Other urls found in this thread:
Based thread
You're going to switch to Lightning that drk is ruined right
>DPS/Tank mains literally retarded
>Healers will have to stand around and play patty cake while their MP recovers in 5.0
Hey guys Mr. Happy here, today I'm going to be talking a little bit about one of the two new jobs coming into Final Fantasy XIV in the upcoming expansion Shadowbringers, Gunbreaker abbreviated GBR, Gee-Bee-Are. Now, GBR of shadowbringers can be compared to the GBR of FF8, If you remember what that was like you would first have to press the right trigger on your controller to create what is known as an action, then you can link that action to a spell or attack that you're making. GBR in shadowbringers though is a totally different system. You're not going to be pressing a trigger per se, but you will be pressing a trigger to start your second dps rotation which would be expanded by the action. Therefore, the ideal rotation to play the GBR or Gunbreaker, would be to use the trigger action whenever you've finished your normal rotation in order to expand upon it. I don't know if the trigger action would be usable in the middle of your rotation but I'm sure the community will figure it out. I haven't tested any of the other classes but I assume Dancer, abbreviated DNC Dee-En-Cee, will play similarly. That's all I have to say about this new Job for today, make sure you like and subscribe the video, hit me up on twitch for livestream and I'll be sure to bring you more Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers content. Buh Bye.
>lucid nerfed in 5.0
how could they do this to us, healbros?
last thread was fun
>anons cant into prime numbers
so fucking based. healers should be healing, it's their own fucking fault if they run out of mp from trying to dps. mp management is a skill, not a right.
>the clicking
>the lost GCDs
Thanks Mr Brappy.
It really is basic math.
Are people really that mentality retarded?
Did you pre order yet? I was planning to just wait and see if it's any good to pick it up.
Jesus that post evolved quickly
>Moenbryda just got shot by a ray of Darkness, while Minfilia and Louisoix's staff are kidnapped by an Ascian who really likes to monologue
>WoL just stands around while all this is happening
Literally why
Yeah, I pre-ordered just to get a headstart on leveling on DNC in the event that instances crash because of the MSQ again.
>42 seconds of mp recovery with lucid (2min)
>+ 15 seconds of half mp costs over the course of 2 minutes
>+ every spell costing less mp % than the current
>+ piety actually being relevant
>waa AST will have mp issues compared to now
Who's game should I play before Shadowbringers comes out? Lightning's, Noctis', or Fran's?
She was fucking the knight the whole time wasn't she?
poochie served her purpose as plot device and must got to her home planet
>lightning's game
Plays itself
>Noctis's game
1 button
>Fran's game
Plays itself with the gambits system
>As Emet-Selch, Angel of Truth, reveals the truth of Hydaelyn and Zodiark, the decoration behind him gives the illusion of wings
Is this the game that will finally rival Bloodborne as definitive ludokino?
The sad thing is that if dying as a healer is a big enough penalty to wipe the raid since they can't keep up with the increased healing burden with no MP and reduced stats, they're far far far more likely to just nerf damage and make the job brainless in response to tears from casuals, women and children that they're being kicked for being bad and holding people back
Healing in this game will NEVER be allowed to be as strict or stressful as it is in other games
Piety has always been relevant, it's just been a meme for healers to ignore it.
You can get up to nearly 23k MP right now on a max piety build.
they're all shit, play an SNES rom hack like brave new world or free enterprise or FF5FJF
ARR > HW > ShB > 1.0 > shit > literal shit > SB
>Expert Roulette
>Arbo HM
>Healers first time
>SAM has the returning player icon
>SAM doesn't help with the first pull, just walks over and auto attacks when the mob is 3/4 dead
>SAM doesn't join us at all for the second mob
>SAM says they're really sorry and joins us for Boss #1, where they proceed to AFK for the entire fight
>Joins in when the boss is at 3% health to convince us they were helping all along
I ate that 30 minute penalty like a motherfucker
>haven't done any EX primals this expansion
>everyone wants duty clear for parties
>no one is going to do a learning party for fucking Sunanoo or Lakshmi
Lucid has been adjusted and buffed, but the issue with MP regeneration and healers in 5.0 is really only for SCH/AST. WHM has such an absurd about of MP tools now that they should be fine, and SCH will be shaky but otherwise capable, especially since their fairy is still MP free.
AST is the only one that will struggle come 5.0, and that's because the slight adjustment to Lucid isn't enough to make up for the loss of Ewer and the extension on LD with Celestial Opposition.
Lightspeed will help, but the biggest takeaway from these changes is that they DO, in effect, reinforce the "pure healer" thing SE is trying to enforce. If you're spamming DPS skills, especially on AST/SCH, you will run out of MP very, very quickly. And god forbid if you die, you're just fucked for the rest of the fight because other tools Mana shift and Refresh are gone.
Also Seal Rock is fun and I wish it was SR day.
So the mechanic of this fight is making it dark so you can't see anyting?
play pearl's game
>Be me
>Main healer because it's fun
>Debating on switching because playing healer is actually pretty fucking gay
>Healers now are FULLY GAY
Post rare Ilbreds
If you're in aether, I don't mind doing it with ya! I haven't learned anything except lakshimi ex.
I hope we get more J-pop/rock themes in Shadowniggers
>Healers now are FULLY GAY
>WHM glares at the enemy and it kills itself
How is that gay?
>kinda want to come back
>don't want to do savage
It's probably a waste of money and time coming back if I'm not clearing savage
Neither. Play FF3 on the NES without savestates and then play FFT after.
