What happens when the black swan wakes up from the dream of being a lobotomy corp thread?"

What happens when the black swan wakes up from the dream of being a lobotomy corp thread?"

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Other urls found in this thread:


post malcute


>two out of three of Hod's missions make Clerks better
Please, think about the clerks!

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Lads it's my 100th day or more (day 30+ of second restart) and I still feel bad for executing clerks, what do I do

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Hahahahahahaha, how are clerks even real people.

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threadly reminder to execute all clerks when doing suppression core and ordeal missions

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>equip dudes with white weapons
>one turns insane
>send white hammer dudes
>cant hit him because he keeps moving
>suddenly another turns insane
>now 3
>random workers start shooting guns

the fuck did I do wrong, this was day 2?

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Nice armor and weapons fag

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day fucking 2 nigger

Panicked employees running panic other employees. Read the manual faggot.

Buy and equip all of skullbros gear, seeing as you're on Day 2, you should grind out Insight with your agents right now since that other abnormality there deals SP damage, which you have literally 15 of.

Isn't Laetitia internally classified as a witch? For the longest time I thought she was a living doll.

>Kills all your clerks

Attached: Der Angela.png (503x666, 150K)

>day 2
>no alephs
Not gonna make it.

>Farm one sin day one
>Equip fags day two
>Spend lob points to power up employees instead of saving them up for no reasons at all
>Read the manual
Literally git gud

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>He didn't get Wellcheers second

>obscure game with vague mechanics and manual
these threads are worse than smash spam

Not him, but I am on my 2nd restart, day 22, and I crave the Alephs for their gear

>suppress WN time
>first attempt - 1 dead guy but won
>nah, i can do better
>retry after retry to roll this asshole in security or training for elevators
>when apostles show up, 1-3 guys instantly dies no matter where i camp whole team
>keep retrying to prevent this shit but fail everytime
>screw this shit, disregard casualties and kill it
>5 agents dead in final attempt
>memrepo WN away forever
>now its time to grind Alephs to restock lost EGO armor and shit
Kill me.

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Literally tell me one (1) thing that isn't explained in the manual or by managerial tips, I'll wait.

Grind out Insight?
You mean spend LOB on Insight for the agents?

The manual is pretty clear and comprehensive. I seriously suggest consulting it.

Unironically read the manual, even after beating the game I took a peak and found stuff I didn't fully know about
But I guess that also shows you don't need to read it either so...

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It's all there!

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No, use insight on one sin, it will increase SPs in the end on the day based on how many times and how well you did it.


That's just how WN be, a massive faggot from beginning to end.
Should've kept him around to try and get the copy (or two if you're far enough) of his armor.

how to deal with midnight ordeals and geburah/binah suppression

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Strategy-wise, is it a good thing to keep grinding a abnormality after you've completely unlocked it and keep others un-worked or is that a waste of Qliphoth points, since I could be exploring other abnormalities in that time?

Any kind of tips of advice on what to do fucking longterm you nigger

What did she mean by this?

I already did. The problem that i lost Aleph guys gear. And need to rewind time until i get them again to rebuy their shit.

>mfw people are bitching in this thread because of something that can be resolved in reading the manual
go back to your smash threads summerfags

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I never expected to see my KK image in a thread.

this makes me strangely happy.

Try to get all information and EGO weapons and suits as first priority, you might want to keep working an abnormality if you find the gifts particularly irresistible, but other than that you'll want to keep working on fairly tolerable but high PE output abnormalities (HEs usually work pretty well) to increase employee stats, particularly for justice which is usually prohibitively expensive to buy up with LOB


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Something changed indeed user

how do we suppress angelas core lads?

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The dick
No one can defeat the dick

>meat lantern ruining an otherwise perfect day by eating one of my favorite employees
>forced to retry because i refuse to lose any of my favorites
keeping track of this thing is such a fucking hassle
anyways do melee weapons work on it? im afraid to try so ive just kept putting it down with my guns but im starting to become frustrated with how long that takes

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If you manage to survive the red damage nuke the little fucker drops, sure melee could probably work. Would it be worth it? Not at all.
And yes, Meat Lantern is another memrepo-worthy abnorm.

I bet Laetitia is a funny kid to work with.
Think about all the employees you train up making friends with a harmless goofball like Laetitia. They probably think LobCo is a pretty cool place sometimes and have fun discussing pranks and whatever.
Then you put them on Nothing There duty and life sucks for them now and Laetitia never sees them again either.

Is it smart to specialize agents into specific attributes?

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Execute urself my man

No, of course not, having all stats leveled up increases their survival chances by a lot, with the exception of dealing with abnormalities that require low level of certain stats like the singing machine.

>anyways do melee weapons work on it?
Users will die but still

i guess all thats left is to do my best

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Post the image of coffeeman in the shelter

No, make one gigachad per department that can handle your hardest works
Don't worry about pumping up Justice until you have something you can train it on, it is more expensive than the other stats to increase with LOB but has no impact whatsoever on an agents ability to live through a work

Just don't fuck with it


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The coffee must be cold.

So did A and B hide in that shelter when Binah decided to visit and Chesed fucked everything up?

so i cant complete brihanas last mission, ive triple checked EVERY abo i have, including tools. and all of them are at level 4 observation, no exceptions. still says mission isnt done. been like this for several sessions now.

the only explination i can think of is that either punishing bird or justice tard bird have the fusion bird tied to their info somehow, and its counting against them having "max" obv

Perhaps it's a tool you need to get level V of observation?

