I mean, he's not wrong. Nintendo is just trying to earn good goy points
I mean, he's not wrong. Nintendo is just trying to earn good goy points
Other urls found in this thread:
You could already do that in Pocket Camp. Now delete your gay twitter thread.
Yeah and it was fucking bullshit there as well
You know, some of us want to pretend we have an ebony gf packed to the brim with pussy and ass.
How is increasing customizability political baiting. Jesus Christ.
Unless they add tits and ass sliders I don't care
He's wrong and pathetic.
Yet he may be right because after all, we're living in clown world.
Adding skin tones for character customization was appreciated a decade ago, it still is now. More choces, what's here to hate.
But right now, it's entirely possible that the studio only added them to get free publicity from the politicized retards running vidya magazines.
Which is pretty sad, because it leads people like OP to be against something he'd appreciate in a different, politics-free timeline.
Literally this. There’s nothing political about this holy shit
>reee stop having character customization
Bet the gender selection really bends you out of shape too.
He sounds pretty based to me
Adding skin tones isn’t a big deal making a twitter thread discussing it makes it gay. Its literally character customization in an rpg
Its not nintendo doing the baiting
Based. Fuck nigger skin.
Listen, I hate niggers but I used to play new leaf with this one nig online and because there weren't skin tones he had to suntan his character at the tropical island to get slightly more brown lmao
It's decent to finally let the (inferior) non White's at least be their own skin. That way it's easier to know who to troll online in multiplayer!!
If you are upset over the ability to make delicious chocolate lolis get the fuck off my board.
>People like the tanning feature and wish it was year round
>They give it to them
speaking of political baiting I WONDER WHY YOU MADE THIS THREAD, OP
>don't have to wait on the beach for a few hours to make a black qt
feels good bros
but i'm brown bro why i gotta be white?
if selecting different skin tones really bothers you in any way you need to go outside or do people a favor and kill yourself
Fuck off and play a different game then
>the only way i can get enjoyment is through bullying others in a game because I wouldn't have the balls to do it in real life!
*sigh* white people...
>Adding skin tone options is now political pandering
Why don't you retards just shut the fuck up?
>Kotaku making a big deal out of nothing again.
Nothing new here.
>it's okay when Nintendo does it!
Political pandering is political pandering and it's fucking horseshit no matter who does it.
>more customization is political
fucking what is wrong with these people, are they never satisfied?
you play a different game bitch boy
>social political issues
Must suck being black and having bozo the clown telling you your birth color is about the republicans vs democrats war, and you must take side at all cost.
nice falseflag
Or maybe they're just finally adding the logical basic element that was missing from the character customization? Hundreds of games have had this customization element for fucking years, even before diversity ever was a big political issue. It adds more freedom to character customization and that's always preferable to less freedom, not to mention it's pretty low effort to implement. Probably even lower effort than the tanning mechanic they had in previous games, so there's no real reason for them not to add it, especially because they have already been doing it in Pokemon.
>Could add more features
>could add more items
>could add mor NPCs and house customization
>...nah lol let's focus on the melanin mechanic
nigger I only want to play as delicious chocolate living her comfy life on a tropical island so fuck off with your politics bullshit
Yikes! /pol/ so fragile
The only way to get darker skin in New Leaf was to tan it on Tortimer island. If they used that system in the new game everyone would be a nigger after the first day since it takes place on a tropical island.
So you're claiming the game has literally no new items, no new NPCs, no new customizations for your house and no new features just because they added a skin color option?
Like, 100% literally nothing new at all, the only thing new added to the game is a skin tone slider?
"This post is extremely low quality"
and it goes in all fields.
It's not political pandering you fucking absolute waste of sperm cells. Literally stop being such a little bitch.
Fuck off, /pol/ are our allies you fucking retarded redditor
If the point of a game is to make your own avatar then there's nothing wrong with having customizable looks.
When a game has a named main character that's when I take issue with the mindset that they have to include customization options. The people who are like "why can't I make Link be a girl, or black?" Link is an established character and you can't just go changing him to look like yourself.
