No one:

No one:
Absolutely nobody:
Yea Forums: SnOy BaD!!!!! NiNtEnDo GoOd!!!!

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t. snoy

Low tier, but the (You) is all yours.

Go back to plebbit

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Go back to rddt with your dead memes(that you somehow miss understood the usage of)



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ok this based

>Shitty r*ddit memes
Go dilate autist
Antibased token

Why are snoys the worst shitposters on this board?

Attached: (You).jpg (3192x2124, 678K)

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go back to twitter with your nigger memes

haha that's hilarious!

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I wish this board would still hate nintendo like it used to. You should all kill yourselves immediately.

Back to Twitter faggot

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No one:
(you): SNOY GOOD

Attached: 1525816181605.jpg (480x480, 19K)

cope harder snoy

Well it doesn't, so maybe you should leave. It's retarded to continually dwell in a place you hate. Like, why are you sentencing yourself to your own personal hell? What's the point?

I seriously do not understand the "No one:" meme. You can just not type that part and achieve the same fucking joke.

Good thread OP :)

It works sometimes, when the joke specifically is about someone saying or doing something completely unwanted or uncalled for. But yah most of the time it’s just tacked on to be trendy I guess?

Is it some new facebook meme that I'm unaware of? Honestly can't keep up with what the kids are memeing about these days.

even worse, twitter.

Have sex you dilating tranny. Yikes, seething from your cope? I'm cringing at how rent-free I am living in your head right now.

Me and the boys making console war threads on Yea Forums

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