Tfw went into computer science to make video games

>tfw went into computer science to make video games
>just graduated
>still don't know how to make video games

how do i get a job as the idea guy Yea Forums

Attached: girls-who-code-calculate-a-and-b-product-without-using-the-operator-multiplication-by-adding.jpg (735x754, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Seymour_theorem

This image actually causes me physical pain, and I suck at coding.


I doubt the picture is real anyway.


>>tfw went into computer science

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>studying technology
Major mistake if you're an American. Around where I live >70% of tech sector workers are foreigners.


You're ahead of most devs if you can understand complex data structures. Just download game maker and watch tutorials to get an idea of how to set up and structure code before attempting to make you own game in C++

You have to read pic related first though

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>Samantha J. Froogis

Is her lecturer Dr. Steve Brule?

Pick up unity
Just make game

What specifically you having trouble with?
>how do i get a job as the idea guy
Prove the worth of your ideas by notable execution?

*a += a, pardon shitty pseudocode.

Is the the codelets thread?

Get ready for an absolute classic.

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you guys do realize unreal engine exists right? you can literally build anything you want with it for free. you only pay when you put your game on the market.

I knew how to make video games before going to college
#1 top skill
I went to college
I got my CS degree
I have been out of college for years
still working on a single indie project
never got job making gaem

should I alt-f4 irl?

shouldve went into electrical engineering
sorry you fell for the meme

girls can code too!! have sex intel.

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Brainlet here, how would someone solve the problem in the OP image anyways? I can’t think of any way to write a program that multiplies 2 values without using the * operator

I went into CS just so I can have a easy job and make money being some code monkey at some no name company.

divide by the inverse

local i = 0;
for y do
i += x;
return i;

Addition and a loop.
Multiplication is essentially just adding something together a bunch.

for(int i = 0; i

Now I feel stupid

Don't you just use a for loop? For example if a = 5, b = 4, you just do

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 1; i > b; i++) {
a += sum

Break it down into what it is. You need to multiply A * B. Well what is multiplication. It's taking A B amount of times and adding A each time to itself. The way i'm assuming this was supposed to be finished is with a loop. A loop will execute code within it a until a condition is met. In this case you want it to loop B times.

int prod =A;
for(int i = 0; i

Galactic brain answer

fucking scrublords
look at me break your code:


gg no re

>took a coding course in college
>did great in all the assignments without much googling
>when taking the final exam had a major brainfart
>just hardcoded my program to get partial credit
brain pls

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This looks hacky.
Now THIS is podracing

my god

Idea guys get degrees in game design you retard
You'll never be more than just a code monkey

>am 20
>still don't have my highschool diploma
>keep failing GED test
If only I were just a little more retarded, I could apply for disability

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If you aren't capable of learning the rest of the skills you need then obviously they taught you wrong.
Go look at various roles in game dev, see what tools they're using in the ones you want, and learn those

>4 code monkeys respond
>4/4 have code that breaks on unsanitized input

what the FUCK

Attached: Fox_with_hard_to_describe_emotion.jpg (500x333, 41K)

Why do girls pretend to
>Like video games
>Know how to code
>Have hobbies

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Could be worse. Like brainfarting during interviews for 2 years straight until you give up and are a complete disappointment to your family.

>keep failing GED test
What do they even ask on a GED test? Even though I've been an American all my life if I were to be asked specific dates for historic events I would probably fuck it up without studying because it's so irrelevant in my daily life to remember that stuff

Wouldn't you limit the input range later instead limiting it over and over again throughout? This shit in a vacuum is hard to contextualize.

thanks ryan

>that autistic idiot that always responds about getting into game design with
>you need to learn coding bro
>people actually listen to these retards.

Coders don't make the games you low iq fucks.

Meanwhile in Quake III...

Attached: fast inverse sqrt.png (866x364, 19K)

Attached: 2EQuLvc.png (1064x852, 933K)

>copy and paste github code for 5 years of college
>get degree
>have zero experience or projects, empty resume, can't land a job

whoops. wat do now

>someone somewhere inputs a negative number into your function
>enters infinite loop
>game crashes
>your metacritic score drops by 10 points

ok so python brainlet here
I have no idea how other languages work, especially indentation.
How the FUCK do you make nested statements with languages that work by brackets.

Fast InvSqrt() was a blessing from some frustrated ethereal being who was tired of waiting for the game to come out.

he's just being an 3lit3 code autist because people we're giving a simple answer to a simple question, not writing something that would actually be run.

I want to start a 2D rpg like daggerfall but everytime i think about it i get discouraged by myself.

Just learn Unity or Unreal Engine.

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What's the best language to learn for web development Yea Forums? I only know Java and C++

fast inverse square root is so fucking beautiful

Wanna join me in a suicide pact?

I've always heard it was easy.
I know some people that passed it who couldn't tell you who's on the 100 dollar bill.

we postin trash code here?
my kinda threaf

Attached: 8e6.png (828x801, 149K)

You could do this, or you could be a real nigga and use mother fuckin GODOT

>could not find file or directory: code

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Add more brackets

this is the first thing that came to mind, easy moneys.

just bee yourself




Blessed be thy whose name be Carmack

Some flavor of JS

another thing. Anyone can code. This idea onoy smart people can code is a myth.
Coding isn't that hard. Even a legit retard could code a beautiful program.

How do I pass an object around to all of my different classes that need to use it? I mean I initialize it once but then how do I get it into other areas when I want to do something with it?

A 2D daggerfall sounds pretty cool.
All you need is a hook to gain some confidence about the project.

You faggots are retarded. There is no such thing as bad code. As long as it runs and performs the task successfully, it's good code.

>b-but you could have written it in 6 lines instead of 16!!!

literally who the fuck cares. your boss won't give a shit. the user won't give a shit. fuck off.

>i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );
What the FUCK?

I've got a few of these

Attached: Average code monkey.png (571x553, 55K)

Call it by reference

>Code that takes 2000 years to run is just as good as code that takes 10 minutes
Get a loud of this bait everyone.


not shilling intentionally but would you recommend this guy's guides? You know, keeping well in mind how fucking terrible his constant copy pasting is

Pointers my dude

>someone actually typed out this retarded code for a girl code meme
have sex

>less lines = faster :D
Found the brainlet

hello me, how are you doing

>Company implements 5 lines per function clean code standard

>tfw learned about modulus operator last year
I feel like a wizard now

>thinks the argument i'm making is "less lines == fatser"
you are a retard.

calc 2 is fucking easy, what the fuck are you doing.
calc 3 with infinite series shit pissed me off.

Have fun with your 200 functions for one complex functionality

>I know some people that passed it who couldn't tell you who's on the 100 dollar bill.
>tfw rarely ever to get hold bills above 20
>tfw only know it's Benjamin from degenerate rap music
>tfw can't even remember who is on the 5, 10, and 20

explain to a brainlet what Fast Inverse Square Root does.

Hey, real quick, name a single female video game tournament champion where both sexes competed.

