Now that the dust has actually settled
Who really won E3?
Who won E3?
Other urls found in this thread:
Can only decide once the games come out, they might all suck.
The guy who fucked my vagina when you nerds were too busy watching videogames
Your Dad doesn't even like E3 though
Why isn't THQNordic on that poll?
Where is CDPR?
6% are such brand loyalists that they voted for a company that didn't show up
based futabro
I did
He did
In the Microsoft category since they can't afford a platform without them
Bing Bing Wahoo!
This user is the only correct answer.
Nintendo if then Masuda didn't lost it for them. They literally lost shares afterwards.
>you only win by not playing
E3 is so fucking bad that Sony won by not showing up
Nintendo if you don't count GameFreak. If you do then it reverses and Nintendo was the worst.
Nintendo could have ISIS beheadings for their conference and people would still vote them the best. Fucking drones.
Nintendo would, but Pokémon singlehandedly ruined their E3 presentation.
Grow up manchild
"Boo hoo I can't have all 800+ Pokemon in one game"
I don't even care about anything Nintendo showed outside of Astral Chain and NMH3 and it's obvious they won. The competition wasn't that stiff, and Nintendo at least had some notable announcements that were varied enough to appeal to a good variety of people. Most people's big takeaway from Microsoft's conference was just a celebrity cameo, Bethesda's was just a cute presenter, Square's was Tifa's tits and barely anybody even cares about the rest of them.
In what universe could a person vote for Microsoft? Why
Nintendo literally lost shares after Masuda's statement and this huge backlash, retard.
That would be pretty based though
What's the point of this poll? Yea Forums is essentially a Nintendo fan forum and will automatically win regardless of quality of their presentation.
No one gives a fuck about your corporations nigger.
/g/ hates Apple so why does Yea Forums have Nintendo's cock so deep in its ass? Are we just... dumber?
Waka waka
You say that but every thread that has anything do with Nintendo gets instantly flooded by wojak and bing bing posting.
Nintendo makes games and some people still like games
The look on Bowers's face when they announced this with him sitting right beside the director of Game Freak was priceless. He knew how fucking bad things were going to become from that very moment.
Waahhh wahhhh mommmy I wanzz ma poookkmoonmns weeeewww wahhhhb deeyy me fweendss wahhhh wahhhh
Why is snoy an option
Poor guy, only 2 months with this job and he has to deal with something like this.
This. What is it with this board attracting all the autistic manchildren?
That's not fucking Bowser
>Englishfags are mad
>Japs are mad
>Spic's are mad
How do you fuck up so badly?
please PLEASE find another hobby I'm telling you this because I care
At least Nintendo's direct focused on games. They didn't waste 2 hours showing off non videogame shit like every other conference did.
anus it’s not vagina faggot
Nintendo fans are so easily impressed by a nostalgic Smash character, that they didn’t realize No More Heroes 3 and BOTW 2 were the only new games they showed.
Snoyggers on suicide watch
Your axe wound isn’t a vagina.
Square but all their good shit was shown at other people's fucking conferences so what the fuck.
Seething s*nygger
>MFW PC+Nintendo idort for the last two gens
Must suck only having a playstation or an Xbox desu
No exclusives and the worst versions of multiplats.
Not that I'm celebrating, I used to be full idort but Sony and Microsoft stopped releasing games for some reason. Sucks but I have no reason to buy consoles that only play worse versions of PC games no matter how many timed exclusives they pay for
Nintendo easily won this year btw, Microsoft showed some cool multiplats but way too much of it was just prerendered cinematics, and PC game show used to be pretty good but this year it just pissed me off because Epic decided to ruin everything
Panzer Dragoon on the switch was already announced? Trials of Mana surprised me too, I didn't remember hearing about that before.
Cris Tales saved the PC show but only just barely.
The only person who won E3 is DrDisrespect who gets to take a months vacation from all this garbage content
Nintendo didn't have the best games shown at E3, but their overall quality was leagues above everyone else. The games I'd consider more exciting than what I saw from Nintendo came from crappy conferences.
I mean first party. Trials of Mana is already confirmed for PS4.
The absolute state of the companies that aren't Nintendo
unironically voting for something other than Nintendo or Microsoft.
I've always wondered how pathetic it would be to live as a sonyygger
Why would I be less excited about the game because its on another platform I don't like?
If I'm not mistaken its going to be on steam too, but JRPGs are kinda nice on handhelds so I'll probably go Switch for it if I decide to pick it up.
post dick
Is this some kind of a joke? Obviously Nintendo.
Because exclusives are the main reason to own a Switch, you don’t really rebuy every game you already own just for “portability” do you?
Sony wasn't there so that's one option thats ruled out by default.
Obviously not, but when a game comes out and I have the choice, I'll grab it on switch if it seems like it'd be nice to play in bed. DQB2 for example is a game I'd get on switch over PC, same with Monster Hunter games.
Also exclusives are the main reason to own any console, not just the switch.
Who's the dipshit voting sony. Explain yourself
Boipussy is not a vagina faggot
I liked the games Microsoft showed, but it would have been better if they actually showed gameplay. Instead they just gave us 30 second cinematic trailers and "PLEEEEASE WELCOME DINGUS DONG. LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLE!".
>Implying beheading aren’t metal as fuck
>Expecting well adjusted adults on Yea Forums
I need Plebbit or Facebook is more your speed faggot.
It’s all complete retards.
They silently cut out the national dex 2 generations ago
Nintendo for showing the most non crap games and Sony from not showing to that shitfest at all
Where's my Pre Pre Show option you jerks
It's also confirmed for PC which means PS4 is once again the worst platform.
Then feel free to this piss soaked hell hole home
all these votes for sony just goes to show how cancerous their fanbase is that they'll still drink the cum of a company who's abandoned them and doesn't give a shit about them to the point they've pulled out of every fan event since E3 2018.
Because they realize they can make about the same amount of money just pushing new graphics and “Oops all Fifa!” Catalog.
They’re feverishly trying to chase the jump from 2D to 3D but that time has long since passed
Sony not showing anything has never stopped them from saying that Sony won before, why should it now?
I’m just waiting on their 600$ flop so they can firmly go back to being the board laughing stock.
Hell even when they were on top they were so uninteresting this board because /vr/ for almost 2 years
>16 votes Bethesda
The heck?
>Hell even when they were on top
Console sales never really mattered as much as people like to pretend they do.
This board is only considered "Nintendogaf" because Nintendo makes games that people talk about. Its kinda funny to me that people act like Nintendo fans just love anything Nitnendo makes too as if they don't argue with each other about the games more than anyone else on the board.
No one really cares about Wojak shitposting, but if you ever say which Zelda is your favourite you'll get people shitting down your throat for having shit taste and they'll proceed to list everything about that game that Nintendo fucked up. No one shits on Nintendo more than the Nintendo fans
Big Doom fans I assume
Nintendo fans just make more threads about them instead of posting in threads already available like everyone else. Spamming the board doesn’t mean your games are talked about more. There are dozens of smash threads on the catalog right now and most are nowhere even close to bump limit
Thats smash, its its own weird subculture. Hell, a lot of people that aren't even really huge Nintendo fans get swept up in that hype, a lot of rosterfags don't even play the game and just like speculating.
I'm not a fan of the endless threads either, but at least they're talking about a game.