ARR > SHB > HW >1.0 > SB
>DWT every 60 seconds
I don't know if it's optimal play or not, because I'm not a raid tranny. But I'll miss DWT every 30 seconds or even sometimes back to back if I feel like being a shitter.
>healer main all throughout ARR and HW
>drop that shit near the tail end of SB for RDM
>now picked up DRK because my autism won't let me level a job that isn't lore appropriate
only ast is gay, whm isn't but the players are
Is it possible to snipe a portal to BA and still complete it, or do groups refuse to heal people not in their discord?
Now I know all the shitters will go to healers because it's simple and all the gay erpers are gonna go for it. Let me know when there's a DPS healer and I might come back.
>play on JP dc
>never had trouble clearing Savage
>take off for a year because I can't be assed anymore
>come back in May and proceed to pug through Savage in less than a month
I don't know if you can do the same on NA, but JP is pretty consistent with the PUG life if you don't want to dedicate yourself to a static that'll split apart in a month.
necromancer soon...
Yeah it's possible, otherwise they'll fail the instance if they refuse to heal you. Though they will give you shit for sniping and not being in their discord.
That would be fucking cool, but really unfitting.
Anyways, that was some lag shit.
ARR > HW > ShB > SB > XIV
it's really difficult to contend with answers and Bahamut.
>gay erpers are gonna go for it.
That will be dancer.
>Let me know when there's a DPS healer and I might come back.
Again, WHM has the most offensive spells of the 3 healers now.
>otherwise they'll fail the instance if they refuse to heal you
What? No they won't. Letting dead weight die is the optimal choice.
Face it user. WHM is pretty gay. When they decide to man up that class by getting rid of the sissy animations and disgusting leveling gear, I may come back.
>Look at all these numbers I posted without context haha that sure showed them
Neck yourself
>want to do BA
>have to join a faggot tranny discord and be interrogated by the guy starting the party to see if I know the fight or not
Guess I'm not gonna do BA
Only two weeks left, lads.
I'm about to start FFT for the first time and try to finish it before EA. Which version should I play?
>have to join a faggot tranny discord and be interrogated by the guy starting the party to see if I know the fight or not
You don't have to talk to a single person and you'll only get the tranny interrogation if you try to join the tranny farming group. Just use the bot to get placed into a group normally exactly the same way you use duty finder.
Between just going on healer and bring healing and defensive logos actions, you've got options.
Uhm sweaty..... the logo clearly says ShadOwbringers.........
HW > ShB > ARR = 1.0 > SB
Stormsblood would have been better thematically if they just stayed in mhigo and it was more about strategic warfare rather then WoL saves everyone yet again.
I like the FFTA and FFTA2 the most
>Uses SO
>Doesn't use HS
How many jobs do you know that
>caused a calamity in a gigantic war
>ejaculates so hard that pushes their victim 15 yalms away
>throws gigantic rocks blocks at the enemy
>summons tornados to shred enemies
>can bend light
>glares at the enemies to make them commit suicide
All this while healing themselves.
Look at scholar for example, they walk around with fairies and while WHMs were draining the land fighting diabolus and mach, SCHs were being turned into tonberries with bitoso STDs. They also know their place and broil all day in the kitchen.
I was talking about the first game.
Should I play the original PS1 version, the PSP remake or the mobile port?
if I see any of my FCmates that are a guy and they play main dancer I'm leaving the FC.
Kill yourself.
What the fuck is a Sward, though?
should i stay lizert or fant to c@
Sword said with a funny accent.
t. sch cuck
>I told you that whore was no good WOL
You should kill yourself tranny.
I take it WE FALL will follow the tradition and be the last thematic trial's final phase?
But what if my dancer glam is a classy suit?
c@ so I can take screenshots of your feet when I see you wearing heels
As expected of Koji fox..............
you should join the 40%
>crystal-hand has fangs
>graha tia does not have fangs
oh no no no Graha fags on suicide watch
PSP with slowdown patches is the best, the PS1 translation is a bunch of shittily translated engrish garbage. Play the PS1 only if you can't stand excessively flowery speech, but since you play this game I imagine that won't be an issue. Haven't played the mobile, hear it's the same as PSP.
You mean the fucking bunny outfit? Every time I see a male cat run around in that I die a little in the inside.
>be in 1st
>choco meteor hits
No, I mean the Best Man's set you tranny.
stay a cute lizard, don't listen to the grey parsing male cucks.
Best man to another guy you gay faggot.
In case you didn't know, a relatively new tradition has been born for FF5. Every june is the four job fiesta, where you randomly use 1 job from each crystal and try to beat the game. Give it a try.
Thanks, I'll give it a go.
Copy and paste from last thread
I'm going to do it!
Today I'm going to find a comfy FC!
What are some interview questions I should ask to find it?
Why didn't you just vote kick? I'm sure the other two would have agreed in such a situation. And you would have had a 2nd dps in nanoseconds
user isn't that bright.
stay lizard
If you can do it, psp with the slowdown remover patch is best.
After that, choose between psp with slowdowns or mobile, which has no slowdowns but is on mobile.
I'd recommend ps1 as a last resort. It admittingly has the most memorable quotes, but the translation job is an utter dumpster fire (for example, every instance of the word "breath" in attack names was translated as "bracelet", ie fire bracelet, ice bracelet, stop bracelet) and there is just less content (WotL added new batyles, expanded one act for sidequest, and added a few unique recruitable characters)
tanks are fuken retarded
how often do they run shit together
2-2-1, get to live another day, and i guess i'll save my money and stay a smol mol
Go Midlander Male.
