Fellow 30 year old boomers of Yea Forums what games are you looking forward to? Here’s mine
>Doom Eternal
>Shenmue 3 (it looks like shit but I want to continue the story)
>death stranding
>mountain blade
Fellow 30 year old boomers of Yea Forums what games are you looking forward to? Here’s mine
>Doom Eternal
>Shenmue 3 (it looks like shit but I want to continue the story)
>death stranding
>mountain blade
>am I fitting in gyuse xd
you idiots really don't know what "boomer" refers too do you?
after watching e3 stuff i got way too excited for video games that i bought 5 ps4 games and then realized immediately i will never have time to play them all fully and i already have a huge backlog
That happened to me too.
guaranteed samefag
Maximun action
Nirvana cyberpunk bartender
Wrath aeon of ruin
you wish fuck boy
Cyberpunk 2077
Breath of the Wild 2
Shin Megami Tensei V
No More Heroes 3
Doom Eternal
Death Stranding
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2
Animal Crossing
Pokemon Sword and Shield
Gears 5
Gears Tactics
Ori 2
Halo: Infinite
Panzer Dragoon
The Elder Scrolls VI
Deamon X Machina
Warcraft III: Reforged
Shenmue 3
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Super Mario Maker 2
Forgot Battletoads, but the trailer looked bad.
>33 yr old Boomer
All I want is Cadence of Hyrule, BotW 2, and Subverse
>30 years old
>still playing video games
Based and tastepilled
just be honest for once.
I forgot
at least 3/6 or 4/6 of Halo MCC and Bloodstain
Cyberpunk and Death Stranding. I have played a lot of games so now I'm picky. If it's not a game that brings something new and different I just don't care.
Do you think you’ll stop playing games at 30? Doubt it.
>Do you think you’ll stop playing games at 30? Doubt it.
I don't even play video games now.
>he’s a 17 year old who has retarded “plans” for the future that involve not playing vidya
Remove yourself from this website lil nigger
death stranding is pretty much it. but i only have a pc so i guess i wont ever get to play it?
doom and morrowind mods
Boomerbros is hitman 2 gold edition worth it? I was a huge fan of hitman going back all the way to codename 47. Last hitman game I played was bloodmoney, is 2 just as good?
>>he’s a 17 year old who has retarded “plans” for the future that involve not playing vidya
I have no idea what you even mean by this.
The Last of Us 2. Think i'm done with gaming. At least new stuff.
>Man that shads
>in 2019
Fake ass boomer
Nothing because I'm super cynical about games right now.
>man of shad
You’re never done with games once you reach a certain age and are still playing. I knew an 80 year old man that got excited for e3 every year and played until he physically couldn’t anymore. RIP
>>Doom Eternal
>>Shenmue 3
>>death stranding
Same on all fronts for those
My own additions
>Destroy all Humans remake
>Judgement (that spin off game from the Yakuza franchise)
>The Outer Worlds
>Final Fantasy 7 Remake (will wait for a sale)
Death Stranding
Vampire Bloodlines 2
That shark simulator
I fucking forgot about this. How were the jap reviews for it?
>hitman 2 gold edition
I don't know about the Gold Edition, but I picked up the regular edition on sale for €15, and it's just amazing.
hollow knight 2
that xcom clone from the creator of the original xcom
Honestly don't have a clue mate. I'm going to make my own mind up. I fucking love the Yakuza game, so it'll be an easy win for me I would guess.
Gold edition is on sale right now, figured I would jump back into hitman for that price includes all future maps and it comes with the first game as well. I think I’ll pick it up tomorrow
28 here.
Cyberpunk 2077
Destroy All Humans remake
FF7 Remake
Doom Eternal
Ni No Kuni Remastered
Psychonauts 2
Was piqued by Pokemon S&S till those jap faggots said +600 pokemon will be missing so I dropped it. Was waiting for more Nintendo IP's tp drop so I finally have a reason to buy a Switch, like Pikmin, but nope.
PC will be able to play PS5 games around the time when the PS6 launches.
Wait, DS is on the PS4. It's just that it looks next gen.
As a 30 year old, I am honestly surprised for a change with how many games I am actually looking forward to.
