SNK does it again

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Other urls found in this thread:

No Orochi no buy

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he cute

well, its not for me but happy to see SNK is trying to get more ladies into fighting games. pretty based actually

Wait this isn't the new cute girl user.

Uncensored on PS4

>for girls


its for the gays

Unrelated question: Why does iori have fire in some games and no fire in other games?

is this gonna be a fighting game or what?

how is a fighting game gonna get girls into fighting games?

Dating sim with some simplified fighter segments

I'm mostly straight but I kind of always wanted to fuck benimaru.

>for girls
kek, faggots OUT

straight too but one of the first things i tugged my 12 year old weiner to was some really well drawn yaoi of this guy. They made him look really effeminate with soft supple skin.

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Poor fighting game characters are nothing but whores, the women are put in a shitty volleyball game while the men get shoved into an otome game

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can't believe this fat fuck is actually in

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are girls into bara?

I can't play this! I'm a man!

I mean, Leona canonically wants to fuck him.

I heard you want to romance Howard

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Of course he's in fat bald guy is King (of fighters) in NTR porn right now why wouldn't he be?


... I want this localized.

what a let down

Finally i will date Ash.

I can't wait to get a critical hit from the SHINGO DICK.

it doesn't even have ash

>No Ash.
To the trash it goes.


s-shut up



Why would the pokemon guy be in a kof game?

the fuck is going on at snk, they are using the KoF ip for literally anything, characters being guest in a ton of stuff, bizarre games like this or heroines, i dont get it, are the chinese responsible?

the girl is the pc

Excuse me where is my Clark

>No Shen Woo

shotacon fujoshis are gonna sell a ton of copies and they know it.
the only woman in there is the player character.

they've been doing this for a long time. look up days of memories.

>these newfags who dont know of days of memories

Its just a dating sim phone app

I don't think she can handle its godly d.

Ash stole his powers.

Where is best boi?

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I hope they have Ash Crimson

I'm not gonna let them do Terry like this. I was for it when they turned him into a hot chick but this is too fucking far. I don't care if its not canon this shouldn't exist. Fuck fujoshits.

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>qlrI in the url

reminder, this is NOT FUJOSHIT. It's a fucking otome game. GET IT RIGHT.

Wait, it's ACTUALLY called "King of Fighters For Girls"? I thought the post title was just making fun of it.

Also, why "For Girls"? Does Japan not know that gay guys exist?

Attached: kofgirl.png (300x236, 7K)

t. Otome yumejoshi stacy

>no Ralf and Clark

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>for girls
Fuck off terf csi scum! Me and my boyfriends are boycotting snk from now on.


This is a thread for girls, no gays and trannies allowed!

like gays would get a piece of anything even remotely mainstream, especially from japan. does my saltiness show?

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I can fuck Kyo, after the many times he's fucked me over.

What are you even talking about? Is Terry too heterosexual in it for you or something?

Ok Iori but you're also in it.

t. doesn't know anything about SNK history

>no Ash


based buff guys Clark, Ralf, Daimon, Geese and Takuma for not getting involved in this gay shit

Days of Memories or GTFO

Daimon is in it

>the chinks turned SNK into their old selves again

No he's not, Shingo is taking his place on Team Japan in this game's plot.

Daimon is part of the game but not dateable

Not wanting to date a cutie like "Player" seems pretty gay to me.
He's on the sub category

I saw a still in the other thread with Billy smoking, did no one else double take to that?

This can't be true. Delete your podt from existence

non Fredy is also in wtf

What do you mean?

>No daddy Rugal

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Leona wants to fuck K'
Leona mistakes Chang for an officer superior wich is reference to an old glitch.

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What other Otome games has this artist done?

The jacket is not something he adheres by, it's just something he stole.

>for GIRLS
>but the thread is full of homos

Saw an FGC dude complain about the name on twitter. Also saw that his wife now goes by the pronouns "he/they". I used to respect him, too.

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So he wears it ironically?

Billy was always a smoker.

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I support this, specially if you get the guys on sexy situations...
So people can stop bitching about female sexualitation.
and we can sexualise what ever we want.

more like KOF for Gays

is he? then im sold!

Feel like I'm losing my mind.

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I guess? Aside illustrations, devs confirmed he smoked like more than 2 decades ago.

>sub category

Those probably wont get a direct route or are secondary characters.

>Iori Yagami
>Not gay
Pick one

I for one am glad that Terry was able to find the cure for terminal rule 63.

Holy shit you can actually cuck Mai Shiranui

2019 and still living in the closet , just come out is ok to be a faggot now day you filthy queer.

>dead girlfriend

Who are you maining?

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bao its a fucking kid

i'm not gay, but there's something about Terry's cum...