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you need to know Calc unless if you want to be the fucking moron using RPGmaker and Unity have you actually considered studying on your own time while you are on Summer break? Don't "but I'm busy" bullshit me, College students get like 3 months of Summer break

Oh you know its that part of the year were the depression hits

>making a CPU crunch 13902354234 addition problems will take the exact same amount of time as making it crunch 2344 bits of multiplication

my brainlet example, but yeah, stop being dumb dude.

Unironically get a job as a military programmer.
Shits fuckin easy and gets your foot in the door.

t. Yandere Dev

u gotta like, know how do summations and logs and stuff so you can understand how to analyze/prove the asymptotic time complexity of algorithms

Somebody post the GameFreak ones

>how do i get a job as the idea guy Yea Forums
Learn code and help out around the dev team. Become influential and share your ideas, then you won't have to code anymore as the ideas guy is literally the reason for success in any dev team and he very rarely codes once he becomes the ideas guy.

Hey, real quick, name a single female you've had sex with who wasn't a prostitute.

Give me one useful application I can use calculus on.

>retards keep taking coding to get into gaming
You have to learn to draw, animate, render and use game engine software. Coding is the last thing you need to know.

You must intergrate.

why are """"""""programmers"""""""" so toxic

Sending rockets into space.
Pay me.

lmao if you don't know what big O notation is (not the anime) you need to leave this thread right now

I think I tried that but never heard back from them. USAjobs is the government job listing site I believe.

well for one, creating a proper FOV in your games

Can you give an example?

Your mo- oh wait, no prostitutes, damn.

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That's physics, retardo.

Your implementation is just as bad at the one in OP anyway, int is a signed type and if you multiply two negative numbers you expect a positive result, you didn't account for that.

Did that work out for you? Just curious?

Literally me


fuck u

Well at least you can do calculus and shit now.
Oh, to make games you need to get a liberal arts degree and be a drawfag. Bonus points for being a tranny/ fag.

>(not the anime)
>big O notation anime
user. Explain. Immediately.

aspergers, egotism.

brainlet here to save the day

what are some good projects to make to put on my resume Yea Forums

i have zero fucking ideas. like i want to code shit over the summer but i legit am creatively retarded and can't pick a project to make.

>designing and manufacturing the materials required to build a rocket

fuck, man.

Another one.

When working with vectors you usually need to normalize them aka divide by their norm, and the euclidean norm is defined as the square root of the inner product of a vector with itself.

Attached: Average Game Design student.jpg (426x492, 32K)


>never heard back from them
Nigga just go to a recruiters office

Learn C++ and jump onto the Unreal engine

Basically, estimates a number much faster than it would take to completely calculate it. This halved the required time to render 3D graphics.

>wanted to post horror code
>don't want to pay for pass to be able to upload images from public ip

Attached: Brilliant Microsoft programmer.png (3000x2584, 277K)

we we're all bullied in school for being bad at everything so now that we've found something we think we can be good at we have to prove to everyone else that we know something like the bullies did so we bully each other to feel good about ourselves for once in this pained existence.

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thank you!


I thought recruitment offices were for when you wanted to shoot at people

If you want to change values in an object, pass the object reference as a parameter in your method.

>Artificial Intelligence
>Literally no code
>Import this shit from Python on GoogleCollab
>4 classes in a row full of theory
>Now apply it to this Statistics problem
What the fuck

At least genetic algorithms were entertaining

You could be a real memer and use recursion

Foo (int a, int b)
return a;
return a + foo(a, b-1);

That was the last one so here's some high quality shitposting for my fellow mathfags.

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Holy fuck, I laughed so hard at this. Ty user.

Have fun working 80 hour weeks fixing horrible memory leaks and lost threads the weekend before a deployment.
Or don't, because you've never worked a day as a programmer, you'd be escorted out of the building before your first review lmao

Any of you retards actually getting a game design degree? When did you stop using Scratch?

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long product(long a, long b){
return b ? product(a, --b)+a : 0;

Most people in the military don't ever shoot at anyone.

Just pass it as a parameter in your other class functions. Don't try to reassign it inside functions, in some (most?) languages you will lose the reference to the original object and it won't be modified.

>x = Foo(0,0)

Both SQL/database classes did no programming until the end. I still don't actually know how to make one.

Just don't go open enlistment. And don't let those fucks prod you into accepting a job you don't want.
I waited an entire year before a programming position became available. The entire time the recruiter was calling me every other week with shitty as jobs.

Calc 2 is the horrible "weed-out" class at most universities, just focus on the material and play the game.

i haven't done any actual coding in forever but wouldn't a for or while loop accomplished this in like 3 lines of code

shit nigga my computer just imploded

Go get a job working on some small aspect of a game. Do this job until you feel like you have mastered those skills, then get another job working on some other small aspect of a game. Do this until you have enough breadth and depth of experience in game development that you feel comfortable making high-level design decisions, at which point you can try working as an "idea guy".
This may take ten or more years.

Why is it only ever retards who use this word? Programmers hate the "lol i'm a coder gurl" types because people hate seeing something they put hundreds/thousands of hours in used by frauds to get social brownie points.

Better not be talking smack about pannen, bro.

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what exactly is wrong with this, doesn't it output correctly

>long product

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calc 2 is ezpz compared to most of the discrete math courses i had to take in 2nd year and above


return a-(-1*b)



We got database pseudocode that I haven't used since then. Most of my database experience is from PHP's PDO, and designing it is just on phpmyadmin.
How's Postgres?

>flounder in insurance industry for years
>do some coding in an open source game
>have some PRs merged, people like my stuff
>(but it's shitcode)
>look into getting into actual coding
>no idea where to start
>read this thread
>realize I'm too much of a brainlet
we're not all gonna make it bros

>Game Design Degree
because that is less respectable than a CIS degree. No really what the fuck are you doing not being just a CS major and have a respectable minor like Mathematics? You are wasting your time getting a Game Design degree even more sad if you are actually paying for it

you could accomplish this in less than 1 line of code

>t. the guy who wrote Jest

wait im retarded this is just addition

Not him but I assume a woman who can actually code would be welcomed?

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Obviously I’m not going to put error catching code into my pseudo code. You’d put an if for 0 and if you wanted to take negative numbers into account you’d have to check if the first b is negative or positive so you could know if you had to add or subtract towards 1/-1

why not just go back to basics and have it be a loop of A sums for B iterations?

its literally what multiplication is. this isnt even as complicated as having to code a exponential using only addition

I'm not, the funny thing is that the math is 100% correct. Someone actually sat down and used graduate math to formalize pannen's Watch for Rolling Rocks video.

>discrete math courses
>Logic and Graphs
Wow user so hard~


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Guess what I ment was I thought a recruitment office was for going into active duty


Base JavaScript

Then once you get that down start to explore all the other libraries people made of it.
Also Node.js since it will probably replace php and mySQL over time.
CSS3 as well. It can be extremely powerful if you know how to use it masterfully. If you decide to look into it read about SCSS first to know what it does then start to learn CSS.

I clicked on this knowing it would cause me pain. It didn't disappoint.

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>Been in comunity college for 3 years
>barely starting calculus next year

too close to the bone, huh

When did I say that I was the one getting the degree? I'm wondering if anyone on this board is actually that retarded

Yes, but women who can actually code get hired immediately.