I've never really gotten upset about too many threads where people want to talk about games on Yea Forums, what sucks is the endless wojak consolewar shit with people pretending to be mad at each other, or dumb /pol/ threads any time a game with a black person is announced.
>68% Nintendo
god damn numale manbabies,
this fucking board is lost
Bethesda was the worst this year, they definitely get my vote.
I was in hysterics that entire conference. If it has the Fallout brand they'll eat whatever shit Bethesda gives them.
>We invented the fps genre
>Battle royale for FO76
>Free weekend for FO76
The game has ZERO volume, no shit they want people to play it
>The front row of actors clapping everytime
I mean ffs the front row audience were the same people in the video
People are voting for it because it's the joke option.
This, I'm so fucking tired of everyone that likes games I don't like being a liberal.
When did videogames get so bad that liberals existed?? Fucking christ, I just want to go back to 1998 when videogames didn't make me think about liberals all the time, fucking liberals are killing gaming. Yea Forums has gone to complete shit because liberals and onions and numales and trannies
Fucking dilate already so I can talk about good games, god.
no one
No other company had as many hype new game announcements. Even if you don't count the smash shit, Nintendo showed off No More Heroes 3, a fucking Panzer Dragoon remake out of nowhere, and Breath of the Wild 2. The only other hype things out of E3 were Keanu Reeves and Tifa, both of which were in games we knew were coming.
PS4 still has Bloodborne, Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5 if you don't count the PS3 version, and Death Stranding and FF7 Remake on the way.
Like, it's not great, but it's an exclusive lineup that fucking dwarfs the trash PS3 exclusive lineup.
The real issue is this whole new "we want the SNOY audience" thing.
I love how seething Yea Forums fags are about Sony when Nintendo did the same exact thing and their fanboys gleefully opened their mouths for Nintendo's cum.
>FF7 Remake on the way
It's not exclusive.
I mean, FF7 is absolutely gonna go multiplat.
Bloodborne looks already but that souls fatigue was already setting in after DS2 sucked, so it wasn't really a system seller imo. Not really into the Persona games either but I still have my launch PS3 so I might just pirate that some day to see if its any good, not a fan of highschool settings or dating stuff though so I doubt its for me, I'm more of a mainline SMT kinda guy.
PS3 and PS4 in general just lack the non-weeb AA market they used to have. The PSP was fucking great for this, you had shit like Patapon, Loco Roco, Phantasy Star, Peace Walker, Monster Hunter, Jeanne D'arc,
I want that kind of library to come back. I don't understand how people think 4 different versions of Uncharted and another Souls game is enough to buy a console.
>only company that actually bothers making games
Gee what a fucking mystery
The Last Picnic is clearly GOTY
Nintendo has only gotten better since leaving the main stage, its genuinely a waste of money and they wasted too much of my time on corporate shill bullshit. Their E3 Directs are much nicer, E3 in general kinda fucking sucks now that its all a big song and dance instead of devs just showing off early builds of games and talking about exciting new features like it was in the 90s and early 00s
if nintendo didn't turn up and the poll was the same i'd shit on them too retard. go back to licking sony's balls for free you queer.
No, E3 is a marketing event, the company dominating the discussion with its product once E3 is over is the winner.
I'm gonna go with Nintendo. I don't have a switch or anything like that, I just think they're the one that showed the games that people were most excited about.
Imagine having "loyalty" to a console manufacturer that intentionally locks you into using their hardware, thereby depriving you of your right to run software on the hardware of your choice and forcing you to buy an entirely new system on their command.
You're proving my point at how assmad your fanbase is. I was just pointing out the ridiculous hipocrisy.
This user.
nintendo > square > microsoft > others
Sony won by not showing up to this travesty
>nintendo won E3
>okay so who won?
u-uuuuuuh nobody won, everyone was shit, E3 is dead who cares
Square or Devolver.
I haven't owned a nintendo console since the wii (mistake), but even I can admit Nintendo being a popular "winner" makes sense. Not my personal vote because Square/Devolver kicked their asses but I can see why a microsoft or sony fan would have to admit that ninty won.
the true winners of E3
Wasn't watching. I see Nintendo got the most votes. What did they announce?
the gamers
what fanbase? go on accuse me of being part of a fanbase and watch me prove you wrong.
Panzer Dragoon
Trials of Mana
Animal Crossing
TWO smash characters
really just a bunch of stuff.
>not caring about Phantasy star 2 in the west
>not caring about practically free PC gamepass
>not caring about microsoft fucking over Epic
>not caring about Cyberpunk, Halo, Psychonauts 2, Elden Ring etc
>not caring about new next gen console
>but caring about luigi's rehash, animal crossing, smash dlc and panzer dragoon
I'll give them no more heroes, astral chain and BotW2, but everything else in nintendies show was mainly just rpgshit.
The fact that vast majority on this board prefers nintendo speaks volumes about the mental age of the average nincels - who by the way are the biggest contributors to the fucking wojack consolewar / smash faggotry spam on this board
Why would Nintendo win? I don't even remember anything other than botw2
nothing honestly it wasn't even that good but still somehow the best e3 conference. a bunch of filler shit no one cares about, delayed animal crossing, new smash dlc and new zelda "in development"
Shit poll
Where's konami
I did both tho
Microsoft, easily. Nintendo just threw out thir usual trash, but the manchildren will eat it up
I think everyone won.
>not caring about new next gen console
Why should I? It'll be another half decade before it gets a decent library of exclusives. And no I don't fucking care that your underpowered game box does something a PC could do five years ago.
Games for children
Anyone who didn't waste their time watching it
>Trials of Mana
Pretty good, I admit.
>Panzer Dragoon
Could be nice.
Pretty much same as the other conferences then.
I'm not even a particular fan of any platform, I just think it's pathetic how 90% of nintendo's announcements were things we already knew about, and the ones we didn't were things like panzer dragoon and smash dlc.
Microsoft had a way more diverse and hype show, mainly because it also applies to PC users instead of just shitbox
>Make poll who won
>Nintendo wins because they had literally the biggest surprises (close behind Microsoft)
>So(n)yggers get incredible butthurt over a simple fact
Got his phone number?
Does Beenox count?
>not caring about Phantasy star 2 in the west
It's already ruined in Japan.
>not caring about practically free PC gamepass
Any "service" that is based on discouraging or impeding people from having their own copies is a scheme to interfere with sharing.
>not caring about microsoft fucking over Epic
Both companies are evil.
>not caring about Cyberpunk, Halo, Psychonauts 2, Elden Ring etc
Those actually look pretty sweet.
>not caring about new next gen console
Consoles unfairly lock you into their hardware and software configuration. They take away your freedom and should not be supported in any way. We saw with the PS3 exactly what console manufacturer's attitudes are towards running your software on their systems.
Watching beheadings is more of a cutscene thing so it'd fit in more with the other conferences, nintendo won because 90% of their game trailers had actual gameplay accompanying them. I think only FE didn't.
I'm moving to cripplechan, it's sad what bing binga wahoos have done to this website
Based pre pre show watching user.
Post pre pre show images I need to fill my folder
>Nintendo wins because they had literally the biggest surprises
Such as?
4+Yea Forums Yea Forums has a massive hard on for Nintendo too.
