F for the fallen
F for the fallen
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Unironically, S
how are they falen if people are still going to buy them EN MASS
Somebody died for your meme.
>Animal Crossing.
Fuck you, I'm hyped.
>being excited for Minecraft: Harvest Moon edition
Add Monster Hunter to the list. World killed everything good about MH and Iceborne is the final nail in the coffin.
>animal crossing dead because WII U GOOD SWITCH BAD
And what is wrong with the new Animal Crossing?
They literally turned the game into Minecraft
Fuck you New Horizons looks fun. Agreed with the rest.
ye havent seen someone hold Mario level design to Mario kart track standards, shits not a rubric
Add Dragon Quest now that Smashfags are aware of its existence
No they didn't you massive mongoloid.
Animal Crossing looks fine, but the other three are unforgivable
most smash players are not going to run out and buy dragon quest games because there are dragon quest characters
We're not going home... We have to build it now...
Four generations was enough.
Gen 5 ruined it.
Thanks for selling the game more
>animal crossing
>Animal Crossing
It looks fine you fucking retards, it's still going to be in development for 10 months too.
Pokemon though can die in a ditch, thank fuck
animal crossing is fine
Good, fuck your memes
>Commander Keen
As if people still actually cared about that
>Animal Crossing
Looks better than ever.
Yes they do, it happened before with Xenoblade
It actually has gameplay now
>"waaah waaaah my mario kart track gwaffix"
nigga they showed off you could play with like 8 people, fuck man that looks fun
Replace AC with FF7
Does Yea Forums's knee jerk reaction to anything that has the word crafting in it come from Minecraft or Fortnite?
F for Battletoad and Keen
S for Pokemon
idk AC looks good to me, rolling pin world aside, I'm glad they found a way to jazz it up
what did you want from Animal Crossing?
Xenoblade Chronicles was actually a critically acclaimed game. Most people know that Dragon Quest is the dullest, most generic JRPG out there.
smashfag here, actually want to get into the series after that reveal. also DQ11 on the switch looks GOAT
Honestly I’m looking forward to AC just because Nintendo had the balls to delay it unlike GoyFreak.
No it didn't.
You forgot Zelda
What do you expect when this board's userbase is primarily children?
>Can't have my comfy threads anymore since there is always shitflinging between Worlds players and other fags
I hate you all.
>what did you want from Animal Crossing?
Clearly he wants high octane fps action and a meaningful cinematic story.
No, retard.
Why are people disliking the new AC? What did they do? I played a few of them and they were fine, casuals paradise
>Marth and Roy
>uninitiated fags now love FE.
If that were the case we'd see more love for it given how kids love Minecraft.
Too similar to pocket camp
Smashfags already know dragon ball
Quest =/= Ball you dumb nigger
>implying the people bitching about animal crossing have a single friend to play with let alone eight of them
>ruined the battle system
>lengthy cinematics during boss battles
>damage sponge bosses
Anyone who isn't a mindless square drone knows it's a complete travesty.
They're literally fucking retarded.
Shit, if ONLY. I'm tempted to get this because it actually looks like proper N64/PSX/GBA Harvest Moon. I recognize the characters, but I don't know anything about them.
I like how no one is asking why Pokemon is on there lmao
Fuck off worldsperm. MHW should be named and shamed at every opportunity if there is even a sliver of hope of getting good MH games back again.
>Animal Crossing
Fuck off retard
As long as the standard shops, museum, and other buildings are in, which it's practically guaranteed that they are, the game will be amazing
The other games are just to clunky to be good
>damage sponge bosses
Not the guy you are talking to, but are you being serious? I can't tell.
It was confirmed in an interview that upgrades with Nook unlock more people to be invited in to the island (with the implication to be that more "resources" are needed so those people are called). In which case this works a la New Leaf, which makes sense. Also people found that the size is slightly larger than New Leaf even if the map looks small.
Pokemon should have been there since Sun and Moon. Not being able to bring old Pokemon into the game is the least of its problems, by a long shot, but it's the thing that most people a making a stink about.
What’s wrong with Animal Crossing? Seems like it’s gonna be the best one yet.
>what did you want from Animal Crossing?
We wanted an actual AC game i.e. not fucking Minecraft
monster hunter was always a bad game for losers with way too much time on their hands
I don't know how Minecraft + Harvest Moon can sound like anything but fucking fantastic
If anything you just sold me on the game
>comparing a SUPERBOSS to the FIRST boss
Did your mother drop you on the head as a baby?
>Implying the first boss is a bullet sponge based on seconds of trailers and not having played an as of now unfinished and unreleased game.
crafting bad
Bullshit, if anything people who got introduced to xenoblade with shulk in smash are secondaries who unironically cry about X and 2 being too anime
I've been playing through World recently and it just feels like I'm forcing my way through it. Doesn't help that for some god damn reason it feels so much more clunky than the previous games because you can't roll out of animations that you could before.
Even then the clunkiness doesn't fix the ease of the whole thing.
I thought people said World was less clunky and therefore more suitable to newcomers. How is it clunky?
World is a good game, binging a lot of needed QoL fixes.
>projecting this hard when AC is one of the easiest games to make friends on
fucking zoomers never experienced the fun of adding people via friend codes off forms and just chilling
>based on seconds of trailers
They showed the entire first boss you idiot and it's extremely unlikely that they'll change the game for again.
>why isn't the new AC the same game as before???
