Ctrl+f "angela's game"

>ctrl+f "angela's game"
>no results
>ctrl+f "riesz's game"
>no results

Attached: angela.png (586x549, 485K)

>ctrl+f "angela's game"
>1 result
OP full of shit as usual

Angela is cute

Attached: 1560290066931.jpg (1366x768, 143K)

Saggy tits.

Charlotte's game

my dick

I like Angela too but it's basically Riesz' game
hopefully she'll get some more attention
most people are talking about smash or other shit since very few of us even played her game

Attached: inkling excited.jpg (1280x960, 287K)


I cannot refute anything in this post.

I weawy hope you guys don't do this

Can't wait for all the new Riesz doujins.

what u gonna do, niggy

Attached: 1560313291465.png (650x680, 424K)


Was it me, or did this bitch strip naked when you rested on the Inn?

>GRIS: anime
What game?

have sex



Play the fucking game you idiot.

Play the game?

>he didn't know about disabling layers on the emulator to see the naked sprite

Keep in mind its a SNES Sprite, the characters have a sleeping sprite that looks like Angela sleeps naked.

Top Middle column, around rows 7 down you'll see, she's wearing panties but no top.

Attached: 37152.png (922x1127, 159K)