>Act kawaii uguu at a gaming conference
>Gain 100k followers and get verified
Why is this allowed
>Act kawaii uguu at a gaming conference
>Gain 100k followers and get verified
Why is this allowed
Other urls found in this thread:
being a woman truly is playing on easy mode
Stfu discord tranny
incels falling for the burikko meme
Imagine being this bitter. Fucking go back to resetera and grow up, tranny.
Have sex (with Japanese girls).
Who is he, post a video or something
She wasnt just cute, her game actually looks good
based jap femdev
Beta orbiters are mentally ill.
she is rare genuine dork
>only cute girl during Bethesda stream
>only good game during Bethesda stream
Why is THIS allowed?
>epic twitter screen cap.
>western company show cgi trailer
>asian slut shows no gameplay
>her game actually looks good
But there was no gameplay. If you actually think the game reveal got her even 1/4 of those, then you're deluded.
Imagine being a 36 year old Japanese woman and people find you more attractive than 20 year old white women.
Japanese really is the elvish race.
whats verified mean i dont use twitter
I wish
it's not like being verified on twitter is some special thing
every tranny there is verified
all it means is they check your ID to make sure you are who you say you are
they dont check your gender though
Seething roastie
It looks unnatural as fuck.
>be a woman
>show up
>men all drop their spaghetti and act like huge faggots
>men then blame women for this
iku mi? Gladly.
You can clearly see the faces being different, are you people insane?
Reminder that her acting like that was planned and just part of the marketing. There was nothing genuine about it. You've been emotionally manipulated.
E3 is an act
ikumi is clearly passionate about her work and was excited to represent all the people who work with her. Also you're toastie roastie,
I know, I am just reiterating because people seem to be entranced by this shit.
How can western women even compete anymore?
There was no gameplay so I only care for it because Mikami.
it was all plan to give the game more exposure
ITT: Fat ugly western bitches and setting trannies who will never pass.
Why did she do it Yea Forums?
Is she married?
What kind of a cuckold pervert would let his wife have 100k twitter followers?
Oh, we'll be seeing a lot more of Ikumi. Todd Howard is nothing if not a genius and he is very much aware of how special she is.
No one said she has the exact face skull structure, you fucking retard. Her face is just the same.
Only autistic people cannot see the differences between the faces. But what do I expect? It’s autistic people who only like japanese women because of anime on this website.
Didnt something similar happen with the unravel dev?
not an argument
if you think that any part of modern e3 isn't controlled then you're a simpleton
I agree with the no gameplay game but at least you can tell shes actually passionate about her game rather than these bland western devs with no personality on stage whatsoever.
Asian women are hideous. White women will always be superior.
And she is not even that attractive. Living as a woman really is like a walk in the park. And they still want more rights for women and less rights for men.
That's like asking what kind of retarded bitch wouldn't go through her man's phone. You're terrible.
Wrong, this kinda shit only works on japanese salarymen and otaku. It worked here because E3 is a disgusting fucking corporate wankfest, they couldn't possibly be that selfaware.
you alright tenda?
I never understood what the verified even is. Some kind of high five from Twitter that they like you?
why do asian women making the entire population seethe so hard?
>No one said she has the exact face skull structure
>Her face is just the same
What did retardo mean by this
men are desperate so it's okay when a cute girl does it, that's the sad truth
Fuck off and stop following me
>be likeable
>people like you
a skill trannies will never learn
>Only autistic people cannot see the differences between the faces.
you're pretty autistic if you cant tell they're korean, not japanese
Bio Jade seemed both passionate and with a personality
originally it was supposed to protect against fake accounts, but they revoke it for people they dont like. at this point its basically a twitter stamp of approval
lol, look at all the jealous Women in this thread
>Get blue checkmark'd
I'm so sorry, a fate worse than death.
Thanks. It's how threads are made this decade. It isn't the fucking video games that's for sure.
Getting real tired of all these transphobia and people pretending to hare the trans community just to fit in. Form your own opinions, go outside and grow up.
Why do normies fall for this sort of thing? I'm extremely jaded, cynical and bitter so I never let myself be manipulated by anyone.
It will never not be hilarious looking at all the ugly fat, middle aged women making all the comments
Women want to have a popular husband, if she goes through your phone, and there no messages from girls, she'll think you are a loser
Meanwhile imagine your wife being stalked 100,000 men. You know how many people 100,000 men are? It's more than the Ancient Roman military at its peak times ten. And all those men are trying to fuck your wife. How much do you trust a creature that's biologically designed to be disloyal and seek better partners not to be swayed by this temptation?
So how long until you suicide?
