>Jannies are at it again
Hold the line.
Smash thread died for this (And that's a good thing)
Fucking jannies, why was the thread deleted? We are getting new information for the new expansion.
Love isn't always on time.
>Dozens of Smash threads, off-topic threads, waifu threads, general shitposting threads
>Delete one of the few threads actually talking about a fucking video game
Suck my cock, 4chins staff. You're fucking retarded. This behaviour is what incites people into spamming your dumb fucking website with shit threads in the first place.
They just deleted our Splatoon thread too. I guess they really hate video games.
We're with you, bro.
>3,409 threads about tifas tits
>this is fine
>one thread about a video game that isn't infested with tranny bullshit
>lol go back to vg
throw wide the gates
You know exactly why
Sup bros, an user requested my presence.
Also, fuck jannies.
Woah woah woooooah...
>48 hours until Liveletter
FUCK tranny jannies
sasuga hall monitor-kun
The fuck?
So why are endless Smash threads OK?
We want to discuss the game. Xivg is a avatarfagging circlejerk. Tell the mods to enforce a non-degenerate general and we'll go there.
because it's popular so they get to do whatever they want
Because I can.
woah, talking about video games? it’s like you guys think the fat greasy autists who janny on Yea Forums aren’t going to be degenerate retards that delete any thread actually talking about video games.
we need all of these loli/hentai threads at 400 replies on our video game board guys
Why was his post deleted?
>multiple smash threads allowed, even when they had two sticky threads.
>multiple wow threads allowed
>multiple pokemon threads when they have their own fucking board.
>Go back to your containment board.
He does
Doesn't matter how much logic you throw at it it will always screech, he's been doing this for LITERAL years.
Cum on my toes.
Is there going to be a stormblood skip booster? did they say anything? I never played it
>considering picking up ffxiv because i have an mmo itch
>played armsman in daoc and blackguard in war because i love polearm-using heavy armor classes
>also want to play a whm because i love simple healing classes and fast queues
wat do?
Go War because WHM is gay.
Play both? You can level every job in one character.
>tanking Skalla for the first time
>on the pull after the second boss
>the highlander monk in my party tells me to keep pulling
>jump off thinking a path will appear
Fucking I hate mhiggers so goddamn much. When will the black rose be ready?
WHM is surprisingly fun in dungeons and there will be some upset shitters that'll refuse to level healers once the expansion comes out so you'll have extra short queues
and for good reason
I recommend start with Arcanist, it can go into Summoner (DPS) or Scholar (Healer) and keep the same level, then level Marauder (Tank) and you'll have all 3 roles.
>We are getting new information for the new expansion
Anything new since the trailer yesterday, aside from Titania's battle mechanics?
post your feet then in /xivg/ you trannygger, kill yourself
Yes, but for my first 70, and for my main, and for endgame
>Janny rolls up to the thread
Summoner's tooltips but there's been arguments about their effectiveness.
Based. Thanks for that user.
>They keep posting that thing...
>They call it cunny
>we need all of these loli/hentai threads at 400 replies on our video game board guys
God, I wish.
Tranny janny deletes these too because those threads reminds THEM of beauty, purity and innocence they threw away.
You guys looking forward to more hunting for Aether Currents when Shadowbringers drops?
What happened with the nier raid?
Hell yeah
Yes, exploring new zones and listening to zone music was the best part of early Heavensward
Shame that Stormblood zones mostly sucked
Unironically, yes. I had fun exploring the zones to find them with some friends.
this fellow looks like a trustworthy individual
It's coming in 5.1.
>"That's him! That's janny!"
>"Trannies are part of FFXIV society. But they must be fed with attention. Living attention."
Yes, even for endgame, you can play both jobs just fine.
For example at current raid cycle, you could start at i370 from the previous raid cycle, buy i380 crafted from the new raid cycle and gear on that set just fine. You can then get i390-i400 gear from raids and weekly tomestone shit to further gear your jobs.
Playing 2 different jobs sure is more work but it's not impossible to play one job or the other as they're needed.
Hey mods consider that the next time the board gets flooded with horse pussy webms that you might have caused it with your niggardry
i'm really looking forward to my friend paying me 1mil gil per zone to fly them around to all the currents
I swear that adder and flames are trade winning with Mael because the dumb shit they are doing in pvp can only be explain with trade wins.
Actually yes, I enjoy that part of new expansion and I wish there would be something similar before the next expansion comes around.
I don't know what I'm going to play for ShB. I play AST/MCH and WAR right now, but I don't like the look of any of them for ShB.
First time I don't know what to play.
Take the GNBpill.
I bought the newest expansion when it was on sale, but as a rule I don't subscribe to MMOs. Where's the best place to buy timecards online?
Did Alphinaud get taller?
I play AST as well, and I have mixed feelings
We will undoubtedly be good, but will we feel as good as before?
Solidly maybe, but it's too soon to tell
Become what you must
Nioh threads also get deleted despite there being no general and always on topic.
Tfw poorfag and about to get thrown into jail because i cannot afford my taxes, too bad SB left a sour taste in my mouth after what HW was
I think I'll start with WHM as a new player, because I figure it's the best way to get to see the most game content, especially stuff I've missed
If you remove the collar you'd see the giraffe neck.
Imagine ignoring the trash infesting Yea Forums and just deleting normal video game threads for free.
Sell me on BLM, I enjoy your band of shitposting BLM goons and would like to join you.
I'm not gonna be a tank anxiety faggot. But how is it tanking a savage raid?
There must not be enough Smash and Tifa threads for them so they made room for more.
>Post it as a genuine question because I'm searching the Lochs for Aether Currents and I enjoy the exploration and puzzles of how to navigate to an Aether Current you can see but not immediately reach
>Think it's probably gonna be taken ironically because people probably just think it wastes your time and detracts from the gameplay, and you should be able to fly in an area right away
>Get a bunch of responses talking about how they actually like the mechanic
You guys rock.
big damage and teleport shenanigans.