Yooka Laylee Impossible Lair, Spyro Reignited Switch edition, Luigi's Mansion 3, Super Mario Maker 2, and Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Maybe Pokemon Sword. I am used to only being interested in one or two games a year.
>Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition
>Doom Eternal
>Wolfenstein: Youngblood
>The Outer Worlds
>Banjo in Smash
>Animal Crossing
Only psychonauts 2
>Ni No Kuni Remastered
I didn't even know this was a thing. Neato.
29 here.
Baldurs Gate on Switch
Pokemon Shield
Elden Ring
Same but im trying to justify buying a switch just for pokemon. I haven’t had a Nintendo console since the GameCube. I mostly roll ps/pc. Last I heard Nintendo was making an upgraded switch, any news on this front?
Nothing. All of the trailers look either boring or are console-exclusives. I will probably not buy any game released this year. I still have plenty of games to play.
>Cyberpunk 2077.
Never played the table top but I'm excited to play future dystopia GTA with cyber limbs.
>Bloodlines 2
Really like the first one despite it's jank and knowing it inside and out. It's comfy to go back to now and again. Another WoD cRPG should be fun.
>Not hyped
I beat FF7 in high school, I'll wait for all three games to be released in an updated package in 2028.
Not too interested in Doom Eternal. Maybe I'll get it much later during a sale. FPS shooty bangs just don't excite me like they used to and it just looks like I could replay the first one if I want more. Don't care about continuing the story.
>Under 30
Boooo, get out kid! Get off my yard!
Looking forward to playing some more monster hunter when I get home
I want a new Deus ex not made by French Canadians.
Panzer Dragoon when it hits PC.
>Not too interested in Doom Eternal
The boomer in me wants to hate this game but I can’t help not to be excited for it since im a good goy for doom. My only hope is mod support and no arena battles but that’s probably not going to happen
Uh, no, don't do that. I waited for the upgraded Wii U with no gamepad and it never came. There's been no new information about that so far.
concept is cool but gameplay worries me.
>>Doom Eternal
looks fun. willl wait for it to get cheaper tho.
>>Shenmue 3 (it looks like shit but I want to continue the story)
Kinda excited, but also doubtful.
>>death stranding
need more gameplay. :it's not cute anymore its worrying.
>>mountain blade
good shit.
Death Stranding
Would've said Bloodlines but it's starting to look like shit and there's no clans I'm interested in playing as.
Maybe ill just pick one up on Black Friday then. I forgot about Kong tropical freeze having a port to the switch, always wanted to play that game but never got a wiiu
>actual video game discussion
Boomers are the best posters
Oh and New Super Lucky's Tale. Forgot to add that one. Its funny, when I first saw that game revealed for the Xbox, I had wished it came to the Switch, but gave up on it happening. Same for Cuphead. Also for Hat in Time. Yet, here we are, all of these seemingly exclusive games, coming to the Switch. Amazing.
what discussion
How do you feel about rockstar now? I was so damn excited for rdr2 but found myself trying to rush through it just to finish it. Long ass fucking game
Yes, Tropical Freeze is awesome. It caused journalists anger from being considered by them to be "too hard". Which you know, usually means the game is great. Which it is.
Cyberpunk 2077, Warcraft 3 Reforged, WoW Classic, Age of Empires, Halo MCC for Steam.
I don't follow games much anymore but I'm looking forward to FF7R, Doom Eternal, and Elden Ring. Not sure about Death Stranding, I'm kind of on the fence about Kojima's ability to write a coherent story.
Yea, looking at some of the games and future releases i definitely overlooked how many I would actually be interested in. Here’s to hoping a new traditional Star Fox and fzero come out
>Elden Ring
I'm as much a Soul's fag and From fan boy as the next boomer, but I am not feeling anything for Eldden Ring yet. A prerendered movie is not enough to peak my interest. I'll wait for some more to info to come out.
I will always regret trying to "adapt" to Star Fox Zero's controls. I just couldn't do it, it was the first time I ever returned a Star Fox game. I'm hoping for a new good Star Fox as well, don't even care if the story is rehashed or not, I just want that classic corridor arcade shooter Star Fox again like existed with Star Fox 1. Also where the hell is PIKMIN 4?!