>listening to Yea Forumstards
play the damn game and you'll see if it's good
there's a damn multiplayer crack too if you don't even want to play
>has crafting as a mechanic
Buckle up user, that's DQ's future
If you bought the game, if you gave Capcom money for this blatant insult to the once great series then you are just as bad as any other worldsperm. Fuck off and kys.
Classic example of the kind of mouthbreather casual that MHW was aimed towards.
Based retard, AC looks like an easy GOTY contender. Fucking cyberpunk cop simulator, what else could you want?
Are you retarded?
It has a lot more buffering and enemies let you mash shit out.
>QoL = bad
>If you bought the game
If I got it digitally or pirated it I probably wouldn't have played it to begin with.
Commander keen is sure to have a real game announced at quakecon
I don't really know enough about animal crossing to know if it is dead or not but pokemon is for sure, battletoads might be slightly salvagable.
Xenoblade is ass. Worse than any DQ game for sure, and I haven't played any of those.
World wasn't at e3 like those games
The only QoLs that World has which were much needed involved being able to back-craft and having the weapon trees. Also arguably how field collecting works (I mostly enjoy the new world system to the old if only because it cut time immensely that I would otherwise spend not actually getting to hunt shit). Everything else is worse.
Smash was an amazing advertising boost for xenoblade
Yes, to real fans casualizing is objectively bad but you are a casual mouthbreather so of course you see it as good.
Holding forward, which used to let you do little adjustments, for the CB sends you so far forward that it's fucking worthless to use now. Sometimes you'll even end up on the other side of a tail that you just want to aim at properly.
Then there's the sliding, sometimes when you just want to do a jump attack to mount it stops just before you reach the monster so you just end up whiffing.
>Animal Crossing will never be like Rust instead of Minecraft
>You'll never get to bash Cookies skull with a rock and draw cocks on the walls of your tent
Why live?
It's at E3, just not at any of the conferences. They have some playable demos and they've done some streams over the past few days.
Most of the QoL came from Gens in the first place. The only good thing world added was weapon rollback.
>Implying that playing with online randoms is comparable to playing with actual friends
Does Fortnite have crafting?
I thought it only had building.
And crafting is good in Minecraft
Yea Forums is never happy. you cant fix broken people
>Games never change between an E3 and release
adding a feature doesn't make it minecraft and it works well with the general direction so whats the big deal
did you want a New Leaf 2?
I thought Battletoads was going to look like a Triple AAA game but instead it looks like indie shovelware garbage for the Switch
For Square? No, they don't. Especially when they still have to make the other parts.
Pokemon been dead for a while
is like frustratingly bad when you realize is close to a Ninja Turtles style which would've been awesome
People bitching about all the changes should just legitmately replay the Gamecube game. Every new AC release is like this, there are always people who just want the series to be a legitmate rehash. It's like people don't remember City Folk.
>I thought Battletoads was going to look like a Triple AAA game
Why on earth did you expect a cartoon game to go to a realistic style? I mean I don't like the style it is now either but generic AAA trash would have been even worse.
desu I like the game but if they finally drop the rolling pin I that would seal the deal making it an instacop for me
It may sound stupid but being able to make real paths is a godsend for me. No more making tiles for me.
Why are people pushing this Animal Crossing meme so hard, not everything is the next TORtanic retards.
Pokemon looks like fucking shit, though.
Yeah it's been coming for a while now. When the fuck is SMTV releasing.
Animal Crossing legit looked good and everyone is hyped for it though
The rest really is dead though
It's looks fun and comfy though, you melodramatic dipshits
>When the fuck is SMTV releasing.
Judging by their console development cycles 2021/2
It's been 14 years user, if they were going to drop the rolling world it'd be gone by now.
That would mean it has actual gameplay now so that's not true
I've never played animal crossing and haven't been keeping up with the new one, what is it that people hate about it?
In the old games, you got new shit by basically buying from stores and waiting every day for them to replenish their stock. In the new one, you can craft furniture by gathering wood and grass and shit from the island. People are livid
It's just one or two autists seething that you can craft stuff now. Before, you had to rely on receiving gifts or items randomly generated in stores once a day.
You can now DIY your own equipment but nooo, retard would rather be 100% dependent on RNG
Oh man, this means we can actually do shit at night now.
Added crafting, and you're basically establishing the village from the ground up opposed to just moving in. Basically shaking up the formula. All the staples are going to be there, but one would have to work to get them. People are upset and feel it ruins the immersion.
People were going to be upset no matter what. There are people who legitmately don't mind playing the same game with new paint, and there are people who'll complain if there isn't enough change and something is too rehashy. This is just the first time Animal Crossing is making a huge change (arguable I suppose, I never felt like being the mayor in NL was that much of a change).
This . Hell my New Leaf friendlist is still full of /vg/ friend I played with. I'm sure the community is in shambles now but at the time it was a really nice community of people to play with.
Fuck, do I need to get a new Switch that's online-capable? I got banned for homebrew on mine
This the contrarian thread?
>eric ACTUALLY thinks this is a bad thing
Isn’t that good, then you could build an even better home
You already had to build it, it just involved artistically hoarding fruit and bugs and selling them for pennies
How the fuck is animal crossing dead?
I love Yea Forums when E3 happens, people are so fucking melodramatic and autistic.
May I recommend playing Animal Crossing on the Gamecube? Or perhaps Wild World? How about City Folk on the Wii. All easy to emulate. If you're feeling saucy than play New Leaf.
It's not hard to start a new town. Or to keep building on what you have. It's not hard user.
go back to your smash threads
Kys nigger
wish it was me