Also I really liked the Archmage in WAR, and aesthetically and spell-effects-wise the WHM and Archmage are similar
You get to blow shit the fuck up. What's not to like? I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE, AND I BRING YOU... {Fire IV}
Easier than DPS or Healer. You just need to know when to pop cooldowns.
Probably the easiest job in the whole game. Just sit there and let the boss hit you. Sometimes you move or tank swap.
You generally have less mechanics to do than the other roles and even when you hit enrage, people will put the blame on the other roles first.
Unironically the easiest role.
*ascian theme plays*
Heh, jokes on you, you downloaded a virus in that image.
Just kidding bro, enjoy.
;) Sweet. Why don't more people tank then?
I'm just a bit scared of people sperging at me when doing savage content blind when ShB comes out
if it was a janny revealing his position as a janny, he just got banned and lost his job
Unfortunately nothing comes of trying that.
You know how every DPS job has a few big abilities that they have to build up to via combos or filling their class gauge?
For BLM, your bread and butter spammable spell is that big ability. And the shit you build up to is even more insane.
Also, on a mechanical note, BLM is very intensive on fight knowledge and optimization, so if you're the type who likes to have a new experience each fight and solving puzzles, it's absolutely the best job for you.
Probably, they want people to play the newest parts of the game; they announced a HW story skip when SB was launching so it's only natural they'd do the same for ShB
So, MCH is going to have a lot of buttons to press, but still be very flowchart, right?
I like that kinda of thing on DRG and could go for a ranged equivalent
tanxiety bullshit.
BLM's design is basically counterintuitive to everything else in the game; you're not mobile, your cast-times are very long compared to other magic users, you need to sit still for extended periods, and you have absolutely no party-utility (not even in the meta-dickrider definition of "utility" which is "damage-up party buffs", BLMs cannot do ANYTHING for their party that is not a role action). Because you're fighting an uphill battle against the game's own design and you have absolutely no party utility, the potencies of your magic are extremely high; after Enochian and Astral Fire 3, your potency on Fire IV is somewhere in the neighborhood of 700 per-cast, 6 to 7 times every single attack-phase. So at 60 when you gain Fire IV black mage becomes this race of cramming as many Fire IVs into the boss as possible and ignoring as many mechanics as possible to keep yourself seated that extra bit longer, until eventually you can't ignore something (like a stack-marker or other group-up mechanic) and you have to Aetherial Manipulation teleport to a party-member.
It's flatly the perfect job for completely shitting all over content you already know. It's terrible for learning a fight, but the best bar none once you know it and can react appropriately or know where to stand so that mechanics won't even touch you. Numbers are consistently huge, to keep the lizard-brain stimulated. Also the best AoE fighter bar none; Stormblood gave us an AoE version of Thunder, and God bless 'em for it.
If people get mad at you then say it's your first time, you want to do it blind and would like to learn as you go. If people sperg at you for that then it's their problem, so proceed to laugh at them.
That actually sounds really good to me, thanks for the explanation. I sha'll join your ranks.
Hiroshimoot's band of merry men don't actually read /qa/. It's the Yea Forums equivalent of HR complaints being fed through a mailing box and into a shredder.
It's really easy to push blame off on the healers if you mess up, just say you expected them to shield you for the tankbuster you forgot to mitigate and it's suddenly their fault
Level DRG to 50 on the side for Heavensward, you'll thank me later.
Yea Forums is a propaganda machine. They remove that which does not influence
Is SAM the highest DPS job? I used to play SMN but I want to flex my dps dick to the max this time
Haha, that's our Ilberd!
This is from before the growthspurt because the cutscenes definitely make him look taller except here
That or his outfit creates some kind of fucking illusion
Single target yes, but if we talking about AoE then BLM wins by a large gap.
Thunder IV thundercloud procs on giant pulls are probably the most satisfying things in the game
How would you describe the differences between BRD and MCH as ranged DPS options?
I prefer melee over magic, personally. Guess I'll go SAM. Actually I wonder how that DNC job is going to be? maybe it'll be top dog
bow vs gun
Do you just not understand perspective?
You have to esteemed privilege of getting to stand still in boss fights ignoring mechanics and forcing that little bitch faggot healer to work overtime keeping you alive.
His new outfit gives him wider shoulders and scarf obscures his neck while the other cutscene has the camera positioned near ground with Alphinaud taking up most of the foreground making him look almost as tall as WoL.
Finally got caught up with the story, I think all I have left to do outside of real person content is a few normal mode primals. Stormblood got much better neat the end but it was all a big letdown after HW.
play both dragoon and white mage. white mage first because of what you said, dragoon second for exp bonus so you don’t have to play low level dragoon for long.
>tank decided to wall-to-wall pull when he shouldn't have
>Thundercloud proccing almost constantly
>Convert and a super-ether are available for quadruple Flare and I'm in ice phase
>Foul is available and the timer's almost full again
From what we've seen of Shadowbringers, Machinsit is going to be a completely selfish dps job that just keeps whipping out gadgets to kill shit and has a standard combo system for it's basic attacks, while Bard is proc-based and has support elements.
>can't use commands from other jobs
>can only use 1 type of weapon per job
>materia are literally no different than gear, just more meme stats and no commands or abilities, not even passive ones like cover, long range or counter attack
>literally no character customization other than picking 1 job
please convince me this isn't the most retarded game in the whole franchise
I could create more diverse builds in fucking FF1 with its 6 shitty jobs
As of right now? Fun vs. masochism.
In ShB? Master archer with a pronounced theme of music and rythm vs. engineer with a huge toolbox. Mechanically, BRD will be about three mini-rotations that you go through, while MCH will be about building up gauges to unleash during burst windows.
People don't tank because they don't know that it's actually really easy
My biggest issue with Stormblood was replacing the genki ditz with an angry retard. Hanging out with Hien on the Steppe was comfy as fuck at least, and going treasure hunting with Arenvald and Alphinaud was fun.
Seems DNC is less about their own DPS but more of buffing everyone elses DPS.