>Graphs aren't hard
Get the fuck outta here–Seymour_theorem

Thus not needing the social brownie points because too busy having career doing thing.

Right. I hate attention whores too, user, don't worry.

Is computer science the major to go if I want to do web development? I haven't done jack shit in my gap years besides work part time and my mom is (reasonably) pushing me to go back to school

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Well this thread and the OP picture are both mocking the attention whores.

I don't know if I got lucky in the position I am now... but to those losing hope, I hope my blogpost helps:

> Fail Pre Calc three times, barely passing my 4th attempt
> Fail Calc II twice
> After that ordeal, never failed a class again, but only graduated with a 2.8 GPA.
> Three years after graduating, now earning $150k per year programming stupid shit

javascript is a fucking mess and a meme

>html guy
I really respect his dedication.

You learn to program games by trying to program games, really shitty ones, then less shitty until you reach a good point.
Or give up and do some generic pixel art platformer.

>When working with vectors you usually need to normalize them aka divide by their norm, and the euclidean norm is defined as the square root of the inner product of a vector with itself.
All right, now explain that again in english.

I was thinking about getting into CS, should I give up and flip burgers if I don't understand anything in this thread?

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no way, is that why they skipped windows 9?

don't respond to those shitposters that show up in every thread. They know people are just giving general pseudo code examples and try to get people upset by being autistic. Next he'd probably meme at you for not checking for int over/under flow or some garbage.

>struggling with Calc II
What the fuck? It's just more integrating, some series, then just a bunch of random fucking formulas that you plug shit into.
I just finished it and I can say it's easier than Calc I. Five fucking times? Like I can understand retaking it, but you're just throwing money away at this point.

>tfw tic-tac-toe took me a week and a half to code

am i retarded Yea Forums

They literally couldn't figure out how to make Windows 9 not destroy everything so they just went to 10, yep.

Like getting a degree or teaching yourself how to code? Either way you don't really need to know anything to start out, just put a lot of hours into it.

i have a CS degree and been employed as a software dev for 2 years and i have zero fucking clue what that code is supposed to be doing
have i been a codelet this whole time?

i can make this recursively or iterative, also in one line.

if all you plan on doing is web dev stuff you could probably learn a decent amount just taking a few online courses desu

if you want to go beyond that then getting a comp sci degree is probably worth it

for(int i; i == b; i++) {
return a * i;

seems to be moving up in the memory in large blocks and dereferencing the number there for his maths, seems pretty hacky and probably would get btfo by his manager if he tried that in the current year

go to and find the AGDG thread in the catalog you dumb fuck
now stop attention posting

Wrong. I live in Virginia and tech here is hiring like crazy. I switched from Chemistry to IT after college and I'm already making significantly more than my shitty HVAC chem job. Companies have realized that indians are shit at tech.

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got a job and I feel like interviewer forgot to interview me
I'm really autistic and I don't even know what to do
will they throw me out the second when they realize that?

>realize I hate people shortly before graduating college
>want to get into IT so I can just shitpost all day
>think about just learning java script or something
>(((reddit))) suggest getting a CCNA
Is it worth it? I’m just doin bitch work right now not even in my field but I’d need a certification for that too

>without using the operator *

No I failed out because its very hard and now am a 38 year old neet.

Nah, it's just a language you don't understand. It's actually just like saying pee pee poo poo when i click pee pee poo poo button, you just have to know how to write pee pee poo poo in PERL

>tfw LITERALLY RETARDED when it comes to mathematics

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Just giving you the education your parents didn't.


Apparently a lot of software has some version of that code and it being Windows 9 fucked everything up beyond repair.

>starting a vidya career in 2k15+4
have you not been seeing the industry-wide layoffs? you're fucked bro

>am i retarded Yea Forums
more likely you have a blasted attention span from years of overexposure to the internets and various electronic entertainment

You fucked up

it's HR's shitshow now, not yours

Fuck you

>Artificial Intelligence class
>Dude I want an agent that can play Tic-Tac-Toe
>Read this 5 page article about how there's like 700 unique cases in the game, the rest of the combinations can be achieved by flipping or rotating the board from those 700 uniques
>I want the agent to recognize an unique case, pull an answer out of the ass (genetic algorithm) and apply the answer, reversign any flip and / or rotation
>Repeat until he doesn't lose
Goddamn it was fun, but never again

You learned infinite series in Calc 3?
That was Calc 2 for me. Calc 3 was basically all 3D modeling.

>Companies have realized that indians are shit at tech.
This. The "pajeet will take your job" meme is only parroted by butthurt libarts fags.

>Just want to write code
>Inteviewer keeps asking me gay ass math questions

I hate it

>industry-wide layoffs
Aren't most of those layoffs not coders though? Whenever I look at the positions being cut it's absolutely useless support staff like "community managers" and "twitter maintainers".

I've been feeling down as I'm on month 4 of the job hunt (~5 years developer experience) and this gave me some confidence. thanks user.

oh my program was literally just a player vs player tic-tac-toe game in java lmao

Now this I understand. Thanks fren!

Getting a degree. I did good at math in high school, but threads like this make me really afraid that I'm way too stupid to even get into uni, let alone finish it.

Plus, being a neet for years must have made me lose 20+ points of IQ at this point.

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Of course it won't output correctly, it's a joke.
He's telling his computer that in order to get tomorrow's date, sleep 24 hours and then get the current date.


I was being purposefully obtuse. Basically a norm gives you a measure of how "big" is a vector is. If you take two vectors x and y, taking the norm of the vector x - y gives you the "distance" between x and y. The euclidean norm gives the usual notion of distance, aka the length of a straight line between the two endpoints of the vectors. When you work with vectors, sometimes you're not interested in their length, only in their direction, so you divide them by their norm to obtain a vector with the same direction of length 1. So basically, you take a vector, and divide it by its euclidean norm.

The euclidean norm is given by taking a vector (x_1, x_2, ..., x_n), taking the sum of the squares of each component and finally the square root of said sum.


>tfw it feels like everyone on this shitty site and everyone I know on steam and shit is in to Coding, IT, or 3D modelling
>tfw can't understand any of them and see these threads

What is any of this shit? How are you meant to tell if it's bad or not for any of the pics in this thread, other than the OP image which feels obvious

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I just have a question for anons here

is there any indie or major studio games that have full time rewind gimmicks, like Braid had?
not the bogus reload from checkpoints or 'slow down time' or hardcoded set pieces, but I'm talking full dynamic rewinds
I've already programmed this engine and I want to know if its worth making game

Just give up

{ is like increasing the indentation level
} is like decreasing it

Are you retarded

How hard would it be to make a dungeon crawler like Etrian Odyssey?

And you used the multiplication operator. Sorry user, I think you have the retarded.

I don't think the person who wrote it knows what it's doing.

Be aware of what the % operator does in the language you are using. Java uses % as the remainder operator.

The real answer is who fucking cares. This is the kind of trivial shit you'd google in two seconds at worksite.