Have fun going there posting one of your unfunny wojak edits getting permabanned and then coming back here.
It's not like you can have any of those games in the pass for 1$ so there's literally no reason to cry about not owning the games.
I will gladly pay 1$ to play singleplayer campaign games that I'll never touch again, essentially gaining 30-200+ hours of entertainment.
Of course I'd rather own the games but for real, it's all digital these days, I can just pirate the games if it's so bad.
Multiplayer games are practically dead after a set period of time, so owning them means nothing.
Singleplayer games are never as good as they are the first time you play it, so that also means jack shit to me.
Everyone is making such a ridiculous uproar about owning games, and I'm just saying that you can buy those games when they're super cheap after a few years, so how is it so terrible to pay a single dollar to get a month of (mainly) new games on demand?
I never posted a wojak in my life and I'm not going to Yea Forums, which is a gateway from here anyway. I'm moving to the true user's vidya board.
>Not caring about new next gen console
Yes because I should care about them going "OUR RAM IS SO POWERFUL IT CAN BE USED AS STORAGE" for the second year in a row with nothing to show for it other than a Halo cutscene. No pricepoints, no actual in-game footage, not even a controller. Just a bunch of numbers and specs that may change a year from now.
basically just exclude all nintendo voters on this poll
Good, bye bye
>It's already ruined in Japan.
>Any "service" that is based on discouraging or impeding people from having their own copies is a scheme to interfere with sharing.
>Both companies are evil.
maybe but one of them is essentially kicking you in the balls, while the other atleast offers something that makes you volunteer for it
>consoles unfairly lock you into their hardware and software configuration
IDGAF, but consoles have mainly existed because of how easy they are to use and how reasonable they are priced.
Granted, that's a shitty excuse on the year 2019, but it's still something.
With physical copies:
You can buy one with cash, anonymously. Then you own it
You are not required to sign a license that restricts your use of it
The format is known, and no proprietary technology is needed to read the disc
You have the right to give, lend or sell the disc to another.
You can, physically, copy the disc, and it's sometimes lawful under copyright.
Nobody has the power to remotely destroy your disc.
Contrast that with Steam (fairly typical):
Steam requires users to identify themselves to get a game.
In some countries, including the US, Steam says the user cannot own the game.
Steam requires the user to accept a restrictive license on use of the game.
The format is secret and only proprietary user-restricting software lawfully supports it.
Steam tells Valve what game the user is playing, plus any keystrokes the user enters.
An ersatz “inventory” is allowed for some games, for a limited time, but only by specifying by name another user of the same system. No giving or selling.
Copying the game is blocked by Digital Restrictions Management .
Valve can remotely delete the game using a back door. In 2018, valve deleted thousands of copies of Square-Enix's Last Remnant this way.
Valve can do anything to a Steam user through a universal back door.
Each one of these infringements makes these digital games ethically inferior to printed discs. We must demand that digital games respect the whole of gamers' traditional freedom – not one jot less.
Suck it up.
New class/weapon is OP, completely fucked up game balance.
Microsoft and Nintendo were both really good. I would have voted Nintendo since they showed more things I care about immediately, but they also have GameFreak shitting everything up so I voted Microsoft.
Yeah but it's a single fucking dollar for a bunch of entertainment.
Did you also whine in the 90's when video renting was a thing?
Do you also whine at netflix for doing essentially the same thing?
No one is stopping you from -buying- the game, just that they're giving you an option of having a lot of them for virtually no cost for a fairly long duration.
For example, no one argues against how unethical and stupid a subscription model is on an MMO game, but once a bunch of games are given for one tenth of a normal subscriptions cost, for a set duration, it's a big problem.
Honestly, I just don't get what's the big deal
Just pirate if you suffer so much, but don't cry when you have no access to multiplayer servers or updates
>9% Sony
>They literally haven't shown any games off
Snoyfags are absolutely pathetic. Even if you count their state of gays as an E3 conference they still did worse than fucking Ubisoft.
>Did you also whine in the 90's when video renting was a thing?
Of course not. That is the video store owner exercising their right to lend a legally owned physical copy to another person.
>Do you also whine at netflix for doing essentially the same thing?
Netflix is a typical streaming media dis-service: it requires a nonfree client program that imposes digital restrictions mechanisms (DRM) intended to stop users from using the data sent by Netflix other than through nonfree software designed to restrict what users do with it. For your freedom's sake, never use DRM that you can't break, so you should not use these dis-services unless you can break their DRM.
Netflix also makes customers sign a restrictive antisocialization contract (usually called an "End User License Agreement", meaning that users are compelled to agree) that denies them rights that they would normally have under copyright law if they bought a copy. If you bought a copy on a tape or disk, you would be free even under copyright law to give, lend or resell it. With Netflix, those actions are not only obstructed by DRM, but also explicitly forbidden. Of course, these contracts typically also include a commitment not to share copies of the work, and that requirement is unjust also.
Actual video games with gameplay
Microsoft might as well not have been there. They're biggest games and they showed nothing but CGI. Keep in mind Sony showed gameplay for all the games they had last year. Don't forget
>It's lego DLC for Forze Horizon 4
LOL. Stay mad. Sony won by not being there. You could have gone to Youtube and get the same experience as watching the Microsoft show. Because all the cinematic trailers they showed was on youtube anyways.
This year is indisputable: Nintendo. That's coming from a Sonyfag who hates Ninty's fanbase and who thinks Sony won the past three years (since the first time they announced Spider-Man in E3 2016).
Sony wasn’t even at e3 retard
Mama mia, stoppe lying Vitorio.
Why did Sony get any votes? Why are they even an option?
So we can exclude snoys from the actual ranking
enjoy your sunray'd anime tiddy
I'm mostly a PC gamer that recently bought a Switch. Grew up with Nintendo franchises but I hadn't been a Nintendo console owner for many years, had a Wii for a short while and then sold it.
Nintendo won. Snoy and Microshit voters are delusional. Any advantage those two companies have over Nintendo is stomped by PC gaming . Plenty of criticisms of Nintendo to be made, but their not pozzed like other games companies and they actually gave me a reason to buy their hardware with their first party exclusives unlike the other two. At E3 they showed games without really making stupid fucking speeches.
Who the fuck are the 19 people who voted for ubisoft and ea?
>Mario beats Peach
How can they show this on stream?
Nintendo because
>pic related
the other companies fucked up so bad that it just made ninty look that much better
thanks for the silver medal dudes! congrats to the nintenbros, I'll be maining banjo in smash
the only "fail" thing that microsoft did was that shitty pop gears game.
I can't point out anything truly bad other than that, everything else was mainly just good news
Microsoft because of pc, not the no gaems console
>nintendo winning
What the fuck did they even announce?i
>if you don't like nintendo then you don't like video games
you are the worst kind of poster on this board
Nobody cares about exclusives. Where rating the confress. Microsoft showed the best games, and I'll play them all on PC. Nintendo showed BOTW 2 and that was it. No Bayonetta and Metroid killed them. Just more Smash garbage and ports.
who are the sorry bastards that voted Beth, Epic, and Ubi?
I hated nintendo and i voted nintendo
More great games and more ambition
>PC+Nintendo idort last gen
>got fucked raw by the shit-tier wii u
>decided to not buy the switch
>doesn't seem to be much better than the wii u
>people are acting as if nintendo somehow stepped up their game
I don't get it, and I never will. Nowadays I just play old games that I missed on consoles that I didn't own before.