>please convince me this isn't the most retarded game in the whole franchise
I see you must not have played any of the XIII series.
>>can only use 1 type of weapon per job
>[OMG Hunter weapon!!!1 intensifies]
As someone who's still finishing up the last bit of SB, Hien was great. I dunno if he's Aymeric level but that's a pretty high bar.
All support with little personal damage output
Some support with decent damage output
Practically no support and higher damage output
Basically DNC is going to be high in demand and the other two are in the cuck shed.
Speaking of MMO threads, did mods and jannies finally start deleting the "We're going home" WoW threads or did the contract for paid shills just run out?
I used to see 3-4 of them all the time but now I can barely see 1.
You don't get to pad the party's stats in any way
They cut down on them because we kept hijacking the threads when the jannies would delete our threads.
people got to actually see the game again and realize it wasn't worth playing
the game was revealed to just be streamer bait
Nobody is Aymeric level. He's two deeds short of being Elezen Jesus
>the procs keep hitting and I still have one convert flare and a pot flare on standby alongside foul
>next polyglot is ticking up in ~4s
>shad is giving us another polyglot
It makes me warm and fuzzy knowing a tank will see my icon and pull wall to wall no matter what the healer says
The latter. First beta period is over so the shills are gone from now. Next period they'll be back spamming it.
Destiny's destiny
>they announced a HW story skip when SB was launching so it's only natural they'd do the same for ShB
When did they announce it last time? before the xpac launched I assume? I want to buy the boost day 1 along with the expansion so I can get started. Also i assume I'd have to buy a level boost to jump from 60 to 70 as well? so 2 seperate passes?
>Every girl I have ever met on this game wants to fuck Aymeric
>Can't even hate him for it because he is such a bro
How can one man be so based
Do you work for CIA or JIDF piece of fucking shit? even if none kill yourself scum
For me, it's Estinien.
Here's your 5.0 meta comp bro.
Even the guys want to fuck Aymeric.
How do I go about doing Extreme Primals with 0 experience this late when people just want experienced people?
Watch a video, join/make a learn party
They didn't have them available day 1, only quite a bit later
It's unknown if level boosts will become 1-70 boosts or if you'll have to stack 1-60 60-70, I doubt it would be the latter.
I hope DRG and NIN get to stay bros
FUCK SAM, I give my Eye to them
Also, rip BRDs
DNC's slated to be low DPS but insane single-target utility with some group-utility on the side. Expect people to lick your boots to be your dance-partner
Estinien's a good boy but I want to travel with him again, not just see him as a little blue speck in the distance doing something plot convenient.
I guess I missed the part where whm's get chain stratagem. get back in your fucking shed, bitch.
You faggots have a general. Use it.
And don’t pretend you’re not using this thread for the same cancer they do in the generals.
PLD/DRK are way stronger tanks, not just for dealing damage but also for mitigation
Am I fucked for playing SAM with no established group or friends?
join a learning group, make a learning group, watch a video and convince people to let them join their farm party, make friends in-game and ask for help.
>They didn't have them available day 1, only quite a bit later
oh god what the fuck. How long after was it available? that's dumb as shit, I can't finish all of stormblood in 1 week
I want to play DNC because of everything you named but I don't know about playing a female potato DNC, feels weird.
Who gives a fuck about the meta?
kill yourself tranny janny, go back to your intelligence agency employer and fuck off
Probably yeah
Go read the general thread, then come here, and see how wrong you are.
You definitely can if you get a HW skip and skip every cutscene
For me, it's Alphinaud.
No, first guy in my fc to clear every savage tier mained sam, both with a static and pugging.
Would this work for shit like Byakko or even stuff from HW like Nidhogg?
Test build numbers are not staying.
I barely have time to play as is, I really can't
Nah, as long as you're competent and aren't doubling-up on jobs, most groups flatly don't care. If they demand you play another to suit the meta or whatever they're probably not going to clear, especially if it's a learning/completion party.
>quad flare
you lose dps doing more than 3 fyi
because they want people to play the expansions. which you should. it's fine to skip a realm reborn because it's still based on their 2013 rushed development cycle, but heavensward is kino and shouldn't be skipped.
WAR is never not going to be meta because warriors in every game are the biggest cry babies
It's Yoshi approved.
>Caring about dps when you can style on whatever remains of the group that just got hit by Quadra-flare into double Foul with several Thunder IV procs
Why the fuck can't you just enjoy it at your own pace? It's literally designed this way.
Unless they nerf TBN to like 15% DRK OT with PLD MT will still be the best tank comp for prog
everyone that follows reddit. so 99% of the community
depends.if black mage NEVER has to move then their dps is significantly higher, but otherwise yes it's samurai
Stupid fuck I don't want to RACE anyone I want to START at the same point as everyone else and take my time with the expansion. I'm literally an ENTIRE expansion behind everyone else. I don't want to be stuck playing shitblood while everyone is in shadowbringers
fuck i thought that was a fat ass in the thumbnail fuck you
>for prog
By that logic RDM is going to be meta you retard
you can unsync nidhogg ex in like 5 minutes. you can't unsync byakko yet but he's one of the easiest stormblood primals so you should knock him out in a few pulls.
You mean the subreddit that literally is only "look at what my GF did/drew/made" or "look at my character commission"?
motherfucker do you even blm, if you can flare you flare
Cuz you’re a pedophile. You’re attracted to lalas and it makes you uncomfortable how the first thing in your mind is to sexualize them. For everyone else they’re cute goofy chubby toddlers, for you it’s something you want to fuck.
Jannies wtf? the thread is over 100 posts, delete it faster.
I just used Byakko as an example from not doing any SB Primals.
One copy of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers please.
>all but one viera face are piss ugly
Why did they do this?
a ton of people are going to be playing gunbreaker/dancer which start at level 60 so the same level as you starting stormblood.
