Choose your party members Yea Forums

Choose your party members Yea Forums.

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Barret and Yuffie

Cid and Vincent

tifa and red always


Fuck being forced to use Cloud

Barret and Tifa so I can watch them fuck on thr sidellnes

>he uses hp plus

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Cid and Tifa my dude

Tifa and Yuffie


Cid and Yuffie

This, I would totally use Cait Sith if I could

This guy gets it.



>hp plus
doesn't change anything. still easy as fuck

Cait Sith

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Cid and Barret.
Only manly men allowed.

Cid and Tifa

Barret and Tifa is the dream team. Throw on some hypers and go to town nuking everything in your way with limit breaks

Came to post this

>Most of Disc 1: Cloud/Barret/Aerith
>Rest of Disc 1/2/3: Cloud/Barret/Tifa


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Cid, Vincent, Yuffie.

Bringing Vincent while we're playing as Cid was fucking kino.

Red XIII and Vincent.

Based. Yuffie is also acceptable.

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It's time to let go user.

Also, to elaborate
>Long range weapons
>Excellent level 3 limits
>Excellent Ultimate Weapons, Yuffie's conformer had very useful traits and Barrett can be overflowed
Literally the best team

Cait Sith and Yuffie

I'll take two Red XIIIs and a Tifa spit roasted between them.

Why is this cast full of nothing but good characters? Even Cait Sith gets a turnaround from annoying cocksucker after the Temple of the Ancients.

3 Tifas

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Me and Tifa in the mountain.
I don't need anymore.

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Oh right, and Red XIII

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Country Tifa is the best

Cloud, Tifa and Barret.

There’s no other choice.

Cloud, Bullet, and Cid.

Women and animals belong in the kitchen.


based and gaypilled

if you dont have cid in there ur a faggot

You guys think we'll get a way to resurrect Aeris in the remake?
The original game had late game equipment and limit breaks for her.

What's wrong with heroes being heroic?

Shit man, the Cid/Cloud/Barret level 4 limit break squad could crush anything. Give them Mime and you could just blast your way through the Weapons without needing any other Materia.

>Most of Disc 1: Cloud/Barret/Aerith
>not going for Aerith/RedXIII
literally the best comp until she dies

Barret and Cid

I don't think Nanaki makes for a good cook.

Time to fap to that video again.

My ideal party is usually:
Cloud as the main magic user
Cid as the tank
Tifa as the physical attacker

Cait Sith & Tifa

How is the Switch version bros?

Level 3 limits charge faster
Ruins the game

tifa because im a monk fag and barret
i like vincent too and i think im one of the few who like dirge of cerberus

There's no point deviating from the OG trio, materia defines pretty much all of the mechanics in FF7.

Did you ever build the characters to their "natural" stat progressions? Red and Vincent turned out to be the best casters iirc.

That's not what I meant by good you fucking retard.

Barret & Tifa

you can't mime other lbs so mime does not work well if you're planning on limit spamming unless you only have the one guy spamming limits.

I never unlocked Vincent or Yuffie.

If that's the case, why not go with Red, since his level 3 limit is multi-hit?

Same. Aeris was too overpowered to make it the rest of the game.


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No, that's what I mean, you can have each of them spam their own L4 limits with it, can't you? Or am I misremembering? I recall being able to Mime certain multi-hit attacks, though that might just be Knights of the Round.

Cloud, Yuffie and Aerith

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Gato and Doggo

Only if you skip other's turns, you can mime your on LB, but any other action becomes the target of Mime. So if Cloud does Omnislash, no one can do anything but Cloud Omnislashing. It mimes the very last action taken, no matter who on the team did it. meaning, everyone cannot mime their own limits at the same time, they have to wait around if you want to do that.

Have you learned nothing from FF games?
Using pheonix down on the undead kills them user

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Because Barrett and Yuffie's both hit a fuck ton of times and they have the other 2 benefits I mentioned

Tifa and Vincent. Yeah, their limits are shit, but it's not like you need them anyway.

Red and Cid

I don't get it, where's Aerith? Does she leave partway through?
I hope she comes back at least. She looked really pretty in the trailers.