Are there actually any encounters in this game where ranged DPS or melee DPS have an advantage over the other? I've always felt like distance was a moot point in this game. In fact, I'd argue that melee has it easier for attacks that span the entire arena from one side of the boss.
What's the best answer for that because honestly I'm not a fan of doing end game content and I'd rather do maps or leveling roulettes with the boys.
oh boy it's someone who watched ethys and thinks he has fangs, no crystal boi does not have fangs look closer for yourself instead of relying on other people,
lmao what
I can't wait for the instance server to explode on release so I have plenty of time to level GNB
Give me a quick rundown on the non-savage/extreme content they added in SB. Was any of it good or shit like diadem?
Does Ethys seriously still not think it's G'raha? Is this nigger retarded?
Nah, stay lizard.
There are fights that push melee classes away from the boss, restricting their ability to attack. Ranged on the other hand can generally attack no matter where they are, allowing for more up time
Switch to elezen
I hate that there's no good xiv content creator. You cant prove me wrong.
Graehl Gaming
Why are Sharlayans such massive faggots?
>hating based arthars and xenos
I'd say in most encounters ranged dps have it easier since melees have to move for mechanics/pushbacks/ fucking capes
Dilate, tranny lover.
3 - lizerd
2 - mi'c@
1 - midlander male
1 - elezen
2 - kill myself
>no potato
thank fuck, faith restored, i'd actually fucking kill myself before going to popoto
I enjoyed Hildebrand, and it had the twist of the century near the end.
Namazu tribe was amusing. Was pretty eh on kyojin. Anata had that idiot miqote so that was fun.
of course there's barely any
content creation these days are basically reaction videos
Well, for guides, looks like graehl is back, dude did the best guides, but vanished in stormblood. Hope he sticks around this time. Other than that can't think of any "entertaining" persona.
Play Highlander.
Ranged has a huge advantage over melee. Stuff like o12s was just punishing melees where you have to go to the opposite side of the arena while ranged can just dps away.
Well, in short, you want to match their interests to your own. You don't wanna join a fc that has differing goals than you, although if it is big enough you could fit in anyway due to people having multiple interests
>want to make my retainers sexy cat dancer girls
>some faggot in my fc gets all high and mighty when I start leveling dancer so they can wear good looking gear
>he leaves while I continue doing what I want because I'm a grown ass man
What are your favorite sidequests? I loved doing the Moogle delivery service.
who knows i didn't stick around long enough to see if he changes his mind completely.
Though i do still find it weird square is still hiding his identity when it's almost ceratinly g'raha, whether there's something up with his head or something is not what it seems about him i don't know. At least it looks like he's one of the secret trust NPCs.
He was against the idea of it being G'raha from the very start, he's probably scared to admit he was wrong.
Pick 1
>Good in the game but ugly in real life, furry or tranny
>Fucking terrible at the game but pretty good looking, well adjusted
Mother love me long time
Sucky sucky fucky fucky wonton
Go back to Hong Kong
You can work with the second. This game isn't that hard.
>walk into limsa
>hear some dude playing music
>it's anime music
honestly i think arthars got worse when he ramped up the ass kissing to xeno, i don't get why he became obsessed with him. and xeno is now copying arthars's green screen stuff which i don't think he pulls off as well desu.
2nd any day of the week.
Because of the leaks?
Because he's full of himself
Second. Just because someone is terrible doesn't mean they can't get good.
matoya cave
isari villager who can't fish
oronir who sucks at everything but cooking
i've dealt with the former, none of them are redeemable
The game is easy enough to accommodate the latter
I can have an actual conversation with him while we play
They'll never improve. They'll always be a retard who as soon as they get aggro as a healer or dps (they'll never use diversion) they'll run away far far away. They'll "forget" what buttons to press and other things. You'll be stuck doing casual content with them.
literally me on the right except male
Really says a lot about your FC when not one single person can jump in and do a quick ARR primal with you.
I don't think he's any more knowledge than any random person who have read the lore book. He likes to pretend though.
How the fuck do I make a midlander male that doesn't look boring and generic as fuck?
>ARR primal
Just solo it.
Yes. Being passive aggressive about it on Yea Forums totally doesn't out you as a jackass that no one would want to help anyway.
It fucking sucks. If you're in aether I don't mind helping you.
Are all of the roulettes worth doing while leveling a class? Or are there some that just aren't worth the effort?
>You'll be stuck doing casual content with them.
i'm willing to do casual content with shitters as long as they're talkative or at least not socially inept
because i need to learn their ways
by making a highlander
Make it asshole looking
>have problem in game
>go to Yea Forums to cry about it
Redditors need to leave.
Use the goblin face.
Damn, Gaius really is a "daddy", huh?
This piece of shit is easily the Tmartn of the ffxiv community
part of the appeal of midlander is being rank and file. If you can't handle it then pick another character such as sexy cat girl
MSQ roulette
That's my BnB
Do you have to get the thread deleted? This is how we'll end up getting banned again.
The few videos I've watched of his didn't make him seem that way, but maybe I just haven't seen enough.
I can't do MSQ roulette anymore, it drives me insane.
Me and Doomer would get along.
By making them hot
By making a lalafell
>not doing MSQ and house work during the cutscenes
lmao r u even trying
Sorry but my conscience is clear. Cliques is a massive problem with mmo's.