I think it was planned to some degree-- IE "act ditzy and cute". It worked but kind of backfired because everyone is talking about how badly they want to worship this yellow hole but are ignoring her game.
i hope someone can warm your lonely, fragile heart someday
Whats the issue? Wasnt the blue checkmark used to verify that's the real user and not a fake account? Does Twitter pay you if you have it or something?
a CGI trailer isn't a game
I like how most men are chill and just think when someone like Keanu appears and gains attention it's just cool and awesome, but the moment a women(especially Asian) gains attention every single woman starts to seethe.
What's the deal with women, can't they be happy for someone else?
humans aren't monogamous and ProJared is living proof that you're dumb.
I can tell that you're trying to make fun of me but I'm still not wrong.
How do white women deal with the knowledge that the only reason they are chosen is because there are no asian girls geographically available?
Imagine a world where asians and whites existed in the same countries... white women would actually have to work on their personality.
Arkane's game looked good, though
It would be stranger if she wasn't.
We have straight men to blame for that. You make it too easy for them.
Dilate. Men like feminine women, even if they are not the most attractive ones.
Holy shit you're retarded. Go back to middle school biology, please.
The difference between her and every other bland faggot during e3
>good personality
>can actually tell shes excited to be there to show off her game
>not a corporate shill
The fact that shes also cute is just icing on the cake. Everyone else that talked on stage during e3 was boring and soulless
>Implying all those women just happen to have pictures of themselves as children and adults doing the exact same pose and facial expression such that you could overlay them all perfectly like that
Unironically arr rook same. I'm willing to bet no two of those images are the same person at any age.
white dudes fetishizing asian women is like the nastiest shit lmfao. they dont want anything to do with you retard
>>only good game during Bethesda stream
They didn't show any gameplay.
>it's a bad thing to not fall for emotional marketing strategies
The only reason those gestures exist is to manipulate you
you've clearly never been to Australian buddy, asian girls can be just as bad as western ones only worse because they think they can pull that cute and kawaii shit whilst being incredibly overbearing at the same time.
I'm not trying to make fun of you at all. I find all this sort of fake happy stuff very tiresome.
'Cause Americans eat that shit up.
In this case, being a cute asian woman doing cute anime things.
White women are lucky we don't have 50% Asian girls in schools, they wouldn't stand a chance.
The face is not the entire skull you fucking mongoloid.
She's OK. I don't know what people see in her.
imagine being this easily manipulated
>humans aren't monogamous
I wish I was as dumb and easily brainwashed as you, my life would be a lot less painful
trannies can NEVER be as cute as a XX female
Why does that trigger you? What a faggot.
you naive little retard
Yes please
>>good personality
opinion based on nothing, you don't know her
>>can actually tell shes excited to be there to show off her game
like many others
opinion based on nothing, you don't know her
aka you want to fuck her because you are a loser
>>not a corporate shill
literally working for Zenimax Bethesda, kill yourself
So the solution is to have everyone be as gay as you are? I can't accept that.
I would hope that if I put myself out into the public that twitter would at least verify that my account belongs to me.
I will never get why some women have so little self-awareness
White men and asian women fetishize each other all the time. Works out fine, quit crying
>humans put their dicks and vaginas against more than one other dick and vagina for the entire history of mankind
>humans are monogamous and if you don't think so you're brainwashed
You're a retard. Unironically. There is living proof all around you that what I said is true.
Being a black woman must be depressing according to that chart holy fuck
It's not like she did it intentionally. She was just being typically Asian.
top marketing, she also keeps tweeting weeb anime phrases just like she did on stage
I want to play Ikumi's game!
They at least have black men, who nobody else wants, either.
>white women would actually have to work on their personality.
this will never happen
Yeah wow imagine someone having life and energy that doesn't come off as cynical and just trying to sell you a game at E3 how dare she be charming.
You gonna complain that everyone loves Keanu Reeves too?
Why do white men hate their own women?
I've dated a few white women, all of them have been pretty chill
you wish. stop projecting your weakness onto asian females you fucking weirdo
>The opposite of woman that age like milk
How do we bring this to the rest of the world?
I can smell the jealously from this thread.
The world would be better that way.
Racemixing is bad
Also /pol/
>another cute girl thread ruined by racial antagonism
no need to be so toasty roasty
>americans get exposed to a japanese 7/10
>lose their absolute minds because they have never seen a genuinely feminine personality before
Are you astroturfing?
>be white
>literally everyone likes you
it's not fair bros ;_;
Are the same people that complain about her the same people that worship people like Keanu Reeves?
