Regardless of whether or not you've played their series, tell me Yea Forums, left or right?
Regardless of whether or not you've played their series, tell me Yea Forums, left or right?
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I choose Bud.
Is that a hentai pic? post sauce
As someone who has no idea what the fuck this is 100%, I'd pick the one on the right.
luna but why are you posting cropped stuff?
right without a single doubt
This man here knows his shit.
Left no doubt about.
boxers off
Left on top of right
god I want to prone bone the drills girl
>not choosing the shy but curious girl type
Enjoy your normal and boring sex instead of something where you can do everything
Right, you're a gay if you choose left.
Sonia a cute
Left for lewd, right for wife
I choose the third option.
Always wanted to drill a drills ojousama so right, would've been left if it was the girl from the original show.
Left because she can fight and is nice and the right one is a cunt and can't fight
is that bootleg Daiya?
She predates Jojolion by quite a bit.
left, fuck retarded HUEG hair, fuck tsundere blondes, and fuck whiny bitches who need rescuing.
Sonia is based and based on Roll. All Rolls automatically win for being perfect lolis.
apex shit taste
Nice meme answer but Bud literally never does anything for you before you grab that shirt. He's a useless piece of shit that only causes trouble. He's not a bro, he's a loser
Left, drillfags need to hang
Sonia is cute, but Luna every time.
I like Luna, but it's not because of her drills. It's the ribbon that holds those drills up that makes her
I was going with right one, but after I realized that the thing behind her is actually her hair, it ruined my tomboy type. I guess I go with left.
Right, I've contemplated many times to suck it up and play the games for her
If it means anything, she's easily the most prominent character and interesting aside from the protagonist
Luna >>>>>>>>>> Sonia
>no drill
>Twin drills
not even a question .
Right, of course.
Based policeCHAD
I want them to kiss.
I'd love to massage her feet
Obviously right.
What do I need to sacrifice to gain the honor of messaging her feet and then have her walk over me?
>The Star Force games will never be remade with a non-shit battle system
Right. She looks cute and I like big hair.
The battle system isn't shit.
Need more objective fully-body shots to make an informed decision. Tentatively leaning left.
Right because drill hair.
Why not make a poll OP?
The battle system fucking sucks and is a direct downgrade from MMBN because some stupid asshole decided they wanted the game to be 3D because it was more technologically impressive.
>Everyone is back on SF3.
>Except Ophiuchus because lol she got a rabbit.
This still piss me off.
it's just faster.
It isn't though. It's just dumbed down.
it's streamlined for sure.
But SF plays way faster than BN, specially SF3 where shit got ironed.
who's a bigger tsundere Luna or Omega-Xis?
>no mega man at e3 whatsoever
What the FUCK is Capcom doing??!
>you will never play with her hair and rub your face in it
it hurts
Because that grants an air of objectivity, which
a) is not the point of a thread such as this
b) may not be accurate anyway
I'd argue the reverse, it' actually more difficult. Melee is a lot less viable than it was in BN because of how vulnerable it leaves you. Unfortunately, this does lead to balancing issues where the better cards are the ones that immediately hit your enemies with zero delay, so I wouldn't say it's harder in a way that makes it better
right . without a doubt
shout out to a dedicted artist
Ah, fair enough OP.
I pick right. Smoll tiddy = best tiddy
It'd be nice if Heriyama doujins didn't literally all have the same sex scene though. Like fuck, dude, would it kill him to actually involve those drills in some way?
Always bet on OHOHOHO
Luna for the long-term. I was a Soniafag but she peaks early and Luna just keeps on developing.
guy just knows what he likes
>the most representation Luvia ever got was in a lolibait show
the absolute state
Maybe, but then again, maybe he'd feel inspired to draw more than one doujin a year if he'd vary it up some more
You need to wait until robot waifus become a thing, but she could crush you with her weight.
I'm not even worthy of such glory
He made at least one that involved fucking the drills.
the fact he does them at all at this point
When will all of his Luna doujins get translated?
Left. Always and forever.
Starforce is shit and you should be embarrassed
Not OP, just perceptive.
I never saw it, but if he did, I'm betting it only lasted for one or two panels like anything he draws that isn't missionary position with handholding
the absolute state of soniafags
Right is right.