Yes user, Apocalypse Bird needs maxed observation to count.

I dunno if they literally hid in that shelter but I think it's safe to assume that surviving the incident was the trauma that created that abnormality

I have made a grievous mistake.

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>memory repo to escape the fucking meat lantern
>hes still right fucking there

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>He doesn't know

god fucking dammit i knew it.

do i need to just summon him? or do i need to actually put on my bigboy pants and kill the fuck?

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>t. marielx

Its the mem rep bug that gives you two of the same abno?

I think you can technically access it from the other birds, but I strongly suggest beating it because the gear and gifts it hands out are among the best in the entire game.

Honestly apoc bird itself isn't hard to beat. He's slow and you can literally just walk out the room when he teleports in.
The hard part is containing the 15 SCPs that broke out while you were out killing his eggs.

Your guess is as good as mine.

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I don't think it's the birbs, I'm fairly certain I had all three when I did that mission and passed it fine
Are there aren't tools with information past level 4? That might be it

Does it matter much which team someone is in other than the walking distance?

I thought maybe to spare LOBs, I don't know how scarce they are in the long run

You get buffs for being on a team for X days


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Why does Melty's EGO gift suck so much for an ALEPH? Does it have a secret boost when working on her like CENSORED's weapon?

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So this game is pretty comfy, I thought everything was out there to kill everything, but that does not seems to be the case. Just surpressed some mechanical niggas that stabbed all my unnamed workers. Does this, dead unnamed workers, just (temporarily?) reduce department level?
Also, I don't seem to have speed up buttons, do they come later?

That's a big Malkuth

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no need to be rude, the manual is not complete.


What the fuck
Every time I break out the ebin orchestra I move out all my agents and watch the show, but somehow one clerk survives. I even watched this little dude Beta01 walk out of his room, into an elevator, and he was walking towards the Orchestra when it ended. He only took 5 white damage. Every other clerk within the department took roughly 70 white damage, instantly dying or I guess killing themselves, idk.

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>Grind out De Capcom
>doesn't even use the bonus effect with the suit

Makes you look CUTE !!!
Malkuth's researches provide a speed up button I believe, or maybe it's Yesod who's the very next department
Just do your missions and unlock the cool stuff as you go

I'm still grinding his gear, I got lucky with the gift early.
Gonna have to memory Repo this anyway, suck.

Do missions, read manual, and unlock managerial tips
Pretty much everything becomes self explanatory if you do these things

>do 8 qlip meltdowns

why so much?

To prove your ability to be in control

Has anyone beaten day 46 and onward with the 3 birbs and whitenight ?

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>Don't suppress me or my daughter ever again.

I've seen someone beat day 49 with that, and the game hacked so every single core suppression is happening at once

I don't mind ANY of the bullshit in this game, except for when bosses force you to not pause.
That is the absolute most unfun thing in the game.

I don't think my toaster can handle all of that shit at the same time.

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Yes, Day 49 was the only day I had trouble with too.
Maybe someday I'll git gud at Binah

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yes and yes

you will get alot of important tools and stuff as the game progresses.

the game runs like a sort of "puzzle" game on the surface, the primary goal being to learn how to deal with whatever abo you have just been handed.

a big part of the later game is focusing on how to deal with the next big challange the departments toss at you in order to earn/permanently upgrade them. and using memory repository reroll the current "chapter" when you have a abnormality lineup that you arent ready to deal with, or dont want to deal with but what to get ahold of their gear for future attempts at progress

beyond that its setting up the facility and your employees and getting ready for the endgame story stuff,

Do not trust the time, for I will guide you

Reading is for nerds. Fuck the manual.


post video

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get fucked asshole, bet you won't last 5 days
your management skills are trash and so are you

Don't worry Angela, I've stopped racism.

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>is best girl

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>Tiphereth's "yeah I'm a box, whatever, get over it manager"
why is she such a fucking brat

>Meat Lantern gets out
>Right outside the door where my account employee is working on Blue Star
>The fucking champ jukes it, avoids all damage despite it going for a bite
Onario you're my fucking hero

Just search lob corp boss rush

Are there any mobile robot abnos? As in no tools.
Schadenfreude does not count because of the eye in the box.

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green ordeals

Shut up dumb box

Reddit bot?

Can Yin say the N word?

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Warm Hearted Woodsman

Reminder to give your employees gifts!

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If your best employees aren't wearing Queen Bee's dapper hat, can they really be called your best employees?

>abnormalities that you want to do attachment work

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I don't know what you're talking about, I'm Malkuth's biggest fan. reading the manual like she said changed my life and made me realize that she's the cutest sephirah ever and is in charge of the best department and I think you should read it too. learn some fucking respect.

You come down to the extraction team and see this in Binah's office.
What do?

Attached: Binah.jpg (900x515, 82K)

tell her shes old

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

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Tell her to get back to bucketing or whatever it is she does

That's because Beta01 knows how to play second fiddle.

Help her dress up she clearly too old for that

care crow est abnomalitily prove wrong cant you

I can't do Binah
Not enough bullets to kill all the clerks to not have Mountain & Big Bird sperg out
Burrowing Heaven keeps making me stare at its ugly ass
Can't stop Meat Lantern from force breaching
Need to take care of Parasyte Tree or it'll steal employees while I'm not looking
Red Hood breaches quickly and Bad Wolf follows her up
Swan sometimes breaches too when it feels like it
This is an absolute nightmare

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Idk which is cuter

I need a fucking qoh card so fucking badly.