Dial eight.
This board has been circlejerking Dark Souls for 7 years and I don't think I've ever once seen someone bitch about being able to make yourself a nigger in it.
>You mean I'll be able to live out my fantasy of being a BLACK MAN? Heckin based! Thank you Nintendo!
NO niggers allowed on my island.
Hello schizo
why is this bad
Why is this the 1st AC game to do this?
>The people who are like "why can't I make Link be a girl, or black?"
I'm sure these same people would appreciate a black female protagonist who isn't allowed to speak, constantly gets sent on deadly missions despite being young, has to scavenge or kill for most of their equipment, and is often tricked or manipulated by the villain.
/pol/ is reddit
>/pol/ are our allies
Well that explains the decline in quality of this board
This English hurts me.
Reminder that most of the people pretending to be outraged by this are reddit and RetardERA tourists falseflagging for easy screencaps they can share to their fellow white knights.
finally i can stay tan without having to do that stupid fucking process every day
How they fuck did Nintendo get away with no skin color customization in Animal Crossing for so long? Hell they still get away with it Fire Emblem, you can customize Robin/Corrin's name, hair, hair color, eye color and age/body type, but you can't change their skin tone for some reason. I guess Three Houses literally goes in the opposite direction since you can't customize the avatar character at all in that game.
>it's another twitter screencap thread
wew lad
>I mean, he's not wrong
Yes he is
Dumb summerfag
An island nation where ~99% of the citizens are of the same ethnicity means you don't get a large outcry of people needing more skin tones to feel represented.
I want /pol/ to leave
I too always wanted to play as a red spike haired Dennis Rodman nigger in my comfy Animal Crossdressing!
I like how people are saying this doesnt matter because its a Nintendo game while if it were any other game they would screech about white genocide propaganda
you came here in 2016 you failed abortion. you are the problem
And I want SJW's to fucking die, the only difference is that I'm going to get what I want.
I hope skin color being selectable doesn't prevent the tanning mechanic, especially because it takes place on a deserted island. I want to get a really dark tan from playing in summer just like previous games.
Thought black kids were smarter than wanting to play a funko sims.
>played AC with qt black gamer girl
> her character is white as fuck
Felt strange as fuck before I remembered there's only white characters, but really this isn't some race baiting shit it's just them expanding on what they normally do.
I just want my horn hat
>this thread
I remember when racism on here was just satire
Yea Forums has always been strictyl republican you fucking dipshit
Cease this retardation at once. Idiots like you really like bitching about the most frivolous stuff ever.
Welcome to your average twitter screencap thread, enjoy your stay nigger.
>imagine being an insecure honkey
i can't imagine any good reason to be against more customization, but to those of you that are complaining, do you even play the series?
Speak for yourself, braindead moron
>black people exist
it's all so tiresome
>want to make my character black because i am
>i can finally do it
>apparently its political
Its fucking normal and a non-issue you flaming nigger FAGGOT.
Why do you want Yea Forums to be an anti-white safespace?
you have schizophrenia
>Yea Forums
you do know Yea Forums has a large amount of boards all with different posting cultures? Heck, Yea Forums's tan is legit in a love hate gay relationship with Yea Forums.
Why do you want Yea Forums to be about politics all the time?
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
I mean, before Pocket Camp you could do the same thing by tanning
Now you don't need to do that if you want darker skin
Not an answer.
That board-tan shit is outdated and cringe as fuck
play video games
nah, /pol/ is fucking based, save for lefty/pol/
Shut the fuck up you falseflagging tranny faggot, you don't sound like a /pol/fag, you stick out like a sore thumb, fuck off and let us talk about vidya in peace
>Customization options in a game where the lead character is a playable avatar instead of a defined character is bad.
>board-tan shit is outdated and cringe as fuck
lurk moar
dilate is 2 syllables, not 3
Neither was yours. But hey, at least we both agree that the board-tans are gay shit
The character "customization" from the last 4 games have fucking sucked.