I love my tsuntsun
>I'm betting it only lasted for one or two panels like anything he draws that isn't missionary position with handholding
He is a perverted deviant after all.
>with handholding
can't post that here though
Best thing about Luna though is that she has some of the mildest tsun I've ever seen
Omega-Xis > Hope >Sonia > Queen > Vega > Amy > Bud > Luna
If you list isn't like this you're wrong
Sonia is actually protoman
Sonia made the most sense in the context of the games.
She's Geo's closest friend and has the most overall romantic tension. The concert she holds in 3 solidifies this.
Though judging by the choice you can make at the beach, they might have been leaning towards the player being able to choose in the next game but it never came out
>Geo's closest friend
>has nothing to do with his other friends, his normal life, and is absent for most of the first two games
They didn't think it through
>literally never does anything for you
So you weren't paying attention during the Diamond Ice scenario? Also, that's literally the point of his character arc, you slut.
I don't think Tia is supposed to look that young.
Rogue is ProtoMan and Bass. Because he's so cool, user. Do you think he's cool yet? P-please like Solo.
You mean the part where he turns into Taurus during the shoot and fucks up everything for the third game in a row? That they were able to use that shoot afterwards was mere coincidence
Right has a DFC+Drills, so it's not even a contest.
waifus are cool and all,but how bout we post some cool tunes from the games ost
What is it about Megaman girls that is so attractive?
I seriously cant explain. I would understand if its just Roll and a couple others, but pretty much every single female in this series makes my dick rock hard.
I dont even play the game those two are from but they are already giving me a boner.
Might be the artstyle, I dont know.
>apex shit taste
I thought the new navigators in X8 were kind of ugly
There was that one girl in ZX that was cosplaying as Fefnir too, she was too manly
don't talk bad about her
Atlas was manly because she had to make up for being partnered with a fuccboi.
How did Battle Network predict all these memes?
Right, her hair looks like drills and I like drills.
post cute atlas
That BowlMan picture was just an edit I made because of the mugshot.
But this one isn't.
I can't, because she isn't cute.
Right, simply because drills.
Right, obviously.
Even ignoring the obviously superior design, Luna clearly has better chemistry and a better position in the story. She's the class president, while not-Lan is the class delinquent. That automatically gives them some sort of relationship to play off each other. Even ignoring the whole "Mega Man is so hot why aren't you like him?" attempt they pull, she at least has a character and there is something to her character. Even as just an antagonist, she at least had some bits of conflict showing off she's just just enjoying bullying people around.
Sonia has nothing. She shows up, establishes herself as the not-Mayl, then fucks off for the whole story. She then shows up transformed, establishes herself as not-Roll, and fucks off as well. We get that she wants to be a musician but that's it, and she doesn't really do anything except saying hello at a few points. Sure, Mega Wolf and Harp Thingy apparently have a relationship, but I never gave a fuck about the Radio Aliens and their interpersonal relationships certainly didn't make them any more interesting.
Maybe Sonia got better in the 2nd and 3rd games, but she was very one-note in the first title. And I didn't bother with the other two after that.
Why's XJ-9 in the bottom row of that picture?
Luna is my wife irl
I guess the artist just likes Teenage Jenny.
Sonia got even worse in the second game (and to be fair, so did Luna) when they did a really contrived "I'm going to work with the bad guys to protect my friends" plotline, which is made even worse by her having about as much screentime as the first game
Third game goes out of its way to try to make up for the past two games in the amount of screentime she gets, but because she still doesn't have anything to do with the main cast, it comes off as a little forced sometimes. All the same, they did about all I could reasonably expect them to do even if she still doesn't have a real dynamic with Geo like Luna does
Right with all my heart
I want to fuck a drill until tortelinis spill out
this is a blue board user
think of the ads!
>there is a foot_licking tag on exhentai
You know why fool.
Real question is do we have a fucking paizuri only tag yet.
Cock goes where?
I got married to Luna in Japan. Small, but meaningful ceremony.
left, I have a debilitating pink fetish
Official art
i never knew i wanted this until now
Also official art
Is this an intro to fornicating with her hair?
I love cunny man starforce