Who'd have thought we would live to see a time where Digimon is more respected than Pokèmon. Looks like the slow...

Who'd have thought we would live to see a time where Digimon is more respected than Pokèmon. Looks like the slow, patient burn is paying off as Gamefreak can't stop making retarded decisions. Meanwhile the passionate Habu is doing all he can to give digibros the MonKino they deserve.

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>Post yfw you're a DigiChad

Survive launches in winter this.
Perfect timing to coincide with the 4th smash dlc character.

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I was gonna buy, but not play it since i'm not really a fan of strategy games.
But after watching the dev diary and seing how genuinely Habu cares about this franchise, i definitely will play it.
Bless this man.

This better play like devil survivor

I'm surprised they didnt show Survive at E3, but I'm sure we'll get more info on it at TGS

this faggot ass bitch ass simpsons lookin ass fuccboi nigga

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>respecting ugly misfits monsters

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Literally anyone with a fucking brain cell could see where Pokemon was going since the 2000s. They were always lazy hacks.

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Based digibros

I watched that too. The decision to stick with 2D designs was pretty smart, also lets the game take it easy on Switch hardware.
It's cool that the visual-novel part of the game will have branching paths.


What if I'd never play a digimon game before, would I be able get into it without being lost?

>They actually got rid of mega evolutions, the only nu-pokémon gimmick I enjoyed
>My favorite pokémon will most definitely not be included
Jesus Christ, can they get any lower?

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i enjoyed his video, it shows he's doing his best for a franchise he isn't familiar with, i love the concept that is post apocalyptic.

I don't know why we're getting so many Digimon threads lately, but I'm loving it. Any hopes for Survive?

Attached: Minervamon X.png (1000x1000, 801K)

The 2D shit is why Survive keeps getting delayed and why there's been almost no news on it. They're having to come up with all new sprites for basically everything

>can they get any lower?
/vp/ has been asking this for as long as it's been a board

Did we get a release date or something? I don't remember one being announced.

>Any hopes for Survive?
Yeah. Minervamon X

I don't get why the recent games haven't added Mervamon as an evolution of Minervamon. It'd be the absolute easiest thing from Xros Wars to do and they still haven't done it.

This is my most hyped game of like the last decade
Fight me

Can we get the Banchos for Survive please?

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Perfect time for some comfy winter gayman fuck i cant wait

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If not, they'll be in the next Story game for sure. Unless they're going to implement the more gimmicky Digimon anime, there's not much else I can think of that'd be important to add other than I guess the remaining Olympus XII and maybe Victory Greymon/Z'd Garurumon and Blitz Greymon/Cres Garurumon

>Any hopes for Survive?
three words: beelstarmon. dating. sim.

And are ugly as hell, the ones that aren't cringe retarded stuff like a dinosaur with a missile launcher are just humanoid looking dudes with some furry part.

Fuck you.

You'll just have to wrap your head around the evolution and devolution mechanic, but that would take you 30 minutes tops, unless you are literally a braindead vegetable.

Blessed post

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what would they have to do to make it possible a game with all digimon in it? i don't mind if they all low poly if it can help add more digimon in it

shouldn't you be busy cleaning up your pr disaster of a franchise right now, masuda?

You better not be talking shit about my boy Ultimate Brachimon

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>Any hopes for Survive?
A FUCKTON of Digimon. Even the ones that appeared in one game or one TCG collection. I'm talking at least 600 Digimon, people. It's possible, right?

Attached: Elephantmon_b.jpg (300x300, 20K)

No because of
I think they even said explicitly that the quantity of Digimon is going to be lower than usual, but they're going to try to go with ones that would be in character for the people in the story since the gameplay is going to be more heavily integrated with the story this time

>Digimon is more respected than Pokèmon.
absolutely delusional

Shit, that's a cool as mon. Shame he isn't in the cyber sluts games.

Brakedramon is my man(mon) tho.