>you will never be looked at like this
its time to end it
>The act is likeable, yeah
>Oh ho ho you are one deluded little shrimpdick weeaboo
I have a preference for women from London. Slutty and up for partying and drinking but classy sounding accent.
I just want an older woman to sit on me.
t. cuck
they still get more messages than the average white guy
nah black guys prefer asian and white women
>genuinely feminine personality
Skewed results
By breeding asian girls. As it turns out, hafu women are also hilariously gorgeous:
If you actually care about twitter follower numbers then you really need to re-evaluate what you find important
>adopt 6 africans
>drive off a cliff with your gay lover
And people say women can't be funny
It was her being passionate about her game in a sea of liquid shit that made her stand out.
>oi guv u wanna stuff me dubble?
>achmed can take me fanny and you can have the arsehole
>yes stuff me cunt
>oh yes yes yes yes
>yes fook me vag m8
Better than the retard who yelled during Keanu's thing. He's trying desperately to be relevant now. She was just doing her job
Ok degenerate
based lesbos
incels who have never had sex tend to obsess over any woman.
imagine if a guy put out an ad looking for some girl he ran into...
Proof yellow fever guys are pedos
It's mainly the ugly incel white males who are the most asshurt and bitter.
They actually think that white females care about low tier white guys dating chinks.
Pure delusion.
This is currently happening in this thread right now.
the only people I know who gave a shit about her were women and "women"
Whats degenerate about wanting English gf to fuck and party with?
>being loved just for being you
>not important
A lot of people hate us too though. Partly from unironic envy, part of it is also muh holocaust and muh slavery (which blacks invented and we stopped but who cares about that we get the flak for it anyway fuck whitey etc.)
bro every stage performance by a non actor looks unnatural as fuck
It's not a natural position to be in for them of course they're going to be awkward. The point is she looks genuinely happy and grateful to be there unlike the souless robotic shills we usually get.
So you have fetish for trashy girls, dully noted.
How come Yea Forums hates resetera but acts twice as retarded as them?
>Proof guys are pedos
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as adults rated them highly.
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as teens rated them lowly and took approximately twice as long to enter their answer.
nah they're only obsessed with asian women.
this thread is proof of this
Picture of her.
I have loads and loads of pics and writings like this.
She was genuinely charming and charismatic you incel.
>white women are so terrible that an old asian woman simply just acting mildly feminine made over 100k men fall in love with her
Threads on this woman move really fast
She must have hit a nerve
ignore the incel
a good way to start would be to tell women to stop using hormone disrupting makeup/lotions and stop eating cheap fast food
Trashy girls with posh accents so I can pretend they arent trashy when I show them to my mother.
Kill ALL fags
LMAO delusional weeb
Twitter verification is the equivalent of having a background check show you as a pedophile
post mega
this is a byproduct of the toxic patriarch culture
this is your fault, wh*te men
Like clockwork, some people here turn on something once it becomes popular
That's oddly specific mate.
Oh that emoji is meant to be tears? I always assumed it meant that their pussy is wet
Why am I conservative normally but when horny I turn into a degenerate?
I'd like to believe that's true, but this board proves it otherwise.
You think there might be a reason? Men are murdering rapists moreso than women.
i can assure you more people like you or pretend to hate you for twitter (You)'s than you'd think. being white is LITERALLY easy mode
Can't be arsed.
roastie roastie butthurt postie
Those were toddlers not preteens
That is one stale christmas cake if you ask me.
>obsess over any woman
I thought incels resented women
Top middle is a straight up fucking milf, why kill herself
inb4 over 50 replies
White women get seriously asshurt about asian girls because they know they can't compete, either on looks or personality.
Every time I talk to a white women and the topic of some asian girl comes up, there's always a snide remark about how men are disgusting for wanting asian girls.
I know but its my thing. I dated a pharmacist from London and she was a massive slut. Obsessed with sex. But she had good job and posh accent so was good.
childlessness among asian women are twice as high as white women
Why do trannies care so much about a checkmark next to their name? I'm referring to you OP, that's not nothing to be jealous about you stupid faggot. She's cute, she deserves the followers.
Please, for the love of god HAVE SEX
It means you are notable enough that Twitter has verified you are who you claim to be, because people will care. Most users aren't famous enough to impersonate, so it's mostly for notable people.
I'm fucking sick of these dumb niggers ruining every thread. Holy shit I genuinely hope they get ass cancer
what the fuck
I'm 29 and never had sex or gf. I'm not fat and I dress well and have job. I'm not some basement dwelling weirdo. I don't even play video games or engage in any nerdy hobbies. Why no gf?
This whole post is fucking sad...