I could see this being valid if ac was a jap exclusive game but they always came out over seas
Sure is summer in here
>Yea Forums has always been strictyl republican you fucking dipshit
exploding van
Underage please go, you weren't here during Bush.
>It's more customization! How is that bad!
You literal FUCKING retards, keep saying that shit when the
>"You can make your characters BLACK!"
has evolved into
>"You can make your character NON-BINARY!"
has evolved to
>"You can't choose your characters gender anymore because that might be offensive!"
Then maybe you'll see why this is a serious fucking problem.
>Yea Forums has always been strictyl republican
Wanna know how I know you came here during 2016?
I want this board to be about videogames and free from twitter screencaps and politics.
If you want your white supremacist safespace, it exists, it's called /pol/ and you should stay there.
based history rewriters
>slippery slope
>more customization means less customization
Based irony
>Muh slippery slope
Please go back to your paranoid hole
>But right now, it's entirely possible that the studio only added them to get free publicity from the politicized retards running vidya magazines.
The free publicity they're getting is from the "nooo, this is literal white genocide, let's start a #BanAnimalCrossing hashtag and talk about it contstantly! That'll show 'em!" crowd.
It's not slippery slope when in the vast majority of cases, one thing did lead to another. This is no different
And before that Happy Home designer I'm pretty sure
>a vast majority of cases
Name three
>vast majority of cases
I'm sure you can name even one videogame series in which the thing you described happened then.
Just one is enough.
>Imagine defending SJW Crossing.
I miss /new/. At least those faggots knew to keep to themselves for the most part.
And now they're pushing for pedophilia to be accepted
>He thought the LBGTP thing was real
You might be the dumbest motherfucker this side of the planet.
Unironically go out and talk with people or kill yourself.
You're lucky I don't know you IRL because I would bash your fucking head into the pavement until all thats left is mush
Black fragility is real
Why is it bad that a game that very clearly encourages you to self-insert and express yourself gives you more customization options?
Stupid faggots trying to push agendas in fucking video games
Of course I want my character to look like me
I know lmao. You show them that they're being retards and they all start chimping the fuck out
>what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
>Black people: Exists
>REEEEE Niggers!
Get fucked bitchboy
White creativity has boiled down to "no u"
Stupid faggot
All politics are cancer
is this the schizoid thread?
>And now they're pushing for pedophilia to be accepted
When you say "they", you are talking about pedophiles right? No one other than those faggots are advocating to be included with the LGBT community
Because pol is cancer and insecurity makes for shittt conversation
/pol/ is a containment board, bud. Same with /mlp/ and Yea Forums
Is this you OP?
/pol/ is the one pulling for pedos to be lumped in with LGBT tbdesu
What if you had the original way of determining what you looked like? If you answered the question, "What is your favorite sport?" with basketball, it made your character black.
Probably because they fucking should be? The vast majority of all child rapist/murderers were all identified by LGBT shit
sounds like to me that you're obsessed with trannies to me.
>Animal Crossing is kind of a weird game to inject politics into, isn't it?
Nice fanfic lol
Same reason why murderers plead insanity
show me more examples
You can still have horn hat if you use a pattern as your hat.
>laughing at the most stupid people in the room
furry-sympathizers must die
Kill yourself fag enabler
>can change skin tone in the character creator
Even if you're being ironic that's still stupid
>read through thread
>Yea Forums has literally become the leftist safespace antiwhite shithole it proclaims to hate so much
Yea Forums is dead
Yea Forums is so fucking dead holy shit
Not really. Just alot of Animal Crossing fans now are tranny furries.
Literally go to a mental institution.
>has officially become
I have been here for over 10 years
Lmao animal crossing was always a tranny game now matter how much the GC boomers tell you otherwise. I mean ffs just look at chris chan today
>if you aren't outraged at custom skin tones in a game you are anti white leftest
either legit retard or falseflag
Of all Nintendo IPs, AC has to be the most overrated one with the most annoying fanbase
there's nothing wrong with this. We've had skin color options for all kinds of games dating back to the 90s. literal non issue, kys yourself
Nigger you haven't even SEEN metroid's fanbase
I played it when I was 8 cause it was comfy and cute. I'm not gay or a tranny.