It's fun spamming AoE on Castrum, though Praetorium is a bit too long
He's a legit retard who can only repeat lore collected by better lorefags than him like Sounsyy and Anony Moose, or what's written in the lorebook. He can't see past the surface, and any "analysis" is just him telling you what primals/locations/gear are named after in real life.
This guy is butthurt af.
Just go on your phone. Wear level 50 gear and pretend you're new.
>Giving a single fuck about jannies
We'll just make another thread.
If you don't want to look generic, you avoid making a male midlander or female miqote.
People not immediately accepting you into their established social circles doesn't mean they're bad people. You expecting it reeks of entitlement. You want to be the center of attention? Go make your own clique. But if you're so inept to believe that you are entitled to other people's time, I'm willing to wager there's nothing special or interesting about you anyway.
I'm switching to Seifer.
>healers are ruined
>healers will now have to wait until week 10 to roll on loot
I suppose you could do Guildhest Roulette instead if you want.
I hope nothing happens to my MCH factory bros
But I don't want to play female, male elezen look like giraffes, male au ra have shit animations and the rest of the races are just......no.
Same, he was cool
>he needs a static to raid in this game
I actually think male midlanders are probably one of the more rarest race in the game.
Yeah fuck helping out when they need help and then never getting anything back amirite. Epic. I guess 3 years of helping out isn't enough to be accepted.
>Yda expansion is shit
>Minfilia expansion shaping up to be the second coming of Heavensward
>All I care about is loot.
You shouldn't raid.
if you're very homo go for male catboy
if you're a dumbfuck meme shit then pick male lalafell
Not him, but you do sound like a little bitch, maybe they were busy?
Tataru expansion when
>loot council/loot master
Avoid that static
desu add another elezen
PF is going to be even worse
>I enjoy wearing crafted 2 months after the raid is released
It's hard not to notice the pattern after years.
>tfw i could blow Ethys out of the water if i knew the first thing about making youtube videos
Should I bother, bros?
>"I Made That: Culinarian VI" unlocked last night
>Now a boatload of housing items for the other professions
Wish me luck. Hope to have them all done by the expansion and have all them glowing tools.
If from now on loot will work like we think it will then raiding without static will be dumb.
Good luck getting anything from PF.
Minfilia pads her chest.
>not giving gear to DPS so they kill faster and to tanks so they're more durable
Only thing I really care about is the weapon.
1.0 was also about minfilia and look how that worked out.
T. Raid trannies too busy ERPing
What server are you on?
yes, the game is in dire need of content creators that aren't insufferable
Fuck Ethys.
I rather have something to roll every week than nothing at all.
>If from now on loot will work like we think it will
They're changing the loot system?
Reminder that we were all sprouts once. Don't lose patience with new players.
Pretty good, really showed off the nit and grit of Uldah
>"I'm an ideas guy"
Planning is easy. Execution is another. Anyone can do the former, but being able to properly do the latter is what separates the wheat from the chaff. Even if said plan/idea isn't as good as Idea Guy's, it will always be regarded as superior simply because of the fact that there are concrete results versus intangible ones.
tl;dr: the fact that you're here saying you could do it better, but not actually do it means you can't in fact do it better.
I'm pretty sure most of the lorefags in this thread can.
Ethys lore channel died the moment the lore book came out. You could try to read lorebook shit for the illiterates who don't want to read the lorebook scans on vg sticky.
If they're willing to learn. Yeah sure, but most of them just fuck off after I baby them through all the content
Noel's. It has a cute girl and boy and Pokeymans collecting.
>In Savage, since the number of jobs has increased, systems similar to weapon coffers will be implemented. For example, accessory coffer for jobs used at the time will drop (wording unclear). Direct drops will remain only for weapons on the 4th floor so you can still get 2 weapons a week.
Yoshi is being very vague about this, but it sounds like it will work like the weapon coffer from 4th floor of savage.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Sprouts are fine.
The players that refuse to ask questions, or listen to advice are a blight.
Its because they fucked up the distribution on ranged DPS loot compared to melee DPS loot. It wouldn't be a problem if DNC was sharing with either DRG or NIN.
>Tired pugging, signed on to a static for 5.0 shit
>It's red flag central
>No question asked recruitment beyond 'what job'
>Wants to do social stuff right now
>Absolutely no talk of how shit's actually going to function
>Claims its 'hc/semi' in discord despite never advertising it as such and multiple people having no actual savage experience
Honestly part of me wants to stick around just to see how badly this goes.
Lightning's job isn't in the game though. Gunbreaker uses a gunblade, not a sword with a gun attached.
>ie fire bracelet, ice bracelet, stop bracelet)
Haha holy shit.
It makes sense for the coffer system to work like it works atm. Because adding coffers for everything makes it harder for everyone due to no limited need options
Don't waste your time, it will be very bad especially if some have zero savage experience.
Female GNB /cpose is literally Lightning's battle idle stance.
Sprouts are adorable, but once it's gone you better know what you're doing
I just finished royal menagerie. how much of a grind is stormbloods post story content? I just wanna b shadownigger ready.
Former WoW player, is the dark knight class pretty much the same thing as a blood dk from WoW? Looks like it from the wiki.
I've never been a sprout, newfag.
looks fucking retarded desu
Each patch is about 2-3 hours including dungeon/trial queues.
