Hey Yea Forums, what do I think about Daemon X Machina?
Hey Yea Forums, what do I think about Daemon X Machina?
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Zone of the Enders done well.
i think it should come the fuck out so i can buy it already. I need my fucking mecha fix.
They've made big improvements since the demo, so I'm definitely looking forward to the game. My only complaints are the boss going into the out-of-bounds zone and the framerate still having some hiccups.
did they show new things today?
The framerate makes it borderline unplayable. Unless they've made some massive advances in that area I wont get it
You talking about the demo's or the E3 2019 framerates?
Or both?
Demo, but when even the e3 trailer had obvious slowdown, its worrying
looks really good, i hope they will fix the framerate
Have you checked out the treehouse gameplay? Seems like it's more stable but probably not going to be really high, but I have shit eyes so don't take my word
First demo was shit, seems like they fixed a lot of stuff but the framerate is still awful. If they don't release a new demo I'll wait until it's out to see if it's good.
I was hopeful but the demo's combat just wasn't fun at all. Killed it for me.
Pretty bad copy of AC4
Environment looks awful with this shitty style, fps is terrible in both docked and portable, characters all look like they were made in some low tier anime game character editor and story probably gonna suck as well
Only mechs look pretty cool, at least those which were in demo (main mech is pretty much just White glint knock off tho)
it looks good and it plays good, i don't know why it gets so much shit
>but muh frames !!!
if you got a switch thinking the games would run like pc games you're fucking retarded
You think that it looks cooler than before and that it is great they listened to the feedback to improve all the rough spots from the demo, so you'll be buying it day one.
It runs like absolute ass on switch
>so you'll be buying it day one.
god i hope so, i really, really hope this game gets good sales, nintendo needs to put effort into developing their new IPs instead of letting them die like ARMS
Looks fun. It's low priority for me though, because I'm a poorfag. I sort all games that are coming out into a hierarchy of what looks most fun and buy the ones at the top. This game looks better than most of the stuff at E3, but it's not high enough on the hierarchy for me to give it priority. That would be Zelda, because it's generally a safe bet, and I loved BOTW.
>15fps = plays good
That's below console standards even
>letting them die
But they supported it for like a year with free updates, how the fuck did they let it die?
how do you know about the improvements?
Times like this is why I appreciate never seeing a single character model in AC and it still had a better story.
Mecha is dead even in the east
pretty decent don't care about graphics will probably support it when released, and I liked the artstyle and music very much when I played the demo