Explain to me without sounding like a complete paranoid fucking loser how any of this affects me or why I should I care.
They're not forcing you people to play as a nigger. Why are you trying to crusade against this?
Out of all Nintendo IPs I always thought "Nintendo will never find a way to ruin such a simple game"
I was wrong. Nothing is safe.
you can be a trap in previous games, why is skin tone a issue?
Nintendo is just adding a feature. Kotaku is the one taking it and leveraging identity politics for clicks.
No lol
Pan chan?
To be fair, it is an attack on masculine men.
Imagine being a jigger with red hair
There is no character creation in animal crossing, your features are arbitrarily determined by random questions. What random question would you like to have correspond to skin color? "Are you black or white?" What happens if a kid answers this question 'wrong' and ends up the skin color they don't want? If you've ever played an AC game you know exactly what I'm talking about. Sounds like they're letting you choose your appearance instead of determining it through a silly questionnaire.
I havent played an Animal Crossing since Wild World. I'm surprised this hasn't been a thing until now.
t. election tourist
Jack Pot
>being rational and not a reactionist retard over a fucking optional skin tone slider makes me a leftist
Take your pills
So when you shooting up your school laddie?
Don't generalise the whites.
>*sigh* white people
Because look at how insecure this guy is. He not sure if he likes poc or not. He just trynna fit in by being racist online.
>being rational
>wojak poster
nice and all but 9.
Don't reply to the slav falseflagger. It's how he gets his paycheck
But it's in the wrong order
Whoops you dropped that
couldn't you do that in new leaf?
>disliking qt chocolate blob anime girls
>not wanting to play as adorable brownie on her deserted island
Are you guys gay?
terrible form there.5
What the fuck does clown world mean?
Chinese people talk backwards
They are literally announcing a feature.
Why do you interpret this as baiting? Why does your brain work this way? Are you broken?
>Fuck off, /pol/ are our allies you fucking retarded redditor
Not so fat check this 7.
Are you retarded?
>Look mom, I posted it again!
If 3 this thread is shit
It’s their schizo dystopian fantasy world.
No! This is Fake News created by George Soros and Hilary Clinton!
Based Boomers.
First time I've ever posted that.
if 3 I am the greatest.
>What the fuck does clown world mean?
It's a reddit meme.
Crashing this thread with no survivors
It's just fucking click bait trash. You can take any news like this and then effortlessly shit out an article from an SJW perspective that will generate clicks and attention, and THAT'S THE POINT.
This "story" is similar to rumors of Zelda being playable in BotW2. Maybe if some western dev did something similar to that they would make it about woke signalling and pandering, but Nintendo is just pursuing an interesting idea and doing something that genuinely appeals to a lot of fans, they are not promoting some feminist agenda.
Why do you redditors type like faggots?
>jesus christ!
>holy FUCK!
Do you think this makes you sound cooler?
Nobody did this, mad schizotard
>I no longer have to look up a personality quiz answer tree to pick my appearance
I'm okay with this
Same. It just feels odd.
>the town is still going to be smaller than the N64 version
>four console generations later and the first version is still the best
fucking why
Pretty sure you will, but still, you will be able to pick your skin color like you pick your sex
Or not. Enjoy being a random black girl with pink hair
I'm a monarchist
>Hey, what's your favorite food?
It's all so tiresome
Wrong どうぶつの森 on N64 never came out in the west
redditredditredditredditredditreddit AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH
It should be
Animal Crossing GC is literally just an expanded version of Dōbutsu no Mori.
Yes but the original never came out there
tell me more user
Why do I not have the option to customize my pronouns separate from my sex then?
This, reddits not even that bad right guys? Holy fuck. Jesus Christ. Shit. Damn.
Every single thread
Yeah only redditors are allowed to swear. Such a mundane thing to get so worked up over.
>being able to customize your character is now SJW
good god I hate gamers.
I don't know nigger, you tell me. You're the one here obsessed with the damn site.