You hate what you can't have after awhile. This is why feminists and incels are the same and should just fuck each other instead of REEing so much. That way the rest of us can go back to having normal discussions on the internet instead of having to explain normal interactions to you groups of fucktarded, mentally damaged unlovable sacks of putrid shit.
Thank you.
Yes the typical female browses Yea Forums and gets mad about incel losers circle jerking about a 4/10 gook lol
Picture of Cindy.
Armin Meiwes, aka the guy "Mein Fleisch" and like half a dozen horror movies are inspired by.
Facts speak for themselves, attractive people find each other. Whites and asians are p good while all the shitskins fight for scraps
How do I become a normie? I'm fed up of having no friends or gf or hobbies.
you still post here, people can sense the shit within you
It is actually kind of sad to see roasties and trannies get this butthurt over some harmless nip woman. What is wrong with you people?
>Doesn't mention his face
You're probably ugly or mentally ill
what race are you? post a pic on /soc/ and link it. also height and weight
>using complex kanji for Nakamura
The average black man will pump and dump then pretend he dindu nuthin if he gets caught for child support because he was a moron who couldn't think to take a second to wrap up his worm. Its no wonder someone typically more stable economically and ethically would appeal to someone who only has ever had to deal with grown children with retard strength.
>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women
age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%
Pls user... Give me the artis
Do some cursory reading on neoteny in human beings and you'll understand why asians are the best :)
East Asian>White>>Hispanic>>>Middle Eastern>>>>>>>Dog Feces>>>>Niggers
>he's back
They're not going to fucking just come to you idiot. You make it sound like you're not trying to look for one or talk to a girl.
My lard ass cousin hates asians but never really gives an answer when I ask why. Maybe this is the reason...
the second girl looks like the sun
>i kum in a kamura
>i cum in a camera
My sides
what the fuck bros, this guy is skinny. What the fuck was I bulking and lifting for?
>find the full pic
>it's blacked shit
>Do you ever approach a stranger, say hi, ask for a number, invite to have a drink/coffee/food somewhere etc.
There you go. You've forgotten that talking to other human being face to face isn't some weird, stressful thing unless you make it one by obsessing.
Become someone else and then just be yourself
any man doing what she did on stage would be labeled a weaboo soiboy and probably shitposted on this site for all future bethesda partnered games like that bald chink who delivered the diablo immortal news
face the reality, women are easy mode
>Retards are so retarded that they attribute a place with thousand of posters to the average opinions of an imageboard.
I don't get this, why do they keep doing this, are you retarded? The people who are against race mixing do not make the posts on wanting to fuck a Japanese girl.
I only started coming here about 3 years ago though.
Well I have 2 brothers and I look very similar to them and they have had multiple gfs.
5'10, 160 pounds, white
It’s allowed because of fathers that allow their boys to become incels.
I hope you're doing this on purpose
NOOOOOOOOO /r/asianmasculinity bros! This can't be happening! Delete this right fucking now.,
not her gf
he does have a chinese model for a fiancee tho
guy is jakenbakelive, twitch irl streamer
I gave you a name on that post. Apply the male:rape tag and you're set.
>>Do you ever approach a stranger, say hi, ask for a number, invite to have a drink/coffee/food somewhere etc.
what if someone doesn't want to end up in prison or have the cops called up on them
If it was a handsome man with a nice body girls of Yea Forums would be fawning all over him
>any man who acted like a woman on stage would be laughed at by us
Yeah, you're so insightful, wow.
>I only started coming here about 3 years ago though
Ahh, that explains everything.
>girls of Yea Forums
trannies aren't female
holy crap the girl on the right looks like she's 4'10''
Explain why I had no gf prior to coming here
She is a cute and charismatic milf.
Thats how, bitch.
You're a retard or have a bad sense of humor.
Being good with women is not in and of itself easy mode. This is the wirst time in history to be white for what it's worth, which isn't to say it is suffering to be white, just that identity politics have never been stronger. I could get shot walking into some hoods, you'd never see that happen if you walked into a white neighborhood (granted you arent wearing nig attire like baggy pants and do rags and carrying a gun around a cop)
But anyway, sure a competent, averagely handsome white guy can get chicks. But that's rare nowadays as most of my kind are going the way of the soi. You dont actually as much competition as you think
this will show those white guys
you're not trying.
and it was enjoying to watch so both sides win
>have a high ranking position at a game company
>was just received well by a huge audience
this is exactly what the checkmark is for, there's probably 10000 other accounts impersonating her since she just became a meme basically
Are white men the niggers of asians?