I'm 80% gave up and just trying to get a job as a teller at a bank now

That’s not an option user you know this. No ones talked shit yet though about the plan so I guess it’s worth it

>t. took a non calculus physics course and thinks he'll still get a job

>Score 20/20 in high school
>Every single year
>Get to college
>Calculus I wipes the floor with me
>Turns out all the math I got in highschool was babby easy
>Never learned summatory, factorization, resolvent, functions, FUCKING TRIGONOMETRY
>Have to cram that shit or fail for the first time in my educational career
I want to kill myself.

>mfw reading this thread without any knowledge of coding or math

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>Computer Engineering degree in my 3rd world country is free
>But it's too long and hard
>Want to move out to a 1st world country anyway

Should I keep studying here even if it takes me 10 years or should I just get some certification elsewhere and start getting experience? I hear they really don't care about degrees in NA.

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He's right thought. Java is okay, JS is a nightmare. DART is superior in every way that matters.

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Try telling that to the companies in San Jose.

Not sure about full rewind. But prince of Persia had rewind and maybe blinx the time cat

brainlet tier
>actually coding from scratch all your professors retarded cs projects

master programmer elite hacker tier
>copying and pasting the assignment on chegg q&a and having some pajeet do the entire project for you for 3 cents

return a/(1/b);

What in the goddamn

Attached: 1550396717028.png (500x600, 10K)

If it passes the unit tests and is documented, no one should give a shit.

var a = "1"
var b = 2
var c = a + b // c = "12"


Nearly same shit here.
First, depression hit me like a sack of bricks so I had to switch from a high-class STEM college to a commuter one.
Second, didn't manage to do well in group projects, so I didn't get much on my resume. What groupwork I did do I didn't feel I could (or remember to) put on my resume. Yay social anxiety disorder.

I got a few interviews a few months after I graduated, but again, social anxiety disorder, so I flubbed them, got depressed again, got an easygoing pleb job and stayed for over a year. It's been 3 years now.
One of the interviews I got was some cringe on my part, too. They told me "we work with C# so read up on that before the interview." Get to the interview and they ask me to do stuff in MySQL. I mean, it's on my resume, but it had been a few months and I was already nervous so my mind went blank.

On the other hand, the past 2 years of therapy have been the only actually useful years of therapy in my life. It's been slow, and I'm still depressed and anxious, but I'm so much goddamn better than I was in the past.

int output=0;
for (int i=0;i>i) & 1){output+=b

Prince of Persia Sands of Time trilogy


>paying for someone else to do your homework

If you want to be the idea guy, than you need to start developing your ideas and how you communicate them.

I plan on going into software development, but for about two years now I've been writing whenever I feel like it, and am trying to learn how to draw competently. Once you can present some kind of material to prove that your idea is tangible, getting people on board to do the other stuff is a whole lot easier.

Had forgotten about this one.
It's great.

>don't work hard at all in high school
>finish all the chem courses offered by my junior year and get a 4 on the Chem2 AP test
>don't take orgo chem until my second semester of college
>hardly remember anything
>don't study at all
>get a D despite getting As on all my lab reports
>will have to either retake it, leaving me at community college for another semester or just move onto orgo2 and probably fail
>also have to take up to calc 3 and physics 4
This sucks man.



You would have to convert the result back into an int and likely round off floating point precision errors.

>I hear they really don't care about degrees in NA.
You'll need a degree here

if you're not actually memeing, look up "fast inverse square root"

Actually learn to code? At least you got a degree now

A lot of these bad coding examples are entry level problems from the first month or two of a programming class. They are almost always preceded by the 'correct way" to do them so when we see these we know the person was baiting, not paying attention to the class, or doesn't understand the material. A lot of these are the equivalent of DSP hitting the power button when told to press a button to continue playing a game and turning it off or watching someone stack items one by one in their inventory when there is a stack all button.

>tfw left Engineering at Computation because I'm too brainlet
>tfw now want to study History
Where are my /his/ bros?

>Exam tomorrow morning
>Shitposting here on vee
How do I kill myself, Yea Forumsros?

Yes since you are the equivalent of liberal arts in the computer world.

God I'm happy I'm not into coding. I don't see what's so hilarious about adding by 2's until y, or first adding 1 and then by 2's until y for the "find all odd numbers between x and y where y is bigger than x.
Also, as I said, not a code guy, but curious what an actual satisfactory answer to "Find all odd numbers between 0-100" would look like.

wish I thought of that

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nitrogen and exit bag. have yet to find a more painless method

My thoughts exactly.

>Rebuild the CSS and PHP of my webpage
>This is the third time now
Fuck everything

Go to a black neighborhood and start screaming all the racial slurs. Yes even ones that aren't black people related.

I always, ALWAYS ask if an interviewer gives a shit about sanitized input before I do any coding problems. I've never once been told yes, but I was once told something along the lines of "no, but I feel better about this interview since you asked".

you don't start off writing hacky galaxy brain code from the start. there are 1st year intro courses that'll ease you into it. but you do have to keep up a work ethic so you don't fall behind.

Go out fighting and fucking kill yourself cramming user.

Doesn't say it has to be int.

>Graduate with degree in Computer Science
>Still working at part time job as web guy for a hardware store that I got just before graduating
>Year goes by, live on LI where tech jobs are scarce unless you've got experience, can't even get interview
>Stuck at hardware store doing website work
>Forget pretty much everything I learned in school
>Even if I do get a job interview I'm fucked because I forgot everything
Anybody got suggestions for books/courses that are good for getting back into programming? Because I'm 100% fucked

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You ganne make it user, just try to understand the logic and you have a foundation to start learning it.

its like I remember PoP from GC
has there really been nothing with time rewind since then?
I know there were a few games that pretended to play around with time mechanics like TimeShift
but it had an extremely limited and buggy rewind mechanic didn't it

turns out its not even that hard to code
>create one data structure for storing parameters of each attached object per frame
>create one data structure for a queue of events per frame
>create backwards version of each event
>each frame of rewind, load object parameters from memory and execute events in reverse

I can't take it anymore, I already have a job, 2 years in it. I'm taking IT jobs on the side and working on weekends, that's absolutely fucking worthless in my third world shithole but it's better than studying for SHIT I WON'T EVER USE IN MY LIFE

I hope you know spanish because that is a thing, now.


Yes it does, right in the method signature. I doubt you'd be allowed to change the return type for an assignment like this.


Attached: Pfz1ZtV.png (1281x1113, 1.4M)

>studied History in college
>realise it was a complete waste of time
>want to get into STEM now but probably too brainlet for that
Seriously, don't get into history unless you have a SERIOUS passion for it and have the patience to become a researcher. It might be better in your country, but in my third world shithole it was a nightmare.

You also need a strong tolerance towards feminists and hippies, from my experience.

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>how do i get a job as the idea guy Yea Forums
Should have went into management.

>apply to come to the us
>work anywhere but California
>make money
It works

Depends on the language.
In Java it smells like you want a singleton that you can just reference statically.

>Now here's 3 pages for the project you have to deliver in 2 weeks, good luck!
What the fuck
>Everyone shitting themselves in Ubuntu
>Install Geany
>Install MinGW
>Suddenly I'm the weirdo that can compile on Windows
Get fucked, Gentoo.

lowkey I do this shit all the time. For some reason I prefer typing "cd .." then "ls" a bunch rather than just using slashes.

