
> We’re playing as a Netrunner, which means we can hack turrets. It’s a little disappointing that the first example of hacking is so mundane, but soon we’re tapping into robot boxing trainers and gym weights. The robot punches someone’s face off, and a poor fella who’s working out gets his neck crushed. It’s neat, but very Watch Dogs – you’re not being creative, you’re just walking up and pressing a contextual hack button.

> The stabbing causes V to level up, and the person playing the demo opens up a menu with twelve options for skill points, though we don’t get a good look at them. Once the menu’s closed, a man comes at us with superhuman speed, but we grab hold of him and advance on a turret as it riddles his body with bullets. Then – because again, we’re very strong – we rip the turret off its base and turn it on the Animals. At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.

> On a very different note, the shooting looks limp. Bullets pile into people as their healthbars tick down, each shot lacking impact despite goon after goon tumbling to the floor. I’m hoping I won’t need to resort to my gun too often, though: abilities like that turret manhandling spice up what looks like piddly gunplay.

This will get bombarded by reviews. Remember to not give a shit about CP2077's metacritic score since everyone will take off marks for problematic representation of trannies and niggers

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Other urls found in this thread:


We all know these journalist rate games based on a (((checklist))).

reads like a smear paper
somebody must have been very upset

>This will get bombarded by reviews.
I will bombard those reviewers with semen.

lmao janky ass game confirmed

>obvious clickbait/shit stirring article to get clicks
wow what an incredible take

what a weenie

>Weak gunplay
What the fuck, how is this valid criticism? New Vegas had weak as fuck gameplay but is still a 11/10 game, fucking retarded journos.



Boy, I sure do love Polygon-tier sites!

>Dude black people are animals
Why are leftists always subtle racists? As a conservative black it really fucking irks me and make wants me to behave like a person that some would advise not to relax around.

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>problematic representation of trannies and niggers

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Literally all his articles read the same about every popular game LOL

Why would they care about gunplay, they can’t even play fps game on the easiest setting.

Is anyone ever gonna tell them most of these gangs and their names/designs come straight from Mike Pondsmith, who is black?

>says that gunplay is weak
>gets horrified from stabbing/minigunning down thugs
>typical sjw smearing

yeah, sounds legit

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Who is this shark qt?

It's how he gets clicks for his irrelevant site.

"black people are the real racists" -kotaco

>rebranded QTE events

you just know

you can see how good the gunplay is from the last demo
>slow mo
>shooting through walls
>blowing off legs
>different movement like sliding
>ricocheting bullets off walls
what are they faggots on about?

>Giving a rats shit about what (((game journalists))) say.
I will do the same I've been doing for years. Wait until the game is out and see for myself whether I will like it or not.
I don't need some loser who's too incompetent to become a real journalists telling me if a game is good or not. Not to mention that these "journalists" most of the time suck at games.

They will just start calling him an Uncle Tom


It's confirmed, this game is going to be great.

>its a shooter so basically everyone has to die with a bullet
this is journalism
in 2019

>unironically linking gaming journalism sites

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>At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.


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Linking to these outrage outlets should really be a bannable offense.

>At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.
bros I'm so sick of reading this sjw tripe every fucking day. It activates the 'for fucks sake' part of my brain.
I don't want to live in this clown world anymore.

They aren't just outrage outlets.
They are America.

Reminder that these faggots and trannies are running a smear campaign ever since that (((problematic))) tweet by CDPR. He mentions the "weak gunplay" just to put on a facade of actual criticism over this blatant shitposting. Notice what has priority in the article. It's all about the boogeyman racists over at CDPR.

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i mean the leftists are keeping the black communities in the ghetto, and will do so forever if people don't figure it out.

RPS is british
So is the smear outlet Eurogamer
Brits are just as bad as americans trust me

It's not even a shooter. The comparison to NV or Deus Ex, Bioshock and Prey is much more apt, and all those games have relatively weak gunplay, yet it doesn't take away from them very much, since they're not shooters per se.

That DOES sound like shit though? What part about this am o suppose to scoff at?

>it pisses off lefties
>it pisses off nerds
This is gonna flop hard and even Keanu won't save it.

I know user. Really fucks with my head that I have to throw my lot in with /pol/ sometimes, but I can't ignore what I have seen as someone who grew up in DC.