Wrong. Asian females are the most disgusting race traitors on the face of the earth. They fetishize the white male the same way whites people in general do to black men.
>>Do you ever approach a stranger, say hi, ask for a number, invite to have a drink/coffee/food somewhere etc.
that's called rape
>this thread
All of you autists need to take your fucking meds
>any man doing what she did on stage would be labeled a weaboo soiboy and probably shitposted on this site for all future bethesda partnered games like that bald chink who delivered the diablo immortal news
Well yeah, its because men and women aren't equal.
Is it inappropriate to give my manager a bottle of wine as a going away gift when I finish at the end of the month? She was really nice and friendly to me.
>That fucking webm
asian worshipping basedboy virgins
she looks like she fucks white men
oh no not those handful of videos no one watches ever
>>any man who acted like a woman on stage would be laughed at by us
>Yeah, you're so insightful, wow.
that is precisely the implication you fucking retard
an average looking woman acts like girl and gets 100k followers and attention from millions of thirsty betas
no other man besides john wick who is already famous was fawned over in any presentation
being a woman is easy mode, it's why so many white male rejects crossdress
LMAO stay mad
Lol he is qt asian slayer. This girl called 'water' is currently his main thing.
He is unironically living the dream, he's intelligent, speaks multiple asian languages, makes money like water, slays asian pussy like it's nothing, extroverted
Thristy beta incels. You are basically asking her core demographic of fans here why are they such incels.
By pure appearance:
Whites > Arabs > spics >> Indians >> blacks >>>>>>> insectoid asians
There's a reason why plastic surgery is so popular in almost every asian country
kek whos this
I'm jealous of those lesbos K/D ratios
because she's nervous
Hey white guys, when you say shit like "I prefer asian women" you are literally being racist. You are like a colonial rapist slave owner and it's super fucked up!
Every time I see a white guy with an asian girlfriend I get super pissed off that shit like this even after 8 years of Obama is still fucking allowed, so just fucking stop, alright?!
>be a woman
>act cute and feminine
>guys like it
What the fuck, how is this possible? Don't men know they don't get to have preferences and should merely accept what they are told women should act like?
Married guy who has procreated and has sex here: It's fine as long as you know she likes wine. Bonus points if you figured out what type of wine she likes. In my experience, millenial women will drink box wine so anything classy will be even more bonus points.
I don't know her though. It's not like you'll get arrested or hurt over it.
>Keanu Reeves appears at E3 and gains tons of attention
>Cute Asian girl appears on E3 and gains tons of attention
I don't get it...
How dare you, my asian gf after 2hrs of makeup looks better than any roastie
Which proves the point of it being unnatural since she was forcing herself.
>you are literally being racist
what makes you think thhey care retard?
Shes in her late 30s and she has mentioned to me before that she likes to drink wine with her mother at the weekend.
What's happening in that webm?
you will go full circle in your degeneracy and eventually want a traditional wife to take care of the house and hopefully kids if you're a white man
but encouraging degeneracy will make every suitable woman a slut who can't even take care of herself
t. posted by a fat white guy
Asian women will stick with a broke wifebeater for as long as he is a 6'4" 210lbs white male model.
dude, he was joking/baiting/shitposting. Look at the ! and?!?!?!
Then again, Poe's Law
Men > Women
Business as usual.
Really wish my mom would have fucked some Asian dude
I wish I was handsome and/or white.
While I'm glad she's getting some clout, pic related doesn't make me happy.
>western women think denying their holes is a legitimate form of protest
this is why nobody will fuck them
>late 30s
I'm a sucker for MILFs. I'd definitely give her win.
here's your 23 year old asian woman bro
>just finished fapping an hour ago
>come to this thread
>remember that all i've ever wanted is to be loved
Rather have a qt3.14 coder doll on stage than an ugly feminist womyn.
That particular pharmacist girl I mentioned was odd. She asked me if I'd ever consider being a househusband. Thats she would work and I would look after kids and house. I said no.
oh nononono
What the fuck, why wouldn't you care about being racist, that's so not okay, I can't breathe
The irony is the people getting angry over her are the actual incels
>why cant I get followers reeee
Have sex.
Why can't any of you be content on living on your own? A woman isn't going to make your life any better. It might make it worse.
The dude she is talking about.
>kills RE with 4 and makes 2 shitty Evil Within
Nah he deserves it
/r/aznidentity is pretty pathetic. They seem like people that have no place in the world they find themselves in. They want to be incels, but they also suffer from the doublethink of a progressive victim hood complex where white men and asian women coming up with a plot to forsake them to push forward some agenda of white supremacy.