Yeah the trailer was worthless since it didn't show us anything. The reason I'm excited is because of the interview miyazaki did about it afterward where he talked about the gameplay. I love the souls games and bloodborne so there's no way I could skip it if it's in that vein.
Yup. Classic corridor Star Fox would have made me buy a switch day 1. Now that you mention it I do remember people complaining about zero’s controls but can’t remember the specifics, what exactly was the problem?
One screen for shooting accuracy, and the other screen for flying accuracy. Miyamoto made a good analogy about it, saying "its like watching a movie and driving a car at the same time, you could have a accident doing that! *laughs*"
Kek that sounds bad. Do you think the game would have been a worthy star fox if it weren’t for the controls? Was there any way to play it with the traditional controller?
I'm just playing Thief 2 at this point.
What are the best Thief spiritual successors because Thief 2014 is a pile of shit?
Heard good things about styx, never played it though
From watching playthroughs of the game, yes I would have personally really enjoyed the game if it had normal controls. The levels looked cool. The transformations were interesting. The vehicles looked fun. But everything sucks when you barely play the levels at all. Traditional controller became motion controls for aiming, and sticks for flying. Was still a mess, many people play flying games where they tilt their controllers subconsciously like you would flying a airplane, only for it to fuck you over this time. Its just a bad time all around.
Mario Maker 2
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Dragon Quest XI S
Animal Crossing
Forgot to add, would have preferred a remake of Rogue Squadron instead.
nothing really, waiting around for a cool 4x game to be developed. watching lp's as background noise. not particularly impressed with anything I've seen in the past few years.
Cyberpunk and Halo Infinite
I was onboard with Doom Eternal but the color palate swap doesn't resonate with me. I liked the cold, super edgy look of the first one .
damn good stealth games, cool fucking art. shits dope
God damn it Nintendo. On another note what games do you think would be worthwhile for me to pick up on the switch? I’m compiling a small list so maybe there’s some you can personally recommend outside of the following. I’m getting myself hyped up now so maybe I’ll pick one up next paycheck instead.
>Pokemon Sword/Shield
>Kong freeze
Really excited to see what Eldenring holds in store for us. Really interested inwho/what that...bod part-smith serves in terms of role in the story. Super cool concept.
Doom so i can shotgun some shit in the face.
Cyberpunk obvi
FFVII but prolly once there is a sale
>Animal Crossing
>I was onboard with Doom Eternal but the color palate swap doesn't resonate with me. I liked the cold, super edgy look of the first one .
Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. The art direction is way off compared to the extremely solid (albeit comparatively simplistic) direction of Doom 2016. It feels like they are taking too much inspiration from Gears of War of all games.
34 year old boomer, married, full time professional job, plays video games reporting.
>tfw no TRUE sequel to the darkness (2 was shit)
>tfw no new riddick game
I used to fucking love the feeling of star breeze developed games. The gunplay packed a damn punch and felt different from everything else
Teach me your ways bro. I’m currently holding down a full time job and married too, by the time I get to relax I’m too fucking tired to play games and just end up posting on Yea Forums instead
>Dying Light 2
>Prey 2
>Death Stranding
I never really got into DOOM itself, I always played the Star Wars themed ripoffs. DF2; Jedi Knight is my favorite game of all time, even if I did play a lot more of JO. I bring that up because Dark Forces was a good clone. Speaking of Star Wars knockoffs, man did that game EA showed at E3 look like a massive ripoff. You got the droid on the arm from Death Stranding, the wall climbing shit of Uncharted, the boss combat of a really shit version of Dark Souls. I'm just shocked Disney is letting that shit with the contract play out. Literally any other developer would have given some care for the license they had. Shit, even within EA they could have put BioWare on a new KotOR or something similar, but no, they have that studio make a fucking looter shooter, a genre they have zero interest of experience in. Blows my fucking mind that a company can make so many wrong decisions and stay in the black.
Cyberpunk looks cool.
I am just waiting for official confirmation from Capcom that Dragon's Dogma 2 is happening. God, please, I need it.
You 2 aren’t the only ones to feel this way. I wanted a dark as fuck Tone for a doom 2 reboot (doom64) instead it just looks like unreal tournament in hell
Not him but if you can waste time on Yea Forums then you can play a game.