They were also on DS but seems the only one getting a new version is the otome one

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gays make up less than 10 percent of the world population so doesnt make sense to market it at them.
anyway gays are welcome to buy this game nobody is going to throw them off a roof for it.


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>implying Shotacon isn't popular
>implying woment don't buy this doujins as well

>you wanna die cunt
Damn Iori is a real ladies man

is this a dating sim spin off? i would actually buy this and im not even gay or am i

The women playing this would probably get wet from that though.

Ash was in the old one

Attached: DS DSi - Days of Memories 2 - Ash Cutscenes.png (792x528, 268K)

>Yagami is IamGay backwards

user, I...

well at least fujoshits are good at something i guess

ImAGay, my bad.

Didn't Iori canonically had a girlfriend?


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there are more women browsing 4channel then men do

Very cuddly Maxima.

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what are two girls doing there?

Why the fuck is Bao in this game he's not even that popular. Also he's underaged, what would a romance scene with him even look like? Tickling him? Pulling off his socks and tickling his toes and licking his feet and suckling till his pee-pee explodes on itself? Haha what a stupid fucking character haha

This image tells me you play as a girl who watches this scene unfolds and pursue Terry with the goal of calling him daddy in bed

There's only one girl self insert chan

C'mon man it's ok

Is this gonna be gacha shit? How much will I have to pay for Maxima to get all the desserts he deserves?

Okay, so self-insert chan is at the bottom left. Now here's the question: who will have the best kids with her?

Mmm now that you ask I don't really know how most visual novels plays out. I remember that some Otome has some stamina to continue reading....and they were very long to wait, other had extra costumes

It's being advertised as a VN with minor battle sequences or something. But since I wouldn't know how they'd make money without it being gacha I'm just going to assume it is going to be gacha.

early kof games had "girlfriend" listed under his likes but then it vanished and snk never explained why.
kyo on the other hand is canonically dating yuki, so he's got some 'splaining to do if he bones protagonist-chan.

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Kyo also have one but no one cares and SNK will get more money seeling his ass anyway.

It was explained in the drama cd moon and sun.
She's dead. Now he visits her every year.

Does he even have a penis?

Why the fuck would gays want to play an otome game?

>No Rock Howard

>no Ash

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Who would date Iori? Didn't he kill two people and brutally beat the shit out of his team?
What if you start fucking him and he decides he wants to fist your head instead of your pussy? Are you supposed to tech it and come out on top?

Mai have Andy and it didn't stopped anyone from dating her in DOM.

I'd rather have his bishie son.

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It's an otome game retard.

i wish i was a girl just so i could play this

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I'm a girl and I have NO interest in this. Sigh..
Title seems kinda sexist, but whatevs. It's Japan. I've given up hope.

user, they're trying to appeal to different kinds of girls. There's female shotacon out there you know, and I'm willing to bet that the Bao hate stuff is in part a western meme. Also
>implying the nip women wo'll play this will care about the ages of fictional characters
It's going to be tons of Onee-san femdomming Bao, and you know it.

His son is for his sister only. Rose would not like it if you tried to take him away from her.


>Implying yandere sis isn't a plus

it's no wonder incels exist

>cd called moon and sun
>contents do not seem like fun

You will have to buy the game to find out

To be fair, you have to be very high test to be a man that consumes media for women.

Why do i date a robot?

He's a cyber, not a robot

>game lets you be an uber stacy and ntr every other kof girl

I don't like otome games but I'm going to steal Mai's husbando.

I can't main only one but I would go for Kyo, Iori, Bao and Maxima.

A lot of these characters are about as close to "In a relationship" as you can get in this series without having been married when you were first introduced.

The relationship part of these games is never canon.


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Normally you just, like, buy the game.

>can't date Daimon
what's the fucking point

I'm going for Shingo dick and Maxima dick, if he has one.

SNK has always done that you faggot
you niggers are constantly outting yourselves

He has several that he can swap out depending on your tastes

hes a married man

You're not straight.

Do you really think they're gonna make it a one time pay mobile game?

And Andy is committed to Mai, but he's in here.

90% of those characters are canonically gay. Why is this otomeshit and not BL?


I'll take her first

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There's always friendship route, it's a VN.

>fighting games

Based fag poser. Play the games retard

>Kim on sub char
>Daimon replaced with Shingo

he's right. most kof guys are gay, canonically. this being otome makes no sense. benimaru would never date a girl.

>The relationship part of these games is never canon
mai and andy are as canon as it gets. but canon means nothing to games like this, it'll just take place in an alternate universe or something.

Attached: andy doesn't use protection.gif (266x155, 172K)

>choose a guy to date
>you can help the other characters to date each other so no one ends alone
>Iori and Kyo finally make out while you marry Shingo

Biggest flop of the decade or homos will buy it in droves. Women don't play games.

