Why do gamers do this?

Why do gamers do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:




Why don't we round up all the incels and force them to have sex?


No, because it's only in first person.

I was hoping this was the vocaroo that would be uploaded, it's still funny and true.

it's over for fullyinteractivesexscenecels

Based and cringe



look mom i posted it again

Because that's asking half of Yea Forums, being scrawny, pale, skinny nerds with glasses, to get gangfucked


Thank you for this video


s oy

>no notepad captions
Incomplete experience

Pretty based desu

lol based zoomer

>wtf man you're so weird for wanting to watch people have sex
>*go on murderous rampages and shoot everyone in a neon drenched dystopia where there is massive wealth inequality and high crime rates*

I thought yuropeons were to supposed to be based about sex bros?

maybe you should have some.


How can one be both based and cringe

This but unironically

>have a woman with a cybernetic cock in your game
>respond with smug surprise when asked if you can have sex in game

Its a valid question

Is this the thirsty-Jevilposter? kek

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Tim Sweeney could provide some Chinese sex slaves courtesy of Tencent

gaming would be a lot better without gamers ruining it

Why wouldnt he just play a porn game?

China doesn't even have enough women for their own drones.

The word itself makes some men uncomfortable.

Big yikes

have sex

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I hate this logic.
>small part of group does thing
this logic is bad, you know why? Everyone is a human, so everything bad humans do means that every last human is bad.

Yes, I know some of you nihilistic fucks actually believe this, you don't have to explain it, I'm a Camusfag absurdist because nothing makes sense.

Unequivocally the funniest thing I've heard all day

I love how much this has been reposted lately. I don't even care if it's the guy who made it because he's correct.

says a lot about our society doesn't it

Think of it as another Epic Store Exclusive

He sounds like Eddy lmao

they all suck

he's right

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based cringeposter

cringed tbqhb

It's a perfectly valid question, only Genophobes would find fault with it.

is this the same I wanna fuck midna poster

people need to remember what sage does

>That shrill scream at the end

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Well yeah. Isnt the whole point of them to spend most of your time fapping and not playing a game?

based and redpilled

Isn't that the excuse pornos use to make shitty plots with wooden dialogue?

>sex = hardcore 4 hour long minigame with full penetration, and edging meter, positions, condom durability and RNG STD system

>advertise sex scenes in your game
>why do people ask related questions

You're right.
But you know what would be even better?
Going back to using noko to return to the thread you posted in. I can't even imagine how many normalfags got filtered by noko and it's all goooooooone REEEEEEE

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He's in that awful middleground where he's enough of a loser to want interactive sex in a videogame but not enough of a loser to have a hard drive full of h-games.

cringe and copepilled


Chill out Bobcat.

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>can dismember, murder and do a bunch of awful shit in a ton of vidya for the last few decades
>sex scenes are still taboo

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Thank you, whoever recorded this.

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This. If you expect the complexity of a train sim for the the sex minigame in a AAA rpg then you are an autist.

You mean coitus?

i dont know what kinda nerd shit youre going on about, but it sounds gay lol

Y-yeah heheh... imagine being that guy hahahaha!

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I love you but this hurts, user.

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Thing is that you cant have a AO game though.


This is the reason VR will never be taken seriously.

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based and cringepilled

Mom, put me in the Reddit screencap


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fuckign based

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Okay, now this is epic.

>screencap of a vocaroo post

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>he said the s word
enjoy your ban

Retard explicit sex can push a game to AO rating. They obviously wont go too far.
Excessive violence is just gonna be rated Mature at worst.

>an entire minute of this nonsense

because a lot of these spergos get addicted to them, replace them with actual games and actually enjoy when they have common mechanics and grinding

Funny. Your post and his now make it almost worth a cap to the kind of person who caps shit here to post it elsewhere. What a brainlet he is.

That's gonna be a YIKES from me dog

thats fake
i-isnt it?

It's over bros

Based and cringepilled

How the fuck was I so blind. You're totally right.

uhhh cringe much? dumb boomer lol

he's... gone. We broke him

I'm tired of this trend that mainly started with Valve for video games where the company pretends like they are your friend even though they, yes even "based" CDPR, push shitty practices just so they can make more profit with less effort and the brainwashed drones eat it up anyways
>support the developer!