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>The 2D shit is why Survive keeps getting delayed and why there's been almost no news on it
>I think they even said explicitly that the quantity of Digimon is going to be lower than usual
Shouldn't the 2D sprites be exactly the reason why we should get more Digimon?

Denial. Sad

only one franchise is getting protested against internationally right now, and it's not digimon.

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Are we posting our favorites?

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T. Gamefreak apologist

And? People are still going to buy the games

I was talking about metal gaymon, but there are so many that I should have been more clear. Just showing that those designs are generic too.

i wouldn't call sheep people

High res 2D sprites are more expensive than 3D models, especially since unlike with the 3D models, they don't have a bunch of premade 2D sprites ready to recycle

Whats the best digimon game to emulate?

Digimon world 2003

Yeah, but on the other hand, I wager those sprites will be reusable for sequels

I'm having so much fun with cyber sluts

Game Freak should just hand the Pokemon IP to Monolith Soft, they legit only want to design games for toddlers to complete now.

That's a cute and funny looking digimon.

Not even that, they should just ask Nintendo to make more spin-offs
Travel back to the 64 and DS Golden Era for pokemon games when the core-games were getting better and the spinoffs were fucking golden.
>Pokemon Snap
>Pokemon Ranger
>Mystery Dungeon
Just fucking let other teams have fun with the IP and make mad profit from it

Of course, and that's undoubtedly their intent if the game does well. But strategy games don't typically sell too highly, and they're not something that Digimon fans are familiar with barring those terrible WSC games. They're really wanting to make it feel as close to the anime as possible, and I hope they get that part right, because if Survive is going to sell, it'll be because of the story.

Just accept that you have shit taste

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She sure is

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it's harder to come up with high quality 2D sprites, even more so if they're animated

Cybersleuth has at least one unique attack animation for literally every mon

Aren't they using that cheap mobile game animation method tho?

It's great

>pokemon suffers from consistency of doing the same game every new generation meanwhile their spinoff, which are better, gets ignored.
>digimon suffers from the inconsistency of trying every genres ignoring their first game which made it memorable

Asset creation is different from animation user
Making high res 2D is super espensive
It's why disgaea still uses low res sprites for their SRPGs and why every single one of the big fighting games but blazblue gave up on 2d sprites

Even if they use a simple animation method it's still a fuck load of drawings some dudes have to make per character

God help us if they ever make a Venusmon X. We would need wheelbarrows

Thank God digimon tries to experiment out
Cause I love the IP and fucking hated the original world
If they never tried to branch out I would be never playing their games

True, true.
I think a Nintendo Direct mention would do the game wonders
I wonder how much this game costs? Is the delay because they're a small team without enough time? Cause they mentioned that the 400k units of Cybersleuth sold was a really good number for them. So advertising Survive properly could easily push it to maybe 500k

Digimon has mostly dialed down on the experimental gameplay styles and has settled on just two: turn-based RPGs, and games in the style of the first World game.

This Survive thing is the first time they've strayed from that since like the PS2 days, but I think it's just a one-off thing unless it does beyond anyone's expectations in sales figures.

>High res 2D sprites are more expensive than 3D models, especially since unlike with the 3D models, they don't have a bunch of premade 2D sprites ready to recycle

It's also rather foolish from a gameplay perspective. because the most important part of a turn based strategy is clarify. But the combination of isometric and different sprite sizes would make it hard to actually judge the actual distance.

They should have done birdseye view with lower res sprites of more uniform size. It's almost like they're doing more work to make something worse than it could have been.

Attached: Digimon Survive.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

Just turn on the gridlines, it's not that big of a deal

Didn't the video say that Survive is a different style because they wanted something to come out while they were still working on the next Story game?

Attached: Agumon Warp Evolving to Wargreymon in Appmon.webm (640x360, 2.23M)

She's already sexy enough

Attached: Venusmon.png (322x470, 45K)


>Just turn on the gridlines, it's not that big of a deal.