>he don't know about fujo market
Brroo, girls are crazy about this.

Omg not this samefagging fuck again. Please fuck off and die.

>Benimaru: "Now, now that's no way to treat a woman. Oh, how I wish we'd met under different circumstances."

It's been trending on Twitter longer than any other SNK mobile game.

Where's Kensou? I wanna cuck Athena.

>Women don't play games.

KoF is notorious popular with nip girls since forever, and this shit is mobile.

If I were an attractive girl I would be such a skank.

Damn the self insert is pretty cute.
I'm going with daddy Maxima.

>Chinks buy SNK
>but retains their SOUL
Absolute madmen.

No Geese No Buy

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I just realized that Benimaru is just a blonde Polnareff

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too autistic to romance

>you're forced to play as a girl
Is it really that hard to make a dating sim where the player character's gender is never referred to (thus allowing anyone to self-insert)? Like, think about it for a minute: can you really imagine that many situations in which someone would call you by your gender and not just by your name? I want to mating press Bao.

>Most active KoF threads in years only when an otome game gets announced
Sure, why not?

Those dudes are pretty much all gay as fuck. Just look at them. None of them would date women.

>Gay otome shit
We can expect 24/7 positive game journo coverage and 100% censorship free release on the gay station 4. The only complaints they can possibly have is that it doesn't go too far.

Because he's literally inspired on Polnareff

Attached: Benimaru94.jpg (600x800, 39K)

You faggots are so obnoxious, go back to resetera already.

Here's a fun one for you. Way back when '94 was being developed, the devs called him electric Polnareff before his name was decided on.

Benimaru is an inspiration of Polnareff
The devs confirmed it a lot of times
Even his clothes in 95 are the same as Pol

It's mobile, dumb nigger.

Nigga, those same people you're complaining about have been bitching about the "for Girls" part of the title.

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You do realize that there is a big market for mobile otome games, right?

You'd go crazy looking around for references in SNK games, including Jojo ones.

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andy ignores mai even after being married.

Yeah, but the ones that are free to play with micro transactions make way more money than the ones you have to buy to play.

will there be a TG'ed King?

trending all the day in JP twitter

It all depends on whether or not they are using this game as a way to sell merch.

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self insert girl is too OP

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>people think otome games are marketed towards fujos
>people think fujos care about otome games
>people think gay men play otome games
>people don't know what yumejoshi are
>people don't even know what "otome" is
Where were you when it was revealed Yea Forums is populated by normies?

based, but its only hot when a woman does it. sorry.

I can hear it from here.

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Fujos and gays can still play otome games, it's just not targeted at them. I'll play it.

>no Geese

fag pedo

>tfw there will never be a yaoi KOF made by the same dude that made the Hadaka Shitsuji series

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already getting some amusing fan art

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You could date the daughter in the old ones

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So you want to rape everyone?

Could an otome about street fighter sell? who could want to date those buff men

I wanna bang Ash like they do on Raw city

SNK knows exactly what the fuck they're doing. This game is gonna make easy money, with low backend cost.

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>NTR K' away from Kula
This will not feel right.

It might, but it will never exist because Capcom is afraid of actually doing outside of the box things with their characters, specially nowadays.

Daimon is married.

Yes. I want to bully Kyo and force him to be raped by a dog. I want to turn Iori's asshole into a flower vase. I want to choke the life out of K and then fuck him back to life.

Oh definetly he plays that role. In the original you got the choice to date either Rock Howard your classmate or MoW Terry your Dad's Classmate. For most of his route Terry thinks you're using him to get to Rock and he drops his spaghetti hard. Terry's route ends with you dropping Highschool to wander the world with him.

Cool, I'm more into Vanilla so I enjoyed the Aki route the most but you do you.

>Women don't play game
Silly user, WESTERN Women don't play games. Japanese women are the biggest consumers of merchandise on japan. This game will outsell KoF XIV

I just want to start an american family with Guile

Like Daimon he's specifically married, you'd have to settle for Charlie.

You got proof besides out of your ass?

I'd give Ryu a roof to live under and clean clothes, but he'd probably choose not to.

Chinese and korean women as well, specially otome games.

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I wonder if they're testing the waters for a KoF dating sim with the girls too. Seems odd to me they did the Otome girl first, when they previously had like 5 with KoF girls.

the fuck did Daigo mean by this

>making an anime fighter for fujos
I'm unironically interested in how this will pan out

I thought he divorced or something.

They did the Days of Memories games before, so it wouldn't surprise if it happens again with maybe more budget this time.

>an anime fighter for fujos

>kill two people
Orochi-induced madness don't count
>brutally beat his team
Vice and Mature? They are Orochi bitches and thus don't count.

I'd want to see a Samurai Shodown otome, the series is even more down in the shipping rabbit hole than KoF is.