If you can pull off good numbers, it's pretty easy to make friends. The average player is so unbelievably shit that good DPS is really valuable. As a BLM, which is about as off-meta as you can get, I get asked to join up for endgame content on the reg because people know shit will die in a timely fashion when I'm there. Don't believe autistic redditor propaganda.
Just pay for a fucking bot and have the bot run through the story. All you have to do is dungeons
This desu. Going through 50-60 level dungeons at the moment and even if I mess up someone just explains the mechs. I do warn them that it's my first time there though, hopefully they don't mind me doing small pulls.
The very same.
Why? The content isn't fucking going anywhere you dumb cunt. People are going to be hobbled the entire way and then just farm the content that's out for a few months until the next patch.
Stop acting like you have to be where everybody else is, just enjoy the motherfucking game. Get a free company and run content you can't get reasonable queues for.
Dancers do sexy dances, I don't know how I feel about Lalas dancing sexy, that is all it really is.
only face 3 is bad, keep trying
Closet pedos are the fucking worst just admit you want to fuck lalas already fucking faggot
>My little brother just made his first character and drew this for me! I thought you'd all love to see it!
>Can we just take a moment to appreciate ____?
>Lore Question: What was with the Elezen resistance soldier in 4.55? Am I missing something?
>Just hit level 70 and loving this game! Here's a commission of my character!
RDM for prog is a retarded meme, anyone sane used a SMN from the start. Even if they buff GNB/WAR damage going DRK/PLD is still going to be safer
Where are my NIN bros at? Still getting your dick sucked?
Why does the fourteenth fantasy of finality hate the glorious gift from God that is the Beastmaster job? The eleventh fantasy of finality had it and that is the best online fantasy of finality.
What's wrong with Lalas doing sexy dances?
>"I don't want to race"
>"I just want to race real fucking fast because I'm 1 expansion behind in an RPG game"
I missed a Splatoon thread? Fuck.
Your relic weapon
Viera are kind of a trainwreck, really.
>Terrible resting bitch faces
>Almost no hairstyle customization options
>Ears aren't animated at fucking all
Not as bad as Hrothgar, but that's a low bar to clear.
Some faces only work on brown vieras and some faces only work on pale vieras.
cleaning house in PVP bruh
Glowsticks. Relic quests are for glowsticks.
Go find out what your job's relic looks like and decide if it's pretty enough for you to bother.
Who MCH! Report in!
A shiny glowing weapon. It's the fucking relic questline it only gets worse
That's it user, I'm going main BTN and use leaf turn and become RICH out of so many HQ mats i'll get.
the only sb ex primal that will give you trouble is tsukuyomi, the rest are fairly easy.
I'm still mad they got rid of the grenade. That move was cool.
They have no definitions.
pet ai sucks ass but if bst gets added it'd probably have unique systems for handling pets or just let you tame/control overworld mobs to take to other places
>he doesn't glamour the non-glowing steps exclusively
The nice part about ARR's relics is that for almost all of them you can stop at the basic relic and there's the best glamour already.
how comes the majority of npc viera have long and white hair? is that the only viera hairstyle that doesn't look like shit?
>splatoon thread was fucking deleted
do the mods even know what a video game is? jesus fucking christ
>Cronus looks like shit without the glow and looks even shittier with the sticky-outy bits at the end on Lux
I still don't understand why they took away the ranged aoe skills from BRD and MCH. Why does it have to be melee range or nothing?
Taro was forced by Yoshi P to actually play the game rather than skip and probably is taking his sweet time because he's lazy.
Yeah, same shit with BRD. They kept the boring conal AoE and got rid of the cool targeted AoE.
Only smash threads, twitter screencaps, tranny complaining, console wars and e-eceleb stuff is allowed here now.
>Cronus looks like shit without the glow
Plebian taste
If you think a relic reborn is bad just wait until the 5 other steps. Relic questline is optional for a reason
they randomly decide when to enforce rule 6 of Yea Forums
Their natural haircolor is white, when they live with other races outside of the forest they tend to dye it to fit in better.
Dude, it looks like featureless plastic. Like something you buy your kid at Toys'R'Us.
Which is why the SBR artifact weapon looks so fucking good.
>Which is why the SBR artifact weapon looks so fucking good
Okay now I know you're trolling
>4 cyber punk threads
>5 smash threads
>2 cunny threads
>3 tranny threads
>but splatoon and XIV threads get deleted
sasuga you fucking animals
>series ends with them unironically being transport to the real world
>without the glow
can you glam Cronus without it? that would be sick as fuck
Go WHM first, then go back and grab DRG or WAR or something. Healer queues carry you to 70 pretty fast, and between the AC Bonus and (hopefully) a tanking/healing FCmate you can get back there with a DPS, too. Even DPS queues are pretty okay nowadays, unless you're queuing for specific old content.
When does the first raid start? like 1 week after release? I'll never make it in time
>Trying to do SB MSQ
>Level locked again
I just want to do the story quests. Please don't make me go back to HoH again. I'd rather do PoTD if it meant getting the exp rates from HW back.
god damn I've been getting queues to enter my server for weeks now and it's still not expansion time yet.
you can't actually, there's just 2 versions with a different color glow
>Having opinions worth consideration
Literally subhuman
Nah Cronus' problem is it's a dead-ringer for the Belah'dian Claymore and its Lux variant intentionally references the Deathbringer that you start out with. So if you want the base model you might as well stick with BC and if you want the shape of the glow effect stick with Deathbringer.
Speaking of ARR relics, I kinda hope the ShB relics are variations of the original ARR ones. I still think they had some of the best designs overall, but they haven't really aged well graphically, especially the particle effects for the glows.
No, it's just wishful thinking
Two weeks for normal mode, four weeks for savage.
I have an imgur of them all if you want to look at them
go for MNK? I've played it since 3.0, and it looks like they fixed all the shit from 4.0 that I hated about it. Pretty fun class, the rotation's not hard to learn. The only thing that takes some work is the PB opener, but I'm sure there's a lot of guides out for the current one, and the prospective ShB one.