THIS. God damn. Holy Fuck.
Holy shit I know. Shit. Fuck.
You have a good point! They should add that option.
>Being the hero is just the white man's burden! You think you want a shot in the limelight but you don't know what's good for you and are better off being Le based blackguy sidekicks and the walking vaginas that we get rewarded with for saving the world XD
Literally nobody is saying that though. The far-left media has made you paranoid.
>things nobody has said
Corporations = evil
Diversity = good
Corporations + diversity = good but for an evil purpose (money)
Try and keep up.
Is it just me, or are there way more "Internet Tough Guys" on Yea Forums these days, that unironically act like that old Gorilla Warfare copy-pasta?
>HAS evolved to
But it hasn't you lying delusional retard.
None of your paranoid bs is in this or any game.
Fuck. Damn.
I'm a newfag that got here around 8 years ago, but I remember that Yea Forums had less political fighting either way back then, and more off-topic Yea Forums 2.0 shitposting.
will new AC let me be bald
You literally could customize your character in every game except skin tone was only just from tans until now. I dont know why it wasn't sooner, it makes so sense
All the rage face shit in that image is ironic now that Yea Forums itself is flooded with Wojak edits these days.
>the darker your skin tone, the higher your debt/interest rate with Tom Nook
I'm fine with this.
>"You can make your characters BLACK!" will become "You can make your character NON-BINARY!"
No, because ethnicities have existed for eons, while this LGBTQ stuff has only been forced for the last 30 some years
>censored username
OP, you made that tweet didn't you
his is just sad
This is worse than the gay rat wedding
Shit. Damn. Piss.
Soul Calibur has let you customize characters since the third installment including their skin tones yet that shit didn't happen yet.
Is this a clever falseflag to make these people seem ridiculous similar to how /pol/ made fake twitter accounts to make SJWs seem ridiculous? Or did everyone just lose several billion braincells here? literally having these ridiculous political discussions living rent-free in your heads you've ended up unironically falling for the phrase "everything is political"
this is more a QOL thing. i uswd to have to leave my system on to tan, until i started using the save editor. this is just a timesaver
it's a faggot meme that they really think is hilarious
Wait, this wasn't a thing already? I swear there's a black Villager alt in smash?
>faggot has a clown avatar
>is most likely one of this cunts who thinks racism is only bad when whites are the target
You aren't a masculine man if you like animal crossing you onions fuck
who's ready to see quarterpounder's next video about how nintendo is pandering
Careful not to overdose on that /pol/ redpill, Jacob.
I love how in the real world people preface their statements with "I'm not racist but..." and on Yea Forums you get "I hate niggers, but..."
why do you watch things that make you irrationally angry
Looks like the one playing a different game is you bitch
A slippery slope is not by definition a fallacy. Only when it's another kind of non sequitur, where there is no reasonable path from A to B.
>all alcoholics started by drinking water, so don't drink water or you'll become an alcoholic
This is a slippery slope fallacy. Assuming that, in the name of ever-more customization, some absurd stuff will eventually happen, is not a slippery slope but to be expected.
>us gays just want tolerance, it's not like we'll demand the right to marry, be represented in all your media, demand to be featured in sex ed classes of your kid, and demand the right to adopt children, you slippery slope faggot
People on the right are done having the moral high ground and holding themselves to a higher standard than the left. Free speech absolutists on the right will allow the left to spew their drivel while the left is never this gracious in return. This asymmetry in power will eventually lead to the right's defeat.
And how exactly does being able to choose your skin tone lead to removing gender altogether if not via a nonsequiter slippery slope?
A number of reasons:
1-. This was never a thing until NOW, when race tensions are at all times high.
2-. Leftist outlets (mostly controlled by vox) are using it as a sign of progressiveness when it's not, although it might be, because of the reason above.
favorite villager?
Since gender is a spectrum (apparently) there is literally an infinite amount of possible genders. No matter how much options you add it will never be enough, and if you add an "other" category people will be offended they were lumped in in that category. Better to just remove it and be done with it. Gender is a social construct anyway and it can change at any second so no use implementing it.