The newest fire emblem game that they showed off today has full rewind but that's a turn based game

here's pseudo code for all the fags that will try to complain about exception checking

for(int i = 0; i

Why did Python become so popular? I hate it with a passion, it's the most retarded cancer language in the world.
It's like they wanted to make a simple scripting language, but you spend more time bugfixing than writing new code. Indentation instead of brackets is completely retarded, the type system is a fucking mess with type() checking all the time, and having to write "self" fucking everywhere makes sure that it's a pain in the ass switching between python and other programming languages.

If we marry I don't even have to apply user.
I'll do anything for you.

Nigger, good code is a present from you from now to you and other in the future.
Having to maintain spaghetti code is awful, I know, I've been slowly rebuilding one of our systems for the last 5 fucking years.

Get a calculus book, invest time in it.
too hard?
Get a math fundamentals book first.

>how do i get a job as the idea guy Yea Forums

no one wants to listen to an idea guy unless you're footing the bill

cram, unless you have less than 8 hours to sleep in which case you go directly to bed which will help more

because python is the closest real language to regular english

Didn't realise that you didn't even have to create the whole method, nvm.

That's not even hard. You take ten minutes to make a makefile and you never worry about it again.

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>"yoooo wtf dude, I just wanna code 'n stuff but this motherfucking dumbass interviewer keeps asking me math questions like what's the point, I just want to program a software, who the fuck does this guy think he is, Albert Einstein?"

>tfw studying CS
>tfw learning Japanese
>tfw probably won't be able to go to Japan and it will all be a waste of time

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result = 0;
while(result < a*b)
return result;

i lmao @ linux users daily, like use a functional OS you fucking dweebs

Study SE or CE instead CS if you care about your future.
CS if you want something easy.

>got an ME degree
>spend all my time fixing electronics and writing code for fun instead of getting a job

lol why did i do this

It would be nice to know that during the early 00s. Kids these day got these stuff handed to them. Lucky bastard.

>while(result < a*b)

You still used the * operator

did the guy on line 205-214 get the job?

well shit negro solitaire lets you undo moves
undo/redo is linear
I programmed undo/redo for the level editor for pasting tiles into my game with a rewind engine

you wanna know something tough? Debugging the ability to rewind time across frame changes as you load/unload all assets. The biggest fucking dick was crossfading music, where you have to have 4 tracks, music a forwards/backwards, music b forwards/backwards, then deal with cases of if a & b were the same track, or if you move from area a->b->c where there's a 3rd music track, and have to make it work for both crossfading and rewinding in all cases

also the bit where I made enemies that shoot projectiles that travel backwards through time and kill you before they were fired

Yeah but I couldn't just shove a fucking Linux on my PC to make shit in C++. It's the only PC on the house.

Attached: Every single time.png (520x390, 66K)

Are people unironically not able to get a job with a cs degree, i thought that shit was super in demand

>third world
>attempting to scam immigration system

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>It might be better in your country, but in my third world shithole it was a nightmare.
If I don't have luck I'll study Law

it's in demand if you can live on a third world salary

No, finish ya project, for the sake of finishing it, and move user it's gonna be k

>tfw learning Japanese
Please teach me your ways

Attached: I can't learn.jpg (250x250, 24K)

Sounds fun continue your efforts

I have a CS degree but all I can do is make crappy 2D games using stolen art and music

Maybe on information systems that are used by megacorps
The IS fags hire the codemonkeys and pay them minimum wage

Sure if you have 5 years experience when you graduate

Literally just download unity you lying zoomer piece of shit

int s = sign(a)*sign(b);
local sum = 0
for (int i = 0; i

Labor is for the lowest common denominator. This is why films and video games have switched to using Indians to code or do their CGI, so it's a huge competition to get a job that so many millions of people already do.

Are you chinese?

Write some Discord bots. Does a bot do something you like but not quite in the way you want it? Write your own. I wrote a bot that DMs dice rolls to someone privately because I couldn't find a bot that did it for me. Got my foot in the door learning the API, and was able to start off with pre-existing code.

>Still coding in flash (Animate now)
ActionScript3 Bros WW@?

I studied japanese while getting my computer engineering degree. It wasn't too hard, but make sure to keep at it even after graduating, I let skill rust set in by not using it for a year and it's a bit depressing. It's not hard to get back into, but still

its like 80% done
expect it released by 2030

So they probably wanted to see something like this?

public int Product(int a, int b) {
int e = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
return e;

Probably something you do when first learning about for loops.

With me after we both fail out of CS tomorrow.

int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) {
result += a;
return result;
Good enough.

>she needs to join our startup

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the % in the screenshot isn't percentage, its 'modulo' Which is basically remainder.
5%3 = 2 because 5/3 would be 1 R2
15%3 = 0 because 15/3 is 3 R0
1000000001%10 = 1. Etc/.
Odd numbers % 2 always give 1
3/2 = 1R1
5/2 = 2R1
7/2 = 3R1
99R2 = 49R1

So you just look at each number from 1-100, if it %2 = 1, its odd.
so the actual solution is like

x = 1
y = 100
while x < or = y:
if x % 2 = 1, print x
x = x + 1

tried to do super easy to read pseudo-code

most simplistic way afaik, since multiplication itself is a recursion of addition

>suggest getting a CCNA
That’s actually a pretty good piece of advice. I’m looking more into it now thanks to your post

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how the fuck can someone graduate with a CS degree and not know what a modulo is

Undo/Redo is simple if you structure it right. You just need to keep a history of all (relevant) executed commands and add a way for them to un-execute.

Attached: W3sDesign_Command_Design_Pattern_UML.jpg (660x240, 50K)

fuckin no tabs in Yea Forums.
x = 1
y = 100
while x < or = y:
if x % 2 = 1, print x
x = x + 1

I only really have the fucks to make it in python, but
for i in range(1,99):
i += 1
Literally that's it.

>manlet cope


just grab an engine and make game


When I was in college literally everyone around me were cheating. People were copying and pasting shit from github, people somehow had copies of the exam answers, people literally had their phones out during finals and the professors didn't give a shit. College is a fucking joke now, especially for CS.

How hard is it to learn how to code to someone whose never taken a class about it? I wanna start learning on my own since I find it cool.


anyone can learn how to code, but not everyone can be a good coder

Become an anki drone then after a while play some video games in Japanese.
>tfw spent more time doing flashcards than most of the games in my steam library

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Why not just something like

(x:y)[x:y %% 2 == 0]

you get a vector of True or False and index those elements from the vector x:y. (not a C++ programmer, just R)

Are -you- retarded?
>work level 3 tech support for software company
>dev team builds code
>none of it is bulkified, queries in loops against clients database
>hitting SQL limits
>client comes back and says it's not working
>have to rewrite the whole fucking thing

My whole job is fixing shit code. Fuck off

Couldn't you just divide by 0.5?

for (int i = 1; i

code bootcamp (do your research before picking one) and/or do a side project of your own. start today.

