Why is this literally who the last boss of the last DLC of Dark Souls 3?
Why is this literally who the last boss of the last DLC of Dark Souls 3?
Because your main character is a literally who throughout the whole game
That is the point of being the MC of Soulsborne games. You are no one and you defeat the most powerful beings in the game.
Now who the hell is this guy. The little painter servant?
best area
It’d be way better if he wasn’t introduced in the DLC. The issue there would be having him as ‘DLC bait’. I had issues caring about him or the little painter.
>You are no one
Someone didn't play Dark Souls 1
Stop it.
>Chosen Undead
Bullshit and you know it.
You are no one. You just happened to be the fucker who finally pulled it off, but Frampt fed that bullshit about the chosen undead to everyone. There are thousands of other "chosen ones." And what you do doesn't matter. You eventually end up like Gwen or if you leave the flame someone else does it.
because they'd rather do that instead of someone important to the lore. some people hilariously think it's deep because he isn't an important person just like the player. that said, gael is cool. i honestly thought both DLCs were underwhelming but i still really like gael. i came into a fight expecting fighting some crazed hobo then halfway through, he turns into sengoku basara's nobunaga.
>it’s like poetry, it rhymes
I fully believe DS3 to be the “prettiest mistake” of the trilogy. Both sequels couldn’t capture the lightning of DS1, and even that was still somewhat rushed.
Someone didn't pay attention to Dark Souls 1.
The prophecy is just something Gwyndolin and the serpents made up to perpetuate the cycle of fire. The only thing making the player character "more" of a Chosen Undead than most of the other NPCs is that they succeed. And in many peoples' games, the PC doesn't even succeed anyway. Of course keep in mind that if you don't place the lordvessel on Frampt's behalf, he outright says that "you could not be the chosen one", because it's just an arbitrary title used by parties to manipulate you.
maybe it'd be better if his set was in the base game? maybe somewhere in that graveyard where his sword is. so we learn about slave knights then meet gael, instead of the other way around
>maybe somewhere in that graveyard where his sword is
Graveyard of the Deep Cathedral, top left.
i'll always prefer the first game and demon's souls over all other souls games and das3 has plenty of problems going for it but i can't hate it. it ain't perfect but i still like picking it up to play every now and then just like the others.
The Executioner's Greatsword?
That doesn't make sense.
>can't go into the tower
it's shit
m8 don't make me boot up my game. It's there. Gael has the Way of White Corona, meaning he is/was a member of it. the Cathedral of the Deep is a corrupted Way of White facility. Gael was part of the WoW, and presumably when shit started going bad, he became an executioner of members afflicted by the curse.
lol retard
I thought Gael existed before any of that shit.
When is it stated he was a executioner?
>When is it stated he was a executioner?
It isn't, but when you consider he's found praying at a chapel of the former Way of White, that he uses one of their miracles, and uses one of their swords, there's not much left to infer.
Because his sword is an Executioner's Greatsword.
But he is praying to the altarpiece that has the Deacons of the Deep on it.
And what relationship has the Way of White with a little painter girl?
>But he is praying to the altarpiece that has the Deacons of the Deep on it.
Yes, and the WoW was corrupted by the Deep.
>And what relationship has the Way of White with a little painter girl?
Probably nothing.
But then he would hate the top suits of the thing that corrupted the WoW, not praying to them.
>But he is praying to the altarpiece that has the Deacons of the Deep on it.
There is another altar behind the deacons altar.
Gael was praying to a "merciful goddess" that was probably associated with the former WoW, not to Aldrich.
He's praying to the
>merciful goddess, mother of the forlorn
Not necessarily to the deacony deacons.
That isn't a literally who.
That is Allfather Lloyd.
>Someone didn't play Dark Souls 1
imagine being this much of a brainlet
He’s praying to Velka, dummy
>merciful goddess, mother of the forlorn
Is that Gwynevere, Caitha, or Velka?
It's is kinda contrived and doesn't explain anything. Anyways it doesn't make any sense he's the finalest boss.
This dlc was one of the most epic gaming experiences and a perfect conclusion to the series. Peak fromsoft.
No he fucking isn’t, he’s a slave knight who survived all the way from the first age of fire without losing his humanity entirely and going hollow, all because he was able to cling to a duty. Did you retards even play the game
>Merciful goddess associated with the Way of White
One of the few things we even knnow about Velka is that she is a rogue deity on the outs with Anor Londo.
Sounds like a shitty OC.
Even Midir was cooler.
>it doesn't make any sense he's the finalest boss
How does it not make sense? It works fine from story and tonal perspectives.
Because he fights like Guts.
>Anyways it doesn't make any sense he's the finalest boss.
You aren't really fighting him for the 2nd half of the battle, but rather fighting the dark soul.