What does that have to do with skin tone?
Consumers feel like they can't catch a break with the constant diversity being shoved down their throats, and this is an affirmation of said shoving.
If you can change your skin tone in the name "increased customizability" is no great leap of logic to assume that someday they'll allow the same for gender. The underlying principle is the same for both gender and skin color. Thus no fallacious slippery slope.
>Enjoying a peacful day in town
>Suddenly a fucking jiggaboo comes lip smacking his way around
>Steals the giraffes lawn ornaments
>Kills and eats Lady Hen
>Chimps out at the cops
>Ends up getting shot
>Suddenly a million chimps descend into your town
Probably brought in by Tom Nook to lower real estate prices
hurry user I need more to be OUTRAGED AT!! also before you post I am NOT taking part in outrage culture!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm just like an sjw!!!!
I searched that tweet, theres nothing pertaining to the words in OP's post, given the fact that he censored the name. He probably either edited a tweet using inspect, or he posted that himself and deleted the tweet so we couldn't find him so he could continue to get (You)'s
The saddest part is it worked because Yea Forums is just nu-/pol/ looking to be outraged at shit that doesn't even exist.
So I guess you won OP, you baited some retards into responding to you and believing you.
God I hate this board
>implying anyone likes blacks
>hating on based Quartering.
>all gender activists start by advocating for more skin tones, so don't include the option to choose skin tone or you'll have to remove gender for being offensive
>because Yea Forums is just nu-/pol/ looking to be outraged at shit that doesn't even exist.
These days I kind of miss how Yea Forums used to be just "Yea Forums with video games" instead of having all this political nonsense.
Oh so I did a little more digging, and the original post was here: twitter.com
You'll notice that it's from a popular twitter account with 200+ comments and a couple retweets.
Coincidentally, they also censor the names of people, why? Probably because they use the inspect element to fake their shit.
As there has been NOTHING in the past 16 hours since that tweet was posted, bringing it up or even mentioning that person besides someone 8 hours ago.
So that means that OP follows a fucking reddit account to repost on Yea Forums to continue to get (You)'s.
Shits pretty pathetic
Yes...? That's literally why the fucking skin tone shit is a problem
>brownies in my video games
In the future you blind retards will just say "okay so you can pick from 1200 genders now. What's the problem? It's more customization."
I literally used the example of a slippery slope in
Why is this thread still up?
In New Leaf I remember I had to tan my character to get the right skin tone.
It's not "political baiting" to add the ability to customize character skin tone, nor is the way Kotaku reported on it "political baiting", there should be literally zero controversy to be able to bait by adding that feature, it's a non-issue.
They titled the headline like that because there is a lot of people that constantly begged for that feature, and now it's in there.
There is no reason to assume that people who drink water will end up becoming alcoholics. There are plenty of reasons to assume that people who advocate for more skin tone representation in video games, will eventually argue for more gender representation as well. And then this () will happen.
Literally just ignore what people say oh my God. Get out of your fucking political bubble and enjoy video games for once in your life.
You people are just as bad as leftists making things political, by arguing about it you're feeding into it.
Honestly, it was pretty fucking weird that animal crossing wouldn't let you pick your skin color, it's a basic feature of life sims.
Nuke this thread for the love of God
>just ignore it while everything gets worse each year
Also, by making all things political, leftists seem to get their way while people on the right are being told to "stop making things political and ignore it all". Doesn't sound like good advice.
>Hot Gamer Takes twitter screencap
But why
>Yea Forums has been going on about this political shit since Tropes vs Women 7 years ago
>Everything's just gotten worse since then
Am I being baited? Do you seriously think the only people that would ever want more skin tones are social activists that want diversity for the sake of it? And not, you know, normal people that actually have those skin colors? Normal people that drink water without abusing alcohol?
I remember when the ability to crossdress in Animal Crossing was made public, /pol/ had a thread talking about how it was brainwashing youth to be trannies, it was pretty funny, I'll see if I have a screencap of it.