Ok, so then how about that entry where the applicant was like "damn, I don't know the formula for finding odd numbers" and the interviewer, probably overflowing with superiority and aspergers, says "odd numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on." Like damn, I see a lot of horrible attempts in there, but mostly what I'm seeing is that interviewer is a horrible person with a superiority complex.

for ease of use, undo/redo should be a queue of queues, creating a queue for each string of actions in the undo. IE, pasting tiles it should add to a queue while holding down the button, counting the whole series as 1 action that can be undone with ctrl-z
but then you need a mirrored queue of queues for the redo

yeah its actually pretty easy once you know the data structures. Mine is only a dozen lines of code, besides the ad hoc iterating through possible commands on each end

Its a classic fizzbuzz and a exemple of the modulo operator use (%).

You either "get" it and it makes perfect sense (for the most part) or you will struggle very early on.

Just try it.

Same here bro. Computer engineering and N1 japanese.

>the html guy

>tfw calc 2 was with based autist teacher that allowed everyone to use calculators
>basically pay to win through that class.
>all you had to do was pretend to show work and skip to the answer
Just take it online dude, those classes are a pushover

Fuck. I remember grad school. My favorite professor put together a massive binder of evidence that a student had been cheating. The linchpin piece of evidence he had that a student had decompiled his solution code was that the student used the carat operator for exclusive or and the professor thought he was too stupid to come up with the idea himself.

He was right, of course. He always was.

Alright thanks user. Gonna try some DQ games in a few months after I try this anki program out.

the funny part is that they make something so overcomplicated and impractical to solve a simple problem
for example for finding all odd numbers from 0 to 100 you just need to print the first (1) then the last one +2 until you reach 100

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>require 5 years of experience for entry level job (this applies to all jobs)
>want someone to work with a slave wage or less
>there are BILLIONS of indians that are willing to work for way less
A Degree in anything doesn't mean shit unless you know someone that can hook you up with a job, a girl, or you're good at sucking dick.

Where I studied the teachers were very strictly, I think it depends where do you study.

What is the significance of this girl with regards to the Japanese language?

spoken like someone who isn't a strong programmer

you are like small child

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She reminds you of your proper place

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Because I was replying to someone who
>not a code guy, but curious what an actual satisfactory answer to "Find all odd numbers between 0-100" would look like.

Modulo is much easier for a non-CS person to understand than vectors.

'don't know the formula for [this]' is a copout to try and get part of the answer.

If a employer asked me to write something that calculated some safety diagnostic based on tire pressure, sidewall thickness, speed in km/h and tire diameter... that formula is going to be provided to me by a physicist that also works for the company.
If I had to calculate the circumference of that tire.... they'd laugh at me if I didnt know the formula for that.

>Took a coding class in high school
>It was an "introductory to coding" class
>teacher hyped it up like we were gonna be able to make our own Halo or CoD
>In reality it was a shitty class where the teacher would berate you for having questions and was only there to coach football
>One day he called in sick just so he wouldnt have to teach us and I saw him in the fucking hallway talking to the other coaches

Dude was a shit tier teacher and I wish he gets fired and his reputation ruined.

Would you shut the fuck up about all this stupid math shit already? Just post your video games, it's not that constipated Yea Forums.

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She is used to remember people how they will never learn Japanese.

Post total time studied

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I have no sympathy for software development recruiters who make me spend 30k just so I can sit down with them and show them that I know how to code.

Mate, you are kidding right? any adult should know what odd numbers are and their defining feature: Having a remainder when divided by 2. There is no "formula" for finding them, it's not physics, the interviewer underscored what the intended result of the function was, the interviewee was supposed to figure it out.

I do not understand.

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x|1 will make it odd
x + 2 will find the next odd number
If you are unfamiliar with bitwise operators, you can use Modulo like the other anons in this thread. to identify if the starting point is odd
If you've never worked with modulo you can do x-((x/2)*2) in most languages, though you'd probably want to do x/2 in its own line to make sure there's no quirks with the compiler "fixing" your math, and you'd have to be working with integers. Most languages don't round, they just trash the remainder. So 49 - (49/2)*2 generally results in 1.

If you have any background in coding you should be familiar with at least one of these methods. Bitwise operators are niche but have their uses. Modulo has all sorts of uses, especially with arrays that you want to loop through. The last one shows familiarity with working with the most common data type, integers. Bare in mind these were all candidates claiming 5~20 years of experience.

fuck you ricky get back to growing dope

>been a developer for several years
>in a recent role I've been more heavily involved in the interview process
>had a guy the other day with supposedly over 10 years of experience, wrote absolute garbage during the coding challenge and gave up, could barely even attempt to answer some of the questions I threw his way

I don't understand it. What the fuck do people like this do for supposedly 10 years? They're not just lying to us, right? Right?

you and every nerdy kid in the last 30 years dreams of making video games, taking into account the laws of supply and demand you don't have much value and you'll always be replaceable fodder in the games industry
my advice is fuck off to another less shitty industry that won't make you work to death while paying salaries so shitty you have to sell plasma to afford LA rent prices

I've been looking for this image for about 2 years thank you so much, still trying to find the ones of girls in snow banks face first

what are some games, old or new, that are open source so that I can study their code and get a better grasp around how their engines work?

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they work at companies like lockheed martin and northrup grumman, who will hire anyone with a degree

>trusting Yea Forums on how to enter the video game industry
Unironically look for a game school in your country that has a postgraduate program. Compsci is good in that companies like designers that can script and code a little, and you have a decent backup career if you don't like making vidya unlike someone who did straight design. GL OP

At last you are beginning to grasp the reality of your situation.

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Have you worked in the industry? Indians are shit at their job. They're nice people but they have absolutely 0 common sense. If you give them a spec sheet they will follow it to a tee, even if there were some aspects you figured were basic assumptions or if even the code results in a non functioning program. They will happily turn it in knowing full well it doesnt work. Its baffling

Any basic us grad will be 100x better than an Indian programmer and will land jobs assuming they arent retarded

Attached: You can't learn Japanese.png (396x384, 193K)

Interviewing is just lying your ass out just to get a job. You should know this by now.

Some things like properly using objects and local/global variables will probably feel confusing and unintuitive at first; keep it up and break down known 'good' code, get a feel of how everything works and fits together, copy, expand, and reiterate until things 'click'.

Also, chances are if you can think of anything you want to code, someone else has already done it and almost certainly more efficiently than you can. Copying code is a good thing, but not really understanding what you're copying can bite you in the ass down the line, so be careful.

I suppose i should have added another statement at the beginning for assholes like you. That was just a general idea of what the solution might look like. I tend to use shortcuts to quickly type print statements and reflexively added ln to the end when i didnt want to since the example he was asking about shows the numbers all on one line. I'll give you the sceond part since i didnt explicitly say i was generalizing for the if the starting was even or odd. That's my bad for writing it like 0 and 100 could be any number when it was explicitly stated other wise.

I'm telling you boys. We make a game, put it on Kickstarter, and we're out. One big game, trust me.

Attached: julian AMFA.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

They get shifted to doing administrative bullshit.
I'm looking for a new job so this doesn't happen to me. I'm one of the strongest engineers on my team so I'm leading a tech effort that ended up being all paperwork and red tape.