>said the kawaiiposter
hey jannies, these guys are breaking the rules!
banish them back to /vg/ thank you
A quest bot can finish the entire MSQ in 1-2 weeks. It only takes a few days to complete SB
what level
>Be a retarded fuckhead who can't handle rotations more complex than RMG
>Want to learn Tank, but previously used a level boost on PLD cause desperate for money
>I don't know half of what this shit does.
>Watch tutorials but I still understand jack n' shit.
Really wish Gunbreaker would be dumbass-proof but that ain't fair to the people better than me. Still sad, i really wanna learn how to tank.
>mfw I'm already 60 and still haven't finished HW
This Matoya just sent me to a dungeon, am I near the end?
Keep at it old man. You'll get their one day.
>dumbass-proof tank
Play DRK or WAR.
Take a whack on a striking dummy and look in your traits windows to see which skills do what, run old dungeons in sequential level-order (start with Sastasha if you really have to), accept the bullying that your augmented Shire gear from the skip-potion will get you.
If it's gubal library then you're almost at the end of 3.0
But I just started playing and I still haven't reach Heavesward yet.
Plus, i watched a DRK video and it confused the hell out of me with the whole "Use Dark Arts here but don't use it here, or use this other one here but never at this specific moment, etc etc."
I guess Shadowbringers is gonna make DRK even more retard-proof but that's still days away.
Is there a way I can level without it? My Job questline seems restricted to it.
>My Job questline seems restricted to it
It's not
I want to learn tank but I feel like I would be a fucking idiot when it comes to when to use what defensive CD.
Let's settle this once and for all
Who are the game's biggest babies?
That's exactly my face when I hear SCHs say they're meta over chain stratagem.
No job questline is locked to a relic reborn. Look at the quest under the MSQ in the top left to see where your next quest is
People really can't decide who to put into the third slot for these, can they?
SCH. I don't even know why SMN is on that list.
The OF as a whole.
I'm not in a hurry, don't even have SB yet.
Yeah, that's the one, thanks.
For most dungeons your defensive cooldowns aren't important because nothing can oneshot or threaten you anyways. Except for big pulls (where all you need to do is stagger your CDs and not blow them all at once)
You haven't beaten 3.0 yet but you're close. Only 5 more patches to go until sb
WAR always forever.
>Xenosys Vex exists
Don't bother with guide videos. Just play the job for a while and everything will come naturally. THEN you can watch a guide and learn about autistic DPS optimization strategies.
If you have tanking anxiety, just do 24 mans for a while, you can usually ignore main tank duty and just pick up the occassional add, which is as simple as running near them and using Overpower/Flash/Unleash a few times.
Dungeons usually aren't an issue, I mean EX primals and Savage content.
Try Warrior. Really easy class to learn, and its aggro-draw is much better than Paladins for newcomers imo. Your panic button/'oh shit' tool (Holmgang) is probably the weakest of the three, but it's up much more often so you can use it if you get worried (it even comes pre-50).
Berserk+Overpower any group of ads to guarantee holding aggro, and the skills they get are pretty great. And especially post-50, if you ever feel unsure of tanking a Trial, you can make a pretty fantastic Off-Tank with your Deliverance stance. As far as general tanking tips go, just make sure to swap targets each hit in a combo, unless there's one you really need the hate on. It's definitely a little tense, but once you get the hang of it it's great.
>Yoshi promises more egis years ago in ARR
>Ramuh-egi has been in the game since 2.3, Sephirot-egi since 3.2
>we're babies for wanting to know where the fuck they are
Give me your loredump on why we aren't tempered, there was really good discussion on why last night but I forgot every bit of it. I need to btfo a friend.
SCH definitely, closely followed by MNK.
tell that to my 100% dungeon parses
>PS4 limitations
>Please look forward to it!
SMN mains have been crying about not having real summons (or pet glamors) for years. When their class wasn't a big dick DPS temporarily for a single patch of stormblood, they were crying too.
There are SMN players that are STILL crying about not having real summons.
Ysayle and the Sahagin priest both summoned primals that directly harmed Hydaelyn. Both had the Echo, and Ysayle had the Blessing of Light on top of that. What's more likely is that Hydaelyn only contacts Echo-users so that she doesn't temper them.
Well SCH and WAR are leaps and bounds ahead of the other jobs (while also being the top tier jobs within their roles which makes it even more infuriating)
Someone who is tempered can't defy their primal. The fact that we're defying Hydaelyn in SHB is proof enough unless this was all part of her keikaku
Outside of Trials or really hard boss fights it's not too big of a deal. Pop a couple at once in big pulls, and stagger them out during smaller pulls. For things like Trials, it's generally a good idea to pop one on those big, channeled tank busters.
You know you fucked up when fucking Merlwyb can call you out, and you have no comeback
Also why is Alphinaud exposing so much skin?
Elementals are dense pieces of aether experiencing self-awareness and sapience. We've known since day one that the planet is a big chunk of aether and that the physical realm is that aether taking the physical forms we see. We've also known since day one that aether shapes itself in response to belief.
In other words, the planet is a being shaped by human cognition and belief. All aether bends itself to the concepts of the human mind, and so that means Hydaelyn itself does as well, making it essentially a primal.
We also need to remember that Louisoix and Ultima were non-primals that gained sapience and will by being infused with belief, which also likely happened to the planet.
You know you fucked up when fucking Varis can call you out, and you have no comeback
>Also why is Alphinaud exposing so much skin?
They made the twins so they could have two characters while only using the dev resources for one. So they designed a girl character and then called it a boy.
Then it's not much of a stretch to just do harder content.
If you have to, you can grab a timeline of a boss's rotation, figure out when the tank busters are, and then plan your rotations. It's going to be even easier in ShB because every tank is getting a 30s cd block.
Can't wait for Alphinaud and Alisae's to tower over the WoL and show him what a midlander manlet he is.
SMN is still ruin mage
that's about 6-7 bardam mettle runs to go from 65 to 67. or do 1 set of roulettes a day for 3 days.