>Where rating the confress.
Fuck "announcing" games that wont be out for another 4 years with some pre-rendered bullshot garbage.
I'll take actual gameplay over that any day.
>No More Heroes 3
>Breath of the Wild 2
>Gameplay for LM3, Animal Crossing, and Astral Chain all looked good.
>Turns out Link's Awakening has a Zelda maker
>Trials of Mana remake
>They somehow negotiated a deal that as far as we know doesn't benefit them at all and only sends a message to Microsoft to make some more fucking Banjo
Only one of those is a non-remake and non-sequel
so now we just know to subtract 178 (or whatever the final amount is) from the total votes for sony of any other game company poll like this from sony to get a non-shill count?
Wii U had plenty of decent exclusives for me to be honest, the fact that you skipped out on it should add a bit of value to the Switch for you.
Switch had a pretty great first year but they've been slacking hard imo. I kinda figured with how barren the Wii U was they must have been holding stuff back to release it on the switch, but the droughts have been noticeable.
You're missing out on some really great exclusives though, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, Tropical Freeze, Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Smash Ultimate, Xenoblade Chronicles X, that sorta stuff.
Wii U is definitely the worst Nintendo console yet in terms of its library, but its sadly also still the clear winner of its gen in terms of games. The PS4 and Xbox One have had like 2-3 years now to catch up and they STILL barely have any exclusives. I just want to be a full idort again but Sony and Microsoft aren't even fucking trying.
I miss the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era and everything before that, where every platform was a totally unique ecosystem with tonnes of really cool exclusives that you couldn't play anywhere else. Even PC was largely its own thing, now PC is just the best console and Xbox/PS4 are bad PCs.
>the fact that you skipped out on it should add a bit of value to the Switch for you.
I didn't skip the wii u. Hence how I "got fucked raw" by it.
>>pic related
>includes sony
obsessed lmao
This gif has literally nothing to do with this year's E3 outside of EA
Oh dur, my bad. Still getting my sleep back to normal after E3.
Sucks that you feel like you were so burned by the Wii U but I could see it if some of the big hitters didn't appeal to you. It didn't have a lot, but the few great games it did get were enough for me to feel like the console wasn't a waste of money, I think I got about a dozen really good exclusives out of it which is good enough for me.
Nothing wrong with waiting on the switch either, its library is pretty meh right now, no point in being loyal to a console that isn't delivering.
I only grabbed mine because Nintendo so far hasn't released a console I was really unhappy with, but the library is definitely not great. I really expected output to increase now that they aren't splitting their attention between a console and a handheld, I'm not really sure what they're doing.
This post makes way, way too much sense.
literally what, whos, delayed lmao and a game thats 5 years out till release. The only good thing the came from nintendo was banjo and he looks like ass and I'm a huge nintendo fan. Don't make me post picture of my switch and n64.
>people voting for Sony
I've never seen such extreme amounts of cope in my life. Even if Sony had shown up, Nintendo and Xbox still would have walked all over them
i voted for michael soft. everyone else but them and nintendo had genuinely awful conferences.
I'm not waiting. I'm just not going to buy it. I don't want to buy any more weird gimmick consoles.
Don't forget new Contra + contra collection, new Panzer Dragoon, Daemon X Machina, SMM2, and ultimate alliance 3.
Along with more ports and multiplats, if you're into that.
And these are all things they showed gameplay of, instead of cinematic trailers.
I don't understand how people who watched E3 think anyone else honestly had a better presentation. Some years it was questionable who won, but this year I think there really was no contest.
Why does nintendo have so many votes? I didnt watch their stream and the only thing I saw flipping by threads was that smash shit
>CP2077 and Neo
>BC Splinter Cells 1-3
>Killed Sam Fisher
>FF7R is not only Midgar, combat looks like a dumb downed FFXV
>But at least best PS1 FF is getting remastered
>I hate the Avengers VAs
>No Metroid
>No SMT5
>But at least I got Banjo
MS won
Fuck off with who won, you despicable shill faggot. There is no E3 winning. Nobody can win "E3"
Watch the direct
Because they showed some literal who games, a delayed game and a game that won't release for another few years.
nu smash garbage apparently can impress some retards so much that they think it was better than everything else that was shown
It's all Banjofurfaggots. Nintendo's Direct was as shit as everyone else's, but neo-Yea Forums faggots get really hyped about who gets into Smash.
>3d contra
>contra collection that lies about the number of games included (probotector is NOT a different game)
>9 votes on EA
ok zoomers
While they easily had the worst show, the battle royale mode in FO76 is actually pretty fun. I was surprised.
Nintendo dabbing on Sony every time.
We all lose. Actually I want to say Nintendo, but to be fair I will say Square, cause they actually has a decent show, and besides stealing the whole event with FF VII (whatever you like it or not), they had enough to show for everyone.
>sony doesn't show up and people still cry over them
jesus fuck the cope is extreme
>MS will eventually consume CDPR like they did double fine
nintendofags, get out
This image is great and all but there are 0 free alternatives to Photoshop that come close to even 1/10 of the functionality.
>>We invented the fps genre
This got me so fucking mad. Even if the original id dudes said that it would still be a lie. Wolf3d was not the first fps.
dilate those goal posts
>those pathetic votes for Sony
snoycels are embarrassing, absolute cringe
Goalposts? The point is that I don't understand how the fuck they "won". I don't see the appeal of the conference at all. They barely announced anything. E3 is for announcements.
>E3 2020
>"We at Microsoft are proud to announce that we have assimilated CD Projekt Red!"
>audience claps, cheers and howls
Literally the entire internet agrees Nintendo won you seething console warrior
It's unanimous.
E3 is a game where the only winning move is not to play.
If you only count the actual conferences/presentations then probably Nintendo. They didn't overwhelmingly win since they had no real surprises (we knew Panzer Dragoon would be a thing, NMH3 was pretty predictable, and we knew Monolithsoft was recruiting for another Zelda which was also obviously going to happen sooner or later) and they have three huge games on the backburner that we saw absolutely nothing of (Metroid Prime, Bayonetta, and SMT) but their conference had the most gameplay and the least bullshit, which makes them win by default. If you're including later interviews then Nintendo probably shouldn't win since Game Freak basically punched them in the nuts almost immediately after the Direct ended. I don't think anyone really "won" this year, there were no tremendous surprises or announcements. Certainly nothing that will make people remember this E3 for years to come. I won't say Sony won since they didn't even participate but they honestly picked a good E3 to miss, which I was really surprised by. I was sure either Microsoft or Nintendo would take the opportunity to deal a major blow and neither did. Microsoft's biggest surprise was a seven year old MMO and Nintendo's biggest surprise was Banjo being in Smash, which evidently wasn't that big of a deal according to Phil Spencer. Overall this was a seriously underwhelming E3.
Go back
Who gives a shit those faggots have scammed their fans multiple times now.
They were made for one another
Online polls are echo chambers.