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I wonder how this guy felt when playing Wolfenstein. You know, a game where you do nothing but shoot white people labeled as monsters.
Hell in fact aren't 99% of the cannon fodder in games white men? Why aren't SJWs complaining about "MUH REPRESENTATION!" in that sense? Why aren't there more women, niggers, and trannies to kill all day long in games?

A friend of mine went to e3 and saw the tech demo (it's coming out in August btw) and said that while the game itself was technically impressive, the gunplay wasn't anything special. It wasn't Bethesda bad, it was just as derivative as Deus Ex. I dunno if this is because he's just coming down from the high of seeing the new Doom gameplay though.

I really hope they polish it more if that's true.

Stop browsing Yea Forums then. Im serious.

Stop giving these shitheads clicks.
Use pastebin or something.

read the article
There is a line where he complains about enemies not dying to a single bullet
This is an RPG. You can't kill everyone with a bullet. That's his main complain about the gameplay. The rest of sjw faggotry.

>it pisses off nerds
Which nerds?

Game journalists are the butt of jokes here but you have to remember the average "gamer" isn't like the people on Yea Forums. Smear campaigns have the potential to hurt the sales of games if successful. We rely on normies buying quality games so that there are more quality games, sadly. I don't think articles like this will do very much though. The hype train is very real when it comes to C2077

It's CDPR, people are crazy if they are expecting amazingly original and fluid combat.

nazis aren't people

Unironically for a second: These people have grown so used to movies and TV shows where, if they feature a white protagonist, basically any black person is either a genius (think Gattaca) or an intrinsically good person.

Shit's lazy writing. It's lazy casting too.


Thanks for reminding me to buy this game. Also archive your shit.

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the same goes for communists and socialists

>based slavs not giving a fuck about americanized agenda

It's going to be a 10/10 GOT-Century, isn't it?

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should've bought on gog

Those aren't nerds. Those are just regular grade autists.

Gunplay looked better than nu Deus Ex and New Vegas in the demo, what else do you need? Do people expect DOOM or FEAR level of gunplay from this or something? Shit, considering it's CDPR I'm pleasantly surprised it's not total shit.

This game will vindicate Eidos' DX games when it releases.

It will be anyone without a onions brain
But gaming journalists will smear the game. I don't expect a higher than 90 metascore. They won't give it more than a 9/10 if it tickles their sense of justice.

They do the same with women who aren't part of the "sisterhood".

It is a very valid criticism and New Vegas certainly is not an 11/10 game. It's one of my favourite games but it is still flawed.

RPG hates it so far? I'm sold. Pre-ordering now.

Why do SocJus Warriors hate Japan now?

Gunplay feels like shit and hacking is press x to hack tier. So it's gonna be trash. Go watch blade runner if you want a cyberpunk movie, because that's what this is.

I'll be honest, the gunplay didn't look amazing in the 50 minute demo but that didn't bother me too much because, again, I don't see this game as your typical FPS. One of my favorite games in recent years is Prey and it arguably had weak gunplay, but the game was still fantastic because it really wasn't about the shootan. In fact, the game rewards you just the same whichever way you choose to deal with the enemies, and the freedom of choice is the entire point.

There was a scanned interview from a magazine with one of the lead designers on C2077 and he said they're inspired by games like Deus Ex and Prey, which was amazing news for me. I don't think there are any immersive sims that are well known for their gunplay, but I never expected Doom-level shooting from these games. Obviously I'd like it if they polished it some more too, but I won't mind as long as it's at least serviceable.

Nope new Vegas had vats that's why gunplay was forgiven

>"I’m also increasingly concerned about Cyberpunk’s handling of non-white cultures. Last year’s Gamescom demo drew criticism for its clumsy and inauthentic presentation of a Latino character, and I’m not convinced the Voodoo Boys are a step in the right direction. At one point V, the player character, mockingly says “and who aredem” in response to Placide’s pronunciation. I asked Tomaszkiewicz if he was concerned they weren’t treating certain cultures with enough respect."
Jesus, whoever wrote this article seems like a giant "wuuhwuuh muh feefees" faggot. Bleh

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journos are mad at the game

It is made in Europe

Japan/Japanese Culture is the complete opposite of social justice. They give no fucks.

new vegas was garbage
>muh story and dialogues
fuck off go watch a movie

>Then – because again, we’re very strong – we rip the turret off its base and turn it on the Animals. At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.

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>Gunplay feels like shit and hacking is press x to hack tier

[citation needed]

>hacking is press x to hack tier.
So like Deus Ex?