>implying the bitching stops at glamours
SMNs won't be happy until when they blow cooldowns, the entire combat is frozen and everyone is forced to watch a cutscene where you summon an arena sized primal that does 20% of the bosses health while all party members are forced to do /cheer animations.
good shit
>Alphy is in the light and we are in the shadow.
Even if we don’t end up fighting that scene will be kino as fuck
Doesn't Warrior also has to deal with a bar and handling specific CDs?
Again, I need to emphasise how utterly retarded I am. The only two jobs I've played are RDM and DRG and the latter isn't even at the level where Soul/Blood of the Dragon comes into play so I'm literally working with baby-level rotations.
Plus, this is like the first MMO I have played in like 10 years and the first to ever play seriously.
Thanks, that's short and sweet.
I can't really agree with this one because of the very last thing you said. I'd put my money that she only gives a shit about the Source, that's why she'll devour worlds if a calamity happens there. So she doesn't give a shit about "spreading darkness" if it's on another world.
More of a rundown on how Hydaelyn can be a primal than what I'm looking for.
I'll be your trust for tonight, bro.
>why is Alphinaud exposing so much skin?
Because he's a little slut
Stagger your big Defensives, and use the lighter ones (Say, Inner Beast) to help keep overall incoming damage down. There's plenty of EX/Savage content guides online that can give you a decent schedule of a boss's rotation, so give those a read and plan accordingly.
Don't be afraid to pop your panic button if you know something's going to hurt, especially if you're a warrior. Even if the initial hit wouldn't kill you outright, a followup auto/ability/DoT tick could do you in.
I see.
Flying shouldn't increase mount speed. It renders the maps you can get useless and encourage players to speed through an area to get the currents before doing anything else.
Based ilberdbro.
>before doing anything else.
Except you need to be basically fucking done with the MSQ there anyway so who cares? Let people grab them if they want. There is nothing stopping you from staying on the ground.
This. God it looks so fun.
After MNK, it's probably my favorite class. It's just so damn fluid and satisfying.
Yoshi P is on Goblin, AFK at the Kugane Bathhouse.
But you can only gather every aether current by completing MSQ for the given area, you dimwit. At that point you quite literally have nothing else to do unless you are getting a crafter/gatherer to max level first.
Minfilia a cute, and also kind of depressing
my man
Thanks for reconfirming my point, it highly encourage skipping content and zooming through it to unlock flying.
Literally why do you care? If someone wants to zoom through the quests and get flying that's on them. You don't pay their fucking subscription.
Order of the Twin Udders
>Eden is about restoring the elements to the First.
Is it finally their turn lads?
>jannies targetting the xiv threads on Yea Forums
>Hiro and Yoshida know each other
>Each time a thread dies the memes, shitposting, powerlevel, hatred of trannies and loyalty to the game and Yea Forumsros grow
>Yoshida's actually a huge nerd and gamer
>This was all part of Yoshida's plan to create his own final fantasy memelord space marines
Are you ready to purge, maim, kill the trannies and bring in a new age of gaming for Yoshida Yea Forums?
Why isn't he allowed to care? People like the technical aspects of a game, and people don't like it when it's counter productive to their own ideas. Surely you are not that much of a retard to understand that?
>Doing content is skipping content
ok retard, enjoy this final (you).
>you will never be officially sanctioned by yoshi himself to purge the trannies off of every datacenter
feels bad
The bar's not that big of a deal, really. It goes up by 10 on pretty much every weaponskill, save for Storm's Path (+20 rather than +10). few skills based upon your tanking stance, so it's not an everpresent thing.Every class has its cooldowns, but WAR's aren't too hard to get the hang of. It's got a lot of self healing and DR too, so it's a really forgiving class to start out with.
Up until SB/60+, you've only got two abilities that work off your resource in each stance. Defiance is the tanking stance, and Deliverance is the damaging stance. They're pretty simple abilities, and you don't need to play a balancing act like you do with RDM's White and Black bars (I think? I've never played RDM before).
Just give it a shot sometime. If you're in an FC, ask around for some tips on Tanking, and WAR in specific.
>tfw the ONLY thing I hated about SAM is having to use seals for energy instead of big dick Midares
>tfw that is gone now and now I can even do a Midare followed by a second even bigger and fatter Midare using the technique from the savior of France the Regend himself.
I hope Yoshi-P sees these threads and adds best bro Ilberd back in.
Magic Knight when?
Literally PLD
Yo, anyone know if there is an i;lvl requirement for the MSQ after Ala Mhigo? And also how much hours before I finish the MSQ because that's all I need to do before Shadowbringers right?
>have enough poetics for yet another HW relic
DRK or BRD? I play tank far more than ranged dps, but damn that bow looks nice
Mystic Knight/Rune Fencer is my pipe-dream but lorewise SAM fills its niche.
360 is the minimum required, but you'll probably want a better weapon for the final solo instance.
Wait, SAM can do the Tsubame Gaeshi?
I don't get this complaint. I don't think the shift is bad by any means but Hagakure felt more "zen sword mage" than midare does.
That's what their ability to repeat their last Iaijutsu is called yes.
Sup bro, you need to be 340 for the next story dungeon and 360 for the dungeon after that.
Yes, it gives all their iaijutsus get an upgraded second strike
in ShB.
Second hit of the Shifu combo does the actual sword-technique with an upwards then downwards slash. Tsubame-gaeshi is gained as a skill in ShB and it lets you perform an iaijutsu technique twice in succession (essentially two Midare Setsugekkas, or two Tenka Gokens if you're AoEing I guess)
Thanks, m8. What's the quickest way to get ilvl up? Is it still 24 man? I don't have any tomes or enough gil to just buy the equip.
Yes benchmark is out, has been for a week or two
DRK for ShB aesthetic
And shares the voice of my husband(female) AND will now be a tomboy in Shadowbringers and be an even bigger danger to my dick than ever before. Shadowbringers can't come soon enough.