Good to be reminded that Snoyfags are a retarded vocal minority.
argumentum ad populum
This is like saying that the Avengers is the best movie ever
>laughing at fanboys = crying over sony
oh okay
Blown the fuck out snoyggers
>200 people still voted for Sony
Seriously? They don't have any games and they weren't even there
did you all not have an n64? wii u library is miles ahead of that thing. n64 had like 10 good games. meanwhile i could easily name like 20ish for the wii u (10 if including ones that have been ported to other platforms eventually, but still originally on wii u for at least a year before ported elsewhere)
plus, the console has a delicious amount of backwards compatibility when hacked. the hardware kicks ass for anyone interested in any nintendo vidya pre 2011 and some post 2011
meanwhile, n64 only does n64 stuff with an awful controller.
>seiken densetsu 3 remake AND official english release of the original
>new platinum game looks like the best platinum gameplay since bayo 2
>luigi's mansion 3 actually looks fantastic and not lame like dark moon
>highly requested characters for smash bros added to appeal to both the east and west
>new animal crossing takes series in a big new direction rather than following the wild world-city folk-new leaf rehash path, puts nook as the face of the series again rather than isabelle
>a majoras mask for breath of the wild
if none of these excite you, you're a casual.
I think he's referring to the hobby being "Complaining about videogames" rather than videogames in general as a hobby
I'm actually surprised about Squeenix being so high. It was like 90% Final Fantasy or FF clones. I was bored as fuck throughout the entire thing.
Not even a snoycel but the other presentations besides Nintendo and Microsoft were actually more harm than good so if they just didn't go they would have came out looking better.
>I don't want to buy any more weird gimmick consoles.
Its up to you obviously, but I haven't really felt like the Switch was a gimmick in the time I've owned it.
Though, I was always more a fan of Nitendo's handheld lines than their consoles anyway, so to me this is more of a 3DS successor than anything. If you're not really into handheld stuff I could see how it comes off as a gimmick, but to me its just the best handheld thats ever been made which is really nice. It just needs more fucking games, Prime 4 being delayed was a huge blow.
piss off, you didn't even pay for it.
>>No Metroid
The fuck are they gonna show, another logo?
The game literally just restarted development from scratch a few months ago because Nintendo hated what it was turning out to be.
>did you all not have an n64?
I did and I liked it until I wisened up recently and looked at it with a critical eye.
Is it surprising people would get excited for games with some pedigree behind them? What's the biggest non-remake, non-sequel game announced otherwise? Deathloop? Probably something worth getting excited for given it's from the same guys who did Prey, but it's still an unknown IP and Dishonored was only a modest success with the sequel bombing.
what? you didn't like their conference? this was my favorite part from it
Are you always this pedantic?
Microsoft is going to buy all the game studios out of spite
Snoys are schizo delusional at this point. They're just shitposting in every thread.
Every nintendo thread discussing some game, has atleast one snoy fucking the entire thread up
You're right, my boss did.
Imagine how boring this thread would have been without the option to pick Sony
Mentioning literally anything about it at all would be nice. They don't need to show something comprehensive, but the difference between barely showing anything and not even MENTIONING it is utterly massive. Nothing is more disconcerting than radio silence.
E3 is for generating interest in upcoming games. There had been no real look at the gameplay for something like LM3 or Animal Crossing.
Doublefine being bought out by Microsoft is unironically a good thing.
They can make some stellar fucking games, but its been proven that they just can't manage themselves as an independent studio.
Tim Schaffer is like an Ideas Guy with control, he has some genuinely good ideas, he can make some genuinely great games, but he doesn't seem to know when to say "Okay, wait, thats not feasible, we need to tone it down and just finish the good ideas we already have."
When he gets to run the show games end up full of a million half assed things or just never get finished, with funding and direction from Microsoft him and his team might actually sit the fuck down, get some shit done, and make some good games again.
I used to love Double Fine but I'm so tired of their games being half finished and full of half baked ideas and gimmicks.
I mean an official siken densetsu 3 release is neat
Astral chain looks ok but no really interested in it
dont give a fuck about luigis mansion
fucking hate smash garbage
animal crossing is for fags and women
Zelda has always been boring and lttp is the only one Ive managed to play for more than a handful of hours
Oh no, a few companies had bad pressers, that definitely isn't a thing that happens literally every single year, what an awful E3.
>Microsoft did a filler conference because Scarlett isn't until next year, do a solid job regardless, bring Keanu Reeves to steal the entire expo
>Devolver Digital found a way to do it again without running their bit into the ground
>Square-Enix put on their first good press conference ever
>Nintendo do the opposite of Sony and instead of not showing up with anything, they show up with fucking EVERYTHING
Face it, Sony didn't have shit to show this year, which is why they didn't show up. They would have been massacred. Beating a tactical retreat and playing it off like they don't need E3 was the only option available to them that allowed them to get by this year unnoticed instead of humiliated. In that sense they did the right thing, but let's not be so fucking stupid as to believe they got one over on anyone this year. It was a saving throw, nothing more.
where's the "everything besides Banjo was hot garbage" option? the only reason anyone would say yes to Nintendo this year, barring drones.
>so to me this is more of a 3DS successor than anything
Yeah, a $300 handheld seems kind of abhorrent to me
Microsoft bros won last year, Nintendo won this year.
Still though, Microsoft definitely had a good conference, I enjoyed the fuck out of it, it's just a lot of the games aren't really my thing.
Phantasy Star Online 2 coming to the West was literally incredible though.
>crying about a no-show company that still wins
keep coping microturdo
Sonytards are literally coping right now.
the n64 has like 20-25 good games and then a ton of shovelware. that's more than the pii u had. anything worth a shit on that garbage fire of a system has been ported to the switch by now, aside from like 3 games.
Banjo-Kazooie won E3.
Why is Sony even there ?
>still no reason to buy a new console or upgrade my pc past 2010-tier specs
video games are over
It's okay user, maybe sony will show a new TLoU2 trailer at TGS?
so that snoys can cope
Its not amazing, but its not bad. Its the best handheld I've ever owned in terms of the ergonomics and what it can do at least.
Still wish it had a better library though, its certainly not shaping up to be anything close to the GBA or DS, but these days I'll take what I can get. The industry is one giant dumpster fire begging me for money.
Yet you seem to exclusively hate one fanbase. I'm an idort too.
Why'd you even include sony when they were not there you faggot.
You weigh 200 pounds you disgusting whale. No one here, not even our most hated incels would fuck you.
Nintendo > Square > Microsoft
their youtube channel was a better E3 showcase than the ones that were actually put on
You say that when people here unironically have fetishes for obese women
We haven't had a console Metroid in almost 10 years, even Star Fox has been getting more love, and I feel for the F Zero fanbase, they probably already killed themselves by this point. We are probably gonna get 2 full fledged Zelda games on Switch before we get a single Metroid game. I doubt they will even port of MP trilogy at this point since there wasn't a Wii U port, so that would mean making new controls for the Switch.
I wanted to vote for Sony due to the whole "the only way to win is to not show up", but then that would be giving Sony a win and I don't want to do that right now with their censorship.
Instead I went with Squenix since they are probably the closest to appeasing their fans with this show. Notice I said fans, and not fanboys which is why Nintendo didn't win...
Its not a real vagina, dont call it vagina
Because this is Yea Forums and its okay to poke fun at people here.
PC Gaming was called "epic" too, do you think OP genuinely considers it the Epic E3 show?
argumentum ad populum is the only fucking type of argument the companies themselves care about, if you gathered one rep from each company and they had a private behind the scenes convo about who won, they'd agree Nintendo did.