>when its not included
>when it is included
>posts logically sound argument
>aM i BeInG bAiTeD?!?!
Lefties are afraid of both Yea Forums and reddit
So that's a yes. No more (You)s for you.
Uh, so why can black people demand representation but not trannies?
What 3rd world shithole are you from where they cannot afford to teach you proper english?
>NOW, when race tensions are at all times high
right. surely race tensions are higher now than during the civil rights protests in the 1960s...
I remember when leftists used to laugh at dumb conservatives when they claimed that shooting games made people more violent. A few years later those same leftists are claiming that video games "perpetuate harmful stereotypes of women and minorities" and are slowly turning gamers into divorced-from-reality racists and sexists.
Hell, its only been a couple of decades since the LA race riots.
Or maybe Ferguson from earlier in this decade created higher racial tensions than now?
Said no one, ever.
If it doesn’t matter then why complain at all? You literally stomped on your own argument.
Thanks Kotaku for asking the hard hitting questions
Wow it's almost like different races living closely together doesn't work at all
I think the person means the tweet, but animal crossing is just advertising there, not pandering for good boy points.
>light brown skin
>short blonde hair
You got me, NIntendo.
Animal Crossing is a game designed to make you self insert with the character you create.
It's good that they add more customisation options. I hope they let us choose hair and eyes and everything this time. Having to look up the right answers to get the look I want was dumb.
>include faggots
>don't include faggots
The only winning move is not to play and do what you want.
Then you gave up arguments. Nice.
Usually I would agree with clownboy there, but he's really reaching pretty hard on that one.
You can change your skin color, that's it.
"Baiting on social political isssues"?
Not sure what baiting has been done here, they haven't cursed the conolizing whypipo, or made being black mandatory and integrated it into story. Homeboy is just being dumb.
What part of that post isn't proper English?
I dont argue with retards
I like how in astral chain your sisters skin tone matches the one you choose
Sounds like you give up when you don’t have any good counter points.
Twitter threads are shit, to be honest.
so what? you could make JC Denton black too
It has no place in a fucking Animal Crossing game.
Why not?
why not? we could already reach the dark skin tones through tanning. i personally made use of that but it's a pain to keep up. nothing wrong with a permanent way of doing so
Dumb anime poster
Wrong. It was in HHD.
Quit being a fag.
Yeah I gotta agree with ya. It would be bullshit if you played as a conically white character, but in AC the character is a medium for you.
me too.
Twitter threads get the (You)'s
Political threads get the (You)'s
You want them to die? You want Yea Forums to talk about videogames?
Report and stop responding.
Video games are terrible right now.
Because who literally like niggers?
i just want to say that I like trains
>more choices bad because niggers ooga booga
you're a fucking cariacature at this point.
he's wrong. people have always complained how you can't choose anything about your character in animal crossing. the only way is late game when you unlock the hair salon but even then the new hairstyles you get are partially random
AC is a series that more-or-less encourages you to self-insert. I honestly do not understand how anyone can be upset at being given more ways to customise your character.
As someone who has been playing since the GameCube, I won't be picking this up now. I was on the fence after the awful gameplay they showed yesterday, but this is the final nail in the coffin. I thought Nintendo didn't bow to the SJWS? Why did you lie to me, Yea Forums?
B-But Nintendo is based and redpilled NO! NOOOO
Yup, another one falls to the SJWs
>black people exist
>trans people exist
>women exist
"wtf bros talk about clown world LMAO KEK SHADILAY fellow magabros! xd"
>hey guys look at my tweet please give me attention!
I truly hate what this board has become
all thanks to 2016 and it's gonna get a shitload worse come December and you know it
Good Miiverse post, Tom.
>Hurrrr I hate TheBasening
i dont really have an issue with skin colors being selectable in a game where you're potentially playing as "you"
if you disagree with this, you are probably a pol autist
>I defend e-celeb fatass outrage clickbait artists on Yea Forums by dabbing on the dabbers
You are far worse than the other guy.
based make the niggers seethe
Yes but Hey Super Doki Doki Monogatari no Daibouken no Densetsu was the better one.