I love retards

>You can't kill everyone with a bullet.
You should be able to. Bullet sponges are fucking stupid. What I liked about STALKER's master difficulty was that a lot of enemies actually died when you shot them. It made the gun fights a lot more fun. Of course there should be exceptions but in this game when I go up to a random pedestrian and shoot them I expect them to die. Bosses or people with a lot of augmentations should obviously be harder to kill.

Once the new client is out I might refund and get it on GOG instead.

The dude is British so he obviously hates his culture and people

>complaining about weak combat in a CD project red rpg

it's like they never played witcher.

I knew this game would be shit when I saw the daylight and all those fucking palm trees. What is this, fucking GTAV?

CDPR has not made a single game with above mediocre combat.

Niggers are animals. I fully intend to remove animals when the game comes out.

The gunplay is weak but then he rips out a turret from a ceiling and kills other with it? I can't tell if he's talking positively or negatively about the game, besides they were playing possibly at the beginning of the game.

Gwent counts, right?

New Vegas's gunplay was better than Fallout 3's.

what do you people think the sun has gone out in every cyberpunk setting or something?

In the minds of these mentally damaged trannies, strength is bad and toxic, especially when wielded by a white man, as you can clearly see from the excerpts in OP.

Not that guy, but where did he imply otherwise?

dont give them money read it here, its bait dont fall for this shit in the future

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87 on metacritic, i called it first.

>And it always rains. Every day should be grim, gloomy and overcast. The stars never come out. The sun never shines.There are no singing birds, no laughing children. (The last bird died in 2008 and the kids are grown in vats.) The ozone layer decayed, the greenhouse effect took over, the sky is full of hydrocarbons and the ocean full of sludge. Nice place. Okay, we're exaggerating. But not much.

What the fuck kind of literal fucking faggots does this site attract?

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imagine how this interview would've gone if it were Americans making this game instead.

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>feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.
Day one buy.

>oh btw I'm transgender

Like pottery

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it wont matter, it has keanu reeves. this will get normies on board

New Vegas is a 2010's game, was made on gamebryo by Obsidian with a short dev time, the shooting was serviceable at best but still better than anything Bethesda ever did.
C2077 has no business having crappy shooting, CDPR made tons of money with W3 alone so they could pull their fingers from their ass and do satisfying combat for once

sure it does, keep practicing white supremacy, dont make up lies.

The absolute recreation of MGSV threads. It's like deja vu. You guys are gonna be in for it when this game launches as a great but not amazing game and it doesn't live up to your expectations.

>polygon hates it
GOTY incoming

and people wonder why there's a white dude as the cover art.

This game isn't a shooter. I've said it before ITT and I'll say it again. Immersive sims aren't supposed to have amazing shooting. It'd be a nice bonus, sure, but they are not ABOUT the shooting, so it's naive to expect amazing shooting from such games.

It's not Polygon. It's Rock Paper Shotgun. But, same shit I suppose.

>Yea Forums ALWAYS fall for blatant news shills that directly link their shitty articles in the OP
I fucking hate you retards

Immersive sims should have immersive shooting at least.

The Witcher 3 is my gotg. Of course my expectations are through the roof. At the same time I give no fucks about the journalists and reviewers. I couldn't care less about metascore since its all faggots and trannies reviewing the game.
MGSV had problems because it was literally same fucking mission for the whole game. And the shit base building and all that crap. It was a new venue for Kojima and he fucked it up and blew all the development time on an empty world.
CDPR has experience with open world. They know what they have to do. They have been progressively getting better in making games.

I kinda liked mgs5 until i finished it and realized thats not what Kojima planned. In the end sore feelings but memorable.

>it doesn't live up to your expectations
Happens with every overhyped game, nothing new.

I assume more than 95% of people here have adblock

nu-Yea Forums is 95% phoneposters

I mean Prey had servicable gun play. Remember part of what makes gunplay in games like Doom feel so good is that the pace is so quick. You can't really have that sort of ultra-fast pace in an immersive sim.

What that article omits is what happens after you get betrayed by the voodoos. You go back to fuck up Placide and end up meeting his "better". It's in the trailer where you go into an icebath.

As much bullshit article this is. Im afraid of bullet sponge enemies i thought gameplay is good cause even csgo pro player worked on it. But after the genre change from RPG to adventure game im kinda scared, about gameplay.