Or perhaps they could have designed the game better instead of yet another hapless foray into another genre for Digimon.

Look, I don't like isometric either, but different sprite sizes would be retarded for something like Digimon and they don't need to do that when you can simply judge distance via gridlines. If you don't want to use them, that's your own fault

Story-wise it might but in actual battle they look totally different.

Don't forget Xros Wars stuff and DigiXros

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>That's an Imp for Pokemon
>This is an Imp for Digimon

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xros wars was hit or miss until mid season hen it got interesting, its sequel was shit.

I meant all the sprites should be of similar size so that you can easily tell where they are Also the Environment shouldn't have been 3D. since the Digimon look out of place.

What pokemon game is Mimi holding?

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Gen 7

It looks to good to be Sw/Sh

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>Digifags throwing stones at Pokemon
>When they keep cutting digimon from each game
At least keep the evolution routes consistent

>>When they keep cutting digimon from each game
And still more mons than Sword and Shield.

Well like I said, that's if they're going to do the more gimmicky Digimon anime. Still not a lot of Frontier in the Story games either. It's hard to think of a way to do Xros Wars right. Only way I can think of is for the "main" forms to work like Jogresses (so like Shoutmon X1-5 and Metal Greymon/Decker Greymon) and then have the Xros forms that can be attack only (like Shoutmon Dorulu Cannon or Mail Birdramon X Golemmon) have an attack option be available if you have both members in your party

Still runs into a bit of a snag when you consider the stuff requiring Omega Shoutmon and Zeke Greymon

>being proud of sharing animations with a literal mobile game and using UNITY as an engine

I'm totally fine with not having the quantity of Digimon that were in the DS games if it means the ones we do have are actually animated. We'll make our way back there in time. This is unsourced, but some people in /digi/ have claimed that Habu said that he wants to eventually make a game with every Digimon

Unity can be good if it's used by a competent developer. The issue is that the barrier of entry is so low that it allows a lot of garbage, but really high-quality stuff comes out of it occasionally

Habu did the Super Xros Wars games.
DigiXros worked 2 ways in it. Combining for evolution, and midbattle attacks based on who is in your team.

As a fan of both, the vitriol to Pokemon will always be dumb, since it just makes it look like you need to hate on one to validate the other. Just enjoy the fact that people are talking about Digimon, even if only out of spite.

Besides, I think it'd be impossible to make a game with every single digimon, and even my favorite rarely gets into games. And evolutions are meant to be varied.

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Add that Survive is one of those rare Digimon games on PC. Not to mention that the franchise has rich lore and isn't about catching mons. And unlike the Pokemon anime which is Satoshi's/Ash's blunder adventures where he never wins a major league, Digimon anime always has an actual story.

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Yeah, that's basically what I said, except Super Xros Wars could do that because it came out before the second half of Xros Wars and didn't have to feature Shoutmon and Metal Greymon evolving. Throwing that into the mix complicates things

>Digimon anime always has an actual story.

>At least keep the evolution routes consistent
>"The element of surprise and evolving your Digimon based on how you treat him is a bad thing"
When will you learn that not everything needs to be pokémon?

>249 in Cyber Sleuth
That's less than Gold and Silver. Since XY had 450 we are probably getting at least 550 in Sword and Shield.

Honestly the story it's the weakest part. Pokemon knows it's for children and plays to it, Digimon is like Batman v Superman where they think they can take children themes and make them look mature, dark and gritty.

>Who'd have thought we would live to see a time where Digimon is more respected than Pokèmon
Doesn't sound that unlikely, most people on the internet feel cool for throwing shit at what's popular and supporting it's competition

Of the most recent Digimon games which one is the best?

Only time it really tries that is Tamers, which is honestly overrated. Savers and Xros Wars are better for the shounen action and better pacing

Cyber Sleuth. It's very easy to get into if you're a casual and know nothing about Digimon.