Benchmark came out week ago.
>I hope Yoshi-P sees these threads
I don't. He'll just pull another ARR and nuke the game for good this time after he realizes what he's created.
Get the DRK one to Hyperconductive Nothung, then stop because every step after is garbage
Post GNB glamours
>A western imageboard, kind of like an equivalent to 2channel or "Futaba", says there's an extremely high transsexual count playing our game. And we thought that was really interesting, that we could strike such a chord with the world's minorities with what we do. We'll be adding gender-identity tags to the game based on the feedback we received from this imageboard. Please look forward to it.
Cronus is the best looking DRK sword, though
What item level do you think Gunbreakers starter gear will be?
I'm just gonna wear the AF with some bitchin shades
>not having augmented shire gear already
Reminder that we still need a class to share gear with DRG
>only get the male/female for free, the rest you have to buy from the mogstation
>Mystic Knight/Rune Fencer is my pipe-dream
>JP dub
You have 24/7 thread at /vg/. What's the problem? Why do you feel the need to make another one here?
>Why yes, I will main the Samurai job in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers.
>Would you like to tell me your main so that we may engage in friendly and polite discussion?
Nah DRGs are special-boys and after abandoning the idea of them sharing some armor-sets with tanks Maiming is their compromise for dragoons historically equipping heavy-armor in games. Mystic Knights will share scouting gear with Ninjas based off of their light cloaks and turbans; please look forward to it
RDM starter gear was 15 ilvl below augmented ironworks
Fisher here, bro.
I wouldn't like if he just returned and never died. It makes light of his death and desperation. If he returned as a death knight on the other hand akin to Argath from tactics now that'd be interesting. Especially if it's related to Zodiark returnning.
Black Mage my friend.
Because /xivg/ is fucking trash filled with avatarfags and ERPfags and ZERO game discussion, you assblasted tranny janny nigger.
Do your fucking """""job""""" you absolute waste of atoms.
Cool thanks.
I'm working on it.
How does my SCH glam look for ShB?
that's not funny man. that's like telling a kid to go to the druggie corner of the street.
cute as fuck desu
One of these days, user. one of these days...
i am sorry
/xivg/ would be a better place to ask.
New ability in Shadowbringers, user. Prease rook forward to it.
Materia system is boring as fuck I'll give you that. In fact, the entire stat system is pretty shit. All these esoteric bullshit things like "direct hit" and "determination"? Really? If the materia didn't exist they wouldn't even have any purpose to displaying the substats at all. Actually, now that I think about it the only reason it needs to be displayed is so you can mouse over and see what the fuck it actually does. In fact, main stats are already in that entirely pointless place since really the only stat that matters is iLevel. It's like the stat system only exists so a handful of autists can run spreadsheet simulators on them to feel smart, even though the players actual control over them is pretty minimal anyways.
To be fair to Yoshi in this respect none of the games he's copying had good stat systems either, and there's a good reason for it. If the choices matter, and you let the player make them, then 80% of the time they will make the most wrong choice available and complain their character is shit.
I can hear you over my glare spam. Speak louder.
people still meld tenacity man.
clown suit/10
I'm just glad they didn't add Materia VIIs in the expansion.
You guys have had your shitty gay pride parade of a general on this board every day for the past 3 years
You were long overdue for a good /vg/ banishing
Time to take this furry erp shitfest of a game where it belongs hahahaha
When you become a mod then do it, until then fuck off.
RENT FREE, little guy
>Ilberd trust can be every role, his robe just changes color
fund it
lol stay mad wowfaggot
Already have, I've posted on both threads to measure the difference in responses.
All that I can really say is /xivg/ immediately started a conversation chain about trannies. Which is hardly surprising.
>the tranny obsession transcends boards
closet chasers ITT or what
I'll be maining Gunbreaker, bro.
>/xivg/ immediately started a conversation chain about trannies
I've been saying this for months that the general isn't much different from here, people just avatarfag.
I want this so bad.
That isn't a good thing.
How are they suppose to know otherwise? The system is pretty crap and completely non informative. What's the mouseover on that stat? Something like "Makes tanking better!" or some other useless bullshit.
No, of course not, but I don't even give a shit about erp or avatarfagging (though my complaint isn't helped by the second).
It's the fucking circlejerking and drama with namedropping shit.
Maybe we were the avatarfag trannies all along?
Who else /drg/?
requesting drg Ilberd
>What's the mouseover on that stat?
>Affects the amount of physical and magical damage dealt and received, as well as HP restored...Only applicable when role is Tank
A huge newbie trap basically. I don't see how anyone going into the game wouldn't stack the shit out of this without knowing any better.
I was until I realized I was born to play BLM. I still want to play it but I also don't want to stop exploding things.
I've been a DRGbro since ARR but I might switch soon
I think I'll do it for the story, mostly because they don't share gear with anyone and I like to level shared gear classes simaltaniously, so I need to use DRG to aquire the armoury bonus.
it's kindof stupid I know, part of me does want to DRK for the story but I want to level my tanks together.
thats true bro
Anyone on aether wanna hang? I'm surprised this thread hasn't got deleted yet.
Sorry bro I'm on Crystal.
I don't play MNK. What exactly is going on here?
Just a parselet who hasn't even cleared the tier pretending they know what they're talking about?
>Mystic Knight themed like V's with an arabian look and some sort of middle-eastern style sword
The only other job I could be as hyped for would be Chemist.
Wouldn't wanna hang with you anyway.
I won't miss TK rotation but I will miss TK during every RoF.
Just the usual "bad player parrots The Balance without actually doing any research themselves".
Just your average raidtranny, yeah.
Image is unclear but it seems like a low-parser expounding on how important the TK rotation is.
>Never forget you share the game with these people.
>be in a LGBT FC
I don't know when people compliment me if they're being sarcastic...
It's a shame I'll never get to meet any of you guys, seeing as I'm on Elemental. I'm sure not all FFXIV posters are degenerates.