Gotta go through 4 patches of quests. It's not really that long though, can probably blitz it in a day if you have free time
Every patch is around 2 hours, gearing up will probably take you longer if you can't get crafted gear from MB.
gnb af isn't my thing at all, I'll be the omega gunbreaker
in the sense that it's a two handed wielding edgelord with an "evil" aesthetic who tanks
Dragonsong>Answers>Shadowbringers>Midgardsormr>Lyse's Bouncing Bust
requesting gunbreaker ilberd
I'll be one of the thousands of gnb glamming creator gear, I know it'll be overdone but I still love that set.
The worst part is the gear checkpoints if you're not spending the gil for gear on the marketboard. The first dungeon requires an average iLvl 300, the second requires 340, then the final dungeon requires 360.
I'll be using Flame Lieutenant's until I get the AF.
You're probably right. I've never cared about having any kind of presence on the internet. I just hate that he's somehow the face of the lore for the fanbase when he's a moron. I'll probably just keep lorefagging in these threads instead though.
That's how I feel about most of the lore too but I'm very interested in the less obvious connections between things, and repeating themes and symbolism, my favorite example being deeper examinations of the AST cards.
If you mean thematically then no. DRK is the Punisher, thirsty for justice where there is none, rules be damned.
I'm broke so I guess I gotta farm gear then.
Otherewise it doesn't sound so bad I guess.
It's more complicated but that doesn't say much.
I certainly will use it until 70, or 63
idk who lightning is so idc
drk is batman
a little bit
it uses a greatsword, it's a tank and it has death and decay, don't go in expecting good self healing
If you're on primal I can help you grind gear stuff in about 15-20minutes
Where do you see fangs in this?
DRK is bat man with a claymore and shadow magic not an undead faggot with AIDS.
Is it always you posting this same post every single thread?
if you have centurio seals you can pick up some quick upgrades in kugane
Why is the SHB trailer so fucking good
I'm on crystal, thank you though.
There's some loose similarities, edginess, 2 handers, putting a damage absorb on yourself, and a targeted ground aoe. The absorb of course functions absolutely nothing like dk shields.
Their significant self healing is limited to large aoe, and even that is being gutted in ShB.
did they really replace all loot with tokens?
>loot removed
>tanking removed
>stances removed
>class identity removed
>pets removed
which is fine. But I don't give any sympathy to people in expert dungeons doing provoke as an opener. We're 70 levels in, you should know how to do your job by now.
>Girugamesh, my good sir, I main SAM on Gilgamesh and I've cleared everything in Eureka.
This is your DPS for tonight. What do you do?
I'm actually going through the igear grind myself right now and it's not too bad. Without the help of kind anons like I'm almost at the 360 point and I've been at it for less than a week. I'm sure you'll be able to catch up in time for the expansion.
Nothing stupid about not caring about someone you don't know.
Can't wait for titanforge gear.
based but yikespilled, I let him in since he's not a tranny discord at least
>inb4 crystal hand isn't Graha Tia but an old allagan who is blood related to him
Seems pretty based.
>that is being gutted in ShB.
I'll miss Abyssal Drain spamming.
Kick ass with fucking Ken-sama.
Not caring no, nothing wrong with that, but not knowing is hard to believe.
Why do people keep saying this? I watched a WHM dungeon run and you literally couldn't spam Holy fast enough to run out of MP if you were using cooldowns. It might be a slight issue for SCH but I doubt it.
Why would they introduce another allagan catboi and not graha tia?
MNK bros... is it really true we're dead still?
Honestly, if they're JUST talking accessory boxes, I'm okay with this. There's too many accessories to fish for in the first fight anyways. I'm sure they're fucking loot up worse than that though.
in the cuckshed with sch and drk
Oh he cleared ozma? Should be an easy and relaxing run then.
Sup Senpai, all Samurai party?
>be me
>Two gay mates in the FC are the only ones on and their talking about their in game wedding and talking about what they're gonna do on their wedding night
>They're getting specific
I can craft you a 380 set free of charge.
>chan luu bracelets finally arrived
I actually forgot for a while I had ordered 2 of them since it took their Vietnamese slaves so long to slap them together
After maining MNK since 2.0, i think i'm finally putting the gloves away.
Might either go Samurai or Black Mage.
As long as NIN and DRG exist, you will always be in the shed.
what are they gonna do redecorate the FC mansion? dumb gays, I don't care about your choice in upholstry
It hurts. I'm taking the SAM pill once and for all.
>thinks sch is in the shed
thank god for chain stratagem, poor white mages will never leave the shed though.
I would be extremely thankful for that. I'm on Mateus, I don't know how cross server stuff works.
No more like in game blowjobs and anal play with beads. WITH BEADS
Remember when AST came out and nobody wanted it on their parties despite having balance just like now?
>play on a public showcase computer with the default UI and keybinds
>some random mouthbreathing incel on Yea Forums gets his panties in a twist
I can't wait to see Ilberd on the First and he becomes a Trust member. He could be everything.
What level are your chocobos?
>in the shed
If having fun DPSing is your entire metric of how good the job is, you're wrong.
remember how savage was actually hard during that time too?
yeah because it sucked at healing but now sch also is the best at healing
It's been my main for that long aswell. What did we do to deserve such a fate?
>best at healing
You sound like the WHMs that say they're good because they have cure III.
WHMs are brought out of the shed for Ultimate but that's it.
Cure III is good though
whm doesn't have chain strat
Chain is now better then the cards. Since they removed the AoE royal road mechanic. but AST is 2nd best by default because 6% dmg increase is still better than what whm offers, which is nothing.
ogcds are pretty fucking good for SCH in ShB.
