Why is she so cute lads?
Why is she so cute lads?
Because she's very pure
Because she is a literal goddess.
She has the kind of personality you want to protect.
It's the ears.
>that hair length
It's the eyebrows
I ready hope shes playable to an extent. Or at least a travel companion
She fucks Gerudo men.
>resurgence of BOTW zelda art and porn thanks to the announcement
Thank God,I got tired of :D after a week
>Short hair
Unless this is being done to avoid the need for hair physics when she's playable, I'm utterly disgusted
>Because she's very pure
She literally lost her Goddess powers because she was lusting after Link and didn't know how to deal with it.
Pretty sure she'll be playable
You can probably choose at the beginning
thats the best part retard
Shit taste
But it's not even a good haircut. It looks like she just randomly lopped it off during a mental episode
I want to cum all over her fat ears
Lusty Zelda is best Zelda
it was for the better
I dont want a mono protag.
I want to switch between the 2
I'm generally a longhairfag and I don't have a problem with it, the braid makes it look better, it's kinda growing on me.
>There are people who don't like all and every single rendition of zelda
Imagine being such a pleb. Yes, i'm including Cdi and animated zelda too
She did lose it.
She threw it away.
My nigga.
But on that note I dont like every zelda equally
>day 50 of NoFap
>doing great, feeling good
>BotW 2 announced
>cute, short-haired Zelda everywhere
what am I gonna do lads
>She threw it away.
To lust after Link's ass
Yes. But it was a conscious decision.
6 months here
Hold it together lad, it's just pictures on the screen
Keep going and you'll reach the godly erection stage, it's worth it
why my pp feel funny? :S
Short hair is ugly.
nofap gives you prostate cancer fyi
>high ejaculation frequency was related to decreased risk of total prostate cancer.
>These findings provide additional evidence of a beneficial role of more frequent ejaculation throughout adult life in the etiology of PCa, particularly for low-risk disease.
Hylia is the Goddess of Yea Forums
Time for a nofap decade then
You're such a faggot. Holy fucking shit, user.
>must not fap.jpg
Because she cut her ugly hair finally.
best zelda.