Ah, all right. Then I'm retarded and didn't remember correctly. Thanks for reminding me.

barret and vincent

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You know, I never unlocked enough of Yuffie's limits to see that. I should try keeping her in my main party next run, back when I was a kid I rotated Vincent, Cid and Red.

Cloud Tifa Barret

Cloud Tifa Aeris pre-death.

This, but replace Barret with Cid.


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>no squad until 2025

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>people are gonna unironically be surprised when it releases
Christ, I feel old.


jesus. FF7 was ahead of its time.

tifa and yuffie for double best girl without the dead weight of dead girl and that sweet backrow yuffie power
i don't even bother getting vincent anymore

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When I first played through this game I used Tifa and aeris. I've neglected Barret because I hated his melee weapons, but after discovering his satellite beam, I'm a Barret fanboy.

Should I just leave the thread? I probably should, but I'm excited about it and want to talk about the game. :(

I saw 2 different people flip out yesterday when people """spoiled""" that
I assume they were just fucking with everyone but still its inevitably going to happen

user, phoenix down only works on people if they're knocked out. That bitch is dead.

Top Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:
Cait Sith

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Rinoa (Irvine if I'm feeling like cheesing turbo)

I wish that mod would also let me use the controller mod which is practically essential

>hit with a world ending tier laser beam
>just a little fainty
>surgically clean stab through the abdomen
>instant death

Good taste




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yuffie tifa and aerith
eat shit

Yuffie and Vincent will be DLC, so Barret and Tifa.


I bet they will scream that she died for the sake of cloud's character development or something like this

Yuffie and Cid reactions are really good when that happens.

>Cid/Cloud/Barret level 4 limit break squad could crush anything
Yuffie and Barret's lvl 3 limit breaks are literally the ones that do more damage in the game. You can add Cid in there too but his limit break takes more to charge than Yuffie's.

I keep saying she dies on other sites and people seem to be mad at me when they do. It's kind of scary, but it kinda feels good at the same time.

Every choice is based. But if you were to chose Cait Sith your choice would be a little less based.

Yuffie's makes me tear up every time. That was such a good touch.

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Fuck me, I hope not. Last thing we need is a woman in the fridge pissing contest when they already took Tifa's tits from us.

Anger Max and hit the most times with 18 hits.

Then Omnislash and Doom of the Living with 15 hits

Stardust Ray is also decent, it only hits 10 times but its a level 2 so it charges almost instantly.

Overall Anger max is the best since it hits the most and charges faster, it also has a fast animation making it great for command counter + Mime combos

Tifa and Yuffie.

Haha, now FF7 can be baby's first JRPG once again. Then Nomura can make another Advent Children.

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Waifu Squad Tifa and Aerith. After "disc" 1 - Tifa and Cid, somtimes Vincent. I usualy use all party memebers to some degree, except barret. Fuck barret.

Red XIII and Yuffie.

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fuck you cracka

Cloud only

>still can't let go of the fact that her official name isn't Aeris

>compilation is not cannon in remake timeline
>nomura can redo ac,doc and cc
Holy fuck

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>Did you ever build the characters to their "natural" stat progressions?
I don't even bother using sources because the game is piss easy so yes.
Aerith is the best caster by a long shot and her limits are stupidly broken.
RedXIII is good but at some point Yuffie, Barret and Cid become better options.

>Stardust Ray is also decent
10 hits at 5/8 of base power compared to 18 hits at 1/2 of base power (Barret) 18 hits at 11/16 of base power (Cid) and 15 hits at 5/8 of base power.
>it charges almost instantly
I don't even know how fast it charges but it must be shit compared to Doom of the Living (132.8%) Highwind (159.3%) Ungarmax (124.2%).

Fuck you niggra

>Game literally calls her Aeris

Barret and Cid

I never got past Disc 1 of FF7 like ten years ago because my cracked PC version was dogshit. I kind of want to play it for real this time, but it just seems like there's a metric fuckton of missable content and I despise missable. Should I just play with a guide on my second screen or do you have to be braindead to miss most important stuff?

Tifa and Barrett.

But first, we need a BC remake.

