If you had the power to stop all discussion of a gaming subject, what would it be?

If you had the power to stop all discussion of a gaming subject, what would it be?

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nu smash threads

Mobile gaming

Gacha or tits

Tifas tits
Waifu faggotry in general

Graphics. For the love of god, people love to nitpick about the dumbest things. If one little thing ruins the whole experience for you, you’ve got bigger problems.

Everything related to: Nintendo, Ubisoft and indie games


I don't want to stop Sonic discussion because it's fun to rile up faggots who still believe in the little blue shitstain after a decade of nothing but garbage.

Console faggotry
Then there would only be room for game discussion


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Delete consolewar faggotry

Those are easy to stop, just get all the sheeple to accept PC gaming's superiority.

Waifus in general, just think of it actual videogame discussion.

Epic Games Store vs Steamfags

Do "muh Discord trannies" count?

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I would actually like to stop all discussion that isn't a gaming subject.
Like Twitter screencaps, /pol/ trash, leddit shit etc
Why try to stop something already in short supply?


removing all falseflag threads would be nice


Notice how you are focusing on non-game discussion and your topic of choice is bashing consoles? Yeah, console fanboys are annoying, but you are on Yea Forums. PC fanboys outnumber all other fanboys on here, and if you guys would stop being fanboy faggots for a second, you would find it is quite easy to have legitimate conversations.


Everything having to do with Transgender people

With a snap of my fingers half of Yea Forums would disappear, and we could maybe have decent threads about cyberpunk 2077.

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>being a fanboy of anything is okay

Drink bleach.

>reading comprehension
My post wasn't that long user. How the fuck do you read "fanboys are annoying" and get "being a fanboy is okay"? Are you on drugs or something? Drunk? What?

That's three things.

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Video games. Yea Forums is filled with people who need to clear out their backlog but are too busy bickering over the most insignificant topics.

I'd say leaks, leakers, and fake leaks in general. Knock out all of nu smash threads while preventing the cancer from spreading anywhere else.

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Console Wars.
We get it, you get shit that I dont get just fuck off and play that shit if its better than my shit instead of telling me its better.

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Does Soul vs Soulless count?

snoys/xbots/nintendies shitposting about who is better

literally this
obsessed closet faggot