Just to suffer
Nintendo always wins baby, haha YEAH!
English, Wong. What are you even trying to say?
But consumers shouldn't care about it. They should care about quality.
>Letting someone inside of you
Absolutely disgusting
why not add a "who cares I fucking hate videogames" option instead?
>implying they aren't already sacrificing innocent civilians in pagan rituals to continue their conquest of the game industry
>All this seething at Sony.
Why though? LOL.
The correct answer is Devolver, thanks to the pre-pre-show
So what metric do you suggest to use instead to determine who "won" E3.
I know that feel, toasterbro
>brings up their console sales even if it has no relevance to current thread
every goddamn time
This is the only website on the planet that thinks that BING BING WAHOO! XD is a legitimate argument, and you can find said argument through almost any thread that so much as implies Nintendo isn't Satan.
>make a poll where Sony can be voted on
>Yea ForumstendoGaf seethes just because Sony got some votes
Every time.
Devolver didn't run that, Twitch did.
Plus, OP forgot a few entries:
Limited Run
Kinda Funny
Who showed off the new games which have the highest apparently quality
"who won E3" isn't ticking off a long list of subjective criteria that are most important to you personally, it's the most liked and well received conference/presentation. Pretty fucking simple dude, no one cares about your attempt to redefine the meaning of the question.
Nintendo have said several shit showings at E3 and people have never been afraid to admit it. This just wasn't one of them.
I think he's just telling the snoys to calm down because their corporation friend is doing fine.
Then only an idiot or an investor would want to discuss who won e3.
>all these votes for nintendo
rofl this board is literal nintentoddler city
nobody who plays real games comes here anymore its a smash board
This. Nintentoddlers are rabid fanboys. As long as it has a Nintendo logo they'll even buy cardboard boxes.
>transphobic nintendo wing the poll
Gosh this place is beyond help.
E3 fucking sucked shit this time around and next year it's going to suck because it's just generic "Ooh look at the shiny new next-gen consoles and all the tech demos that show us what they can do except NOT REALLY!!!"
Fucking shit. E3 was shit this year. Get rid of this worthless event. Glad I didn't waste hours of my life watching the conferences and simply let Yea Forums post the direct specific trailers to stuff. Much better than watching annoying bastards presenting the damn thing.
Again E3 sucked. And it should be thrown away as it's no longer needed.
Is this a joke or are you guys not aware that that's white Reggie, not Bowser?
Give exemple of real games
Post dick
I saw 0 games that I wanted to play. At any of the conferences. They all either showed no gameplay (MS) or shit gameplay (Bethesda, Nintendo)
>Nintendo: ports, ports, ports and more ports.
>b-but they showed the most games because all they showed was ports so they won.
I had to miss Konami, did they do anything non pachinko related?
>I want that kind of library to come back. I don't understand how people think 4 different versions of Uncharted and another Souls game is enough to buy a console.
This is why Sony's appeal got completely lost on me and I sold my ps4. I don't give a flying fuck about these normalfag garbage cinematic games with clunky controls, terrible AI, handholding out the ass and casualized everything, whose appeal is supposedly some has-been-done-better-before pretentious and utterly predictable story. I want games with amazing gameplay and great replayability filled with brand new ideas that doesn't need to settle to this generic safe formula that is every AAA game nowadays. Sony's strength has always been their thrid party, but everyone has gone multiplat aside from a few devs who are just discount naughty dog. I'm so fucking tired of camera over the shoulder third person open world action games with scripted everything.
Can Yea Forums agree at least that Ubisoft and EA conferences were total cringefests?
>real games
fuck off, 12 year old.
she did
Nintendo was horrendous at E3 2008, just like how Sony was terrible at E3 2006.
Microsoft won with Flight Simulator alone.
>Astral Chain
>Daemon X Machina
>Panzer Dragoon
>2 Zeldas
>Trials of Mana
Waaaah, nothing but ports ;_;
nintendo was the least bad, but they still showed WAY too much garbage. Cinematic experiences everywhere, from Astral Chain to NMH to Trials of Mana, to Dragon Quest XI, to Breath of the Wild 2. It was absolutely disgusting.
And what do I mean what I say "cinematic"? Well, if you'll notice, every single trailer they had showed cutscenes. The company that's about gameplay dared to waste my time with cinematic garbage. I will not even acknowledge the presence of gameplay if a cutscene is littering the trailer.
It sickens me to the very core, and Nintendo better fix this or they won't be getting my business.
Everyone is here
Having little to show is better than having nothing.
And if they did, it just would've been more Ellie screeching about being a woman or something.
>nothing but cinematic experiences
I acknowledge that they weren't at least brown shooters, but they're still cinematic nonetheless.
This is a seven year old gif, isn't it?
Weak-ass bait.
And how are you going to tally this more-accurately than that image, user? Your personal bias need not apply.
ok mister, tell me what games aren't cinematic by your definition of "cinematic"
Do Yea Forums users actually have downs? Don't tell me they'll fall for this weak ass bait "cinematic only".
Don't believe me? Look at one of their trailers.
Nothing but cinematic cutscenes and "LE EBIN SLOW MO" in every single shot, and the pitiful gameplay that was shown was basically the character sitting in one spot waiting for a cutscene to play out, or walking down a hallway. This kind of filth should be banned. NINTENDO should never have a single cutscene in their games. This is filth that should be reserved for the hollywood rejects, aka sony and microsoft. Nintendo is supposed to be the outlier who doesn't fall for such gimmicks.
Tetris, Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, Terraria, take your pick. You definitely won't find actual video games in the realm of the AAA. I think you need only to look at the rest of E3 to see what I'm talking about.
It was whoever actually showed games, so nintendo.
>B b b b b cyberpunk
Cg trailers don't count
See, this guy gets my point. Why should I consider anything to be a video game when you use CGI cutscenes and cinematics to sell your game? If your trailer isn't 100% gameplay, and you're not simultaneously flipping the bird to the retards who think games need "deep lore", then why are you even in the industry? Go make movies in hollywood if you love cutscenes so much.
>popularity poll on nintendoGAF
Gee, I wonder what the result will be.
I'm gonna have to give it to Nintendo. They blew my damn mind. But I want to give a shoutout to Square for getting a close 2nd. They rerally surprised me.
Move out of your mom's basement ACfag
sick cinematics bro oh my lawd
>judging one game for the whole company
Every time, you are based
>NintendoGAF asking for a poll wondering who won E3.
Ummm....I don't know who is gonna be first, it Will surely be a huge surprise.
>t. cutscene lover
>first video
>instant cutscene
And ignored.
>second vid
>also starts out with a cutscene
And ignored.
>third vid
>starts out with yet another damn cutscene
>fourth vid
>fifth vid
Holy hell. It's worse than I thought. It's like a plague.
Yeah you tell them.
Bing bing bang wahoo brother!
Nobody won, it was a pretty mediocre year.
>Xtrannies btfo yet again
Bu bu bu but I thought you cunts said it was your year? What happened?
The only three things that happened this e3 that mattered at all were FF7, Doom Eternal, and Banjo in Smash.
holy fuck, stop choking on your bluepill, you actual lemon powered fuck. You have the attention span of an adderall ridden adhd two your old who just discovered crayons and his nose. Go drink your fucking onions out of a fucking trash can, you shop n' save poor fuck. I hope you get a vasectomy from a soda can.