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>he'll shit it up as bad as he did with KH

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Doom of Living and Highwind are obviously better, just saying Stardust Ray is also a decent limit since it charges so fast for a multi hitting attack

I did
>Cloud/Aeris/Red XII
and then when Aeris died I went
Cloud/Tifa/secret character

>it charges so fast
still slower than anything else listed or it would be considered one of the good limits

There's no hope for Nomura after KH3, literally was the last straw, only DQ team left

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And this time he can put it in the original game.

>still slower than anything else listed
No thats the point it charges much faster than the other limits, it just cant match them in raw power

>much faster
limit breaks charge based on how much damage you receive, and it is a flat % amount of your current hp

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its not a flat % its based on limit level and an internal number, generally lower level limits charge way faster than high level ones.

Lower level limits charge faster
Its why you can pump out a braver against a boss like every 2 or 3 hits but omnislash can take like 5+

>the reason they don't know how many episodes there will be is going to be is because they're going to stuff it all in
Please buy Vincent's episode, guys

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Tifa and Cid

Tifa red xiii

These 2 were the only thing I liked about Advent Children

cid and tifa all the fucking way, barret/tifa is a close second.

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Harem party only good party

Some combination of Yuffie, Cid, Tifa, or Barrett

Cloud, Cid, Barrett.

In the original, Cid and Vincent. In the remake I'm thinking Red XIII with all sorts of magic and Tifa because she looks fun to punch stuff with. If I can remove Cloud from the party I'd run Cid Red XIII and Tifa. Of course in the end I'd need to see each character and their gimmicks.

redpill me on vincent, i always get him pretty late and hes useless unless you grind like hell, plus his ultima weapon also requires tons of grinding to do relevant damage

I still type "Aeris" by force of habit sometime, but we lost bro.

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Tifa and Barret or Tifa and Cid

Wtf aeris dies?

He's not the cook, he's the meal.


Cid and Tifa/Red XII.

Tifa has a limit that's like 8 crit hits. No one comes close not even omnislahs

Vincent and Tifa always

I know, user. I haven't been sleeping lately

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Daddy Barret, and I guess doggy and old man cid.

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Very good weapons, long range max accuracy, makes for a great deathblow user, very high spirit/magic stat making him the best mage after Aeris dies, Death Gigas limit can solo everything up till disc 3 (provided it dosen't drain electric element)

and then you get his overflow and mug glitches that put him into god tier letting him 1 shot anything instantly, overflow requires a little farming/setup but mug glitch is super easy to do.

I like vincent as an idea but in execution his limits can cause issues since he goes berserk during it
He has a decent magic stat and can do overflow damage with death penalty if you want to farm out 65k enemies in mithril mines

Was she? I don't remember her being particularly great besides her AoE heal limit.

The problem is that her ultimate weapon sucks outside limit

Cid/Yuffie. My bro and my wife

Tifa with Powersoul + cursed ring = OP

And Barret as the support.

8 hits is far less damage than 15 hits

Or you're just fucking too stupid to tell when someone is playing dumb about something that even normies have known for 20 fucking years, dumbass.

>Tifa with Powersoul + cursed ring = OP


If you YEAH it's a crit which is guaranteed with the square trick. So 16 hit equivalent

A) Omnislash auto crits on every attack
B) its easy to max out 9999 damage on each hit even without crits

Cid and Barret/Yuffie
All I care is multi hit

Omni crits are .75 normal damage. While each Tifa crit increases per limit level at the max 2.625x

explain what happened

boring and timeconsuming

The second one seems cool until you read the description and understand that it is just your average counter tactic but skipping the animation.


Damn man... that´s overkill if you go with Irvine. Alternatively Selphie´s "The end" was pretty good.

Nanaki, Aerith and Caith Sith. kinkiest threesome ever.

It only doubles the damage of every time you take a YEAH instead of a HIT or MISS.

vincent and red-x

yes his name is red X, real zoomers didnt fuck with roman numerals

Tifa and Vincent

Just Cloud.

What are you, garbage?

Always go in with Barret and Tifa.

I prefer Cid to Barret since he doesn't require as much setup. Just throw an MP Plus on him and he's good forever.

Whoever is at the lowest level because they need EXP. Except fuck Cait Sith.