I agree. What I want from this game is for guns to be lethal and effective. Don't have them slowly tick away at enemy's health like in New Vegas.

the site has a e-beggers wall when using addblock

Yeah but you can just click "keep blocking ads"

Nigga what
Its an RPG
EASY ALLIEZ streamed their impressions of the demo last night and they were super happy about. They said the skill true and RPG elements are huge in this game. Bloodworth who is probably the best RPG reviewer in EA said the gunplay especially the handgun felt great. The only part they criticized was the neck snapping which had clippings and the animations for it weren't the best.

>FPS with healthbars

I got hassled for writing a black character with animalistic metaphors once when it was just "Bitch I got raised on Robert E Howard when I'm writing sven the blonde blue eyed viking he's getting animalistic metaphors." They crave and look for a reason to be offended, at windmills to tilt at.

It's looking at something to be offended by because their mood soured seeing a nig gang named animals. It's like why if Yea Forums has a game they otherwise were enjoying feature a tranny or some such shit they will start to henpeck away at the game in ways they wouldn't have otherwise. No nig animal gang to trigger the author in this piece and he'd never have brought up lukewarm gunplay.

MGSV even had the Polygon Quiet debacle too. It's going to be the exact same situation.

Some internal logic to the levels would certainly be nice. Kinda makes sense if the more heavily armed/augmented NPCs are higher level and more tough. But I'd hate for it to devolve to "dude, lvl 50 bandit that needs 30 bullets to the head because your lower level arbitrarily makes your bullets deal less damage".

It's not an FPS, it's an RPG

CDPR has saved up enough goodwill through everything they have done that I will allow myself to get hyped. I haven't been excited about about any game ever since my childhood, this is going to be the first in a long time and I have a good feeling about it. They already showed real tangible gameplay, and almost a whole hour at that. If it's anything like that I'll be happy.

not on this one i dont think
or maybe im just st00pid who knows

Have you played Deus Ex? System Shock? Prey? This game is inspired by games with an immersive sim design philosohpy. If you were expecting a balls to the wall shooter like Doom or RAGE you are probably looking in the wrong place.

That's where you're wrong
There's an option right next to "turn off adblocker" that says "continue ad blocking"


>taking 5 questions to get your one answer across

who is this journalist and how do they have a job?


Welcome, newfriend.

From Re:Creators

RPS is so clickbaity now days it's pretty sad.

youll soon find out some people are obsessed with combat being perfect Yea Forums has a lot of these people

>Bloodworth who is probably the best RPG reviewer
Well that calmed me down a bit
Im not expecting another borderlands where you forcefully collect same firearm the only diffrence is the level and dmg output.

God fucking damn it Matthew.

>shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals

W3 had shit combat too and yet everyone loves it. It'll be fine

I highly doubt this will be anything like Borderlands in any way. I'm expecting Deus Ex level shooting, which was not great but serviceable. The 40-something minute demo from a few months back already showed that the gunplay isn't Borderlands-like.

My only issue with the game right now is the box art, unironically
I'm not even getting a physical copy

They should keep this one for the American version and make a kino European one.

>weak gunplay
>not a valid criticism
Christ, CyberShills are really retareded.

The gameplay there was neat. The shotguns were powerful. The ricochet handgun was real cool too.

Incorrect, they recently changed all the product descriptions from RPG to action adventure

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He says that gunplay is weak because nothing dies to a single bullet.
That's valid criticism to you?
In a world where everyone is super enhanced physically.

Not that guy and I agree, that is definitely valid criticism, for a shooter. This is not a shooter though. Many excellent RPGs have very average shooting.

People don't play Witcher games for the combat

>that comment section
Oh my, everything west of Berlin needs to burn to the ground

>New Vegas had weak as fuck gameplay
Why does everyone keep saying this, compared to what?

>At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.
I took it as serious criticism until here and stopped reading.

Oh god. Please, no. Not like this.

t. Retard

Doom, Wolfenstein, Painkiller, FEAR, Singularity...

I'm not comparing this RPG to those shooters, mind you. Just trying to explain the level of shooting naive retards expect from a game that is not a shooter.

I unsarcastically wish that the main story line won't 't have major choices. I don't think I've played a game where choices actually felt great or the multiple endings weren't just crappy slideshows.

>unimaginative stereotypes
Let me guess. The games journos are assmad that cdpr isn't sucking progressive cock so they're gonna do everything in their power to tank the game with bad press. Neat. Just bought 100k.