Velka isn't really that important
>You aren't really fighting him for the 2nd half of the battle
What? That's retarded. It's just Gael powered up by the soul, not actually consumed by it.
I mean he's not a uber-strong creature like in DaS or Bloodborne.
He's just some guy.
Velka IS a merciful goddess of the forlorn - she forgives sins and can reduce hollowing.
Yeah so is the main character, that's why it's cool
Sulyvahn is CUTE!
But the point is that (You) are no one. Not the bosses.
Seriouly every fucking boss in the game is some god, strong warrior, powerful sorcerer dragon-god thing except this fucker.
That's the point brainlet, they all died and he lived through sheer force of will
What fucking point.
I want to beat fucking god himself like in Ashura's Wrath, not some fucker that is good at killing cripples.
Idiot, the one reinforcing thing throughout the series is that an undead who is committed to a duty is basically one of the most powerful beings in existence. Same reason Patches survived all the way till the end of the world, just like Shiva as well
Will they ever do a game that is as interconnected as pre-lordvessel DS1? I just want a game that take place entirely in a enormous castle you fight yourself up all the way through.
>forest with beasts
>gate guarded by knight/golem you can defeat if you are gud
>hidden entrance leading to sewers
>water supply caverns
>prison and torture chambers
and so on and so on. the further up you go the more noble and majestic it becomes. Gardens, cathedral, library...but everything connected so that it feels like an actual place.
>It's just Gael powered up by the soul, not actually consumed by it.
What the fuck do you think happens when someone's humanity runs wild user?
Their dark soul hijacks their body and they lose control.
>Best area.
>Ruined by being the 2nd of three run-and-hide segments in the DLC.
I can't seem to make anyone understand how fucking angry I am about this.
the lady's painting creates bloodborne world.
>blood of the dark soul
>blood born
>Velka IS a merciful goddess of the forlorn - she forgives sins and can reduce hollowing.
And the crow demons from the 1st game WERE her followers.
Makes sense.
no because fast travel
Don't forget that dark souls universe is a sequel to demon souls bad ending with the fog and what not.
I'm pretty sure he had absorbed numerous Dark Soul fragment from the pygmies, making him extremely powerful the same way you are after absorbing strong souls.
Yeah. The corvians in the painting are followers of Velka, Gael is committed to creating a new painting, forlorn beings are brought into the painting. It’s pretty obvious that it’s Velka he’s worshipping
Why does the statue portray Gwyn as hollow?
Gael was clearly in control after phase 2 started.
Elden Ring is supposed to be semi-open world, so I suppose that would technically make it their most interconnected game yet.
Retarded, because Ariandel was created with Blood and it isn't Bloodborne.
What's going on here?
Paintings can have different subjects, you know.
Thats his mother. In cut content shes that tree with the snap freeze spell.
So what makes you think that the new one has to be bloodborne and not a previous painting?
>It’s pretty obvious that it’s Velka he’s worshipping
Its still pretty weird that Gael is praying to Velka in a WoW church. Isn't Velka an enemy of the WoW/Gwyn or something?
>Gael was clearly in control after phase 2 started.
No, he was already on his last bits of sanity in Phase 1. He's possessed when he stands up for phase 2.
Kind of like a reversed Ludwig.
>Sulyvahn is CUTE!
Sulyvahn is the biggest asshole in all of dark souls.
At least Aldrich is doing what hes doing to survive, Sully just wants to watch everything die.
Aldrich is a bloated cannibal who used an entire religion to help feed his fat fucking face.
If he was a mindless drone like Gwyn was, how is it that he can speak properly? If anything, getting beat up in phase 1 brought him back to his senses.
>He's possessed when he stands up for phase 2.
Possessed by what
The Dark Souls world lived long enough, it was going to die anyway.
>Possessed by what
The fucking dark soul
Can a Christian play this game?
You make it seem like it's a living entity. You act like he's a mindless puppet doing nothing but being paraded around by the soul when that obviously isn't the case.
>Aldrich is a bloated cannibal who used an entire religion to help feed his fat fucking face.
Because the world was going to fucking die and he need to collect as much humanity as possible to survive whatever came next.
The dark soul made him stand up and shoot red ghost skulls at you?
>You make it seem like it's a living entity.
It kind of is.
The dark soul doesn't possess people you mongoloid it's the essence of humanity not a living conscious entity
>red ghost skulls
I don't know what the deal with that is.
They were a Bloodborne asset they figured they'd use again
>fight someone in pvp
>they throw poop
Well, it’s possible that Velka has something to do with the WoW. Don’t forget that Oswald of Carim appears on top of the chapel in the undead parish, the same chapel that Irina prays at.
That isn't the Dark Soul.