SCH doesn't lose DPS for its healing.
>there are no alternate universe duplicates on the First
>except Ilberd
>theres an Ilberd on every shard for some reason
speaking of gays has anyone encountered lesbians yet? All i hear about is faggots but never the female types
>We travel to The First
>Save the day
>Go back to our world
>It's totally fine, the Black Rose plot was foiled
>Eorzea, in their desperation prayed for you to save them, giving birth to the WoL Primal. 5.55 MSQ ends with a Trial against the Primal of Light that switches between all Jobs at Random.
I know at least one fat lesbian catgirl
12. Started working on getting to 13 yesterday.
Yeah they were bulldykes and had good banter
Actually it's much easier to write off AST now that its potencies are shit and its buffs were gutted and can't make up for it
which jobs have the reputation for having the worst players?
You better hope chain stratagem is the equivalent to ~2500 potency per minute which is what WHM has over SCH atm.
they play cats or highlandersfemroes
Good SAMs are rarity.
DRG for ARR issues but in SB it looks like it's SAM
level 6? I never really bother to waste an inventory slot on gysahl greens, and chocobos just feel useless in combat to me
Red mage
DRG, SAM and ice BLMs
all melee classes
Do we know the exact hour that EA starts in?
Whose vid is this from? I've been looking for the female GNB stance
Your favorite.
You better hope you can convince people white mage is better than scholar lol good luck. you might be able to the first month but the facts will set in shortly after and back to the shed you go.
Yeah, she was a cat with the tatoo-less face and pink hair. She was your average "OwO I'm so depressed ;-;" girl.
Naturally all classes have a shitter stigma. If you reach cap and still haven't picked up your job, you're most likely a retard.
A mediocre sam still does more damage than a mediocre utility job that can't even buff the party correctly to make up for it's lower damage.
inb4 kotaku
Literally all of them
>16 days
Fucking hell it's never getting here at the rate it's going
>fc mate makes a discord for their twitch streams
>there are trannies talking about riding dildos while doing dungeons in it
Tell us future man, what are the lottery numbers while you're peeking at the future through your ass?
What server are you on?
>that tranny voice
I remember HW starting at 4 AM CST.
You specifically have a reputation for being the worst player, jobs have nothing to do with it.
Everybody knew when you accidentally dropped that combo and when you put that AoE in the wrong spot. That last wipe was totally your fault too.
What's the best way to grind PotD, just doing the highest floor available or resetting early after a certain point?
well before now it was half a year until it came out so its better now
highest floor
how do i take good screenshots
Sexually or metaphorically? I can't be sure with XIV players.
51-60 over and over
that doesn't sound like a tranny, it just sounds like an old hag
it's rdm, people who says sam are wrong, but it's a close second
51-60 spam, resetting each time
don't open chests
don't do highest floor unless you have 3 people in a party with you, you will get killed by queue times and when you're finally in you'll get 3 retard sprouts with 30/30 aetherpool that can't play their job
51-60, the higher levels aren't worth the time
The ideal method is to grind 51-100 with a premade 4 person party. Between floors 51-100 your aetherpool is stronger than the enemies by a large margin, assuming you have a high aetherpool that is synced, and the enemies are extremely easy 60-100. If you do not have a premade party, then 51-60 is the next ideal.
not so much a reputation but rdm after Eureka, since a lot of players levelled it to be a "rez mage xD"
it's a lazy job anyway, but this made it even worse and you can the difference between someone who levelled it before Eureka and someone who levelled it after Eureka
>Resub after Eureka has already been solved
>Walk in and out in less than a week with full 390 gear and Relic
Imagine being a sucker who grinded this shit when it was new.
Absolutely based
>>Expert Roulette
why are you still running roulette? You should have 400 ilevel gear by now and just be farming gil until the expansion.
>lavia fucks daddy knight
>goofball secretary fucks random girls instead of opening the gates
>the Hingan fucks all the female astrologians
There sure was a lot of sex in the AST job quests
The other day I saw a RDM on titan NM who took aggro from the tank, he didn't use diversion at all and after getting aggro he started running around the arena while the tank was chasing after. Once he finally dies, bitches at the tank while getting raised and the moment he gets up he uses lucid.
>farming gil
for what
follow rule of thirds, get reshade, set the zoom slider in gpose to 150-175
please don't be like these twitter thots that overdo dof to a blinding degree
Damn you must have literally no lifed that shit
I put in a few hours a day a little bit ago and it took me 3 weeks
>posts au ra while replying to trannyposting
Like poetry.
5.05 crafted gear will rape your wallet senseless
just buy gil for 10 bucks
Because there is nothing else to do. Make money and exploit people doing the patches last minute.
>10 bucks to not even fully gear a job
>not capping out all your tomes to convert them once you hit 80, to get a jump start on prog gear.
How do we save the mentally ill?
I'm not a cat
the holocaust
other guy should have been fray
>spend 10 bucks
>get 150 mil
>buy 20 mil of gear
>coast through content in a week
>have enough for every remaining patch
what's the problem?
You'll convert genesis into mendacity anyways.
They get converted into poetics buddy
>That neck
ayyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao
I've seen much worse from cat and lizard players.
>nuzzles ur fat roe dicc owo
>starts drama with other cats/lizards like territorial beasts
At least lala p*dos stick to themselves.