Not an argument.
Character customization isn't a bad thing.
Taking twitter screencaps of literal who retards that are never satisfied and posting it on Yea Forums to bait political talk is, however. Tell these people to fuck off and stop looking into shit so unnecasarily deep, along with yourself OP. Like goddamn.
>any color other than white is instantly political reeeee
Fucking kill yourself
Adding customization isn't injecting politics you fucking sperg. You can still play as a white guy. Who cares if someone else doesn't? It's not like Battlefield where they attempted to actually rewrite history.
Customizable skin tones on a chacter isn't a problem and never has been, the problem is when they try to force people to play as some YAAAAAAAS KWEEN SLAY black afro woman and make a big deal about it for its own sake.
>implying nigger villagers would ever pay off their mortgage to Tom
ayo look mf im jus in it for the porn ok dont u lump me in with those other sobs who dress in costumes
Literally you injecting politics into something that isnt political.
>past doesn't exist
Kill yourself degenerate
This kind of thing isn't new. I remember how everyone on Yea Forums went on about Yea Forums back when that board was the biggest Yea Forums board.
Sounds you try too hard to not trigger /pol/ fags. Just say that you don't mind the feature without putting it in a rhetoric shit sandwich first
Have sex.
Cringe and bluepilled, who gives a flying fuck about being able to choose skin tone in a kids game. Jesus christ Yea Forums fix your shit or quit
Yea Forums truly is dead. Long live the new kings of Reset/v/ra.
The fact nobody replied to you shows this thread is 90% bots and falsflaggers.
Who are these cuckies
Deus Ex let you be black, and that's a game older than most of the retards in this thread.
oh god oh fuck
>nooooo nobody thinks skin color choice is white genocideeeee!!!!
>why doesnt everyone make things political like meeeeeee!?
Who are you quoting?
ok then you are just an autistic sperg for caring about customizing your own character lol, doesnt matter to me
ya but the difference is Yea Forums was filled with lovable autists who are self-aware meanwhile /pol/ is filled with literal neo-nazis spreading actual propaganda. and it doesn't help that 2edgy4u teenagers go there cause their parents don't love them enough or whatever and they see all the shitty jpegs of misinformation and before you know it they start posting >hurr durr da nose knows amirite!! and boom another bigoted waste of space is created in this shitty enough website.
Kotaku are the ones race baiting by saying "selectable skin tones" instead of just saying "character customization". Almost every game has skin tones as part of the character creator.
>/pol/ is filled with literal neo-nazis spreading actual propaganda
While I don't really care about politics either way, I do miss when the off-topic stuff on Yea Forums was just stuff like this.
The game already had customization. Theyre just mentioning one extra customization feature. Stop being such a snowflake cuck
>adding in skin color selection is now a political statement
The fuck is wrong with this generation? Whatever happened to 'because it makes sense to do'?
The Simpsons did it and no one cared until "recently"
>and that's a game older than most of the retards in this thread.
I've only just realized now that people younger than Deus Ex 1 are now allowed to post here.
>skin tone slider
Wow it's fucking nothing. The most basic of basic character creators have that. Start complaining when it's a gender slider.
That doesnt count because...
have sex
>This was never a thing until now
It's been a thing in the past few animal crossing games, HHD and Pocket Camp
>When racial tensions are at an all time high
Oh, you're retarded.
>Why are you forcing me to be a retard who gets angry at insignificant things? I just want to play my vidya
Underrated kek
The guy who posted this has more teeth than IQ points
Want to know how I know you were a literal child during the Bush years?
>>"You can't choose your characters gender anymore because that might be offensive!"
Name 1 (one) game that actually does this
Check yourself into a mental institution if you're this mad about a skin tone slider in a video game, holy shit
It means a cyberpunk world
Literally why
>game meant to appeal to anyone is trying to appeal to everyone
you faggots are so one sided, god damn. find a new conspiracy to latch onto.
Just get Team Ninja to help out for that.
It's only natural for Americans to protect Jews. They are your masters after all.