How much does CDPR pay you? It's incredible to me how many are now taking it up the ass for CDPR.
>Bullet-sponge enemies
>Limp shooting
>Hacking is just a contextual Watch-Dogs button press
>Only 12 skills in a skill tree
And you all scream about how it's a weak hitpiece even though with any other game you would scream at how it would be guaranteed to fail because all of those elements are fucking garbage. Literally Borderlands-tier gameplay.
How much does CDPR pay you? It's incredible to me how many are now taking it up the ass for CDPR
Other urls found in this thread:
shut the fuck up nigger
imagine creating so shitty and bland game you have to hire the most popular person of the last few years just to promote it
Now imagine how shitty Death Stranding is gonna be with Kojima hiring multiple celebrities.
>people are now defending Cyberpunk even though hacking is now literally fucking Ubisoft-tier and enemies are bullet sponges and skill trees are small
Open world was a fucking mistake, why couldn't it just be a hub like the recent Deus Ex games?
I'll give it 22% of being true, which is astronomically high considering the current state of the AAA industry.
Why does this game trigger trannies so hard bros?
And it will still sell a billion copies because cyberpunk is the most overrated genre in the past decade.
Kinda weird, because when I imagine the demographic for cyberpunk media, I imagine trannies and commies
>can just deflect any criticism with "tranny" now like a fucking faggot
It's unironically just nintincels.
Secretly they know it's pathetic that they have to make 20 threads a minute about DLC to a children's party game.
This is how they cope.
Feels good your crappy shtposting means absolutely nothing compared to how praised this game will be and of course it will sell millions of copies, in other words eat shit and keep seething fags.
shut the fuck up nigger
it's ubi false flaggers. I guarantee once watchdogs comes out the fake outrage will fall off a cliff
more like flopdogs, only literal trannies are hyped for that shit
The marketing is more aggressive and shilliing than any game ever. Without a doubt. They might be j running for must indoctrinated and gullible fanbase. Close with Fromsoft and Nintendo
It's an rpg which claims to have many choices and outcomes.
That's all i need to be hyped.
Im not triggered tho
They're paying us with some of the best games ever made
They triggered le libs so now they get free shills
>muh racial deversity
>muh lgbt+
>muh black lives matter
>muh nazism
>muh capitalism
this is my reason, and now with carrot included
Stay mad.
I was kinda interested until they dropped the physical media for PC.
>inb4 optical drive in 2020
Blu-rays aren't expensive to make and it would have been nice to not take options away.
My computer actually won't run the game decently
Did they change it?
>I hate this game, it looks like shit!
>Better start a thread about it, drawing even more attention to the game instead of just ignoring it
More than Nintendo pays you
I made a thread about the game mechanics, They don't pay us. But we can't post news about the game for the reason I've explained in my thread
search for journalist
>for a game guaranteed to come out without DRM
Collectorfagging is literally the only reason to want a physical release here. Otherwise you can:
Back it up to your personal cloud server
Back it up to a hard drive
Back it up to 20 DVDs
Back it up to a Blu-ray disc
Back it up to ~70000 floppies
And reinstall it on whatever computer whenever the fuck you feel like it.
Tell me when I can resell my digital copy.
Yea Forums being butthurt about a popular game being hyped and/or liked is the most common cliche of this decade.
>Buying/selling 2nd hand
Disgusting. Might as well just be honest and fucking pirate.
>Bullet-sponge enemies
>Limp shooting
>Hacking is just a contextual Watch-Dogs button press
>Only 12 skills in a skill tree
Now kill yourself
seething cdpr drone