>crafting gear at 20mil in 5.05
More like 20mil per piece.
gil isn't that cheap, idk what year you're from
>shit that literally never happens
I swear you guys make this shit up or your actively go looking for it. Worst I've ever seen is cringy ads on PF but there's never anything really out in the open like this.
You guys all set for Shadowbringers too?
Has the price gone up or something?
>How do we save the mentally ill?
We don't. We let them rot and die.
You want the game to get another reset?
why the fuck is gil so expensive?
what do people even spend gil on? i don't get it
someone post cute and sexy lizard girls
I have 2 members in my FC with fully geared crafters and gatherers. I will be fine.
why do you even need gil
>switches to DRG/RDM and you can manipulate the AI to ring-out itself
Sort of. I spent a lot of time each day in there, but it was almost entirely in the train obviously. Got caught up on a lot of Netflix.
>left has the same copy paste basic ass style that a lot of no creativity fags have
Why do people think that looks good?
Yeah I spent all of 4.5 craft botting. Up to 95m now should be at 115m by the time SHB releases
holy shit 200 bucks?
god damn where do whales find the money for this shit
>cute and sexy
>lizard girls
pick one
what reshade preset is good
I need pictures
pictures of Scathach
1$ for ~0.8 mil
They won't be fully geared when Shadowbringers comes out. They'll have 1 month to get them all back. If they're just FC members to you there's no way they'll give their time to do that for you for free.
No post cute fem highlanders instead
housing stuff and glamour. it's endgame after all
200 fucking dollars for 50mil? i can make that in a fucking week crafting, how do i sell this shit?
WAYWARD DAUGHTER STEP INTO THE NIGHT good shitto. why are most based/talented players lalafell? especially on jp.
LMFAO only 95m with 6 months+ of botting? Are you retarded or something?
What happened bro? It was so cheap...
I'll edit your shit if it means blowing that faggot out
what the fuck? you think that's an accomplishment? are you crafting literal trash and selling it?
Second. If they're shit they can still be fun to play with and pleasant. I'll never pick a furry or tranny even if they know how to play the game to the point of carrying a team. Same with FCs. Always pick fun and comfy over "muh skilled players" if you've the option.
have a (You)
Supply and demand
Minfilia is my WIFE and has one of the the best JP voice actors.
WoW Tranny Janny must be in full fucking meltdown. The amount of time he's been unable to touch these threads must be causing a serious aneurysm.
>Media tour happens, game is relevant again and allowed threads, threads still being randomly deleted.
>A few days later, the Live Letter comes out, game is relevant and is allowed threads. Sometimes the shitpostiest threads get purged, but for the most part they're left alone.
>Then embargo on the Media Tour is lifted, game is relevant again and allowed threads. Deletion starts to stop entirely.
>Slight calm, threads start seeing semi-regular deletion again.
>Suddenly a significant trailer is dropped at E3 during the 4th largest presentation. The audience was clearly very hyped to see the game and Yoshi-P on stage. Game is HIGHLY relevant now, touching a thread about a game that was showcased during E3 season is 'career' suicide (lol)
>Then in a few days, there's going to be ANOTHER Live Letter that'll refresh the game's relevancy period EVEN LONGER
>Then the patch notes for ShB will drop
>Then the servers will go down
>Then the expac will release
Holy fuck tranny janny on suicide watch. That's gonna end up being a solid 2 months of FFXIV being "relevant".
>Want to farm A8S for books
>Every fucking PF that pops up requires duty completion
Why the fuck? I did not have this issue with A4S or A12S
>Salty catfags
>If they're just FC members to you there's no way they'll give their time to do that for you for free
We are a small FC and half of our static is from there, time is never a problem usually mats are.
Done user. One cute highlander sitting on a throne made of PS3 games
Make your own.
>post SB msq
>get to escort nanamo around
What mods are you using for that boy's sweater?
I can't suggest any particular one but i started off with stormshade and made my own messing with the settings.
Anyone have that picture she's pointing at?
I wanna be a Scatromancer!
>tfw she's only 3 years and 10 months old according to the tooltip on her wind up doll
How is she so high IQ?
I wish I could wear this but >horns
doesn't fit mhiggers either
I don't wanna.
Just be a healer, equip defensive logograms, and focus on keeping yourself alive while dodging mechanics.
They'll literally be forced to drag you along since the only mechanics they could intentionally kill you with would also wipe the raid (and be against ToS).
She's 13
Dumb ESL poster
Marie Rose Hoodie, shit can be found where the other mods are.
best to just download a preset you sort of like and then adjust it yourself to your liking, or just start from scratch and add shaders you like
Yugiri is for Hien cock only
they dont exist, they're all ugly bulldykes and the few passable ones look normal, not cute
She lives to serve Hien in every way.
Good luck with that then. I hope your FC crafters are no lifers that really really like you.
Oh if you think that's fucked, wait til you see the end cut scene for ARR. I'd pop a blood vessel if it wasn't forHaurchefant being a bro.
Then sucks to be you.
And garleans
Nothing made for women fights on a Mhigger, for obvious reasons
Closest you'll get but not quite. xiv isn't a copy paste from wow even if yoshida took a lot of inspiration when changing things around from 1.0. I don't quite remember how it was but, it might be a middle ground between frost dk (tank) and blood dk (tank) and it's more black/purple aesthetics. Warrior will have the selfhealing solo shenanigans and op nature of bdk but without the nerfs so chances are you'll enjoy that more if you're looking for "blood dk"
But Hien's cock is for Cirina
Why not simply join a group if you're going to run with people anyways?
