies and some casette tapes
And the other is a Japanese man obsessed with American comics who learned to shoot and fight thanks to Cowboy movies and american dramas
Would these two be friends or enemies?
God I love the dialogue in these games
This, he is admittedly a fucking weeb loser; that accidentally fucked his half-sister, that one day just bought a real laser sword, used his video game and pro wrestling knowledge to become the greatest combatant ever.
But at the same time the general public has no clue and still considers him a fucking weeb loser living in a motel.
Also he gives no fucks.
All self aware parodies are doomed to become what they are parodying and Travis is no exception unfortunately.
Why haven't you hacked your Wii?
>tfw no Shinobu gf
Absolutely based
She hates video games.
This is fucking kino.
so do I
>In 2 he's worshipped by most people as the coolest guy around
Well, he did just beat the "top 10" best assassins ever while masturbating using a jank lightsaber he bought online and wrestling moves he learned from tv then just vanished.
user, he was trained by mask de smith and an ex yakuza
hes had sex
Hey Yea Forums, are you GETTIN' YOUR JOLLIES?!
That's the spirit of vidya right there. In its rarest form.
An asshole, but not one of those fake mary sue assholes where you're "bad" but everyone thinks you're the greatest and want to be around you, at least for the first game.
Having autism.
I still like the second game, even if it isn't as good.
Although incel is certainly a provocative inflammatory term to use, Travis basically is an incel in behavior and mentality, even as someone who has had sex. Silvia is clearly just using him and he basically has no real relationship with his children. It's like how Notch is a multi-millionaire who lives in a mansion but he's still basically a basement dwelling neckbeard in mind and manner.
K7 and NMH can’t exist in the same universe
2 is better in almost every way though.
He's cute :3
Literally me.
2 has more combat but the bosses in 1 were better and the soundtrack and plot was better in 1 as well, even if 2 had 'more' good songs.
I don't know about that user, but I'm in a good mood from the announcement. yas_(35373)
The problem with 2 is you can see from the levels themselves, I mean for fucks sake that fight in the parking lot, does it really need 15 of fodder? The levels were never the hard part and throwing a bunch of goons at you, especially after giving you even more overpowered weapons despite the lac of power ups for them won't change that.
>he doesnt know
15 minutes*
I think incels suck 凸(`0´)凸
Shinobu levels ruin the fucking game
its weird how hes a massive douchebag but still kind of a nice cool guy
I just dont fucking understand it
>The intro to Nathan's boss fight
Damn, that shit will not fly in the current year.
Have to booru link it cause the artist deleted his own artwork for whatever reason. The person that posted the crop is a fag too since he never sources in in the archives.
He's got principles but he's very uninterested in pleasing most people.
holy christ i haven't seen this
do the killer 7 make an appearance in TSA or is that just a cameo for a trailer?
That's it.
It's been a while since I played 2. How did Travis get out of the assassins world again?
Just PLAY THE FUCKING GAME, it's coming to every platform soon.
*That's it but that's the opening cutscene.
>In 2 he's worshipped by most people as the coolest guy around
Meta commentary on how popular Travis became with the fandom.
It's true, hence this thread.
By killing everyone ranked above him and then quitting.
But the Killer7 can exist in the NMH universe
artwork is a disappointment tho
A pig can be happy wallowing in its own shit. That doesn't make it any less repulsive.
Likewise, being happy with your life doesn't make you any less of a loser.
The no internet + Japan getting destroyed from Killer 7 make it a bit iffy canonically.
Travis is gonna die in NMH3, hence No More Heroes.
>Suda co-directing with 2 other people
>2 years dev time max
>taking fan input instead of just doing his own thing
Anyone else a little worried? I was hyped with the trailer, but let's be honest, it looked kind of rough. All the concept art is cool as shit though
1 half of the bank level doesn't really ruin it and the Million Gunman fight is crazy easy. Just switch stance/attacks on classic controller and you can infinite combo him even on bitter.
As for new destroyman's stage you can literally just skip the level since you don't actually have to kill the goons. Boss fight is still the worst in the series tho
Bet this is inside the ship
>that accidentally fucked his half-sister
I don't remember this
rotation is a little off user
I want John Wick as a guest boss.
I dunno, I got faith in it. One of the directors was the co-director of TSA and the other one directed NMH2. They're taking fan input but I think Suda's definitely got some neat shit up his sleeve still.
Definitely going to wait til we see/know more before actually getting super hype
He didn't. People just assume they did because she was an ex-girlfriend even though the timeline was never mentioned. Seems more of a childhood love. Suda confirmed Travis was a virgin until NMH2 when he banged Sylvia
Isn't that just Death Metal's mansion?