When FFX came out my sunday school teacher called it "final fantasy ecks"
Their boyfriend got them to play "final fantasy "vye" also around the time AC came out

I do this too.


cait sith
cid or barret
yes it's pretty retarded i know

Oh dang I thought I was the only one

FF1: Fighter, Black Mage, Red Mage, Thief
FF6: Celes, Locke, Sabin, Edgar
FF7: Cloud, Barret, Tifa
FF8: Squall, Zell, Rinoa
FF9: Zidane, Steiner, Vivi, Garnet/Dagger

Rate my taste


Tifa and Yuffie. I'm not a disgusting homosexual.

Yuffie's a lot better than people give her credit for. She's a total glass cannon that can hit from the back row, and her magic isn't terrible either. Plus, her ultimate weapon is straight-up busted since its power is entirely determined by the enemy's level, meaning it gets a massive boost against everything you're fighting by the time you get it, and it ignores damage penalties from things like Morph. The only problem with her is that her Level 4 Limit Break is beyond worthless, but her Level 3 is pretty good.

Cid. Then it's a toss between Barret and Vince.
Haremfags need not apply.

You're very 'by the book'

>Tifa has possibly the worst Limit Break in the game
>Also requires much more time to charge

It was probably done that way so Premium Heart doesn't just immediately blow its load by the time it starts getting a decent bonus, but that's just embarrassing all around.

literally me 10/10
except ditch rinoa for quistis you fuck

Vincent has annoying limit breaks you cant control. Yuffie is better and can morph monsters for STATPADDING

This is the only true answer.

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Tifa and Yuffie. I exclusively roll with Team Tummy

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Cid and Vincent.

This guy is my boy

Tifa w/ Curse Ring setup

This is my dream

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Yuffie and Cid for 7777 HP circlejerk at endgame

I choose John F. Fantasy

Yuffie is most certainly not better than Vincent, see

Red XIII and Cid

Cloud/Tifa/Cid or Vincent

What about Fin Al Fantasy?

Mog and Cyan.

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Red XII and Tifa so I can breed them.

Yuffie is much better than vincent unless you go full retard and grind for hours upon hours to rack up 65k kills to one shot most enemies with a bug
Yuffie also has more versatility with conformer and morph combo aswell as her level 2nd limit break being on ok 50% teamwide heal and doom of the living doing good damage out the gate also

I've heard a lot of takes about the Remake, but never "I want them to add whole new party members!". And I certainly didn't expect the first person to request such a thing request "furry with tits" over like... a turk or something. Very interesting.

>Yuffie is much better than vincent

Cloud, Tifa and Barret. Any other combination is just wrong.

>another Haremfag

we might get to play with Jessie, Biggs and Wedge

I doubt it, even the part where Jessie is on the cycle with Cloud doesn't have her listed as a party member

There were already Crisis Core Easter eggs in the new Tifa trailer...

you're a certified faggot

Yuffie and Cid

Yeah, Red XIII mounts her to death. FF7 was really ahead it's time

Vincent's Chaos is literal god mode, it has by far the highest stats in the game

You're a fucking faggot but since they're padding the game as much as possible, you'll probably get a playable T*rk section with Elena

Since we're talking about Vincent, I'm pretty interested in how he'll play in the Remake's system, even though we won't know for... years.

>Some of the coolest shit in the game and fun to use
>'minmaxers' always talk shit about it because dude it's not efficient because you can't control him lmao

>inb4 he's dlc

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All the girls, it's a harem.

If you choose any other team then the remaining members of AVALANCHE you can fuck off these other walkons weren't even committed to saving the planet
>muh father muh tribe
>muh stealing
>muh company
>muh wife
>muh rockets

Minmaxers love Vincent its literally the king of minmaxing, have you not seen his overflow?

Shame Vincent couldn't never transform into... not a kuk eckes dee roflmao

My man

He's talking about Vinny's limit breaks, not he himself as a character.

>steals your materia
>doesn't steal your virginity

Shit character and shit girl, should be replaced by Jessu


the only right choice

Assuming they are basing how the characters will play from their base stats and limits from the original, he'll be a long range character with an emphasis on magic normally, however he'll be able to switch between transformations with different moves and stats to adapt to the situations/enemies you are facing

>tfw no full control over hellmasker and chaos
nomura, let me combo

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>HP 9999
>there is a practical cap to how strong you can become in the game
such games all belong in the trash