
Wonderful, childlike world made to look like a Disney Animation. Full of vibrant, eye-popping colors with a sense of whimsy and magic.

>HD """""remaster"""""
Boring, bland, uninspired world. Looks like another generic video game grassy field. Literally looks like they re-used textures from a Xenoblade or Zelda stage. Wonder and magic gone, soulless cash grab.

Attached: banjo-kazooie-smash-level.jpg (1920x1080, 435K)

So it fits Banjo perfectly

I think you're making a lot out of nothing

Yes, it's not the N64

sure im up for an argument with a false flagger today.

a soulless stage is perfect for a soulless character.

Stevey Stevey, cope and seethey.

Unbelievable someone would even hold this opinion.
Astonishing, in fact.

The foreground is supposed to catch the viewers eye.

Just fuck my spiral up

Attached: spiral_compare.jpg (1596x506, 291K)

I like it. Its a good stage. Cannot wait to play on it.
Good thread though.

Looks like it was made by the same soulless fags who did spryo remakes

the colors were more saturated originally yeah but this is made to be in Smash Bros art style, they did the same thing to Peach's castle in Melee and I like it.

The custom created stage unironically looked better than this

It looks a bit soulless from that angle but it's to make the characters stand out from the background better.

However, a screenshot that's only on the Japanese website shows that Grunty's Lair is EXTREMELY soulful and looks straight out of the original just with slightly higher poly counts and texture resolutions. Pic related.

So it's clearly deliberate and I don't have a problem with it.

Attached: temp.jpg (1280x720, 263K)

2 spooky

You think the real estate agent forgot to mention the giant evil witch lair half a mile away, or did she move in after Banjo?

Attached: soul soulless.jpg (2128x2912, 1.21M)

Damn, Nintendo really went to shit

For some really advanced shit posting change the picture of dori from the oddessy one to the 64 ds one.

The style was the way it was because of N64 limitations.

Using an ultra-toony aesthetic with colors that pop is so that they could make elements recognizable on a hazy 240p composite CRT image. Having a toon aesthetic also allowed them to make a simplified set of textures that could be re-used everywhere throughout the game, which is imperative with the limited cartridge space. Makes it all the more ironic that you're using re-used textures as a slight against the new version.

The new version exists in HD, so they're able to add a lot more detail to the environment and work with a wider texture allowance and color space. Notice that the stage itself still uses bold colors similar to the original while the background uses muted colors. It's a purposeful artistic decision meant to make you focus on the center action while still having a detailed background if you want to look at it. They also need it to fit in-line with the aesthetic of the rest of the game, which is why the colors look similar to other existing stages.

Attached: 1560230002227.jpg (1000x1126, 335K)

You're talking about Nuts and Bolts arent you?

I may just do that.

Eh it still looks better than how it did in Nuts n Bolts (bottom, taken from some youtube thumbnail I got off google images)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1280x2004, 895K)


Attached: dorrie44.jpg (1189x595, 160K)