Yeah, I fucked up. Tried saving them directly from the article and it was a format not recognized
The NMH2 part is what's getting to me. I thought it was ok, but clearly rushed and needed a bit more time. Doesn't help they want it out next year
best death drive game coming through
The area right before the boss fight? Maybe? I remember it being more of a white marble though
He killed everyone above him, then Henry saved him from the guy who was presumably sent by Sylvia to kill him. Sylvia didn't stick around to send another hit man and the UAA wasn't actually real yet, so Travis was free to fuck off before Jasper set up shop.
So is Grasshopper self publishing the next game?
The PS3 version also had some serious problems with the controls. I had already played NMH 1 and 2 but I bought it on the PS3 anyways and it was so fucking bad I actually returned it which is something I never did before. I hope people avoid the PS3 version completely to not get a bad impression of a fucking great series.
That's not Killer Marathon
I think the visual style of NMH2 would be cool with HD polish and I hope the soundtrack for this game takes a similar approach where a bunch of artists I've never heard of come through to make bangers. I also think the wacky tone of 2 could play well with how crazy this game will be while Suda could give it a bit of a smarter edge.
But yeah I'm with you on the dev time, that's kinda sketch, even if they've already spent half a year working on it.
The "I don't give a fuck" attitude. Plus the fact that he's a weeb, vidya-loving virgin like us makes him relatable.
The legal line in the press kit only lists GhM and Marvelous suggesting they are self publishing. However, they also 5x'd team size and began developing without seeing TSA sales data, suggesting someone stepped in to fund it. It might just be a case of Nintendo agreeing to distribute, might be more, might be less. We'll need more info. The whole situation is a little weird imo.
Yeah, I agree NMH2 visuals are fine for a remaster. Both games just need a res bump and aa. I'm just a bit paranoid that TSA will flop like the Heroes' Paradise ports due to the already lukewarm reception and then 3 is rushed like 2 and flops and then NMH is gone for good.
Wario is the one that comes to mind first
Wario is meant to be everything wrong with Mario. Take everything there is about mario, and dial it up to 10 and you got Wario
And yet, because of all that, the guy is alpha as fuck, owns a business, and ends up saving the world constantly just to earn some fat stacks.
Its all about that confidence. Danny Devito is a little jewish goblin, and yet i defy you to find anyone who doesnt love him.
Who's ass do i have to fuck to get that NMH Joy Division shirt?
A winner doesn't care what others think and are happy where they are. Tell me how that's a loser
You had to go to the TSA launch party in Japan one user has it
hes "relatable"
He's cringe as fuck. There's nothing cool about this games shitty writing.
Where does he live?
have sex
The actual Killer7 I mean. The Smith Syndicate.
They can exist in the NMH universe without every event from Killer7 being canon
The reason I brought up 2 is that I think 3 would look pretty cool if it took visual cues from 2. I'm down for a re-release/remaster of the first two games for sure though. Personally I think it'll be REALLY hard for the TSA port to flop. It's a UE game just getting ported to other systems with some slight improvements and small things being replaced/taken out. Even if sales are low, they'll probably turn a profit. Before TSA hit switch Grasshopper had like $90k in capital so like literally 3000 sales would be a significant chunk of their capital in gross profit. It's just extra money for GhM to make NMH3 better and I'm definitely double dipping to help out (and also rip models and sound effects).
As for 3, there's always a chance for a delay. Suda ended up delaying TSA and even though the team is huge now I could see him delaying 3 just to make sure it comes out great. Suda seems pretty amped up to bring Travis back for real. I trust him to make the right choice and push the game back if he needs to.
Can't help you there, friend
Tees no longer for sale (they sold out REAL quick at the TSA launch party and GHM doesn't have an online store anymore) but you can bootleg it if you really really want it. Suda tweeted the art on the tee here: twitter.com
>One user's quest for a cool shirt leads him to battling the top 10 killer shitposters of Yea Forums
>Is the empire striking back or what?"
hehue lol starwars reference.
>I'm the last hero around, here to SAVE THA WORLD, i'm also just a passing assassin. NOW LET'S DO THIS
>the hand in killer 7 events are actually the events that transpire in the NMH universe
I agree he seems amp to bring back Travis. That's also why I think we aren't getting remasters for a while. He seems to want to focus on new stuff and has been dragging his feet talking to Marvelous for the past year and a half.
As far as the TSA port, I think your estimate is a bit low after you factor in platform cuts. I doubt it's getting a physical release. But you're are right they don't need a lot considering they were happy with 10k sales of TSC. I wouldn't mind playing on Steam with K7 modded shirts but I already double dipped on a digital copy and collector's.