>keeping a run with garbage like the parasyte tree
I respect you sticking with the run, but damn.

I'm kind of in the same boat except you have it much worse, I only have mountain and little red but I also only have 3 employees per department, lot of which aren't that strong and die to her attacks, and can't deal with all of her meltdowns so I need to day 1


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Big Bird, Mountain, and Parasyte Tree are massive pain in the dicks for that fight (especially if you have the rest of team birb)
That honestly may just be a day 1

Hey! That's not attachment work!

What the FUCK did you do

>dying this hard on Tiphereth
user... If you thought losing meltdown immunity was that hard...

I'm gonna assume he got NOON'd




it was the goddamn soda machine

i thought i did all of its info waaay back during my first ever run, but apparently i never unlocked its breach info

i guess i just assumed because i had it for a long ass time during that run, that i already filled out its observation like everything else before my first D1 reset

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>third trumpet like 20 minutes in

Time for you to drink the sleep soda user.

What a fucking clerk

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Worship it

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For me, it's the Big Bird.

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>this much ded
please tell us you already did gebura

This is my 2nd day 40+ run
I still haven't seen any of the endings
I'm gonna go insane if I have to grind shit for a third time from day 1

>talking shit about based wellcheers

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Huh, I figured Angela would've rejected people who qualify for scarecrow duty from managing.

You know you want it

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Is this a Super Deepthroat mod?

>tfw the only genuine happy ending is to get drugged and whisked away to work on a shrimp fishing boat by friendly humanoid shrimp

Get back in the fucking scarecrow room Bong Bong

I fucked up on green dusk
Ive never seen it before but I split everyone into teams and my a team got killed because I was too much of a retard and had the friend with a sniper rifle shoot straight through them

Then my c team got bodied by robots

I spent 40 minutes on it and this is my first run so I just decided to take the hit and die later

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Can we make custom abnomalities yet?

now you've done it, you feathered fuck

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Just retire der Schutzboy
The gun makes early game piss easy but later on it's way more of a liability than it's worth

Oh shit

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Bongbong has no business with scarecrows.

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I had monk, zayin in black, big birb, the London Philharmonic, red, and mountain

It was hell and I day 1'd

>tfw they're actually just slipping you the Mickey and then you become food for humanoid shrimp

The happy ending is a lie

Man I was expecting this game to be a confusing EYE tier clusterfuck after starting to play but they actually explain the lore and how everything fits together extremely well, even with the translation issues
These gooks impressed me, this shit's captivating

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Gotta say after a few days, it gets pretty fun. I learned to read the ab. stories better after Happy took off the head of one of my agents.
I do feel I kinda abandon the control level abnormalities as they are low level and fully explored and EGO's made, is this normal or do you go back to previous abnormalities a lot?

That's fairly normal
They get even more ignored after you unlock meltdown immunity in certain departments

let me have this
Also even shrimp that big probably wouldn't be able to reasonably consume a human

Is there much of a point of that department then? Or can you just shove in bad agents there and keep the chads on active duty in other departments?

EYE tier translation happens when you get to Brouzouf girl and start listening to pretty fucking important lore
Not as important as one from old dude for some people but still

i know in the grand scheme of things its not impressive, but it was the worst situation ive had so far and i managed to pull out of it and pass the no deaths mission.

>day starts off poorly security has to be evacuated because of nameless fetus.
>at some point an employee who has done work on funeral for butterflies has a bad day, and goes insane letting him out.
>Fine send 2 teams one to deal with employee one for the abno
>punishing bird decides the chaos is time to leave
>panicing employee runs into the department with the new recuirts who have low stats and sets off a chain reaction. There are now 5 paniced employees running aimlessly.
>fine whatever they can be wrangled back in
>Not paying attention, one of them was not running aimlessly but instead headed to let shit out.
>lets out meat lantern.
>I now have 4 employees running the halls, and meat lantern is now in the halls with them.

I consider it a miracle that no one died. but i did learn that Clerks dont count as people

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TETH and especially ZAYIN get dropped pretty early on in favor of being buddies with HE+ abnorms, not only for big dick PE box income, but for training purposes.

>tfw Silent Orchestra in Control

>highest ordeal this day: dawn
>k no problem
>get amber(?) ordeal with slugs that almost kill 4 agents, but I saved them with micro

the fuck did this came from?

The game's teaching you early on that """Clerks""" aren't people. Abnormals seem to consider them as people though, a bug that remains unfixed.

I'll deadass have to do that because losing my a team was depressing as fuck

Amber is the hardest to fight but easiest to ignore, there is no penalty for taking your time with them other than having a hallway shut down for a bit

One of the few ordeals that turn the safe haven's that are hallways into death traps, now elevators are your best friend

Well, they weren't THAT hard, I'm basically a ~10day scrub and I could deal with them relatively easily?

Oh I thought it was Dusk, eh, the worms are pretty dangerous early though without ranged weapons or good armor

They can be tricky without ranged weapons and with low level employees, especially if they all try to gang up on one guy
They move quickly so often melee weapons will miss
It's not impossibly hard but it could still cause trouble at that point

Am I missing something or does Funeral of Dead Butterfly's weapon just suck? Even with it hitting twice for white and black the damage just does not seem good at all compared to some of the other WAW and even HE stuff I've got laying around.