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Because anyone who isn't a retard knows that "sex scenes" in a video game will always be that borderline mature softcore sex where no female nipples or any genitals of any kind are visible. Because apparently having a game where you can rip people to pieces bit by bit is a-okay but sex gets an immediate adult only rating which basically means you can't sell your game anywhere.

A cry from the heart
I bet there were no retakes, it's basically how most of the posters feel about Yea Forums

I like romances in games, but not those fags who ONLY care about that aspect

Yea Forums 2017 - Present in a Nutshell

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oof'd and yikespilled

>force them to have sex?
You don't really know what an incel is, do you?

cringe based boomer zoomer snoy nigger dilate tranny reddit yikes oof

Oh no?!

Autistic but also absolutely correct

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ugh thats legitimately cringey also to think they dont get that onions is a wordfilter and think its an organic phrase and not something the based mods put in place.

Now make an updated version for cope, seething, dilate, tranny, and have sex.

>Not taking screenshotting the audio wavelengths of all his favorite vocaroo posts

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Are you ok user? Do you need to talk?

simultaneously based and cringed

>>Not taking screenshotting the audio wavelengths of all his favorite vocaroo posts
What did Anonymous mean by this?

Had to listen to it twice.

A man unafraid to speak the truth

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but Witcher 3 had explicit sex

cringe and yet based

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>t. zoomer


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formerly Cringe

>the fucking credits
this takes me back


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heckin based

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Uh yeah, that's gonna be a big yikes and cringe from me

Pretty golden.

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are you ok?

Completely on the money, god bless you user, I needed this today.

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Yikes that cringe is totes not based nor redpilled

I didn't think Bobcat still did this voice.

Don't even have to play it

>no mention of seethe, yikes, have sex or dilate
lol keep up gramps

If you need any proof that everyone here hasn’t mentally matured since they were 12, this thread is it.
Bunch of juvenile manchildren.

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To me that seems like someone getting baited.

based icuck poster



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>he isn't 12
Why are you on a videogame board?

Brooo, you just posted cringe, you're going to lose subscriber!

10/10 I'm dying

Absolutely based

when did Billy West start lurking here?

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Sounds like exactly the type of thing an incel would propose.

Oh god that's beautiful.


where do you think all the gays and trannies came from?

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Except incels want underage asian girls, not each other. Forcing them to have sex with one another until they promise to never repeat their shit is a good idea, though.


based but slightly cringe

unironic cringe and yikes

What a retarded zoomer

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calm down steyvuhn

ahead of it's time


yikeroonies, famicom!

>go into a thread expecting nothing
>get a legendary post instead
is there a better feeling?
also include me in the screencap

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I feel a connection

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truly based.

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My sides


This gets 200 replies every time it's posted
It deserves more
based btw

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This man is my spirit animal
Based cringeposter

based and not onions

this is very cringey

I am cancelling my pre-order between this and the "open world"

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Please look at Zelda's ass.

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based and cringepilled

ruined, go away.

>I hope your mother chokes on her own feces in hell
Yeah, me too.

Not him, but you're an absolute homosexual.

Please fucking kill yourself.

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eww, stinky

>liking glasses
How tasteless of you.

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How many neovaginas do you have on your wrists?


unironically cringe based

Can I have fellatio sex with you?

yeah, this is the worst possible opinion

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I’m fucking crying user
Thanks for posting this

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How sad. I will pray for you lack of taste. Hopefully, tomorrow you will wake up as human beings and not the disgusting trash you are now.


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I don't get why devs bother with vidya """romance""".
99,9925% of it ends up being an unwatchable cringefest.

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He's right tho.
That vocaroo is my brain each time i get into this place, i hate you, you pieces of shit.


whos this semen demon?

any nudes?

what a swerveball, OP got derailed and totally destroyed

Im in fucking tears over here

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>made in 2018

You became angry.

This expression of emotion filled my needs to satisfactory conditions.

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rip singer of total biskit.