Can’t wait to help rebuild Ishgard after it gets Black Rose’d while we were on the First
Why user? I'm friendly and enjoy playing the game.
Are those Kamen Rider Decade colors?
>Just a parselet who hasn't even cleared the tier pretending they know what they're talking about?
Pretty much. A shitty player with absolutely no knowledge of the job talking as if they're a top tier player and talking down on those who disagree with them
I don't trust crystal dudes. They're all faggots.
Shut the fuck up and go dilate you faggot tranny, fucking kill yourself
Level 80 boss will be Zalera.
But isn't that 80% of what these threads have been since the NDA ended?
I don't know why that matters to just play the game with me but alright.
Isn't it bed time? You have school in the morning.
What is the best mount in the game, and why is it the Korpokkur Kolossus?
>Tank buster is Kill
You say sasuga reddit but everyone is completely blasting her and downvoting the fuck out of her.
>Element: Death
Uh! Uhm...
It was fucked Zalera was missing from Ivalice but to give him a bigger role like this is fucking awesome.
Why isn’t there a hooded white mage outfit
It’s the most iconic I want to look cute as heck with a hood
>someone unironically posts owo in chat
>go along and copypasta shitpost the meme
>they think I'm serious and trying to get me to erp with them
Oh fucking Lord help me.
I have never played a Final Fantasy game.
That is all.
>tfw I want to be a Rogue until 70 but I'm forced to be a gay ninja instead
Why no thief class brehs?
Just go full bloodninja on them.
I don't know what that is. I'm afking while this is happening rn
it was suppose to be aimed towards the individual. reddit is the only place where i see someone talk with such confidence and arrogance, yet have no idea what they're talking about
It's FF1 Thief.
Yea Forums can be the same way.
Wow, can't believed they immortalized Mister Happy.
I'm on light as I'm European (not that it's much better playing on the EU servers than NA in terms of ping but still.) and my NA alt is on crystal, sorry.
I guess you could always dress like a thief at least.
Have you only been here for a week?
>other MMOs
>gear can have special effects like lifesteal on hit
>gear is literally just pure numerical stats
why, this is so fucking borin
How is it not? I went from 200ms to 40ms moving from Primal to Chaos. It was a world of difference for me.
If I get a name change, do I have to change both first and last name, or can I just change one?
It's all about the COSMETICS, user.
Wait a minute. Zalera is the Lucavi that possessed Elmdore (aka the Samurai-knight that looks like Varis.) and had two ultima demons disguised as.. humans. Bros.. is Varis going to make it?
>moving from Primal to Chaos
God WHM are hot
Lad... Orison set, lv. 60 artifact
Fledling BLM here. Do you use the procs right away even if you're in fire phase?
Yea Forums definitely is the same way, but reddit takes it to another lvl. something along the lines of upboats directly correlates to intellect so people try way to hard to get their imaginary internet points
B-but then SE would have to put effort into telling the players what the stats actually do!
Can anyone give me a rundown of this game and whether I should waste money on it
Some 1.0 weapons had those. Moggle Mog weapons had a chance to restore HP when they hit. The primal weapons imbued your attacks with the corresponding elements since the elemental wheel still existed back then. AF gear also had unique effects for some of your job skills. It all got removed going into 2.0 for some reason.
there's a free trial. just be warned that it filters out a lot of people early on.
Damn that's a nice comeback.
Why is WHM not in the meta, now? They just got a pretty big buff.
I want to roleplay a Detective, which job suits that the most?
no one knows anything about the meta until they reach level 80 and do savage.
However if you wanna be a demon slaying detective go PLD with no shield
Machinist with Shire set so you can be Inspector Gadget.
I cannot imagine anything more pathetic than willingly forgoing playing a job you like because of a made-up meta that doesn't even matter
70,000mgp for the invisible shield in the gold saucer right now, get it before SHB because it's going away forever when the garo shit leaves.
>Emet-Selch, the angel of truth
>wall behind him gives the appearance of wings as he drops the bombshell
When did you realize that FFXIV was true ludokino?
Nobody knows how the meta's actually going to work, all current theorycrafting is within the context of how Stormblood works. WHM is still looking pretty good, though for some reason raid theorycrafting seems to operate under the assumption you're immediately blowing Afflatus the moment it's up instead of using it when you were going to use Medica/Cure II.
MGP? From what I see it's only marks.
I sure hope there aren't any disguised ultima demons near Varis................
Spirit shield is available in the Gold Saucer as well. All the Garo gear is there as a slightly stripped-down "Tarnished" variant for if you don't feel like doing PvP or just want the base model.
>Where is Minfillia?
>Why must you save her?
you can get undyable garo shit from teh gold saucer, and you don't need to dye the shield, plus it's level 1 instead of level 60, talk to the event seller for the discounted versions.
I swear I've seen this guy in some other FF game.
you first
I want to go back to Longinus Zeta so bad, but the Faust lance is just too baller
Don Corneo in FF7 and Owzer in FF6
We're gonna build a great big beautiful wall market and it's going to be incredible.
SMN by a country mile
Sounds rough user. I can't say much more than good luck. Being thrown in jail for being too poor though.. sounds very American.
Ty for suggestions.
>they think mods on Yea Forums like video games
Have you tried not being a cock gargling faggot?
Just like my Miqo'te's futa pp so it's fine.
SMN could get the entire Knights of the Round summon animation that one shots the boss and they'd still be complaining and insisting they're not real summoners.
Faggot job needs to be deleted or thrown in the shed permanently, but we're looking at YET ANOTHER expansion of them being the best caster by miles with no weaknesses whatsoever.
it's probably the same guy that deletes threads in the first place, jannies usually aren't good at actually following the "don't reveal you're a janitor" rule
>the best caster by miles
>people sperging at me
Because people do exactly this. Healer acting like a woman and being passive aggressive, dpslets screeching or trying to rush things. You getting blamed for everything and being in the spotlight. Once you get past the initial fears and learn how to handle them and embrace your role as a "dad" you're fine.