>Master planner and conspirator
>Fucks with the royal family as he pleases, probably in more than one way
>Exiles and forces his most powerful warriors to turn into beasts just for the lols
>Controls several Lords of Cinder, if not all of them
>Built a city and ruined it all by himself
>Two pimping swords and a clone because he can
>Decided to be a bosss in the middle of the game instead of being the final boss just to own noobs.
>Probably forced Miyzaki to put more swamps in the game AND the DLCs just to fuck with the players
Sounds pretty based to me.
>Oceiros’ failed experiments to create dragons
>having anything to do with the dark soul
they ran out of ideas, also muh Guts
Theres other ways of getting humanity then eating so many people that you resemble Melissa Mccarthy. He was just a filthy glutton.
In souls games, you play as a literal who that gets extremely powerful. Gael is just another nobody who overcame the odds and became mega powerful as well.
>built a city
Wrong. Irithyll is obviously just the lower part of the city of Anor Londo you never visit in DS. He did make it a miserable snowy nightmare though.
>pus of MAN
>literally stated to be an abyssal creature
>nothing to do with the dark soul
>Controls several Lords of Cinder, if not all of them
Aside from Aldrich and the twin princes (if he is the 1st of the scholars that is), who else?
>Theres other ways of getting humanity then eating so many people that you resemble Melissa Mccarthy.
What like lifedrain? Same end result either way.
>1st of the scholars
That’d be Aldia
>Theres other ways of getting humanity then eating so many people that you resemble Melissa Mccarthy
Tell that to Gael
It looks nothing like what you see in DaS and it's in a different location.
Well he own the only way to get to Yhorm.
>find it on bodies
>find it on literal mobs
>kill an undead for his
I didn't say it had nothing to do with it, I said it wasn't specifically it. You fucking illiterate cunt. Plenty of things are birthed from the abyss, but that doesn't mean they are the dark soul specifically manifest. It's a force of nature, not a living entity.
I actually thought DaS3 overall had the best individual level design in the series. I love the way how each area you are in is usually a twisted knot that wraps over itself. There are some dud areas, but overall they're the best.
Of course, this is only on an INDIVIDUAL level. Everything good about the individual level design is absolutely ruined by how linear the progression from one area to the next is, which completely takes out the choice/planning/replayability of the game that made others like DaS1 and DeS so great.
Because of the level design, DaS3 really is a one-and-done game. Once you've played it once, you've pretty much seen all there is to see. Oh okay, you can do Dancer early, that's it.
The other problem is with the gameplay of DaS3. They made the game faster pace and feel more "action packed" but they did this in a cheap way because all the gameplay really boils down to is mashing infinite high-iframe dodge rolls and spamming R1 after the enemy attacks, then chug estus with impunity to slough off damage. And the only time where this comes close to not working out is with a couple instances like Dancer where it actually punishes rollspamming. The whole thing results in a game that you THINK is harder than its predecessors until you realize what the devs are doing, and how it's actually the braindead easiest.
Mound-Makers are the best!
>Plenty of things are birthed from the abyss, but that doesn't mean they are the dark soul specifically manifest.
What the fuck is the abyss anyways?
Is it a physical location now or something? I always thought the abyss was a term that referred to wild humanity.
because we never got the new painted world dlc
>That’d be Aldia
Maybe, but "first of the scholars" is just a title of honor kind of similar to the Roman's Princeps (first citizen).
Aldia's title of "Scholar of the First Sin" more accurately translates from Japanese as "Seeker of the First Sin".
Never mind that very little is actually referenced from dark souls 2.
Well they had to made it more action packed if they wanted to add all the crazy bosses like Dancer.
Plus is heavely influenced by Bloodborne.
I don't mind having crazy bosses that are fast-paced. The issue is they compensated for this by basically putting the player on god mode with the ability to mash an almost-infinite amount of dodge rolls that have have basically no recovery frames and a fuckton of i-frames. Not even a player with max endurance, less than 25% encumberance, and the DWGR in DaS1 comes close to how agile and consequence-free the player in DaS3 can dodgespam.
The result is something that tricks your brain into thinking it's more action-packed and challenging, but in reality it's a facade. And yes, this change was because of bloodborne, but BB was an entirely different game with a lot of different mechanics that were built from the ground up with this sort of fast-paced combat in mind. With DaS3 they just took the surface-level aspects of it and mashed it together with the standard Dark Souls mechancis and it just doesn't work well, resulting in a very shallow experience.
My God this series' community is so cancer, full of nothing but edgelord faggots trying to insert their own dogshit 3deep5u """""lore""""" into the game.
Shit like that is all I see written about this boss. Such a damn shame too, the setup, music and the fight itself are amazing but it's overshadowed by egotistical actual "nobodies" that are always trying to poorly flesh out an already scarce storyline.