Somebody actually needs to ask them about this, because prior to E3, everything said RPG.

I like choices (good ones) because of the choice itself, not some arbitrary reward the game gives me before the credits role.

This is just an ARG designed to make you buy the game in spite of its shortcomings, so you can “own the libs”

No one gives a shit and the game is clearly janky

I'm gonna buy it and play it while eating Chick-fil-a

Imagine actually believing this

>downgrade already happening

I was gonna give this game a pirate, but now it might just be turning into a buy.

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I miss the days when we just called people girls when we tried to insult their masculinity, rather than trannies.

>This is just an ARG designed to make you buy the game
Hello schizo

That just means Fallout 3's gunplay was even worse.

If you unironically think CDPR want this negative press from a fairly large site like RPS just to get a few sales from Yea Forums you are clinically retarded.

I can't tell if this is is supposed to be taken seriously or if it was made my some seething tranny.

Doesn't mean anything, action-adventure is simply a more mainstream-friendly name than RPG

Has one angry gamer said anything about cyberpunk since e3, or is he spergingnout over Tifa's tits?

Preordering is retarded no matter what, but I'm still asking myself this same question.

>We punch that man to the floor, then stab another Animal many times with a broken bottle as they try to run away from us. It's horrible.
Why the fuck would they send numale who can't handle a little bit of virtual violence to watch demo of violent video game?

holy based

*by some seething tranny, god damn it

>another CDPR game with shit combat
oh say it ain't so

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"the left cant meme" is eternally true

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>clumsy inauthentic presentation of a Latino character
Do they mean the mexican gangster that is a total bro? And that everyone got pretty sad over when he was shown dying this year and that without having even played the game?

>Voodoo Boys
That sounds kino

Fuck sakes, Matthew.

This looks like a gay wrote it, I don't listen to the opinions of gays.

This is correct.

>Yea Forums trying to shout down another successful game because one time they predicted 1 games death on arrival.

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>complaining about enemy health bars
>in an rpg
Apparently Mass Effect was the worst game ever made

I think it's some multiple layers of irony shit.

>depicting a fictional racist act is racist
This is too much

This shit is going to do GTA numbers, it's got fucking Keanu Reeves in it.

TRANSCORP can get fucked.

>labelled as animas
they called themselves that to instill fear into their enemies, you dumb fuck "journalist"

90% of this thread is shitting on the article, you autistic faggot.

or a kino flip cover. Then I wouldn't even mad that they are trying to attract the dudebro market.

Neither will they play this for the shooting

OK, he knows, and everyone else knows, the lead writer is black, this is a fucking sad hit piece.



>Game journalists

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You know why gaming journalism is as shit as it is? Because of people attacking articles like this one that are actually critical of a hyped game.

>"Just curious, is the game still first and foremost an RPG with character progression, customization, crafting, and loot?”
>"Yes, absolutely. This game is first and foremost an RPG, a role-playing game."
Thanks for making me have to go to tumblr.

Damn that's not a meme that's a work of art. Sammy is that you

Yes just look at all the youtubers who are critical of video games. Yea Forums attacks them all the time. Yea Forums hates people criticizing games, this isn't about a tranny journo seething at all!!

>REEEEE women can't have penises REEEE

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>At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.

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I assume re-labelling it as a "open-world, action-adventure story" is just using marketing buzzwords now that they actually have a release date and stuff. Half of normalfag brainlets think of turn-based top-down JRPG's when they hear "RPG", so they're just using different descriptors.

The fuck is wrong with this major league faggot. How is he not able to eat food normally.

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imagine take rockpapershotgun or any "game journalists" seriously


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Everyone in the journalist "industry" is aware that Mike Pondsmith is a burly black dude, right? I'd hope they don't fling shit in his direction; he's a bro in person.

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>If you preorder Cyberpunk 2077 today
Kill yourself shill and join the 40%

sorry man it really sucks

Except you know all the stores that sell it.

New screenshots

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who gives a shit

Just GTAV with a Cyberpunk skin confirmed. CDPR has fallen.


I'd sooner take an IGN review more seriously

Goodness I love me some press bullshots that give no information

As someone else said, they will call him an Uncle Tom or that he's being secretly oppressed and Abused by the huwhite poles.

