Etrian Odyssey, JRPGs, 3DS

I'm having a BLAST playing this game. However, I'm getting really tired and bored of the map-drawing/dungeon-crawling. Sure, I could just look up a map, but that's no fun.

Are there any other similar games to Etrian Odyssey 4 that aren't so crazy on the map-drawing, Yea Forums?

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>new to the genre
Oh boy

If you're just specifically looking for the anime styled ones, there are games like:
>Stranger of sword city
>Operation abyss / operation babel
>Labyrinth of refrain
>The rest of the etrian odyssey games excluding mystery dungeon

But if you just want normal ones there are too many to fucking list:
>The wizardry series
>Legend of grimrock 1/2
>Heroes of monkey tavern
Etc etc etc

But these are just off the top of my head, there are plenty in both categories that I'm forgetting

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The best ones are the EO games, you still have the old Wizardry games, Elminage, Soul hackers, Strange Journey and Class of heroes but they aren't as good on dungeon crawling as EO

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux on 3DS.


The Clive memes as it was just launching are the only reason I remember the game
Never completed it myself

The Dark Spire is another good entry-level dungeon crawler with the opposite of EO's map drawing system. The map draws itself automatically, but you have to use a limited spell in order to see your position. It's more about memory and basic spatial reasoning than patience.

any dungeon crawler where you don't draw a map?
also you don't have to draw anything other than stairs in the newer EO games, you just have to clear most of the fog in the map for it to count as "complete. if you dislike the map-making aspect though, you dislike half of the game. consider turning on automap if you don't mind being a filthy cazul.

>class of heroes
i played both and it always felt like half of my team was useless desu

OP here. Thanks guys. Honestly, I'm just looking for a good RPG with the fantastic soundtrack that EO has, the fun combat, and great writing.

Maybe I should just power thru EO4. It really has a charm to it.

Thanks for those recommendations. Labyrinth of Refraint looks cool, and I've been meaning to use my PS4 some more.

>Soul Hackers
Yep, this is on my to-play list. I was playing SMT DeSu: OC, but put it down to try EO4, and I got hooked on it.

This is next. Been hearing great things about it and can't wait to give it a go.

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If you mean drawing the map: turn on automap
If you mean having to dungeon crawl: you're playing the wrong genre

if you dont mind not being able to freely make your party completely from scratch like in EO, theres also:
>mary skelter
>zanki zero
>moero chronicle
>shining in the darkness
>phantasy star (the first one for sega genesis)

>tfw I tried those last two but couldn't get into them

Back in the day, they must've been tremendous titles for fans of that genre though.

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Fuck that game. Stat loss on level up is fucking stupid.

You can turn on the auto map feature EO games have since IV. Besides that try any of these:

the original phantasy star is what really got me into the genre.
you could play the sega ages version on switch, it fixes the insane encounter rate and gives you a tolerable amount of gold and exp in exchange, so you dont have tp spend ages grinding for shit.
I've never finished shining in the darkness, but i remember liking it

i really wanted to like class of heroes, i really did, but they really dont explain enough, and half the quests just seem to make you wander around until you find X item

EO4 is the bottom of the barrel eshop title

Untold 1/2 are for the nu-gaymurr like yourself who has no time for old school and needs hand holding waifus

EO3 is for people of fine taste
EO2 is for sadists

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What are the major differences between a WRPG and a JRPG, lads?

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art style

Where it was made

Speaking of etrian I’ve been waiting for a thread where do I start?
Also for your question strange journey had some help being made by the EO team but has no map drawing

What the fuck why is that thing explain it to me

games like this but on pc pref with an anime art style could be emulation too

Start from 3 onwards

see and

Cool thanks vro

EO3 if you want the best out of the DS games. 1 and 2 are perfectly fine to play through but 1 really lacks refinement, you can't strafe, no equip on the bottom screen in the store, and the skill trees have a lot of fluff that don't do much and are mostly just point dumps. The remakes are fine to start with to but they're basically different games with the same story/setting.

Playing Labyrinth of Refrain and Mary Skelter Nightmare.

People of fine taste like the games where half of the class roster is garbage including one unlockable class, ailment parties are utter fucking shit, you can't even see the enemy status in battle and multiclassing is utterly broken and removes any challenge from the game?

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Start with earlier titles, going backwards is painful.

You replied to a fag but your post is a bunch of memes too

where does nexus rank tier wise compared to the other games?

Unless you can un-meme EO3 into having an enemy status button or ailment resistance cooldowns or resets shut your trap and don't reply to my posts, faggot.

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An absolute garbage simply because there's like 20 floors worth of the same repeating assets.

In the middle
Shit class balance and endgame, shrines get repetitive. Decent difficulty, good dungeons. Obviously has the most content

It's a repetitive mess with overall pretty low difficulty and shithouse class balance. I don't think it's my least favourite, but it's a strong contender for that place.

Whenever you level up it doesn't give you an additive bonus to an existing stat, it rerolls the stat entirely but with a higher possible max and lower possible min. Level ups basically mean extra dice for your roll, so your stats generally trend upwards but can drop between levels if you get an unlucky roll. The Wizardry games worked the same way, though I think at some point they eliminated stat decreases by making it so a lower roll just increases the stat by 1.

Do not ever answer to EO3fagotron over there. He got run off the EO general for a reason.

bump for video games!