>snoyfaggot talking about cutscenes
Seriously what is wrong with snoys?
People are posting their opinions and they are seething as fuck, making unwarranted coments
Can we please make a board exclusively for snoys?
Would really clean this board up of shitposting
What do you expect? "Who won E3." I dunno man, I was not keeping track of the goals. I think Todd should have gotten a red card though.
Please tell me you're baiting. Please tell me that I don't actually share this earth with a sub-human retard like yourself. By your own standards, minecraft is cinematic trash.
I'm gonna keep this and post this in every nintendo thread from now on just to piss of shills. Thank you.
I voted Bethesda because I'm an epic trollman.
Literally nobody is talking about sony though
So let me get this straight.
>I hate cutscenes in every other E3 performance because I think games should be about gameplay
>nobody bats an eye
>I hate cutscenes in Nintendo games and think they shouldn't exist
>suddenly everybody explodes in anger
I'm sensing a bias here.
>w-well the difference is that nintendo has fun gameplay
Well, they should show it by not having cutscenes. Cinematics of any kind are just a gimmick for bad games. A good game wouldn't have them, and would thus repel the hipsters who think games need to be this deep artistic form of expression.
Snoy? user, they're the most responsible for movie games. I suspect that their games were so movie-like, that they probably didn't even qualify for E3.
Was minecraft improved by the addition of that stupid end cutscene? Did it save the game from the various other flaws it had? No, it didn't. Literally just put there in an attempt to be "deep" and "artsy".
I thought Yea Forums, who universally agreed that nintendo won e3, would understand my position here. Games should be about gameplay, and should never EVER have to compromise on that.
Well we're all fucking retards here, so lets discuss who won.
I'm not having a nintendo bias here, you literally saw the first 2 seconds and went
Goldfish have a better attention span than your fatass.
Any game with a story will have a cutscene or interaction of some sort
Three polls are not the entire internet. And these kinds polls are always going to be skewed in Nintendo's favor. Is there a 24 hour twitch poll? Polish poll? South Korean? Russian? Swedish? Nintendo has always had strong presence in anglosphere and first world countries. Millennials in them grew up with nintendo consoles. English speaking sites and communities with most traffic from first world countries have always been heavily biased for nintendo for that reason. That's why Yea Forums is such a massive nintendo stronghold. American millennials and literal autists are nintendo's base and Yea Forums is full of both. Polls from places that are heavily biased for one side are useless.
>I'm not having a nintendo bias here, you literally saw the first 2 seconds
Nintendo shouldn't be encouraging cutscenes and non-playability at ANY point. Not even for one second. It's especially insulting considering that this is a GAMEPLAY presentation. Have you ever heard of "putting your best foot foward" or something like that? That means you start with the actual good part. You don't make me wade through shit just to find the quality. It's absolutely unacceptable.
You're talking to the infamous autist ACFag, he believes any game with cutscenes is a moviegame and doesn't understand the different definitions the rest of Yea Forums uses.
He also thinks multiplayer games are all garbage but is a massive TF2fag because he's a massive hypocrite
>Ass blasted sony fag mad that he only gets movie games and censored ports.
We did. The gamers.
>The guy who fucked my vagina when you nerds were too busy watching videogames
Nobody cares,post this somewhere else
>Any game with a story
Found your problem. Story should be nonexistent, a tiny blurb you might hear in the background, or better yet, restrained to the manual. When you don't do that, you end up with fans that only care about the trivial pursuits like muh graphics and muh anime waifu titties, or muh deep story. Everyone stops caring about the important part of the game, you know, the videogamey part.
Nintendo's E3 last year was a complete shitshow yet it still earned second place from Yea Forums behind Microsoft.
Nobody should take Yea ForumsintendoGAF's opinion seriously.
>roleplaying as a faggot online.
>That means you start with the actual good part.
Yikes, this still proves my point, you have one of the worse attention spans. If you can't enjoy a game w/ cutscenes, you have legit ADHD, get yourself checked. No normal human should be like you and see
>"Oh no gameplay in the first second i press star, worse fucking game ever."
Makes sense.
Look out, this is a known shitposter dubbed as ACfag due with his obsession with Armored Core
He shows up, demonstrates he has no idea what he’s talking about, and the thread dies
Here’s a thread where he repeatedly embarrasses himself and does not back down despite being proven wrong multiple times
Nobody knows if he’s serious or not but he certainly does not deserve your (You)s
>over 60%
>everybody else SEETHING
We won Nintenbros. I don't even planned to buy a Switch but now after the conference and treehouse I'll get one, not even meming or shilling here.
>you don't like cutscenes so you have ADHD
Would you be saying this if I was criticizing Uncharted or Cyberpunk or an EA game? Or do you solely reserve this for companies you like? Because I've never received a complaint when raising these issues against Yea Forums approved targets. So I suspect a bias on this board. Either it's okay to hate cutscenes in every game, or you can't hate them anywhere. You can't pick and choose when it's okay.
Nice LARP nigger.
what game(s) made you want a switch?
This thread has been claimed by ACfag
Please understand.
Don’t mind me, I’m only here to tell people you shouldn’t be responded to
>Would you be saying this if I was criticizing Uncharted or Cyberpunk or an EA game?
You did set yourself up when you practically went out
Hope you enjoy whatever games you're gonna buy user
And I'd leave this thread because it's gonna go down the drain thanks to ACFag
Then prove me. Show me a single time when someone called me a faggot or didn't agree with me when I rightfully criticized a target Yea Forums hates, like Uncharted or God of War. I was even called a snoy nigger earlier in the thread, despite being more vociferous about hating their games. So there's some oddness in your accusations.
Sony wins by default in every single event, even if it doesn't attend,.
Until a console catches up to it in sales that is.
Do I look like a shareholder in a corporate board room? No? Then why do I care about sales? Why would I care?
>sales lead to more and better games
OR it leads to bigger, more bloated movie budgets with actual quality going down the toilet.
So videogames in your opinion should be purely based around mechanics?
In which case should movies not have a story because books already are based around stories?
This but unironically. Last gen was the only time sony had serious competition since they entered console market.
cope, seethe and have sex
rip thread, another victim to the spewing of ACFag
Nice bait
>Yea Forums is one person
I don’t need to. Yea Forums isn’t a monolith and never has been. The fact that people are even arguing against you in this context proves that.
>In which case should movies not have a story because books already are based around stories?
If it'll lead to less movies that are basically two characters talking to eachother in shot-reverse shot camera work, for the sake of lazily doling out exposition, then that sounds like a great idea. In a medium, you should be focusing on the medium's strength. Some of the best movies out there are just straight up action movies and don't sweat the trivial plot details.
Remake this poll but separate Tango Gameworks from Bethesda, we all know the Ghost Wire presentation was the only thing worth watching.
Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 (and playing 1 finally)
Links Awakening Remake
Trials Of Mana
Astral Chain
No More Heroes 3
Animal Crossing
Luigi's Mansion 3
the eventual Metroid Prime
this board is cursed and filled with retarded manchildren. you all deserve the rope.
Gamefreak sucked ass but honestly Mario Maker saved it for me
>sony doesn't attend the event
>still on the list
This is peak retardation.