Zork series is all up on Github. Might be a good place to start.

Public int Product(int a, int b){
if(a == 0 || b == 0){
return 0;

int larger_val = a;
int smaller_val = b;
if(b > a){
larger_val = b;
smaller_val = a;

int temp_product = 0;
if(smaller_val < 0){
for(int i = 0; i > smaller_val; i--){
temp_product -= larger_value;
for(int i = 0; i < smaller_val; i++){
temp_product += larger_value;
return temp_product;

I'm fucking garbage at programming though so I really doubt this is a good way to do this

I can feel the rage behind every letter in this post

That's very much a math-world definition, if you ask the average adult to define odd numbers, I very much doubt they'd say what you said.

I do interviews and I'm curious what you think are good ways to identify strong programmers.
I spent a few years asking people to implement a maze-solving algorithm on a white-board, and later moved to a 90 minute unsupervised programming test on a computer which we would then review together and talk about.

While that is nice and all, your typical interviewer or Human Resource doesn't give a shit about that if Pajeet could (shitty) code for pennies compare to a grad with a massive debt. If quality was actually a thing, everyone would be living in paradise by now instead of fighting for scraps.

these aren't fun when they're obvious fakes

have you ever heard of absolute values?
refer to

you dumb nigger. i aced both calc I & II

Geeze user he's just askin to get to the fun part of gamedev, you gotta admit all this math is a bit boring to scroll through...

Attached: bubbles-1.jpg (1086x710, 84K)

Behold a true anki drone
everything before like -52mo is bogus data, I have no idea what that is. My real time would then be ~720 hrs. Realistically, this is a hugely unnecessary amount of anki, I just kept doing it while reading erry day

Attached: Capture.png (808x382, 107K)

you uh
were supposed to learn about even and odd numbers somewhere in the first grade tho?

Jules... if ya think you can make a shitty little game on SHIT starter, yer w-wrong..
im tellin ya julian, it wont.. work. yah gotta put dah shitty little game on the epic store jules.

Attached: lahey.jpg (968x681, 56K)

Fizzbuzz in assembly

>be me
>see lots of coding meme talk about how you get money, fun, and a job worth doing
>take a class on html,css, javascript
>it sucks
>take a class on plumbing
>now i make money for working 8 hours doing easy stuff
heheheheh the brainlet route works again boys!

Attached: 55e62c8b0dd46aed2fe7f4101f2d5289.png (350x199, 60K)

I aced both calc I & II
as a sophomore & junior in high school
before getting a 1600 on my SAT

stay small fag

(retard code monkey assigns some variables then does the following:)
if(this condition is fullfilled){
then computer must do this }
else(if not fullfilled) {
computer do this

the rest is just knowing what operators do, how to make some loops to automate stuff and how to deal with memory and some few more syntax
math is literally just cheating to make things easier, you don't REALLY need it to be a programmer

come get your computer science master's degree at 6

Attached: file.png (550x192, 64K)

The amount of people who fail fizzbuzz over the phone is astounding. Sometimes they can do it because they memorized the answer, and then we add a twist like "what if instead of 3 and 5 it's x and y" and they fall apart.

Thanks user, but aren't text-based games a little too simple? Still appreciate it, and would like some games with real-time action as well.
Sorry I neglected to mention I'm also a CompSci major.

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You reap what you harvest. Either you learn the 'boring' math, or you settle for Gamemaker studio.
Take your pick.

DFS/BFS isn't an unreasonable thing to test a potential hire on; odds are they probably won't even know what a big O is if they don't know what those are, let alone what a graph is.
Second half is good in general too. Also a good way to see how comfortable candidate is with pair programming.

MMF2 > Gamemaker

>maze-solving algorithm on a white-board
That sounds like absolute cancer
>90 minute unsupervised programming test
Do you mean like an actual workstation where they have access to the internet etc? Giving someone a realistic task with all the resources they'll have in the workplace and seeing how far they get in 90 minutes sounds like the best way to do it

Boys I gotta say, all this coding shit has my brain all fucked.
I don't understand it, why do ya code using intelligence when your brains has a lot of it in the first place? And what the fuck is a boolean is that a fuckin coding ghost?
lets go boys, smokes

Attached: ricky.jpg (400x268, 14K)

I know that feel, though there wasn't a hype factor. Mine was a basketball coach who taught all his classes essentially the same. Dude couldn't even install Visual Studio by himself so we ONLY used Scratch for an egregious 2 and a half months...
...Followed by a "graduation" to SmallBasic. And by SmallBasic, I mean mindlessly copying code from stolen pdf tutorials with the only room for error and innovation being typos. Fuck coaches.

idk how they taught that to you, but in my class it was "EVEN, ODD, EVEN, ODD, EVEN, ODD." Probably 1st graders have an easier time with basic patterns than with an if/then type formula.

I haven't a shred of math in me, my man, and even I knew that.
You don't even need to formalize it like I did, just to know how to tell if, presented with a random number, whether it is even or odd. You cannot tell me you can't do that, can you? Then, you could make or explain a very basic function which only looks at the last digit of the number and checks if it is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. If so, disregard, otherwise, keep.

HTML CSS Javascript anything else is a waste of your time

>went to college for computer science
>absolutely sucked at coding
>switched major to mathematics
>have no real issues whatsoever
Feels weird. I already had enough CS done when I switched to declare it as a finished minor, so I guess it wasn't a complete waste.

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Big talk from the idiot who bought Unity pro edition.

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how do i pass your interviews user

You need either a degree or a portfolio

> to get tomorrow's date, sleep 24 hours and return the current date.
That code will return in 24 fucking hours.

>I intentionally used sensible features of a language incorrectly to try to prove that it's a dumb language
>really im just mad that every language isn't python


There's no internet, but none of the questions require it. There are like 10 questions based on concepts like bitwise operations, a few data structures, a few on optimization, etc. and they can pick and choose which ones they do (usually about 3-5).
I've also tried stuff over the years like giving them a poorly-written class and having them code review it, or giving them a poorly-designed UI and having them explain why it sucks. I don't think either of those approaches were very effective, though.

You are literally using the * operator. Congratulations on your failed assignement.

You're never going to find a programmer who can solve 100% of the problems thrown at them. We what they do when they don't immediately know something.
Get them in a room with a white board.
ask them questions relevant to what they will be doing on their team.
They should be refining requirements, brainstorming, revising. if they ask you questions help them out within reason.
If you are just HR and not technical, get someone technical involved to help you interview.

Based historyfag though, I fucking love history even though there isn't much money in it.

Make a history Youtube channel, user

>Computer Science

Im just doing an associates in computer networks/security.

I havent even graduated yet and I'm building IP phone systems for a local company. The money's in the infrastructure/database. Programming is overrated as dick and you can enjoy fighting for scraps with Pajeet and the Ukrainians.

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bigger/older companies will not look at your resume without a degree in most cases. startups/trendy companies are more impressed by portfolio work.

Okay. Here's something a bit more meaty, just ignore the janky software rendering trick used.
There's also a livestream of this being dev'd back during ld22, so you can get a bit into dev's head.