Wait a second... that's Kyo in the image!

You can really expect quality when it comes to anything that has fujo-funding. Now compare that to yuri-neckbeards who can't even get to organize themselves and help their failing genre HAHAHA.

back when they did the SNK visual novels there was one dedicated exclusively to Samurai Shodown.

Some otomes the male heroes are a bunch of douchebags that keep bullying the heroine and they are even popular for that.

It's an edit but probably not far from Iori's own fantasies

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look closely. That's not the screenshot, that's fanart. This is quickly becoming a meme.

SNK is willing to make seedier games out of their franchise, while Capcom isn't. Never forget that SNK made Dokidoki Majo Shinpan.

SNK Heroines was released only a few months ago and people bitched because they wanted a "manly game, not fanservice trash".
At least the girls (and gays) are happy to have something after years since the only DOM game where you could date guys.

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Didnt they raise 10 million yens for an Yuru Yuri Ova just recently?

The problem with Street Fighter guys is that most of them are committed to their martial arts (or something to that effect), so you can't keep them..

lol dude you're gayer than me

No the same series this KOF belong existed before and had women and they put some Samurai Shodow girls

Attached: Days of Memories 3 - Mina Cutscenes.png (525x525, 250K)

Bitches love abusive boyfriends

Nobody is forcing you to play this game. You won't lose any diversity point by not shilling it on your social media feed.

There was an entire game with the SS girls and the bad end was getting fucked by Genjuro


Isn't this girl the one whose dog turns into monster

SNK Heroines was a lot better than a lot of people made it out to be. SNK's 3D modeling was still not good enough for their ambition, though.


This is total bullshit, one of his "dislikes" is smoking

>His kid sister, Lilly
>Orders (Fatal Fury 2), Dirty clothing (KOF 2003), cigarettes

I don't see how that's a bad end...

>and people bitched because they wanted a "manly game, not fanservice trash".
Who the hell bitched about that? Most of the complaints from people who actually care were about the game being shitty, and maybe because the roster.

Not that I know, he's got a kid and everything same as Ken.

Based Terry getting you out of the school scam.

>getting fucked by Genjuro
>bad ending
now this is a game I wouldn't mind losing

Attached: DoM_Genjuro.png (240x240, 99K)

I remember this bitch but not the game...

Attached: Days of Memories 3 - Hibiki Cutscenes.png (524x521, 228K)


She's from The Last Blade, but most people remember her from CvS2.

Daimon is canonically married and has two kids. Imagine being his wife haha.

Yes, she kills it and then offs herself

I often forget Samurai Shodown and Last Blade are different series.

Aaah last blade, fuck they really forgot about that one. I wish it get a remake.

she appeared in kof kyo

Attached: Jokyojo.gif (146x210, 13K)

I think he dislikes other people smoking, not himself.

Imagine having Iori laugh as he cums inside you for the purpose of making children

I also think the game could have a bigger roster and use a more traditional gameplay, but I saw a lot of people complaying either about how "Kukri was basically locking the girls in a sex dungeon and abusing them" or "back in my days KOF was a manly game"

Would Iori want the Yagami curse to pass onto his child? He was not exactly a fan of his own father and fate.

Imagine how did he mating press her

>we want the Touken Ranbu audience

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I think the artists were just having a laugh with that, as far as I'm aware he dislikes cigarettes in general. His descriptions describe him as "violently anti-smoking"

Self-insert chan has some deus ex machina bullshit that can nullify the curse for his kids. I think that detail leaked somewhere.

I miss Friday Night Otome Threads.

source me up

Who are these niggers

But iori is a tranny

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I'm really interested into this game because I want to make some games for women and girls and I play kof daily on my pc.

So, is this a console exclusive?
Also, what are otome games and what are their gameplay?

Any recs?

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It's soulless mobage

So free and accesible, its even better.

Bi slut

What are telltale signs something like this is intended for homosexual men rather than heterosexual women (fujos)

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Ryu will believe when you say a warrior must rest for he's human.
Also drain his balls and saying he has to expell excess energy.

Mario run was a one time payment

The telltale sign is if the guys fuck each others casually but only commit later. Basically, like Dream Daddy.

That would be pretty cool

>heterosexual women
Fujos are into boys love, why is that so hard to understand?

Chinks may be cancer but when they do good they do really good, I am hopeful for that botw clone.

>I also saw that only Billy got a big update to his clothing this time. Does that perhaps reflect an inner change in his character?

>Staff: Not particularly. But did you notice the “NO SMOKING” print on the back of his jumper? It’s not to say Billy doesn’t smoke… it’s just something he found randomly in the city (he didn’t pay for it, by the way).


>can't date Rugal
What is the point? K's looking pretty good, though.

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