29 year old married father of 2 here. It's rough but at least I have purpose in my life.
Well I have on my Switch
>Sonic Mania Plus
>Yooka Laylee
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Splatoon 2
>Kingdom Battle
>Super Smash Bros Ultimate
>Yoshi's Crafted World
Soon to buy Kirby Star Allies as well. Gonna get Luigi's Mansion 3, Super Mario Maker 2, and maybe Pokemon Sword. Also New Super Lucky's Tale, Yooka Laylee The Impossible Lair, Spyro Reignited, and A Hat in Time.
I was looking forward to Cyberpunk because I thought it would get a proper physical release for PC eventually with the Complete edition like the Witcher games but I doubt it wil because the "physical" version is a download code, even though the launch day physical Witcher games all had DRM, at least they got a proper release with their physical Complete/Enhanced editions. I'm going to pirate it with no remorse now.
>Borderlands 3
>Final Fantasy VII
>Halo Infinite
That’s it.
Subserve only.
Maybe Mountain blade. Maybe Larian BG3 but I know sjwizards will fuck it.
Approaching 30 and Subverse is the game I am most excited about. Not just for the porn, but for the message it will send to the industry. AO games were a fools errand in the age of retailers, but now is the time for true adult themed gaming.
I agree but remember they have the ability to fuck it up completely and in the end its just another lula3d. And lewd games never take off.
Imagine actually taking off and starting another indie game\mid level development where either men and women star looking great again and sexed up. And starts spreading to other games.
I just want you to know that you have great taste in video games
Please stop
wasteland 3
desperados 3
Astral Chain
Zelda LA
Trials of Mana
Banjo 1&2 HD
I was actually able to preorder one of Doom Eternal's CEs before they all got bought up. I haven't been this excited for a game since Halo 3.
It just seems like there isn't much to look forward to. I have become Jaded. After the first few days of E3 I was convinced I didn't like video games anymore and then Nintendo saved the day.
I just don't get game companies. Why does Bethesda continue to not release the games that people want?
Why does Square enix take 10 years to make a new FF game?
I get excited for a game and then my vast experience of games makes me immediately see how shit it is or at least quickly get bored.
I've bought a PS4 last fall for Bloodborne, and since then I've bought Dark Souls Remastered, Nioh, Nier Automata and Sekiro.
I finished Bloodborne (fucking kino), bought the DLC, didn't get to it yet.
Already played Dark Souls ages ago, best game I've ever played, it just feels good having it.
Finished 2b's storyline.
Beat Sekiro.
It feels fucking good. All in all it's probably less than a hundred hours of gampelay in nine months, but it still feels fucking great.
Mountain Blade 2 (Never Ever)
Classic WoW
Animal Crossing
Pokemon Sword and Shield
I also can't wait to upgrade my rig with a Zen2 processor. I'm considering the 3900X but it might be overkill. I still have an i5 2500k so it's time bros.
I started playing Akiba Strip. If I ever finish Dying Light, I might go for the sequel.
>Gonna turn 30 this week
>Doesn't drink energy drinks
The fuck is this meme?
pretty happy i stopped drinking these things
they'd get me wired all day and i would sleep shitty then the next day i'd have to drink one to make up for it
had a headache for a week but it was worth it, damn drinks are garbage with too much sugar
doom eternal
oddworld soulstorm
classic wow
baldur's gate 3
crash team racing on PC
Based on this pic and your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
Looking forward to Terraria: Journey's End. Not much else besides that. The E3 was overall disappointing. I thought Nintendo would be the one to rise above it all, but then I saw their trailers.
>mfw every single one starts out with a stupid, bloated, unnecessary cutscene
It sickens me to my core. I refuse to play Astral Chain or Daemon X Machina just because they had the nerve to throw a cutscene in my face. This company is dead to me.
>b-but user, it's just one cutscene
Don't give me that hackneyed excuse. When I watch an E3 trailer, I'm supposed to get GAMEPLAY, nothing else.When your trailer has cutscenes, and then you actually flood the trailer with them, and then START OFF WITH THEM? Tell these hollywood rejects to piss off.