You don't eat a fish whole, do you?

They got your agents first, where they are outside of lobcorp, far away from where hokma can tt2 them back.

It's for style mostly

I see your point, I had 2 guns from the old lady, but yea melee was not doing much at all

RIP Control Team Captain Haru, torn into sixteen pieces because I noticed too late who thighbot was targeting. Your commendable service and incredible hihg speed will be remembered and your sacrifice toward the facility honored until I memrepo.

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it shoots very fast and is ranged though

>Give it to a level EX Justice Chad
>Use Old Belief and Promise

i actually am eating a fish right now

>Old Belief and Promise
Is that good?

50% of the times

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Fuck the game is frozen
When does the game save, I don't want to go through that stress again

does it really has 50% chance? i swear i only got a bad result like twice


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>Just noticed one of my agents is called Archer
I am gonna try to dress him appropriately

50% of time Malkuth is cute

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What I do is after the deployment screen appears
Start the day
Go back to main menu
Saves 100% of the times to me


100% of the time... BINAH IS AN OLD HAG!!

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I guess I'm fucked

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i miss them

sometimes it still loads after like 20 minutes.

>360 degrees

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Oh fuck


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Havent you gotten any messages? When my game freezes i get the "error" message, then i know im done for.

It pulled through lads, Gebura remains got
Now to explore my newfound big dick power, someone pick an abbo for me

Attached: Capture.png (1602x927, 724K)

time for love user.

Justitia right there, you cant pick anything else.

Melting Love

>Supress 3 DIFFERENT alephs
Fuck this game.

King of Greed a cute
Get long birb

This is some epic videogame I am playing, super fun and fair.

Attached: Epic.png (1920x1080, 2.57M)

If you can't even handle that you were never gonna make it

It's too late, Extraction Team clerks have been deleted and Slime Wife and her husband have already had copious amounts of attachment work

>he doesn't know which of his agents can do what safely
user, it's going to happen again later but on a far larger scale.

Attached: Screenshot_53.png (1365x766, 156K)

While it's not the hardest, it is probably the most annoying.

>day 20
>trying to trigger dusk for malkute
>just keep getting bigger meltdowns
>been keeping a small crew

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I wanted to farm so new recruits but I dont even know who lacks what.

>Third Trumpet
You might be eligible for promotion to cl*rk.

Allow me to dredge this up from the depths of my ancient, decaying hard drive.

Attached: 360.png (245x407, 11K)

>One of the 9 major boss encounters
>What a perfect time to train!

>watching Koreans do challenge runs of the game
>when they do a boss battle, everyone is capped in each stat
How the fuck they got the time to do that

well considering koreans are still asian, probably cheating

You haven't been moving on as soon as you meet the energy quota, have you?


>Kill apocalypse bird
>Something with clerks and big birds attack causes fuckhuge memory leak
>Killing them allowed the game to actually run but I still had to finish the whole fucking day
>Took over 10 minutes for game to save
Holy shit that was tense
And I had only 1 death too
Time to kick Binah's ass with army of winged dudes
Then I can unlock Hokma's if I have any survivors

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I mean, I'm working on it right now. It's not all that hard. Yet.

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What did he mean by this?

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They were super strict chaperones.
>Hey cleaner, can we get some ice cream
>NO! The sugar's bad for you and your mom said no ice cream
>Can we go on the roller coaster?
>NO! You just ate and you know the rule of waiting at least 20 minutes
>But that's swim-
>NO! No swimming

Pretty sure it's a bad translation, it's supposed to be sweeper or fixer

>shy girl instakilling my employees
>all im doing is attachment work

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5 seconds in mspaint

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Post abnorms/work log

the girl with the fat ass? yeah don't do that

Are traps in lobcorp gay?

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Try instinct work

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Oh no, you freakin doofus! You didn't read the managerial tips!
Laetitia doesn't have a big butt that would instantly kill agents, right?

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How many employees have you sent to do repression work with the armor?

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i meant shy kid whoopsie

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I've went from double digit PE boxes to 800+ with a single employee on Dead Butterflies and I still haven't gotten its EGO gift
What the fuck
No I don't have any othe back right item

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no but she has a ____________FRIEND!!!that would

>crumbling armor....
>attachment work....
user WAIT

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I wish there was something you could do with surplus eboxes. Like use them for extra lob points or something.

So is there only two red aleph weapons, Nothing There and King of Greed?

Use 999 boxes for a guaranteed gift would be nice

Actually thats a cool idea.

What are the best WAW weapons in your opinion?
I really like La Luna's cane, it applies a black shield to everyone in the room when the employee does a special attack.

If you're talking about shy look today then your results on work with her depend on which face she's behind

der fagshit's

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what if
there was an abnormality
listen guys
an abnormality
an abnormality that turned
turned your agents
into clerks


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No !

We gotta pluck hitler from hell now, ITS TOO MUCH.

Attached: Under_the_eyes_of_your_superior.jpg (499x544, 24K)

>>Something with clerks and big birds attack causes fuckhuge memory leak
when will the fucking gooks fix this leak

God damn the korean fan animations on youtube are good shit.


post em


Just kill the bird at end of the day man
It's only 1GB per 15 seconds or so after you eliminate the clerks

I always just imagined it was their last names.
It would have been interesting if they had kept the mechanics for things like Spider Bud or Red Shoes from Legacy though.

cheeky bastard

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>Apply high red armor
>Send to solo green dusk
Very nice.