Why do Sony fanboys always post sales talk when people say they're excited about other things, as if there is any correlation? But it's amusing because it happens every single time, without exception.
I'm genuinely baffled but interested in the psychological implications behind this.
>the results
If that's not the sign to leave this board I don't know what is. I'm staying for 100% shitposting only
It's because alot of people have this flawed conception that sales correlate to fun games. If anyone ever brings up sales or metacritic scores unironically, they are beyond retarded and should promptly be ignored.
>If it leads to less movies that are basically two characters talking to eachother
I see your point, movies would be better if the story came naturally. But that doesn't mean that the story should be entirely cut out.
The same thing applies for video games. It would be better if the story came to you through the environment and mechanics, but that doesn't mean there should be no story.
They don't have anything to look forward to except for Death Stranding I guess but that looks kinda meh desu
stop responding to him, you don't know what you're doing
I'd love to believe that the industry can be trusted with storytelling, but the entirety of this thread says otherwise. Look at how many people agreed that Nintendo won because they showed less cutscenes than the competition. It's almost unanimous that the entire E3 was a disaster because, instead of focusing on good gameplay and a better user experience, everyone sought after celebrities and fancy graphics. If the industry can't be trusted with it, it really shouldn't have access to it in the first place.
Literally the only game at E3 that didn't show a single cutscene was the one that I'm eagerly anticipating.
Stop, before it gets worse. ACFag feeds off of this, he's getting more powerful
fuck off bitch, i'd rather watch comfy stream than have sex with any guy
anyone voting something besides Nintendo is braindead. We got: Luigis Mansion 3 info, BOTW 2, Astral Chain, No More Heroes 3, 2 new smash characters, MM2 info (improving the online), and Animal Crossing. Meanwhile across all other presentations the only thing notable was Ori and the FF7 remake
>E3 is so fucking bad that Sony won by not showing up
lmao is this your first e3 kiddy. Or did you already forget Sony's flute playing session last e3 that still got trampled by MS & Nintendo. The worst part is that 2018 was a weak year for Nintendo & Sony still manages to drop the ball, no wonder they dropped out this year.
This shit didn't start with sony fanboys. This shit started with the PS3 era when people were ironically posting. Now over 10 years later you still have ironic shitposters, but you also have newfags picking up their retardation, taking it serious and you end up with a fucking mess of a board. It takes one fucking ironic shitposter to show people how to get (you)s, then the newfags pick up his shitposting while thinking it's actually real and you end up with spastics repeating the same shit ad infinitum. That garbage happens on all sides, but since sony is the current market leader most newfags that came to this board are on their side so they seem overwhelming.
I was looking forward to the return of the flute
The 3ds was a $250 handheld at launch & the Switch is a far better piece of hardware.
Nintendo offered a bunch of movies. But I guess they were better than the brown and grey movies of the other presentations. So it's a "lesser of the evils" situation. Still, what I wouldn't give for a trailer that didn't start off with a cutscene that cost several million dollars to render.
overdose on redpills
you have to go back
I play video games, there was jack shit this year that was worth my time.
Halo is going to be on Scarlett which is going to be a streaming gimmick console so it died already, Pokemon is cutting content despite the money they have because they know drones will buy it, so that's dead too.
Astral Chain is alright
everything else is garbage
Any other games you intend on playing? Maybe some older ones in your backlog? I'm personally waiting on Hollow Knight: silk Song, but I'll be getting my vania fix with A Robot Named Fight and Environmental Station Alpha.
Op how are you such a fucking faggot? was the undisputed winner and you didn't even put him on the list. Are you jealous or something? I think you're jealous
not the players, which is the only bloody thing that ought to matter, tards.
Yeah and he paid for your work computer that you work on. These were not your choices therefore they are not you willingly giving up your rights. The decisions an enterprise makes are fundamentally different than the decisions that a private person should make.
Haven't played Xenoblade X or 2 yet but i loved the first one
Should play Kirby Star Allies
Very excited for Destroy All Humans, Crash Team Racing, and BFBB,
Playing the Saints Row port at the moment, pretty great game.
Finally, someone else says it.
Nintendo won by showing a WMAF couple
None of the publishers won, as for specific games - Doom and Ori come to mind. Halo might have if they actually showed some fucking gameplay.
>not AMWM
What's reggie's race?
Death Stranding, FF7R, Elden Ring, Cyberpunk, Ghosts of Tsushima, Ghost Wire, Granblue Fantasy, Tales of Arise, Doom Eternal, CoD: MW. What do Switch babies have to look forward to? Bing bing wahoo #32939, literal mobile games, $50 ports of decade old games, indie shit, dlcs and some heavily downgraded multiplats. Seriously, how do you justify owning a Shitch and paying full price for games that look like they belong on an iPhone? Do you realize you are a laughing stock of gaming community and people look at you like drooling manchildren? Nobody has any respect for your games. Animal Crossing is a game for toddlers and women and you were losing your mind over it. How do you get hyped for a glorified mobile game? I will never understand the mindset of nintendofags. These games are clearly made for children yet the people playing them are adults, and they find it normal.
>fucked my vagina instead of fucked me
you're still a dude
unironically have sex you seething incel
They're mentally challenged user. There's a reason why they can't function in society and end up in droves here. Prime example where you'll only find pathetic meme responses to deflect their inner autism and depression
>literally just a remake
>death stranding
ps4 looks promising, yikes.
i'd say microsoft won, but microsoft is the hitler of the industry, even worse then epic games.
Add some more reddit cancer to the filter
Do you really not comprehend that gamers at large dont give a shit about nintendo games? Pcfags, xboxfags and sonyfags like gta, cod, battlefield, final fantasy, witcher and the like. Your games are a fucking joke to everyone who isn't a nintendo baby. Nobody outside your bubble takes them seriously. It's bizarre that you think dlc characters for some fighter game and luigis mansion are something noteworthy, lmao. It's even more absurd that the average nintendo fanboy doesn't realize how bizarre that is.
Nintendo, but it's not saying much. E3 was disappointing at best.
>people can't like multiple things and console wars are real life
It's so easy to spot the poorfags
>303+ Sony
shit games > no games
You're comparing nintendo to apple?
we hate sony.
>ignoring "new" in that post
basicly this sony is the greatest fucking trash, they literally let their only good console die to failed marketing and a overpriced memecard.
made picrelated before you just call me nintendo.
The ps4 is the macbook of consoles.
It's called a fronthole you bigot. Trans rights are women's rights.
clean that shit up you gross nintenbab
>Patapon, Loco Roco, Phantasy Star, Peace Walker
>Patapon, Loco Roco is dead
>Microsoft now has PSO2
>Metal Gear Solid is in some weird limbo without Kojimbo for some reason
Take me back, I want to go back.
your neghole isnt as interesting as you might think, gamer...
This strawpoll are always pointless
Yea Forums userbase is 50% or more is nintendo fan it would be silly to argue that since every time nintendo sneeze the whole board talks about it
But I did vote for Square Enix because Microsoft didn't show any gameplay while se did, nintendo showed gameplay too but I was more interested in the other games and let's be honest 60% they showed was port
Everyone else was a disaster
Speaking of ports, did Nintendo announce any WiiU ports? I don't think I saw any in the Direct.