Should there be more homosexual characters in video games? Why or why not? How would (You) go about writing one?

Should there be more homosexual characters in video games? Why or why not? How would (You) go about writing one?

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Kanji is not homossexual

First day here, champ?

Who cares they are never written in a realistic way

This is actually more cringe.

The only time a character's sexuality matters to me is when I want to gay romance them. In western games they're used to score political points and almost never exist for their own sake. Also they're usually lesbians, because that's safer.

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Now user, your next line will be "go dilate"!

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No, because there are already enough faggots playing them.
>t. you

Yes, but first everyone that is in the "LGBT Movement" must be shot.
Then you can have pure gay characters instead of propaganda.

You can put all the queers of every variety you want in a game, just don't make a fucking song and dance of it for social justice points. And don't fucking retcon faggots into remasters.

Fat fucking Americans man

Kanji isn't lgbt im tired of having to explain this


Hes bisexual

I don't really care if there are more gay characters.

No retcons. Always make sure the character has other more interesting features, and their sexuality only gets brought when actually necessary.


I don't see the point. Surely people will like characters because they like their visual design, or they share ideals with the character, or they just think the character is cool. A bunch of games don't even elude to characters' sexuality so anyone can relate to them, so I don't see the need of having to have homosex characters in games when you can make characters relatable in other ways.

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Kanji is only "gay" because his massive balls are subconsciously telling him that Naoto is a big titty monster behind those clothes.
Also pheromones.

I don't really care.

>how would you go about writing one
Like every other character, and if their homolust comes up at some point in the story, then it comes up, and if not, then it doesn't need to be mentioned. Hamfistedly including gay characters is blatant virtue signalling garbage that comes off as nothing other than obnoxious propaganda. (((They))) probably do more harm than good with that shit.

>How would (You) go about writing one?

Your husband is bi and gives you aids while also impregnating you.

>tfw western games can't stop themselves from throwing lgbtqaiipsuv++ characters at the screen every 5 seconds, but the few characters I actually want to gay romance don't have it as an option

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Only if they're cute little boys.

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>Should there be more homosexual characters in video games?
>Why or why not?
because we are in 21st century
>How would (You) go about writing one?
Make him less obnoxious. See Soldier 76 and Arcade Gannon

>obviously shoop
You're right. You are retarded. Thanks for reminding me.

If you think Kanji is gay, you literally missed the entire point of his social link

regardless of sexual orientation, sexual attraction in video games has to serve a purpose for either the narrative or gameplay otherwise its just viewed negatively, i.e. pandering for the sack of sales which is cringe.


The obvious marketing ploy? Yeah, no fucking shit. That's literally everything put out by companies.

Homo here
I dont give a shit

Shut up faggot. Make your own gay game.

fags are over represented as is in most media. If you are trying to be realistic then every .5 out of 100 characters should be a fag.

>Always make sure the character has other more interesting features, and their sexuality only gets brought when actually necessary.

And you faggots will still complain about it.

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>Yea Forums is one person

If you think his social link was a confirmation of his sexuality then you missed the point of the whole game. Kanji's issue was that he saw himself as a flaming faggot for liking "girly" things. By beating his shadow he accepted that it was okay to be a flaming faggot that liked girly things and that he didn't have to be such a try hard edgy wanna-be.

>Should the-

>How would you go about writing one?
I would make a character that is gay.

You'd be surprised how few people here in the land where companies are people too.

Reminder that George Soros and Mastercard literally make plots together.

Who's the guy on the left?

I wouldn't. Because fuck you.

Only if they are cute girls who love cute girls

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usually one character in an entire game is gay

This user gets it. Gimme a cute boy that will follow me around and give me ammo and health kits.

Literally who cares

You're either a woman or a retard. Soldier 76 is literally how you don't do gay, there's nothing believably homosexual about him. Tracer fits it way better, or hell even Junkrat/Roadhog would be more believable.
>appeal to current year
yeah you're a fucking tard

Yea Forums gays > Yea Forums gays > Yea Forums gays

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The best play they could have gone with was to canonize the theory that Moira was an MtF that used super science to transition.

>le poison is a man xD
I was over this epic maymay a decade ago

I wouldn't because fags aren't even worth putting in any media because they are mentally ill.

I was fapping to depictions of that epic maymay a decade ago.

As long as the plot doesn't revolve around it I'm fine. Now that lgbt characters are in place it's time to take tolerance further and have loli/shota-attracted characters.

I would write him as a normal person who just happens to like cocks.




>How would (You) go about writing one?
A bihet couple, just because I really like that kind of pairing.

Separating faggot characters from any other character simply because "gay" is usually the first indicator that you've failed at writing one.

Just write a character then slap gay on it. It's superficial but in the end it doesn't really matter as sexuality often is when it comes to writing about the human experience.

Lets be honest bro with what they put into the water it isn't .5 out of 100 anymore. Hell if we were making a Yea Forums video game it would be 55 out of 100.

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shota is just as pedoish as loli, that needs to be said.

That would've actually been neat and fitting; I wonder why they went out of their way to explicitly say "no she's not trans"

Have abstinence

Reminder that poison was literally retconned to being a tranny because treating women criminals the same as male criminals was considered unacceptable in the west. I think you’ll find this kind of anti-equality thinking prevalent among trannies

We need more games about cute gay girls
loli or monstergirl yuri is a plus

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Out of like 30 important characters, many of which probably aren’t explicitly straight in the same way the gay characters are explicitly gay.

I dont want them and if I was to have to include one they would have aids and be suffering from the disease.

japanese handle lgbt characters far more serious than the "lol i suck dicks xDDD!!!" western.

>Yea Forums gays
Yea Forums gets piled with the furfags and barafags. mods really have to kick them out to their respective boards /trash/ and /y/

Japanese mostly homosexuality as fetish material. More serious looks at homosexuality are usually reserved for manga, although I can see that starting to change with the success of some titles like Bloom Into You

Kanji is not gay.
Play the game and dilate.

even the persona games can handle those doubts and insecurities a lot more mature. if it was a westerner, that character would be pushed to change gender or slut themselves. in Kanji's case, his shadow represents westerner mentality on how to handle someone's sexuality

Is he really choking that cat? That's not cool.

That's not was Kanji's shadow was about at all. Shadow Kanji is an exaggerated Japanese stereotype of gay men; while the Western stereotype is of effeminate, twink men, the Japanese stereotype is overly buff men who are obsessed with masculinity while having feminine personality traits.

Kanji was worried that that's how he came across to people due to his insecurities about his feminine interests and his crush on someone he believed to be a boy. He just wants to be accepted by other people, and he accepts that weakness in himself.
His Social Link is also about helping him to own his feminine interests like sowing while still being a badass. There's nothing about flaunting his sexuality in his storyline or his Shadow.
He is definitely bisexual though.

>He is definitely bisexual though.
way to miss the entire point of his character

He had a crush on someone who in his mind was a boy, and continued to have a crush on Naoto after learning she was a girl. That's bisexual by definition.
He's not a flaming homosexual like his Shadow, but he's still kinda gay (and that's okay)

kys homo

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yep, you definitely didn't get his character


he fooled americans and the progressive culture for decades


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Kill ALL fags

is #1 OP?