I hope they partner up with Capcom to bring in Dante's costume for Travis and Vergil's for Henry.
>suda51 frees killer 7 from capcom hands instead
I think he's teasing us with it. He knows how much people want remasters. Hopefully after NMH3, I guess!
That's what I meant by gross profit man. No platform cuts or anything. If we just count that then 3000 sales alone is a pretty penny for GhM. I think TSA will do fine enough on PC/PS4
The fact that he is voiced by Robin Atkin Downes, the best vidya VA
Thank you
Nothing. He's a loser who thinks he's cool but isn't. If you think he's cool you missed the joke. I think Suda forgot the point of the joke himself these days.
Is it bad that I think that the term Porch Monkey sounds cute?
user, literally everyone in the suda verse makes fun of travis for being sutch a loser, and the killer 7 wont even touch him with a 10 foot pole, birkin makes fun of him every chance he gets, mondo is too busy to play with him, and the rest of the characters just want him gone
Yeah, I'd definitely pick them up. It'd be great to have them all on the same console.
And I agree, there's no way they're going to lose money on the TSA ports, but by flop I meant more of a fraction of sales. I imagine sizeable chunk are people double dipping and it doesn't bring in many new customers. I like NMH, but it doesn't sell, and watching the streams it was obvious a lot of newer gamers that Suda is trying to accommodate don't like it at all. It's whatever though, I'm glad it's happening.
Oh yeah, for sure. I wish TSA could do better but... I'm not expecting much from the ports and it really sucks that so many people write it off. Still cool to have it on multiple platforms though.
I kind of wish we had concrete numbers on TSA, but I doubt we will. Suda said it did as well as they expected internally or as well as they hoped. It doesn't sounds great, doesn't sound awful.
His taste in moe is pretty good
Is Travis that difficult of a character to understand? He's not a loser because he's a weeb gamer dork. He's a loser because he unironically didn't see women in the same light as men on the battlefield, put pussy above life, pranced around as a killer despite never fully putting himself into the bloodshed, refused to face his past until he literally got drunk enough to forget, and was ultimately a hypocritical piece of shit that was completely dishonest with himself for the near entirity of the game past the initial monologue. He's cool as fuck, but a pretty fucking worthless human being until he finally frees himself from the past of his sister, and breaks the illusion of Paradise despite seeing the Exit in reality, where he FINALLY embraces his real emotions (both pain and joy) and responsibilities (his own damn kids).
Yes. Travis has the same taste in music as every girl I've ever dated.
The fact that I've been waiting 10+ years for this game
>no more heroes was 12 years ago
does it bother you that it looks worse than the ps3 remaster.
Is it possible to emulate every one of these that's not on steam
He's a kind of interesting character that walks the line between simple and complex due to his interactions with the world around him.
This? She cute.
Thanks, homie. If the designs so far are anything to go by, the game's gonna be hype on terms of aesthetics.
Is Suda actually directing?
Will Masafumi Takada return to compose?
I want to be excited and I loved NMH1 and Killer7 but the rest of "Suda's" output has been shit.
Suda literally said multiple times that "He's listening to fans feedback", and that even the open world and 8bit sections will be in only depending on what the fan want.
What should we tell him?
Someone please give me the ultimate redpill for this game. I really want to get into this, Travis looks fucking cool. I fall in love with him the first time i see his "fuckheads". But i still confused by the lore and plot of it or sudaverse.
someone tell him to bring back the cat minigames from 2, but it's travis taking care of his kids
just play them
He killed my hype by saying it might take NHM3 multiplat.
And the fact he already did it with TSA, means there's a chance.
Kind of like mafioso who 'get out' of the life and manage to stay alive.
No More Heroes itself is unrelated to Suda's other games' shared universe.
It's very easy to get into if you own a wii, just play the first game and then play the second game.
Is there a download for the full soundtrack of TSA?
Yes, along with the codirector of TSA and the director of NMH2
Probably not, he's busy with the Too Kyo games crew. He might come through for a track though, who knows.
The "dark era" of Grasshopper has some games that are dumb fun. Not as neat or cool as k7 or NMH1 but still charming and a good bit of fun
Open world is confirmed. Tell him to bring in some of the musicians from NMH2, Abo, the guy from the trailer, and some new dudes for music
It would be a neat idea but maybe travis doesn't really care about his daughter after all? He seemed pretty detached during TSA epilogue.
I'd say Phoenix Wright suffers from this, as well as a lot of anime and pop-culture in general where the first protagonsit either is GOD or gets special treatment.
Post your favorite nmh songs
>Nobody here caught the Kamen Rider Decade reference in the trailer
he accepts the inevitability of life...and death.