Tfw you can emulate PS2 games at 4x internal resolution/60fps on your phone

>tfw you can emulate PS2 games at 4x internal resolution/60fps on your phone.

Attached: (2340x1080, 1.64M)

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That's pretty cool. Can I play p4?

That's pretty cool. Can I play p4?

That's pretty cool. Can I play p4?

What emulator? last time i tried PS2 emulation on android was on REALLY early stages and could run games but getting double digits frames was impossible

If your phone can handle it.

That's pretty cool. Can I play p4?

Cool but why the fuck would you?

Damonps2 but be sure to get the cracked version. Normal version has ads up the ass and doesn't run as good.

Nice ill give it a go, think it will run alright on a OnePlus 3T?

Not sure, but you can try it with 1x resolution if it doesn't work.

That's just not true
Even on PC you can barely run 1080 60

ill try, and sorry for the spoonfed, but did you got the cracked version from somewhere in particular? i want to make sure i got the latest one

>his PC cant

Attached: 1560197176660.png (259x299, 102K)

Scroll down and get 1.2.1

Nice thanks, will try with Resident Evil 4 once the .iso finishes downloading

What PS2 games would I be able to run on a Macbook with an emulator

Would look better with a slight scanline filter to smooth out those textures

what a cute shark

>it's literally a ripoff of PCSX2
fuck,i thought there was a new ps2 emulator

Stop using it. PCSX2 devs said they have asked this guy to stop with their Android copy of the PCSX2.

>tfw been doing this for years
>tfw burnout 3 at 4k 60 FPS

Attached: aspect_raidou.jpg (960x540, 79K)

But somehow Red Dead Redemption 1 can't run above 20fps on 1080p with an RTX 2080.

Which is why we are using the cracked version which is unironically based.

Attached: (1080x2340, 192K)

lol nice

based niggerman9

Works on my machine

Speak for yourself. Even my modest rig can play every PS2 game I've tried at 4k/60

Oneplus 3T fag here, sadly i can't maintain a stable framerate, but pretty impressive regardless

>Snapdragon 855 phone
Yeah, not even going to bother with this. My piece of shit phone would literally melt at 5fps.

how hot does your phone get?

Warm, but not hot. I‘m currently downloading MGS2 to see how well the Tanker level runs. Will post results in about 20 minutes.

Too bad ps2 has no games.