It's hard to think any of these people feel better of being in America than any other Asian country their linage hails from. Immigration is an evil thing.
>incel thinks no one is having sex because of their insecure moral crusade being used to mask their unfuckable status
bro, we're having sex out here. Your memeland isn't reality just btw.
Why do docile, feminine, and submissive Asian women make white women so angry?
What is the reason?
>she's actually 200 years old
it was already said, that's forestnymph
Faggots like you are why when the chinese rule they will kill all the white men. Thanks asshole.
You can still be loved if you lower your excpectations from "Plastic japanese idol" to "Actual asian girl"
>Why can't I find a man to marry me?
you are literally incorrect based on precedent
see: the unravel reveal
>being this much of a beta cuck
yeah yeah, she was great, she was still an average looking women who rose to fame for being a woman acting cute. If you're a man, in order to get equivalent success you need to be extremely good looking, plus have actual charisma and eloquence, just acting cute in broken english wont be enough, and just as a reminder, you NEED to have 10/10 looks.
I wish i was born a woman.
She's been working in this industry for ten years on games like Okami, Bayonetta, and TEW you fuckwits. She didn't just appear out of thin air and establish a following because she's a talentless jap with a vagina.
Shes married to some chad mechanic. I just don't want to give her the wrong idea or anything. I'm only giving her the wine as a thanks for being a nice manager type thing.
>any man doing what she did on stage would be labeled a weaboo soiboy and probably shitposted on this site
So exactly what happened with Keanu?
>straight up milf
>headline clearly states she has no children
>/r/aznidentity is pretty pathetic. They seem like people that have no place in the world they find themselves in
Lmao no self awarenesses
burly warrior characters? i think everyone is into bwc then. hell I love me some bwc
>muh expectations
>all white girls are hotter than asian girls
>white women
Forget them! Come into the midgey side white man!
okcupid is a retarded outdated boomer sight, literally no one attractive uses that shit when tinder and grindr are a download away
Which is fine. I'm not saying go for her or anything because I dunno the situation. The fact she isn't in her 20s means she's just a much better human being though. You should give her a gift, man. Friends are the best thing in this world.
Chinese men are going to put us in camps when they become #1 because of yellow fever autism.
holy shit
mental illness
>having to pay women to fuck you
>a win
project harder fag, lmao
>Every time I see a white guy with an asian girlfriend I get super pissed off
>Implying it's Mikami's fault if the higher ups thought it was a good idea to listen to Inafune
>Implying TEW isn't great if you can bear the jank
Looks like down syndrome
Mystery meat isn’t white
Does anyone know who that girl on the right is? She's so beautiful
What point are you trying to make? Of course ugly people exist, nigger. There's hideously ugly people in every single race, but you're acting like it'll somehow convince anyone.
And she wasn't recognized because of that, she was recognized because "omg le cute wymen". That's the point, we aren't shitting on her, we are just pointing out the depressing fact that if you're an average looking woman who acts cute, you can get fame and success and betas throwing money and attention at you IN A DAY. Good on her for actually being a hard working developer, but this just showed that she didn't need to do any of that, and most women are aware of that, hence all the thot camwhores on twitch.
It's fault of thirsty incels for giving her this much attention. Even if she was a literal 10/10 these faggots would have to show some backbone and pride and not act like this.
That's pretty cool
>makeup completely done
>no bruises
>blood looks incredibly thin
t. seething roastie
>no it's actually the men's fault!
literally proving women live life on easy mode
asian in asia vs asian american
Nah, I'm married with kids. I'm just letting you know there isn't some epidemic of attractive women not getting sex. The only epidemic is incels and feminists being too proud to fuck each other so they REE on the internet instead.
You're the male version of a twitter feminist. lol
>no one will be waiting for me when I get home
>this dumb
Don't threat le asian women like goddesses then, downie.
You should put a caveat on white girls, that once they reach 22 they steadily drop in rank for every year past.
Taping their round faces to look like human is actually a clever trick, i have to admit i would've never imagined shit like that
huh? I dont even know what you mean. I'm Irish by the way and live in Ireland. So no hurr durr irish is not white pls.
>be virgin 28 year old
>just say hi to 21 year old asian girl on tinder
>now dating for three months now
It's ridiculously easy as long as you are white
The roastie thing is a meme.
It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that.
My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia
Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell and taste weird thing
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells and tastes fine
>lower your excpectations from "Plastic japanese idol"
these were never my standards.
There was one guy who let a internet comment on twitter or whatever asking about a girl he met in a trolley or bus because he was in love with her at first sight (I think he let a paper in that bus too similar to the internet post).
