Why can't Western female videogame characters have likeable personality like Eastern characters?
Why can't Western female videogame characters have likeable personality like Eastern characters?
>white women reject me so I like yellow bitches now
They'd reject you too
I wish I had an Iori daughterwife
A___ I___
>The boys at school are so lame, Dad, I wish I had a cool boyfriend like you...
Seek help
Western female characters became trash around 7th gen and haven't recovered since.
Also, A N A L.
I-is it OK to want a Makoto wife?
Because they're based off the real thing.
Just like East likes to rely on the "cute and shy",west likes the "badass bitch that is cold to everyone" trope.Maybe its smth to do with the society or culture who knows.
What an adorable boy.
anus painus
imagine anally raping iory while she is fainting from excitement and pain
This. Western women in vidya being ugly is just an accurate portrayal of modern white women.
Likable personalities are a tool of the patriachy
butt sex
Most JP games' female characters were written to appeal to people's dicks, while US female characters were written to be characters.
Weebs hate it when female characters aren't written to appease them, they hated pic related because she did her own shit instead of being kawaii uguu.
becouse feminists hate other women
Her cunny is pretty cute
I'm a weeb and I don't hate her, I want to give her a big hug
Supple butthole.
I want to impregnate Iori's butt.
Buttocks Beauty
Because likeable characters are usually very human (relatable) characters, and human characters have flaws. Women aren't allowed to be portrayed as flawed in western media. They have to be perfect. It would be sexist, mysogninistic, and antisemitic otherwise.
jackie chan
What would sex with her be like
>iori, one of the most basic bitches in an entire archetype of basic bitches
You could've picked any other iM@S girl, besides ML Shiho, and you'd be making at least a little sense.
>tfw no qt tomboy gf
>Just like East likes to rely on the "cute and shy"
Um hello? Female Sherlock Holmes here. East just has much more variety when it comes to characters which includes female characters.
>Women aren't allowed to be portrayed as flawed in western media. They have to be perfect.
This this this. Japanese women are written with flaws but also things that make them endearing or redeem their otherwise shitty personalities. Western women are just shitty moralistic gary stus
She was a bitch tho, you only like her because you want to fuck her
I like it when girls are super shy
She had a pretty decent reason for being a bitch tho
>Because likeable characters are usually very human (relatable) characters, and human characters have flaws. Women aren't allowed to be portrayed as flawed in western media. They have to be perfect. It would be sexist, mysogninistic, and antisemitic otherwise.
This is 100% bullshit
People have saying this garbage nonsense for decades and it seeped into writing characters
So now we are not allowed to have nice, kind and cool characters, since they are not "RELATABLE AND REALISTICâ„¢" so they need flaws, so they make them annoying fucking assholes who are giant cunts to everyone, or give them an annoying tick or some shit
But nerds on the internet said every character must have a flaw or she is Mary Sue!
Fuck off
Good taste
>like iori
>hate anal
Impossible to find doujins
>west likes the "badass bitch that is cold to everyone"
Explain Lightning then.
Because western women aren't likable.
This. Fuck western """women""".
>hate anal
Look at this faggot
I prefer impregnation.
Man of taste
Because they're not focused on whether the character can be waifu'd, they're focused on how many social virtues they can cram into one person.
Basically they cater to different audiences, but as it turns out the former gets a larger audience while the latter just complains why their audience isn't larger.
What really happens, is what's normally seen as a flaw is rewritten as a good thing. For example, if a woman is a fat evil bitch, they use different wording and they choose to portray that in a very positive way. They would say she's "curvy" and "doesn't need the approval of others".
I think he was talking about videogame characters.
And pregnancy.
Thanks Iori
>US female characters were written to be characters.
good joke
They can, you're just a weeb that doesn't play many western games.
Also, this many eastern female characters are fucking garbage but in a completely different way.
What western cast of characters have characters with more personality than characters from Danganronpa? Danganronpa characters each have their own unique outlook, quirks and we also explore what they want out of life.
I like it when girls are super shy and are armed
Have anymore?
Why armed?
Many western RPGs. KOTOR 2 and the Fallout games for example.
I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy that Yea Forums is often willing to forgive bad female characters if they're explictly designed as fapbait. Waifu culture is just as damaging to female character writing as forced diversity is.
Oh man I fucking love idols in business suits mafia/yakuza style.
>Waifu culture is just as damaging to female character writing as forced diversity is.
>West is good because all women are shitty men
>Japan bad because all women have the ideal female personality
>I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy that Yea Forums is often willing to forgive bad female characters if they're explictly designed as fapbait.
I think you're missing the point that a bad character designed as fapbait still at least has being fapbait going for them, as opposed to the west making bad characters that are designed to be ugly and thus have nothing going for them at all.
My childhood molestations were weird
It's the exact same shit in a different coat of paint. Both are about writing a character based on an arbitrary quota of characteristics rather than considering the character first. It's why you see so many recurrent character traits in Japanese media. Both are about trying to sell units rather than create a meaningful character first.
The only reason it's forgiven in the East is because some people jack off to it.
Because guns can be cute too
Why can't they be loli anal queens??
>Waifu culture is just as damaging to female character writing as forced diversity is.
No, actually it's the pinnacle of female character writing. Women exist ONLY to be desired by men, thus Waifu culture is the purest and most natural way for women to be portrayed.
>using recurring character traits is bad
You don't understand anything at all
When you are writing a female character, and millions of men say "I love her, I want her to be my wife!" then you have reached perfection
what does she want?
Gally is top waifu material but she also has a great character arc and involved personality. The two do not need to be mutually exclusive.