> 4 episodes each costing $60 a piece >Each episode will be released onve every 2-3 years >12 years and $240 later you will be able to play the full game > Ps5 will release 2020 so you will have to.buy it again > Some summons will be locked behind pre order wall which costs $100 > First episode will only be Midgar whoch is, at most, 10 hours of gameplay
Reminder that this shit came out in 1997 and you're fucking retarded if you buy it again
I hope none of you retards fall for unsourced bullshit.
Adam Anderson
>implying they will even finish it will just end on a major event to feel conclusive and then other parts will be canned
Kevin Harris
I believe it. I hope you aren't gullible enough to believe that you are getting the full game after the official press release says that it will be episodic
Nathan Torres
>the better-written, uncensored original version is available on Steam for ten bucks Literally why would anyone acquiesce to this kind of bullshit?
that fanart is SHIT. >gookshit korean plastic face >(terribly) done implants
Adam Clark
this is what my girlfriend's tits look like now that she's in her 7th month of pregnancy, no milk yet but I can't wait to drink right from the tap :)
Connor Rivera
Kek. You can tell the SE shills are getting desperate.
Blake Martinez
And I'll buy it. And I hope that they come out with a special edition console to go along with it. I'm actually almost afraid that they will announce a special edition console because I'm literally shaking at the thought of it being like that 20th Anniversary Edition PS4 that was announced and sold out in 19 seconds. I'm afraid that I'll miss out and I'll have to cry myself to sleep while scalpers took all the stock and are selling it for double the price.
>make 4 games >each 40-50 hours long >each called FF7 Remake (Episode x) >sell as separate games
Holy shit what scam artists. I remember the good old days when I bought Xenosaga Episode 1 and rightfully received my free voucher for the next two episodes. I already bought the game, so why should I have to pay again? Greedy, entitled developers, that's why.
this is good, we need to destroy all video games HEIL DIGRA
Juan Russell
I'm gonna wait and see if it's actually good and modders change Tifa's design to look more like in the original game's so I can get the full nostalgia experience, not Sony's and SE's censored experience.
The model on right is made by Riot games artist she's a woman.
Joshua Jones
>Ps5 will release 2020 so you will have to.buy it again BC is already confirmed for PS5 you retard
> First episode will only be Midgar whoch is, at most, 10 hours of gameplay >12 years and $240 later you will be able to play the full game > 4 episodes each costing $60 a piece > Some summons will be locked behind pre order wall which costs $100 nice headcanon
you realize that the first episode is already confirmed to take 2 Blu-rays like RDR2 does? It's going to be a massive game in itself.
You don't understand jackshit about game production if you seriously expect them to shove several blu-rays and multiple AAA game worth of production values into a single 60$ game.