Have sex

I really don't understand these people. There's always (unfortunately) been this trade-off in fluidity of combat versus strong narrative/non-combat elements. Does it have to be that way? No, but it's been there for as long as I've been gaming, since games like Ultima, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, Thief etc.

is it a bullshot if the ingame footage looks exactly the same?

Uncle Tom's Cabin is an anti-slavery novel and the hero selflessly gives up his life to save others from an immoral slave owner, it's actually hilarious that niggers somehow distorted it into a bad word.

I have unironically pre-ordered it to do just this.

>linking to the site

Fuck off shill, learn how to use an archive

Are any other white people at the point where you're embarrassed by white liberals? I spend a lot of time in East Asia and the Gulf for work, and I feel like I have to sort of tell my Emirati friends "Hey dude, you know we aren't all flaming faggots who think trannies are normal right?"

This shit is genuinely becoming embarrassing to me. Fuck these people. They have no idea what the world outside of Western Europe and North America is like.

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This. Even then the gunplay doesn't look necessarily bad, just painfully average, which is more then I can say for NV or Deus Ex despite loving those games.

the game will be shit because CDPR is shit and haven't made a good game since Witcher 1.

>They have no idea what the world outside of Western Europe and North America is like.

this.. they champion "diversity" but what they actually mean is a corporate multicultural everything-is-the-same-and-it's-beautiful! society in which everything is the same.

It's another zoomer post-sincerity ironic detachment meme, by always acting ironic even when you really mean something you are shielded from criticism, it's the complete degeneration of the being.

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it requires an actual brain to enjoy.

One illustration of how clueless they are is when they describe America as "puritanical regarding sex". It just boggles the mind. The contemporary United States of America is, with no exaggeration, the most degenerate nation that has ever existed. By any standard, modern or historical, it's one of the most sexually permissive societies that has ever existed. By what standard is it not? By comparison to 2019 Sweden or something?

White liberals are unworldly in the truest sense of the term.

>first person shooter garbage with no innovation
>something to just ignore

I enjoyed the fuck out of Witcher 3 despite its lackluster combat. I enjoy the fuck out of System Shock 2 despite its terrible gunplay.

Not everything needs to have Sekiro or Doom levels of combat fluidity for it to be a great game. Do you remember how shitty VTMB's combat was?

It's ironic but also real. I also won't play this game because it will be too big, in depth, and time consuming

Zoomer girls are hot though and they need to be gangfucked by roving gangs of strong alpha boomer bulls in the coming apocalypse.

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>Yes just look at all the youtubers who are critical of video games. Yea Forums attacks them all the time.

You mean like Anita Sarkeesian?

translation: it's a good fun game but not about shoving SJW ideology down your throat which is all SJW blogger-preachers give a shit about

>Not everything needs to have Sekiro or Doom levels of combat fluidity
Witcher 3 combat was almost as bad as B-C tier hack and slash games.

>Witcher 3
>the swordplay is weak
It was fine

>the gun play is weak
It will be fine too

It's all so tiresome

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I'm excited, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Already preordered

wtf??? I hate all gays now. thanks for sharing, fellow MAGAchad

When I see pics of her, I unironically want to see her sexually degraded and humiliated. I want to see her hurt.

They're doing it subconsciously. "Person of color" is a racist term to begin with.

Fuck Gentoo and fuck you. Fucking PCMR fag.

I love how the whole thing about megacorps controlling people will fly over the heads of trannies not realizing they are the ones being criticized.

They have no idea what the world IN Western Europe or North America is like either.


Just point out that the main mind behind the game is a black dude and it's over. Here, you can even use this picture.
You're welcome.

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>journos yet again showing that their words are still worth less than the pigshit mixed into the dirt
what a fucking surprise

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It's sad the people get hyped up for something like this. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was some good, reliable developer, but it's fucking CD Projekt Red, they made one *decent* game so far, everything else was shit. Worst thing is, we've seen the gameplay, it was so damn boring that I almost fell asleep.

This. Don't give up hope lads. The average man on the street is still pretty solid. These fucks in their social media bubbles do not represent a huge portion of the population. Twitter has a massive overrepresentation of journalists and media types. It's an echo chamber that is slowly purging any wrongthink.

>weak gameplay
So its the same as CPRs other titles? Gotya. Not pay to beta test games so ill get the GOTY edition 1 month after release at xmas

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Correct. Witcher 3 having bad combat is one of those exaggerations that somehow caught. People saying that really need to play more games.