I don't know about any of that. I just thought it was fucking cool that you seem to travel to the end of time where everything is dead and it's just ashlands until infinity, and there's that dude you met a while back still looking for that thing, your Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition
DS3 was a huge letdown from both gameplay and story perspectives. Lore wise the whole game contradicts DS2 in more ways than you can count. I know a lot of people don't like DS2's story and want to excise it. But in that case just say DS3 doesn't take 2 as canon instead of pretending it is while shitting all over it. Gameplay wise it's inferior to every game in the series. It's full of spammy enemies who flail around without the fast and tight player movement of Bloodborne to compensate. Meanwhile armor and shields/bocking were turned into jokes that require only that you put on the heaviest shit you can while not even bothering with blocking. The fun Vancian spell casting of 1 and 2 was replaced with an asinine MP system. We lose dual-wielding in return for useless weapon arts that no one uses. And finally PVP is turned into a Ganking lagfest where a billion host summons wait to gangbang you while the host runs away with 100 chugs of Sunny-D. And there aren't even any good covenants. All the creative stuff from DS2 has been replaced with 3 fucking versions of the forest hunters and 2 Darkmoons.
Well, it's pretty clear they just wanted to make more Bloodborne stuff.
Some levels could be directly put on a theoretical BloodBorne 2 with no problem: Undead Settlement, Cathedral of the Deep.
Maybe they just wanted to give the fans a very fanservice-filled game after the negative reception of DaS 2, be done wit it and changed the combat too much. And they did it lazily, proof of it is how inferior the DLCs are to DaS and BB DLCs.
Plus now the magic builds have a lot of variety and you can do all sort of interesting stuff with them.
A white stone summoned mound-maker was pretty damn fun. You can farm souls by helping the host advance through the level and kill invaders, while also being an opportunist for allowing the host to die / killing the host depending on the circumstances.
the MP system was fucking bullshit. Sure, it's the same as the one in Demons Souls, but in that game you could carry around infinite consumables to restore HP/MP, so it didn't matter that you shared a magic pool. And then magic builds needto split their estus between HP/MP while melee builds just get to put it all into HP sips, along with the ridiculous scaling where spells are weak as fuck unless you dedicated 2-3 ring slots and crank your faith or intelligence to fucking 60. It's like the devs were screaming to you through the monitor saying "fuck you, you WILL play this game as a rollspam R1spam curved/straightsword melee shitter"
DaS 2 is not cannon and it sucks.
how low is your fucking IQ?
>"with this pigment I shall paint a new world"
it's a metaphor nigger, FROM is moving on from souls but is literally using the Dark Soul to make a new world, IE different video games using what they learned from making dark souls
the entire DLC is a metaphor for the franchise, it takes place in a rotting world that has stayed around too long and should be burned away. Miyasaki never wanted to make sequels to dark souls but was forced due to being contracted for 3 games.
It's ripping on game devs that milk a franchise until its a fucking abomination like Halo
I agree with your sentiment about DaS3, but that doesn't make DaS2 good. That game was terrible in a completely different set of ways
While DaS3's PVP is fucking trash, at least I can actually do proper invasions in that game, even if it's 99% a gankfest and sipfest war of attrition. Somehow still better than DaS2's bullshit where there's no full eye orbs so invaders and dorkmoons spend 99% of their time in that shitty arena grinding for cracked orbs. And then there's soul memory.
DaS3 is really fucking meta all around, which is a problem because not it is impossible to discern what is supposed to be take only literally and what is supposed to be read on by the player.
While Bloodborne is my favorite souls game, it ruined DS3. All those problems you mentioned? They come from the fact that the game is reverse engineered from Bloodborne. Go and fight some enemies and really, really study how they move. The Jumping Goats are a good example. They are very obviously unused or repurposed Bloodborne enemies. Their movements are filled with "Gun-parry now" spots , but you have no gun. Look at the way they turn and track you're movements. They are very obviously designed around Bloodbornes sidestep and dash mechanics. But you have no sidestep or dash. They basically had to give you infinite roll because without Bloodbornes options you couldn't actually avoid attacks, so they just give you an invincibility button.
adding to this
>Ariendelle, the creator of the world, is literally strapped to his chair and forced to use his blood to keep it alive, he represents miyasaki
>some of the crows voted to burn the world, others preferred to rot, these represent the fans who begged for more and more sequels
the painted world is a metaphor for the players, forlorn souls who escape to a fake world
Believe me, I know. DaS3 is the gameplay of Bloodborne but with the mechanics of a Souls game bolted on top, even though they don't work together and no effort was really made to resolve the inherent problems of mashing the two concepts together.
It’s actually beautiful in a way. Your character is a nobody. Gael is a nobody. The dark soul has barely anythingleft by the time you fight him, and the world has basically ended. Two nobodies fighting over nothing. At the end of the world.
any one have that webm showing the poise of ds3?