HAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck, what went wrong?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck, what went wrong?

Attached: 1560345192713.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

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Whats the game?

"gaming" journalists

Attached: UMGOQ2f.webm (720x404, 2.16M)

what game, looks horrible

This is VTMB2 isn't it

Pretty faithful recreation of the original's combat :^)

What is the name of that game so I can avoid it like the plague?

I dont know why people are not highlighting the masquerade breaking leap into the street in front of a crowd of people.

Rise of the incel 2: anons reckoning


It was a dev playing in this video

Parkour exists, you know. That part makes sense.
Your bullets phasing into an alternate spacetime whenever you're shooting at something more than two feet away - not so much.

I get that reference. I was about to reach irony level one and attack you for being an Epic shill, but I have achieved irony level 2.

Attached: a75.jpg (659x415, 55K)

Those were just warning shots

>Leaping from at least a 3 story building onto a busy metropolitan street
Wake the fuck up

Attached: 1560351523736.jpg (941x575, 47K)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck, it's an unfinished version of an unreleased game!

Any other werewolf chads here?

Corporations do not need you to make excuses for them.

This game is coming out in less than a year...

modders can fix it.


It's a role playing game, put more points in guns.

Why use controller gameplay, it blows my mind everytime how they think this is a good idea.

has it gone gold yet? thats the key

He's five feet away...

>rpg studio trying melee combat or gun play
>its poorly


lol zoomers.
welcome to old school gaming, maybe play morrowind.

MTB1 was made on Source engine and looks miles better than this
What the fuck happened?


even a below average FPS console player in something like Halo is 10x better at aiming and tracking targets then that.

It was bad then and it's unacceptable now.

>console + FPS
just why...

It needs to have way better feedback. Like making the arm sway all over the place or making each shot throw your aim way off. That would require effort though.

>hubs instead of open-world
>good writing
>good atmosphere
>vertical level design
>trash combat
I'm quite conflicted

Wake the fuck up Ricky the cops are here.

>trash combat

So just exactly like the first game?

They'll show more in the winter hopefully its more polished by then
Also please god may they push back the release date 9 months is a fucking joke

Looks just as trash as the original.

>first game
>good level design

That looks like my mom picked up the controller and tried to play.

Post webm of combat in 1st game, or dont, i dont care

>people are gonna give money to paradox for this shit
that's gonna be a big yikes from me sweatys


Attached: 1560055993283.png (2713x1372, 1.45M)

Is this a CS:GO mod?

I have this terrible pit in my stomach telling me this will be shit,I can't put my finger on why though

Now i get it. The gameplay looks like total ass but that chick is wearing a thong, has a hump move, AND has titty physics. This is why it is a classic.

Why did he throw the gun away at the end, is this some scripted encounter with a bulletproof vampire or something?

>It needs to have way better feedback
Why? It's not like it's a mystery. You can pull up your stats at any time.

out of bullets and as we all know when a gun's out of ammo you can never use it again

Hiring Hardsuit Labs

Didn't Hardsuit work on KF2? The only thing people compliment about that game is it's gunplay. What went wrong here?

This is obviously because he's pointing the gun at the far left of the screen. Was this made by the same person who made this dumb mistake in the new Prey?

The voice acting, the atmosphere and the RPG elements made it into a flawed classic. Combat was trash.


Bad combat with chicks in thongs is BASED and REDPILLED. What are you a fucking cuck?

I just wish more games had thongs and titty physics but with good combat.

>Stock Unreal Engine 4 bloom effect
Cheapens any game

It's easier to accept that a character's stabs somehow glances because he's an awful swordsman compared to bullets curving around their target because the guy holding the gun is an awful shot

Probably because bullets hit people even if you don't aim at them on halo.