>Tfw when my nice gentle former lib-dem mother now wants to abolish the BBC and is fine with a civil war if we don't leave the EU.

There's a lotta discontent out there.

I don't know what any of those things mean so I'll just assume that you gave up.

>complaining about gang bangers being black
this guy really needs some first hand experience.

another user said the same shit about Witcher 3 and how it didn't need good combat because everything else is great, you can call C2077 an immersive shooter all you want, the dev even said that we may be able to complete it without killing anyone but it's going to have a lot of combat and as such it ought to have good combat

>Yea Forums sides with game journalists as soon as it shits on something popular

I've asked leftists and SJWs if saying "Colored People" is racist. They say yes. Then I ask if saying "People of Color" is racist and they say no. Then I point out that linguistically they are the same thing and ask what the difference is.

Then I get called a Nazi.

>At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals

I was taking the article seriously until then

>realize adblock prevents from reading RPS
Thanks for watching out for me, browser-kun.

>we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.


>Yea Forums are the people posting about keanu

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>make a robot cave someone's face in
>make some dude kill himself with his own weights
>ha ha epic :D
>shooting black people makes me uncomfortable ;_;
when for the love of god will we collectively stop paying attention to these people

but when you kill lots of white people in Witcher 3 no one complains about skin color.



SJW faggot.

It's a parody

>Immediately tries to divert towards communists.
I could set my watch to you.

Depends what they mean by weak gunplay. I don't mind things taking a bit to kill so long as the guns themselves don't feel weak like they've got no impact or oompf

>immediately starts talking about nazis without knowing anything about them

tick tock

Does your watch run on hypocrisy or your own farts?

they view all non whites as pets who need to be watched over always and lead around or else they all die off

listen to playboi carti

Worse, it runs on Jews and anti-semitism. The watch doesn't work, they just think it does.

Now we know it has a shit physic engine.

Don't bother with those types. I tried asking my friend of 12 years how Hillary would have been better than Trump, and I got called a white supremacist.

Mike is based and an honorary huwyte.

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What happened to RPS?
It used to be at least readable.
I dropped it after the Rimworld hitpiece but still.
Is there any non-pozzed game review site out there?

I'm surprised by this, I'm guessing Mike is a Heinlein fan.

people have been shouting from the roof tops since 80's
nobody is ahead of anyone

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>rock paper retard
>relevant opinion

Oh no, people actually want an unique and philosophical game instead of trash racist shit.

Please peacefully sunset yourself

>"Bet you enjoyed killing Nazis in this unrelated and video game."
>"Nazis should die."
>"Yeah, well, what about communists?"
>"We weren't talking about communists."
>"Heh, wow, typical how libtards just bring up Nazis without provocation and know nothing about them."

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This has got to be a joke. Muh innovation!! You niggers give cod and ubishit games and 8 and 9's every single fucking year. You have zero credibility. seething tranny loving nigger faggots

>At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.

Had a good chuckle thanks user.

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not sure what you signed up for u dumb cunt

witcher 3 was janky and clunky as fuck,

you can legitimately turn all models into tanks and it would double as a tank simulator no problem.

Cyberpunk is no exception ,sa,e clunk but in first person,


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Here I was worried that CP2077 would be tranny friendly. These people are losing their minds.

this, but unironically

Why aren't the mentally ill and lefties on board with this game, it being about social commentary against muh oppressors and shit.

It got taken over by left wingers and changed into an organ for revolution. This shit isn't exactly hidden these days.

These people don't actually live and work with other people the way us plebians tend to. If someone, even if they are foreign and on good terms with people around him, people might make a friendly joke or tease. These kinds of,interactions are lost on these people because they have an agenda to push.

>not a complete and utter fucking joke

Because cyberpunk is too violent and full of freedom for them to enjoy.

No the ones you shoot in your bideogames aren't, but the ones from history and the sad fucks calling themselves nazis today are still people even if you want to dehumanize them.
I hope you have a nice day my little sociopath.

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It will top every platform's sales list regardless. This thing will blow TW3 out of the water. And trannys will shit themselves in anger.

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>Video game "journalist" attempts to criticise gameplay

HA! Allow me to translate

>Oh god oh god I'm so fucking bad at video games but it's my job oh god WAIT I'll blame the game! And I'll throw in some shit about racism to foster good will towards me!