Having jobs, retard.
>big breasts
Not my Scathach.
Don't mind if I do~
I'm also a tranny
post that image of Scath
Nothing after ARR fits tail races either, dat tail clipping drives me mad.
What did he mean by this?
Oh god where are all the buttons? Why does SMN have like only 10 buttons?
Become special. Become part of the 40%.
>people saying 100m isnt shit
>mfw sitting on 4m
She's post preggo and post celebrity mom preggo stomach removal fitness program.
Wait, I’m about halfway through SB but MSQ is actually ilvl locked? And you can’t go on to ShB content without finishing the MSQ?
No, it isn't. Not even a mother could love that abomination.
should i play SCH/SMN, WAR, GNB, BLM or even level up a WHM just in case
I never had beyond 1m before in my life.
They're just trying to wave their dicks around.
All instances have item level requirements but the uncapped tomestone gear is 360 and the highest item level requirement for story mode duties is 365.
Man, I was going to level as sam, but that trailer really makes me want to do story as DRK
dungeons always are
sitting on 800k myself
though i dont really need it aside from the consumables every so often
What job is your battle retainer
>it's never happened to me, that means it never happens to anyone
Yeah there are dungeons that require a certain ilvl to get into. Better start grinding tomes or take your gil to the MB.
Maximum pleb. I own orchestrion rolls that are more expensive than everything you've ever owned in this game.
do it user
bah omnicrafters are rich as hell and don't even know it, being poor is the price we pay for our disinterest in crafting.
It's only if you want to do savage week 1
You should really stop buying their shit. The greedy kikes have been overcharging for ages now.
>Once upon a time RMT used to be cheap as fuck
>Then one day SE does an enormous purge of bots, genuinely makes it harder for gil farming
>In response, gil sellers significantly sellers ramp up their prices while they "fix their farming bot problem"
>They do
>The inflated price never returns to normal
>It's stuck that way because people kept buying it anyway
>Posting Shadowniggers
You have to go back.
This is a classic WoW thread now.
AST is so mp hungry i keep having to stop dps in dungeons because i'm riding my lucid timer
I've capped poetics twice while doing HW raids and patch dungeons
What do I spend this shit on? I've already gotten full Shire sets for off classes and my retainer
>Implying you're not just going to level them all eventually anyway
Use CO to extend lucid duration and use lightspeed.
>1.0 release day character
>literally never had the sprout
get on my level faggot
Usually when somebody's crying about a bad experience, keep in mind it's probably an isolated instance that happened somewhere within the past seven years and they're drudging it up. Like you say it doesn't happen on a day-to-day basis unless somebody's actively embroiling themselves in it. False-flagging in full effect, too, some threads ago it was only one guy that clearly didn't have English for a first language that was crying about Crystal, for example, the possibility that some subjects have a dedicated two or three people bringing up and complaining about them every thread is not outside the realm of possibility.
I've only had one bad experience with a hyur girl in beach glamour asking me to rape her in the middle of Rhalgr's that was defused with a /comfort and telling her I was saving myself for marriage. Oh, and a barafag roe trying to get me involved in Eureka, once back when Anemos was still new, but I think he might've just been fucking with people or provoking reactions.
HW relic weapon mainly costs Poetics.
Start a relic
>I never have to worry about gil, food, crafted gear or pots cause someone in my FC just likes helping others
feels good
best part is that Im on the top of their priority list when new even patches comes out
getting practically free pentamelded gear within the first week of new patches feel so fucking good
Are you extending Lightspeed and Lucid with CO?
>Solus has the Mime job, ascian powers and has become the Heaven and Hell emperor
>Ilberd and you are the only ones able to stop him
>"I got your back bro"
Absolute kino coming soon.
80mil is like 100~ USD, and that's on the cheap
Hien's royalty and he's a magnet for au ra pussy, I'm sure he'll manage both
Invest in a hw relic if you like them. If not, use them to get your desynth up. You can use ironworks gear to get you into hw level, and shire gear to get you into sb levels
No protect and no TP bar just looks weird.
>Trying to hijack a thread at bump limit
Good job genius
>teaches you Sanguine Blade and unlocks the Mystic Knight job
>subjecting yourself to MSQ
Fagnaros, lmao
>yoshi dabbing on the trannies
that makes sense, but so far it’s been pretty easy to get to that ilvl with gear you just get through normal progress. Is it like that for the last ones or are you going to have to grind/buy gear to do the last of the main story?
that seems annoying
>shitposting at bump limit
You don't get gear from the SB MSQ.
It's a contingency for if I can't find a group. Worried any BA group I find at this point would be rare and possibly filled due to a clique or some "priority" system, so if there's one going on, I'm going to hop in anyway to ensure I at least get one clear before ShB. I don't care to farm it, just kill Ozma for the achievement quickly because once the expansion drops, it's likely BA will never be touched again.
i'm a brainlet. i never thought to extend lucid
Ow the edge
Most I've ever had liquid was 45m, but I do own a medium in lavender beds on Levi. I should've sold it when someone offered 60m for it, I doubt it's going for that much anymore.
Go do your level 3 and weekly clan hunt marks from Heavensward, then do your Stormblood ones. That gives you 290 centurio seals which will let you buy basically an entire set of level 330 accessories. That's enough to get you into the first story dungeon, Byakko, and Deltascape. Use the mendacity tomes from those to buy 360 left side gear.
You can also extend Cleric Stance and potions.
new thread