A lot of them are mostly just little music clips and silly things.

>have a whole department of weeaboos because i didnt unlocked his research fast enough
>actually enjoy thinking the whole department screams NIPPON BONSAI every time they supress a abno

like blue star or SO but somehow worse

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I remember someone in pixiv made a LC version of pic related

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Technically Twilight counts, but that deals everything damage

I'm glad I experienced violet noon without getting spoiled. I just laughed when it happened and I had to retry.

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There's really not much else you can do, I remember my first violet noon as well. Everything was going well, I was ready for whatever monsters spawned next, then everyone but the guy who triggered it was dead.
Lucky bastard.

Blue Star is a good boy who doesn't care what happens as long as no one fucks with his cell. He knows that eventually, we will all meet again.

It was horrible, i was doing so good when it happened to me the first time, got like 6 gifts then BAM!

i knew it was gonna be bad
i didnt knew it was on my safespots

this is why you dont gamble on fucking old promisses

Is Whitenig worth keeping for his gift? I can understand keeping the birbs since you technically only have to beat them once, but the former is always going to be a problem

But muh empowered justitia!

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both are issues because birb will always constantly escape while other escapes

and WN can be much more easily contained, all you gotta do is send a dude to one sin

hope he doesnt need to cross central command tho

i mean if you just retry day its fine

isnt the katana "slightly" better anyway?


can flesh idol melt down? this thing seems like a fucking death trap

What? No, not at all.

>2 classes lower
>probably just reading damage numbers and hasn't seen that justitia hits like 5 fucking times

ALEPH weapons are so loud compared to everything else honestly.

what would you rather have?

Sorry for being so (CENSORED)

Attached: CENSOREDangela.png (523x666, 190K)

glfu can be ignored
PoU will disrupt the facility until the chads deal with it

great love for us can be resolved a lot faster

I agree in most cases except nameless fetus and his baby crying gun, which is fucking hilarious

>glfu can be ignored
quote from man who became a star

Iirc in the korean version she's called 'shy witch' at early observation levels, which changes to laetitia at later observation level(I think 3 or 4)

Clerks can take out Great Love for Us, provided the whole department didn't catch the first hit.
Admittedly, I've only seen it happen once, but it was pretty cool.

At the late stage of the game Process of Understanding is much more convenient. GLFU means you have to move every agent out of the main room before it starts which takes forever. POU can be solo'd by pretty much any level 4 with WAW gear, and can be completed while afk, though should be dealt with if you have certain Abnormalities.

>send agent with Censored's weapon to suppress something
>have volume low ahead of time because I know what's going to happen
>bone crunching is basically at full volume anyway
For fucks sake, it's so loud

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I'm getting burnt out doing Briah core suppressions. Between restarting Gebura fight 6 times and randomly getting my employees killed by Chesed's x4 multiplier, I'm just tired of repeating days over and over. Do you think restarting to day 1 would help?

i havent gotten around to using it really, diddnt know about the multihit

Is there a fetish for girls wearing suits
I think this game is giving me one

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>losing to coffeeman

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Fucking clerk. Back to scarecrow duty.

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they need to do add some fucking volume control to this game. I like the music but every Quilphoth meltdown echoes across the house or every time i pan past nothing there. And why do Punishing Bird's pecks get full volume no matter where you look?

just letting you know I was doing chesed suppression with all my employees huddled up at information center and I completely forgot where GLFU spawned

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It's called
good taste

Attached: 01.png (709x827, 251K)

Departments have their merits as they give bonuses based on how long someone worked there(with the longest worker becoming captain and gaining biggest bonuses). For example you can use the info team gigachad captain to work on a new abnormality at the start of the day to have the highest chance of getting a good result. Or shoving shitters in training team to grind them up faster with less work.

That's normal user

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if he decides to buff red during a green noon or dusk, you are absolutely going to start loosing alot of people

its the whole professional setting and context, makes the taboo of fucking way hotter

>green dusk with red damage boost
Legitimately one of the scariest things in the game, since even an agent with Nothing There's armor gets shredded by a single HE mob


please be nice to your clerks manager! they're doing their best!
delete this thanks!


>Mission: complete ordeal of dusk
>first dusk opportunity is amber
should I go for it?

Amber is pretty doable, just keep on top of it and try not to stand on the mouth end.

Middle of the road in terms of difficulty. Key is to be patient and take things carefully, don't get greedy trying to finish them off. Also I really hope you've been killing your clerks if you have abos which dont like people dying because the dusk will make sure all your clerks are dead.

The worms... They hunger...

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE I forgot to add. When they burrow any agents targeting it will follow them to their new position in the facility. This is incredibly dangerous and will get them killed so make sure to 'reset' your agents as soon as they burrow away.

tricked 3 friends into buying this so far noone of them hate me for it... yet

Have they hit the casual filter Malcute yet, or the actual Yesod filter

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How the fuck do I supress 3 DIFFERENT Alephs

>Army in black
Fuck that
>Nothing there
Super risky to get the guy out
>Melting love
Only one that is easy to get out

I wont have a problem supressing them, with aleph gear they are a joke but I NEED THEM OUT.

Of every ordeal, amber is always the easiest one, no amber noon tho.

