Thoughts? Most wanted since N. Sane came to switch last year

Thoughts? Most wanted since N. Sane came to switch last year.

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Twinsanity remake fucking when

Not really into it because of the rebranding and "modernizing" to be totally honest.

>rebranding and "modernizing"
I'm confused what you mean by this. How is Crash being "rebranded"? And if by "modernizing" you mean "it doesn't look the same" then yeah what did you expect?

Pretty indifferent to it, but if it makes people happy, then I guess it's okay.

Not on my watch

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They couldn't get Masterchief so I'm all in if they include Crash. He wasn't a real sony mascot but that's as closer as you can get.

Crash in Smash? That'd be a blast!

Crash and Doomguy NEED to be the last two characters

There's just something so off-looking about him in n-sane and they also cleaned it up here and there in ways that makes it less fun. There the political stuff: Tawna is now not just some gold digging bimbo, coco was aged down, can only die in like 2 ways and takes zany selfies XD. Trophy girls are covered head to toe and don't give out trophies.There's the environments looking like some random skylanders game, there's the crash dance getting changed. I'm so fucking lukewarm on new crash and his world now. They did it better justice in fucking Twinsanity.

>couldn't get
More like didn't want

>using xd unironically
>stupid sjws!!!!!!!!
>taking selfies = lefty propaganda

eat a dick, tard

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You might be retarded user, I'm so sorry to tell you the truth

>imagine being elitist about slots

we have 2 more, you know?

and there are hundreds of them fighting for the spot

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>geno in the silhouttes

update your images folder bub, don’t wanna be looking like a steveposter now, eh?

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>using xd unironically
Not getting irony seems to be a theme on Yea Forums, I can let it go.

>stupid sjws!!!!!!!!
I didn't say sjws, I said political stuff. It was political. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but changes made for political reasons stick out like a sore thumb.

>taking selfies = lefty propaganda
You got me there, I didn't think about what I was listing that under. It's not political but it is hilariously out of touch and cheapens the brand somewhat.

reddit tier cereal mascot for zoomers

there are still deluded genofags thinking he still has a chance

imagine being this retarded

They couldn't because of their mental disability user, nintendo is a bit stupid as you can see.

>Doubling down on retarded

Giga cringe

To my knowledge Crash has always been a Sony thing, why would Nintendo put him in Smash? Rayman makes way more sense, as they actually have multiple games for nintendo consoles already

best character choice for dlc.

in this ballot voted in by 1384 people, crash actually netted himself 5th place.

if the cowboys and the japs work together, the next ballot could be the ticket to smash’s next gem.

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>why would Nintendo put him in Smash
To spite Sony obviously

Him, Spyro and Rayman are pretty much the last big platforming icons I can think of wh oaren't in smash.

Crash makes sense. He was Sony's answer to mario and sonic in the old 90s console wars and has spawned enough games that he's earned it.

The question with Spyro is how would he grab things?

His mouth.

He's. Not. Owned. By. Sony.
Snake, Cloud, and fucking Joker are in. Why is Crash that much of a push for some people?
See also

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