I can't believe how far we've come in my lifetime

I can't believe how far we've come in my lifetime

Attached: whbdxh220y331.jpg (576x768, 92K)

I came when I saw the plasma rifle

now zoom out and see how far we have regressed

>spider mastermind instead of arachnotron
>even in the same level he debuted in along with the fatso
how do you confuse these two today?

>weapon isn't centered
you don't play like that do you Yea Forums?

Top looks better

>massive overuse of particle effects and a massive gun viewmodel that block half the screen

Top: Soul
Bottom: Soul

Attached: peby4bercai11.jpg (1199x1043, 181K)

It will get a lot better and a lot faster now with game streaming becoming a thing.

huh, i actually like those redesigns. i like how grotesque they are.

You sound surprised.

Attached: cyberdemon.jpg (1440x1530, 607K)

>becoming a thing

>Get locked in glorified arena with demons and the only way forward is to kill them all
Might as well play Painkiller

i usually hate redesigns and think they never do justice to the original. so i am pleasantly surprised

This is probably the best itteration on the cyborg demon so far.. they finally went away with the stupid alien look of the enemies.

It looks like his eyes are blobs melting down his face.


shut up you fucking homo, bottom is soul too

Attached: 9qJ0c4Y.gif (680x315, 141K)

Fat boy

top: vidya
bottom: zoomershit

ofcourse not
they better include centerview