>you must restart the game for these changes to take effect
>game has long, unskippable intro and title cuts
You must restart the game for these changes to take effect
>Alt+Tab out of game
>the last second of audio loops over and over until you Alt+Tab back in
>exit game
>it crashes
>start game for first time
>it immediately throws you into the game without a main menu or opportunity to change options
>have to sit through 20 minutes of cutscenes on lowest graphics despite being able to max the settings before the actual game begins and you can change it
Usually there's a -nointro command line parameter that'll skip the bullshit.
What game ?
I recall FF XII on PC doing this
>subtitles are under video options instead of audio options
>startup game
>it immediately loads you into your last save instead of letting you choose a save file
metal gear survive
>exit game
>"game.exe has stopped working"
>sensitivity is under "game options" instead of "controls"
>Y axis is inverted by default
>subtitles off by default
>crouch set to hold instead of toggle by default
>crouch is c instead of ctrl
>walk is alt instead of shift
>you must restart the game for these changes to take effect
>10 minute startup (fuck you Killing Floor 2)
>random crashes during alt+tabs (fuck you Tekken 7)
>subtitles are random garbage font in the corner of the screen (fuck you VTMB)
>start game
>15 screens of THE WAY IT'S MEANT TO BE PLAYED, codecs, and other bullshit
>crouch is c
>throwing a grenade is FUCKING CTRL
>see a duct you have to crawl in to advance
>throw a grenade at it and die
fuck you doom
Not him, but Zanki Zero does this, and actually:
>finish tutorial
>get 1/2 options menu, able to do Base stuff and change party members
>then get the other 1/2, changing settings and save/load options/exit to menu/ect.
Still a good game though.
>alt tab
>mouse is frozen for longer than 15 seconds
>he doesn't bind crouch to X
>he walks instead of always be pressing shift
>multiplayer game
>alt tab to change music
>game has 5sec blackscreen before putting you back in, in which you're incapable of doing anything
>he walks instead of always be pressing shift
how's that hand
What kind of a shit keyboard do you have in order to get complications due to pressing it
>toggle crouch
hahaha faggot
>he doesn't know how to disable those
I have a shitty keyboard that some keys need some pressure on.
I don't have any complications but any game where I have to always mash shift is notably uncomfortable.