BotW Sequel is confirmed to re-use same Hyrule

>Direct sequels are rare in Zelda titles, but Aonuma saw something special about Breath of the Wild and wanted to create a new experience. "One of the reasons we wanted to create a continuation was because I wanted to revisit that Hyrule again and use that world again, while incorporating new gameplay and new story," he says.

Welp, that kiled 90% of my hype. I know the they already showed the same Hyrule, but I guess I was hoping that was just for the trailer some kind of drastic transformation or for Link to have to travel somewhere else. That map was just too big and boring, and even if they add shit to it, it can't possibly spice it up enough to make the game seem like anything but glorified DLC.

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same map but they will add probably lots of new areas and more stuff in map

>That map was just too big and boring
It's literally the greatest world design of any game ever made.

>BotW Sequel is confirmed to re-use same Hyrule

No it isn't. Fuck off.

I don't have a problem with it after Link Between Worlds reused the LTTP map.

Attached: 1536746765575.jpg (699x699, 68K)

>reuse everything
>Call it a sequel

It's ok when Nintendo does it

Attached: SYO.png (1280x720, 1.53M)

Enjoy the 60 dollar DLC nintendogaf

Good God I'm so excited. The follow-up to one of the best games of all time is fucking happening, and soon.

I'm down with that. They did something similar with Majora's Mask. I wouldnt be surprised if they used the world map but put in a ton of new enemies, environmental mechanics in addition to the new Dungeons

My guess is that the map will have expansions and changes

>We'll get more enemy variety for sure
>We'll get a time skip so villages might have changed a lot, even castle town
>more dungeons is likely
>underground hyrule
>older queen of the dessert people
This could be everything we wanted