Then the girl answer him "fuck off creep" days later.
Japs are whores. Self reported stats are stupid.
Screeching "empowered" foid are seething
THAT is what a mogging looks like
Based and BurlyWarriorCharactersPilled
Normal people don't use online dating in the first place. It's called having an actual social circle.
Tinder apps are just for quick hooks for Chads.
Don't use them if you aren't at least 7+/10 looks wise.
Is tinder useless if you actually want a proper relationship instead of casual sex?
Any time someone accuses someone of being a pedo for liking anime or cute anime girls, they're always defecting. I'd be careful if I was you user.
>why do weebs throw money at pretty asian girls
Weebs deserve the rope
whos this cutie
those stats are from pelvic exams. go dilate
>men acting like beta orbiters isn't men's fault
You can blame women for using it against us, but you can't blame women for beta orbiters being so sackless that they sacrifice their dignity this way. beta orbiters are simps and you shouldn't defend them.
Your post generates a ton of rage and denial but it really is the truth.
>woman does forceful cringy shit on stage I expect nobody likes
>everybody likes it
Just use a dating site, retard. Tinder is explicitly to find quick fucks.
cause of white weeaboo cucks
Asian guys are going to start going on shooting sprees if this keeps up.
How the fuck would you know
She's so pure.
People on okcupid are too ugly and not as beautiful as me.
Dilate your mutilated ax wound, faggot. Kill ALL gays and trannies, they aren't welcome in this world.
that's aya kawasaki
tinder only works if you're a
>at least average white
>above average asian
>extremely attractive black or pajeet
All fake
I don't like asian or black features, sorry.
>tfw you werent born white
God fucking dammit, bros.
ecksdee le funny
Not again, you fucking fag here she is an adult and not jailbat.
>but white women are attractive see but I just won't post any above the age of 15
She's an escort.
>Normal people don't use online dating in the first place. It's called having an actual social circle.
Yeah, and if you have no friends guess you can just fucking hang yourself
this post gave me AIDS
Seriously do you fags want Asian guys to hate your guts?
It cuts both ways. Men are to blame for enabling it, women are to blame for abusing it.
Because it was simultaneously confident and feminine, both hot.
Why don't men seethe about good looking men but women seethe over good looking women?
I followed her once she hearted my fan art of her. Fuck off you don't realize how great she is.
How many followers did she have before this E3?
That's pretty based.
>Mentally unstabe seething downie trying to push his "agenda"
Lol. Keep it going.
I honestly think white women are some of the least attractive in the world. I'd say they are the least, but there are some ugly tribes and fringe populations out there.
>tfw work with a cute asian girl, brother and mom
>girl is cute
>brother is a cute twink
>mom is genuinely sweet
Something about older women being cute makes them extra cuter.
Hope she shows up again next year.
I will wait for you, behind the screen
Why does it matter to me? They already hate me just for being white and attractive. They will chimp out no matter what I do. They shit all over yellow fever threads even if they're treated with kid gloves.
You're right, but this isn't an example of that.
That's not even the same person you dumbass.
>i'm going to post fake pictures and girls using prosthetics
>see that proves all asinan women are ugly
How retarded and desperate are you that you have to pull this shit every thread ever made on asian women?
>>kills RE with 4
2005 called, it wants its hot take back
Commence reproduction
That poor lad. The speed he was traveling, the loom of shadow from the hoard as he turned that corner. . . they certainly caught up with him.
Might have stood a chance if he wasnt recording it, but hey. Went out like a boss I guess.
Who knows what they did to him. Lets just hope it was quick and painless.
We admire, not get jealous.
Because when I racemix, I wanna make a Keanu Reeves tier son with a Japanese qt.
>I'm not a pathetic loser who fell in love with a woman i saw for 3 seconds!
>I just draw fanart of her!
Men look up to their superiors and try to emulate them if not surpass them.
How retarded and desperate are you that you have to make thread abaout asian women on a videogames board?
HOLD THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your dad only showers once a week? That's really gross mate you should inform him
Asians aren't more or less attractive than white women. The difference is just that Asian women are nowhere near as fat, which makes the average Asian girl, even if she has an ugly face, much more attractive than the average white girl.
>That's the point, we aren't shitting on her
Maybe you aren't, but that nigger who said "living as a woman is life on easy mode" sure is.
She deserved to be successful prior to this, it's pathetic that she, as a japanese woman, only found success because she's fulfilling some fetishistic fantasy that sexless losers have about how japanese women act.
Men do seethe about good looking men. It's usually the same kind of guy who is a "niceguy" or beta orbiter cuck. They mostly blame women, but they also blame us handsome dudes for turning them into roasties with our peepees.
