>BotW murdered every other open world game
but also
>FF7 story makes no sense
on a scale of 1 to10 how wrong are these statements?
>BotW murdered every other open world game
but also
>FF7 story makes no sense
on a scale of 1 to10 how wrong are these statements?
You'd have to be pretty braindead to not understand ff7's story
0 for both, he's completely right
Please stop shilling e-celebs.
e-celebs are always expected to be shit when they tro to be both "critics" and "comedians"
dunkey also has a bias on anything japanese that isn't nintendo
Literally who?
Stop shilling an e-celeb. Also, anyone who thinks FF7's story filled with exposition explaining it over and over doesn't make sense was probably five when they played it
Keep saying it.
Keel saying it
Based Dunkey living RENT FREE
Keep saying it
damn, are the weebs still seething over octoshit? lmao
keep saying it
keep saying it
vgd went shit after he thought to be some kinda reviewer
keep saying it
Keep saying it.
He's fairly wrong on both counts. With 10 being the most wrong, he's at about an 8.
botw is shit
Keep saying it
Keep saying what? Is this a reference to something?
Not even cucked baybeeeeee
When did Dunkey start becoming unfunny to you?
Haven't watch anything since Octopath Traveler.
Keep saying it
keep saying it
Keep saying it.
keep saying it
I didnt play BOTW but its 2019, like, who gives a shit about Zelda and Mario unless youre a child?
Hes right about FF7. Made no sense at all. There was a coherent story there for a while though.
Dunkey is based simply because he dabs on all of those garbage piece of shit JRPGs and makes weeb seething