>I hear they really don't care about degrees in NA.
It's pretty much the exact opposite unless you're planning to work some kind of trade job.

take an 8 hour nap

>on the path to finishing my compsci degree
>just now realizing how fucking bad I am at programming 3 years in compared to everyone else who seems to understand everything
>most of my motivation to continue starting to slip away
I’m fucked lads. Can I still land a job as a detective or in forensics with a compsci degree?

Hey Ricky! We worked hard for 6 months, and we finally got that Stinger animation done!

Attached: smokes let's go.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Learn low-level C++ and then wow me with your knowledge of move semantics.

RICKY! It was a good deal ricks! I don't regret it at all, it was a valued purchase along with Winrar and Sony Vegas pro!

Attached: lahey.jpg (600x450, 57K)

how does abs(...) work, does it use a * or is it bit magic

Peter Griffin here! The original is "you CAN learn Japanese" and the humor comes from the flipping of the original uplifting line to a condescending put down, but without changing the expression of the face. Hope you learned something!

What is this originally from?


Attached: bloom_bloom.jpg (720x780, 55K)

I'm an IT major and picked up coding a month ago and can do better than this. WHAT THE FUCK people arent actually this unskilled on average in the real world right?

Reminder that making games with an engine isn't hard because ECS is easy as fuck to work with. You only need to know syntax for scripting.

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Whenever I feel that shit I just remember that even if I really am absolute shit at coding, having a degree will make it easier to get well paying jobs even not related to CS

Is recursion the best way to do this?

>| being this much of a brainlet |

im makes me feel good that despite you being so fancy with your computers degrees your market is oversatured with pajeets and nobody would hire you becaue you are a introverted ugly piece of shit and a semi chad can do the same thing and look decent

fuck all of you

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never use recursion, you'll run out of stack memory and it's way slower

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>le awoo waifu xd

>coding thread
>TBP related shitposting
>you cant learn japanese posts
Love you Yea Forums, keep up the good work you lovable dumbasses.

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Just a for or while loop.

why did you or that meme arrow

How do I into networking jobs?

public static int product (int A, int B) {
int product = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Math.abs(B); i++) {
product += A;
if (A < 0 && B < 0) return -product;
if (A >= 0 && B < 0) return -product;
return product;

Udemy and Udacity have hella courses. Online courses are either free or almost always on sale like 80%+ off (so don't fall for the LiMiTeD TiMe SaLe trick). But they are quality courses, definitely recommend. Find things that look interesting to you and get to it.

>im makes me feel good that despite you being so fancy with your computers degrees

It's past your bedtime, friendo.

not my image and I'm too lazy to shop the trashcan out

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what was even the intent on this
i think i understand too much of coding to see what was the original intent

A lot of these problems come from the bad design of JavaScript.
Let's see a language with a classic loop like Basic, which comes from Fortran and Algol in the 50s, which was inspired by mathematical notation like quantifiers and summation.
for i = 1 to 100 step 2
for i = 700 to 200 step -13
Look at how simple that is.
What about ranges like Python?
Even simpler (remembering Python ranges exclude the last value of a range).

Those people are bad programmers anyway, but a better question should be why are all these companies using a language so badly designed that it makes something that simple as counting by twos into an interview question. That goes for all the other languages that make you write "i" three times in a loop heading.

DOOM mothafuckas

It's why I'm interested in Lumberyard, but it's really barebones in documentation/tutorials and I still don't understand how to implement gameplay through ECS.

if b=0 then product = 0
product = a/(b^-1)

And how many poops you made there, Fesh Pince?

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Go find a designated shitting street habib

Rate my codelet code for a grand strategy battle system.

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Have a basic knowledge of common protocols and their uses.

Know how to configure a firewall and maintain proper documentation of common procedures.

Compile resources and share them with other people in your workspace.

Know how to use google and have an IQ above retarded.

The hardest part is the interview. Just show up in business casual, be mindful of your tone/body language, and make sure they come away knowing you're reliable, resourceful and focused (or whatever buzzwords you wanna insert here).

I've been working at a tiny, fast paced place for the last month. This shits my entry level experience, but im learning so goddamn much. Once you get that foot in the door user, it gets much better, chin up nigga.

>Sony Vegas Pro
As a former videofag this hurts me because I have several editions from years gone by

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That's why you start by messing around with Unity and whatever user tutorials are out there to get a feel for it. By the time you switch back you'll only really need to look up what specific hooks you need for any given tasks.

Mister Lahey! Why'd ya buy Sony Vegas and Winrar! That's almost as much of a scam as using the epic games store to buy games! It's a friggen scam Mister lahey! The chinese probably already have your credit card and are using it as we speak!

Attached: lahey.jpg (329x399, 34K)

I don't know what funnier about this image, the obvious virtue signaling with the food intentionally left in frame, the the 15 failed attempts at changing the directory in the console, or the fact that the actual code is a "Hello World!" tutorial she obviously pulled up and quickly ran through so she could post this.


I just started self learning programming with C# and never see it recommended. I thought it was superior to javascript and a slightly more streamlined than c++

Attached: cant even name these anymore.png (517x454, 293K)

>superior to something more popular
>but less useful than something better


fucking this
>take coding class in high school
>teacher is female
>teacher is a business major
>fuck around with scratch for the first year
>second year and third year is just type this into command line in linux, screenshot and send it in
>genius upperclassmen had to carry/teach class
>killed all motivation i had to actually learn

i realized it was a waste of fucking time and i would've been better off learning on my own but i had to have a completed career pathway to graduate so i just lazed thorough which was a big mistake. now starting college in the fall as a CS major because i don't know what else to do and have no other aspirations. i've pretty much accepted that i'm fucked before i even begin...

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Thanks. I'm currently in college specializing in networking and security, I hope I can find at least a decent job in the field when I graduate.
I love this shit.

Every big enterprise under the sun drank the Java kool-aid. Hip startups use a billion unnecessary frame works.

My job uses c#, it's fine

Looks like it's trying to turn C into Pascal, don't see why it won't work.

Boys, I got a plan here. We'll start a twitch channel, just the 3 of us getting high and playing video games.
Those make fucking bank nowadays, we'll put the word out in the trailer park and around the mall and we'll get viewers and big bucks!
But what're we gonna play

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>Doom is open-source
well shit, thanks homie

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Linuxtards hate it because it's associated with microsoft

here's another piece of YanDev gore.

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So is Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3 and Doom 3

Go dive into the Carmack

>tfw just graduated in CS and am deciding whether to take an $80k offer or see if the $95k position I just interviewed for will take me
absolutely based. don't fall for the "CS is a meme" meme

>Female teacher
In the CS, CE, EE, and SE this is a huge red flag, if you get one might as well drop the class since you will learn nothing from it unless you learn everything on your own investing 2-4 hours daily.

>That goes for all the other languages that make you write "i" three times in a loop
None of them make you write "i". They make you write an iterator, a termination condition, and an incrementor. If you want to increase by 2, you use i+=2. If you want to increment by -13 then you write i-=13 or i+=-13. Modern languages are setup the way they are so you can use complex conditions/iterators in the for statement if needed.

This gave me a hearty kek.

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>she needs to join our startup.