It's actually just mental illness, user. All of it.
white bitches still seething
>Has no friends
You have bigger problems than "no GF".
It's much easier if you get some before trying to date anyone.
That explains it
You have to be moderately attractive at least. An ugly woman is definitely hard mode.
because she CUTE
When 80% of women are lying egoistical whores who keep shouting at you for being racist, sexist, toxic, speciest, ableist and whatever new words they come up with all the men yearn for is a cute, modest, pretty girl who does cute stuff.
t. eurasian tiger
People that act like anime cliches in real life are cringe.
Like the type of weebs that close their eyes while talking in real life thinking it looks cute
>mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells and tastes fine.
A. wtf B. why do you know what your father dick smells and tastes like
Literally very easy mode.
>so user what do you do in your free time
>play video games and shitpost on Yea Forums
>yeah, no thanks
>REE WOMEN ARE ROASTIE WHOOOOORES *screaming pepe with gun*
>trannies seething
Music to my ears
What's her fucking problem?
>state of this roastie
I don't feel this way very often for women though.
God I wish I was her boyfriend.
Every Yea Forums waifu is a total hag. Not surprising coming from the board that creams over horse faced Joosten.
Go outside faggots.
women still don't understand it's their attitude that makes men run away
Skinbleaching or surgery can make you white
And light cosmetic surgery can adjust nonwhite features
Agenda, by posting the same cherrypicked woman you are using as proof of white women's beauty?
LMAO. White women age like milk, they are ugly, beastly things once they reach a certain age, the moment they hit 20 it's a downward slide, her best years a gone.
But keep posting jailbait dude, it only proves my point.
>let me think for you
Why do people care about how other people live their lives so fucking much when it doesn't involve them in the slightest? Get a hobby or something.
wow user you really like asian women so much?
and here i thought we could go somewhere together this weekend....
>vidja game
is she /our girl/?
>That particular pharmacist girl I mentioned was odd. She asked me if I'd ever consider being a househusband. Thats she would work and I would look after kids and house. I said no.
This is the saddest shit i've read all day.
Wtf I love Hellraiser now.
Are you bitter she has more virtual friends than you? Pathetic.
She didn't go on stage, because she wanted to. She came out on it, because she had a job to do and has done it pretty well, seeing how her pure cuteness gave her game free publicity.
nice ERP fag
>OMG she watches horror films!
Then don't complain about women being easy mode while you hand them everything make life harder for yourself, faggot.
How hateful and asspained do you incels have to be to get angry about a random lady doing cutesy shit at your big boy toy show? Shit niggas this isn't a country club.
This website is filled with unironic 35-40+ year old boomers. It's no surprise Yea Forums's taste in women has slowly been changing from lolis to cakes over the decade.
>An ugly woman is definitely hard mode.
someone please post the eggman tinder account
Epic resonse weebcel!
>weebcel downie gets triggered this easily
psycolocial damage
I would know, I watched robocop when I was 5
And then she opens her mouth and starts talking about the wage gap and how she doesn't want children and institutional sexism
>of Yea Forums
lmao fuck off cunt i'd rather wank to irrealistic photoshopped plastic insects
>us handsome dudes
Post pics hot stuff
This is the post quality that keeps me here.
Kill ALL homosexuals and trannies.
Who is THIS cutie?
show us your face
>I only started coming here about 3 years ago though
>admitting to being an election squatter newfag
>gets verrified
>why is this allowed
You can't just get some friends if you are an autist
Even in highschool my so called friends refused to invite me to parties because I was a pathetic loser, they'd just go without ever telling me there even was a party. My coworkers refuse to eat lunch with me. Old schoolmates contact me on facebook that they want to hang out then cancel last minute. Nobody talks to me, and when I try to talk to others they quickly end the conversation
And any time I try to find out what the fuck is wrong with me, every fucking therapist or "expert" or online faggot just tells me there is nothing wrong with me, just be myself and be more confident
I'm sick and fucking tired of all of this, being treated like a subhuman and not even knowing why!
Kill yourself.
>Kill ALL homosexuals
traps are a treasure and must be protected
once again women completely miss the point and keep screaming
they will never understand wanting to cherish an enthusiastic genuine person
We aren't on /soc/ and I'm not an attention whore. I'm just being brutally honest and letting you know that the blackpill is the only real pill and everything else is a wishful fantasy.
>Women who are unabashedly feminine are CRINGE!! haha! cringing epicly right now. Why does she not have any tattoos or piercings?? and why is she behaving in a feminine way?? ew. just ew.