Can the worms get into the main rooms? (the ones with healing) or are they limited to hallways?

i just kinda got an idea for a ego gift/weapon ability

selfless: when the employee takes damage from a source located in front of him, anybody directly on top of and immediately behind them gets protection from that damage source for one second. the employee "blocking" this damage will become slowed and have reduced attack rate, this ability will not work on white damage, or if the damage taken would instantly kill the "blocker"

the idea is that they are bodyblocking an attack, protecting their fellow workers.

sound good? no idea what kind of item/ego to give this to tho.

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I like the memes more than the game

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For agents in ALEPH gear, at least three of those you mentioned are easy. Melting Love can be bum rushed so long as you don't have red damage, Censored is cute! And Army in Black, idk if it actually counts since it spawns adds instead of himself leaving, you should check that though.

Only hallways

melting love is easy though? just 10 chads will destroy her in 3 seconds.
censored you can cheese with ranged weapons since it walks really slow, and you can even use slow bullet on it.
Never tried nothing there or army in black

worms only hit hallways, exept for the midnight ordeal super worms, they exclusively hit hallways

suppress the bird

t. clerk brain

let melting love meltdown

They issue isnt fighting the alephs, is getting them out. Guess I can get them out saccing level 1 employees but that fucks me with melting love.
Okay, I would need one more with censored.
All my alephs are in the upper levels and they cant meltdown anymore.

>I did not even know what I was going to play

bird counts as 3


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>Melting Love
Just use blue work on her, the agent feels bad for bullying her and she leaves on her own without giving them a present.

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I tried that, she doesnt let the employee out till its vored.

Whats the next part in your master plan?

>can't leave Melting Love's cell until she has her way with you
God I wish that were me what do you mean, do they get stuck fighting her in the cell or what, I never had issue breeching her on purpose

exclusively repression man, she will bitch if her lover is mean to her

get them high black resist

Weird, because I tried that and on the final countdown she didnt let the employee out so the fought in the cell.

Crashing this facility

Attached: BinahReveal.png (560x300, 204K)

Get your employee out by making him do another job

You are a genius. The other two alephs I guess I will just lure out with level 1 employees.

weird, if they start fightng her in her cell, it means the work is over, so you can order him around again, just tell the dumbass to leave instead of fighting in her room. notably you cant just click on people when they are in a cell, because the abos work menu takes priority, but you can click-drag to select them still

for Nothing there
just have your giga chad with his armor kite and tank him, when hes in his final form fixed on your giga chad. swarm him with the rest of your troops


Oh man I can wait to see their faces! wonder who is going to off them

>Suppress 3 Alephs
>Only have 3 Alephs
>Blue Star, Nothing There, Mountain
In the end, I managed to get it done but I am immensely glad mission progress saves between resets.

ez ordeal bois only lost the guy who triggered it because i forgot that i left him in a hallway lmao whatever he was probably a clerk in disguise

>he didn't get old lady second
Enjoying your rng user? Wait until u get Aleph on day 20 because u wanted to see what round cage meant
Jokes aside u didn't anything wrong. Since u lacked ranged white weapon u could not save that guy. Adding to fact he was "wanderer" u could not subdue him with melee.

I feel alephs are day 15 on average.

Does using the Backwards Clock count towards the suppress 3 different ALEPH Abnormalities mission?


No, shit that cant be killed by the old "hit it until it dies" doesnt count

which one lads?

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The one that sounds coolest, aka the one on the right don't remember the numbers right now

Strategy-wise u want to level up all your niggers asap. And i mean ALL of them. I made a mistake of focusing on one team and got dabbed into repository when Aleph showed up. Especially their Justice stat because
>increases movement speed so they can get in time to panicked scrub/keep up with some abno
>inceases attack speed thus muh dps
>it's expensive as fuck to increase this with LOB points
>waste of Qliphoth points
No such thing unless u can't take on Dusk/Midnight ordeals.

Speaking of ordeals i advise all newbies to spoiler yourself on Violet Noon in order to avoid a fuck you moment.

quotes please

>violet noon
Everyone should experience it at least once, gives them a healthy dose of fear.

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>spoiler yourself on violet noon
It's only one reset, and it's a highly memorable occurrence. Everyone should be NOON'D at least once.

I heard about violet noon being fucked up and considered spoiling myself when I saw it. I didn't, and it was very funny. Spoiling it is a mistake, like spoiling everything else besides parasyte tree.

The DPS race is real!

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it only took me 5 seconds to hit reset when glfu spawned
and the only guy left was the one who triggered it

>tfw first sephira suppression
wtf guys what is happening what do i do why is malkuth no longer a waifu

You should waifu'd her for what she is, user

Attached: IMG_20190613_113918.png (449x449, 99K)

it is not a waifu it is a monstrosity

Beep boop son, beep boop

Not him but those are Scarecrow, Snow White's Apple, and Schadenfreude

spoil parasyte tree for me


>Parasyte Tree
An absolute garbage abnormal, manages to be worse than the mushroom prince, and mushroom prince requires the agent to work on a different abnormal before working on it again

>Mushroom Prince
lol sounds cute

parasyte tree is the incel filter
how can they deal with a woman if they cant even pay attention to a fucking tree

So technically they are monster girls right, nice

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I picked it on my first run when I had train.
If you think that having train puts you on the clock, you should try having both tree and train together.

>Get an abs that look like a button
>Try to do work
>Everyone dies
Honestly, what the flying fuck. How am I suppose to get the details if I can't do anything.