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>noko is gone
>sage is gone

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holy shit

I've been lauging for ten mintu8es and I've laughed so much I vomited

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Do you live under a rock, faggot?

absolute cringe
lose some weight
can hear fat from the voice

Seething. Cringe.


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How is murdering and mutilating people not an AO material?

this gets posted like 300 fucking times a day

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He's right though.

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I felt like noko and sage were extremely necessary and without them we can't properly regulate shitty threads anymore.
Yea Forums was better when new people couldn't noko and when sage meant you could reply without bumping a shitty thread.

This is a pretty accurate representation of how it feels to browse this board.

It's weird that I saw this posted on Yea Forums before I now see it here.

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Thank you.

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Impressive but ultimately cringe

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Thank you

He missed

>Have sex
>Hoe mad

that seems to be the new shit retards on this board spout

>its always some awful selfie or some furry anime shit as their avatar
God I'm glad i'm not a """gamer"""


based and cringepilled

you people are fucking monkeys, time to hide this thread.

I think he also missed SEETHING and COPE as shit that gets repeated constantly.

I don’t even know what dilate means. This board is basically clickbait articles now

somebody should tell this guy about honeyselect

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He's right you know

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Oh duh, Seething and Cope for sure...

I'm assuming it's something directed at Trans people?


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based and cringepilled

I'm replying too

The man who ended cringe once and for all. Absolutly merciless.

I cant acess the link because i dont have a web browser on my cellphone :(

Sage is still a thing, I don't know what you Yea Forums kids are on about

Imagine if this redditor was around in 2011, he wouldn't have survived the implying.

my fucking sides

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Burn in hell, phoneposter.


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I'm glad I entered this thread. 10/10

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at least implying was followed by an original thought. These are literally just one word catchphrases.

Cringe and Basedpilled

>impying you're not an incel
have sex, cringecel


The hero that we need, But didn't deserve

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holy fuck

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Based AND cringe


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My girlfriend can't stop laughing.

Finally, someone sane

phenomenal. he should do a new one and add soul vs soulless and have sex

>killing people it's okay

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I don't understand how so many people can agree with that vocaroo yet somehow still perpetuate the same bullshit he's talking about day in and day out. What are you trying to prove?


Someone put this through the Jevil filter with The World Revolving like last time


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My sides, based

Holy shit that guy sounds like my friend.

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>I am BOOoomer

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I'm midly amused.

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>Going back to using noko to return to the thread you posted in.

Out of curiosity, wasn't it 2012 when noko stopped being necessary?


I feel like these are just newfag versions of U MAD and DEAL WITH IT


Notepad comments are for videos about fixing a problem with a game or your PC.

Got pretty cringey at the end

>le ZOOoomer

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Content is dead because shitposting is fun



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>Implying anons wouldn't willingly fuck each other given the chance

You don't understand the degeneracy that actually festers on this shithole, do you?

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go take a shower
lift weights
gain height
have sex
get a clue

pull your dingleberries


now this is shitposting

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>ewww gross you want sex?! In a game?!? Ewww!



based but snoy wouldn't allow it.

This cringe master has a point though....

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Put me in the creampie senpai

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when did cdpr ever say porn is essential and normal? or are you just conflating shit for your own convenience?

So fucking forced


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cringe and basedpilled

It says something about your board when an autist screaming absolute nonsense makes valid points of how shit the community is


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cringe and based

No shit retard, all the libfags and retardera fags cry about sex while defending porn against "conservatives"

20 seconds too long. Trying way too hard.

That's a yikingtons by me dawg

I thought this was one of those things were Yea Forums overreacts to some dumb joke.

This was actually pretty damn funny.

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where is any of this political shit brought up in the op?

you forgot sneed, seeth and have sex

Remember when we used to have threads to break the reply feature? This reminds me of those

This is both based and cringe. It is the ultimate paradox.


Basato e non cringiato

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Don't play dumb, user. OP clearly was trying to start political shit about how incels love sex in games. You aren't that clever



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okay, keep putting words in peoples mouths since youre such a mind reader. take your pills first tho

Why does this guy sound like Rob Schneider?

It gets better every time i hear it.

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He's asking the real questions. I want Keanu Reeves to destroy my anal cavity.

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fucking saved.

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