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I want to see some absolute madman do a run with train, WN, Parasyte, and Mushroom
Four timers should be easy enough to keep up with while doing day 46+

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>tree at welfare
>train at disciplinary

user, it says not to touch it.
if you just want the details click it several times in the deployment screen

You can touch things during deployment, even if you don't have any data on them. Lets you know if you got an ALEPH or something by seeing its PE box cost

>do good work and ill get upset
>do bad work and ill get upset
what the fuck is wrong with this bitch
at least set the counter to 3 and sometimes this cunt just fucks off for no reason

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Nvm mushroom doesn't have a timer, the wording made it seem like it does

hmm this thing sucks and I hate it, can I repo it

Lmao dont ignore him

>tfw just finished farming a single copy of Da Capo Armor
>have to grind out even more for the weapon
fug, this little pop up pirate is the only one I WANT the Qliphoth overload on, but it keeps resetting every meltdown so I can't even do anything.

I like his crown.

I want to ignore him. Schadenfreude knows what I want. He's a real friend despite his name.

kek you just have to pay attention when working on him how hard is that?

>And why do Punishing Bird's pecks get full volume no matter where you look?
probably because there's very little you can do to stop them, at least at the beginning.

His body displeases me and I don't like it when he impales heads

I dont like your ass but I gotta agree, the Crown is great

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>those two clerks that are bonzaing an abno can that can bring high-level agents down
they really aren't human, are they?

Is Noah a girl or a boy name
I have an employee who I can't really tell with but they have the yotsuba hair

>First run
>Then queen of hatred
>Then fucking melting love
>Then heroic monk
This was all in succession, it fucking sucked and it was like day 20

Diva was about to oneshot everyone anyways.

Let us research together?

>first run
>have 4 ALEPH plus Apocalypse Bird
I also sense that the warning you guys had about my doctor is coming true, he's sparkling.

Anons, help a low prudence guy out, how do I edit the portraits of the Sephirah?

I don't know how feasible it would be to keep Doctor as himself during an Apocalypse, in fact the situation sounds pretty bad to even attempt it despite the Apocalypse not being hard in of itself, it's things reaching 0 Qliphoth during the event that is worrying.
It's a weird bag because you really should do the Apocalypse, but the Doctor doing his thing during the event would be awful

I planned on deploying several new hires in his department as the only employees, and stationing all my attackers away from there. Only attackers as the rest of the crew for the whole facility, go for Jugman bird egg first. It HAS to be only my best because of Melting Love and Nothing There, they're far more finicky than Blue Star. Silent Orchestra would also be a pain but at least an avoidable one.


The sad thing is, I was planning on dealing with the Doctor after suppressing Binah, but turns out he prevents you from completing one of her missions. I was doing just fine mostly ignoring him, got him really early and only had 3 on the clock, but I had to complete it to progress. It wasn't too bad just sacking a bunch of 1-lob plebs into him but he's a pain in the neck now.

We need a mission reward that makes the death of two Clerks only count as one.

But that executions still count as 1.

That'd be fine, honestly. Lets me save bullets for other stuff.

For those of you who beat the game, how tf did you manage day 49? Binah alone was pretty easy, I was able to scrape by with no deaths, and Hokma was a bitch to my poor tired brain. Together there's just no way. I didn't use the Rabbit trick last time, but this time when I did they left a couple seconds after I called them, I don't know why.

Why are Gebura's missions way harder than any other mission?

You need as many employees as possible so you can effort hitting the pause button.

she wants to secure you are a chad

we need a "fire all" button

>rabbits on Day 49
A bad idea regardless since Binah's department can actually receive the meltdowns, so unlike last time, you'll have to start giving up on maintaining meltdowns besides the crucial ones and bumrush her with all you've got after a while. You can potentially ignore even a WhiteNight breech like I did

I want a mission reward that automatically execute an additional clerk every time you kill one with an execution bullet

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does punishing bird get triggered by clerks going insane

just round them up and wipe out the entire department with a single bullet

But I dont wanna kill my clerks. They're people too

They're useless people, only good to keep around for the department bonus sometimes.

Death is cheap in L corp Manager
You do know why, right?

Attached: sticker (3).png (252x224, 15K)

The Wellfare team is great.
It gives you more ammunition for Execution Bullets.

Having three birds for final run

Yes. Get that Apocalypse gear.

>suppressions done
>time to see the end
>day 46
Excuse me? What in the fuck is happening

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We alread have that Button.

Attached: 1522875229_preview_Don't_Touch_Me_Close-up.png (243x242, 113K)

Just do it, the gear makes Gebura and further suppressions ezpz

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Just do it

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user, it's time for Kether Suppression

I suggest to demote user of his rank of agent to clerk for his stupid ass opinions

Does this thing show up in the encyclopedia? I want to make sure I got all the research, but of course you can't actually check it.

Who the fuck is Keter

No, he doesn't like you visiting the other abnormalities. Make someone work on him while you send everyone to start on other works.

spend 4 meltdown triggers to make the radio breach

this clerk is too cute
She's promoted to agent go train her Hod


Do you really want Hod to be training her

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when you put it that way, yes 2x
I didn't say she had to be an agent that worked on abnomalities

If you're the manager, why can't you order clerks around? Their department bonuses directly benefit your agents as well as energy collection.

It can and it will.

>executing employees

>this thing seems like a fucking death trap
Holy shit, really? Better talk to Angela so she can do something against it.

God i want to be trained by Hod

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I want to be fiercely raped by Binah.

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>want to get raped by old hag

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Holy fuck, I want a tiny Melting Love! That's adorable.

>doesn't want to get raped by a sadistic mommy

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the apple thing is cute

What are you looking at, manager?

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But she killed Kali, user

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At your stupid looking earring

Good riddance

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it also says that he doesn't like it when people panic
I want to know if he counts clerks

>Both died
>one gets banished to the basement.

She had laetitia. I love every thread seeing my panic pause before ending the day

>one gets banished to the basement.
That's precisely where I want her to be.

Attached: YandereBinah.jpg (282x351, 19K)

How exactly does Hokma revive employees in terms of timeline fuckery?

What's the third thing that deals pale damage while you work on it? WN, stick bird, ???


Spoilers, the Sephirahs in Library of Ruina all have their original bodies now based off of Netzach, the perspective you're viewing from is unfiltered judging from the artstyle being similar to the unfiltered day scene and the fact that you're not managing anymore so there's no need for a filter. You can now legitimately fuck them now without getting a box instead.

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Why are all skins still white?

Nice, doujin when?

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It's called the Records Team so I assume they just record the data and just send it back in time.
I assume Memory Imprint is just a way of saying you're creating a checkpoint to send data and EGO weapons and suits back to.

Huh? Netzach and Angela look pretty skin-tone to me in the last little bit of the trailer. Unless you're asking why all of them are fair-skinned, which I'm guessing is just a design choice. Shitflinging aside it'd be kinda jarring if one of them was suddenly dark-skinned after we got so used to seeing them #ffffff in LobCorp.

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I know the armor has a katana but it does red damage in containment doesn't it?

The process of Cogito'ing a corpse turns the skin pale, which can be seen during Hokma's Day 6 scene with him and A during the initial creation of Angela, and also the fact that corpses are generally quite pale.Also true ending shows Angela with her white skin infront of the Sephirahs.

But yeah technically the skin isn't as close to the skin tone of the unfiltered day scene, but judging off of this it's safe to assume that the filter is mostly gone but not fully, but I can't find a reason as to why Angela would have a filter for the player, given that we're playing from Roland's perspective (presumably) and since he's a Fixer that Angela wouldn't bother to have one.

I like it anyway, it looks crisp with the very clean looking linework of LC human portraits.

The expressions of the Sephiras are quite out of character.

For Hod's mission that requires I suppress 4 different abnormalities in the same day, do they have to be the breach and stop kind of suppress or "hey can you fucking stop" suppress like with the nameless fetus

because aside from Ppodae and Forsaken Murderer, the only other two abnos I have that can break out are...these two. Day 17 btw.

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How in the god damn do I farm S'orchestra?

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>day going well, almost done
>doctor calls my highest level employee with ALEPH gear right as the last great fuck you for us is dying
>close game before he reaches the room

They have to be able to break out.
Burrowing Heaven is easy to suppress, just let it melt down and don't take your eyes off it as you send your best-equipped dudes to hit it.
I'm assuming you have at least HE or TETH class non-red weapons.
Blue Star you never want to have to suppress. Wait until you have another escaping abnormality you can suppress.

the combat in lob corp is ass
why are they making it the focus in ruina

>Big bird
>Army in Pink
>mountain of corpses

Every single fucking Dusk those fags are breaching. I can't even reach Midnight let alone complete it for the mission! Am I going to have to resort to just summary executing every single clerk in the upper and central departments at the start of the day?

Don't you have until he finishes baptizing to bail?

Yeah but I didn't want to risk it, Noah here has been my trusty companion along with Acacia since the start.


Mountain is easy to suppress, park an Aleph geared chad outside his cell and kill it before it can reach any corpses.
If you already have his gear, the suit lets you clean up corpses by walking past them.

Do not fear me, for i am with you.
Hire 12 lockpicks and get this over with already.

Attached: Lobotomy-Corporation-Игры-whitenight(LC)-Plague-Doctor(LC)-4980011.jpg (811x1069, 318K)

I don't want to
he's sparkling and it's making me nervous
He summons that angel thing when he gets a full clock?

Pic related

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Both combat mechanics aren't remotely similar.

The "pffsh" sound effect when Mimicry triggers its special attack is extremely satisfying.

Killed Gebura with one person lel.

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Nothing wrong with that. As longs she doesn't have any skill that she triggers after some time like the black fixer, it's saver to do it with only one guy.

The biggest challenge was holding WhiteNight in cage the entire fight.

Also the funniest thing was that even her ultimate attack didn't kill him.

They did the error of making Geburah not constantly moving.
They way they programmed it she either has to kill an employee in one strike all the time because barely killing an employee equals no damage at all, since you can heal full every time.

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Why censored?


Because [redacted].

If you let him fuck all the corpses, the moment agents walk in room with him and his 5+ mini-censoreds, its insta panic time.

The manager should suppress Angela by pinning her down and fucking her senseless!

I meant for this picture.

Myo and the bunnies are too cute
Get off the internet, Angela

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But I want the boxes

Last for Gebura

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Myo and Gebura are too sexy.

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If Nothing There ever met the boxes would he be able to imitate them?

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He already met one box.

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I just realized, the boob window on human gebura is the hole right below her eye in robot form