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Fact of the matter is killing nazis in videogames is overdone garbage and anybody who makes a game about it that's not 100% historically accurate deserves to go under.

niggers don't read

>its another "americans want to impose their shit values onto others" episode
Why do they do this, dont they have andemic racial issues, rempant criminality and no healthcare to sort out ? What makes them believe they have anything of value to give to others when their society is ridden with violence at all levels ?

Wonder if Jackie is confirmed to die, or did they just show this shit as one of the results of your actions.

ok nazi sympathizer

Since when was Poland ever 'unique and philosophical'. It's a b-game made by inbred slavs.

That wasn't the topic of this conversation, and you know it.

Why are they putting trannies in the game in the first place? Literally nobody wants that.

because it tackles issues of Cyberpunk that challenges them as ""people"".

CP2077 (and by extension other games like Deus Ex and Shadowrun) poses the dilemma where augmenting yourself and replacing your natural body with foreign parts changes you fundamentally as a person, how much can you replace and still be able to maintain you're the same (You)?

now take that concept and change the context, now trannies are ripping the stitches out of their festering incisions with frustration as they are construing that concepts like that are critical of gender reassignment surgery and all that other lame body modification shit that they're into, they're mad that in the real world they are being judged for what they are and now they're also mad because even vidya is questioning what they are exactly.

it's like poetry, in the game people go insane once they go overboard with the augmentations and then join only the most hardcore of booster gangs that have also gone off the deep end with augmentations because nobody else will tolerate them, short life span due to cyberpsychosis.

on the internet, they are deemed "too extreme" for NeoGAF and are quarantined to ResetEra with the echo chamber of other embittered dilating troons who have no joy in life and kill themselves before the age of 40.

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>Makes connection between black people and animals in his mind
>Surely it is the game that is racist, not I

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>A game that uses nazi blood to masturbate
>not the topic

>Yea Forums shits on this game for months
>it catches on with reddit
>Yea Forums hates it even more
>get closer to release and SJWs start bitching about it
>normies start losing hype and turning on the game, which is what Yea Forums wants
>now Yea Forums complains about this too

wtf????? i love castrating and murdering kids now, fuck drumpf!

>It's a b-game
Still can't get overt Witcher 3 being the most critically acclaimed game of the century?

there's literally nothing wrong with castrating and murdering kids.

More like
>reddit shills game on Yea Forums
>eventually it dies down due to Yea Forums shitposters
>keanu reeves
>Yea Forums shitposts keanu reeves for 72+ hours straight
>that dies down
>Yea Forums starts to shitpost about futa cock
You are here

>Yea Forums shits on this game
Yes, a single extremely autistic man with a fetish for a fugly woman that works on a bad show is all of Yea Forums.

> muh racial stereotypes
Fuck off tranny get the fuck back to retardera before I fuckin' put you in a god damn coma.

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>Game "Journalist": "I felt uncomfortable shooting black people."
>"Well I bet you didn't feel uncomfortable playing Wolfenstein and shooting white people with different opinions. Better known as Nazis."
>"Nazis aren't people."
>"Yeah but what about communists?"
>"We weren't talking about communists."
>"Well bottom line is Nazis should only be depicted with complete historical fidelity."
>"That has little to do with the original point of this exchange."
>"Well I mentioned Wolfenstein and it has Nazis in it, so checkmate."
Work on your reading comprehension and get back to me.

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And that's why faggots don't deserve any human rights, something muslims understood far better than amerikeks

Kind of hard to follow a reply chain from two turbo autists

Yea Forums
>Allowed to talk about reverse racism in game journalism
Also Yea Forums
>Get banned for posting about gaming journalism
Whose side are the mods on?

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>Hacking is all situational boring stuff
>Gunplay lacks impact

I was worried about this desu.

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El Grande Negro dabbing on trannies and sjw whitoids

>Whose side are the mods on?
futa cock side judging by how the past threads all managed to stay up

game journalists don't matter that much in normie circles either. people mostly use "influencers" to decide whether they want to buy a game or not. why bother reading a review when you can just watch your favorite streamer play the game? it's also very hard to buy an eceleb out since their entire livelihood depends on being likeable and authentic.

games journalists were only really important before the year 2010, because that's around the time that streaming and good quality gameplay became easily available online. you can notice that around 2010 is when games journalism really started going to shit.

>"Jokes on you, I'm barely literate!"

Ignoring the SJW faggotry I'm a little concerned about the shooting and hacking being lame.

fuck off

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This game looks like a worse Human Revolution. At least HR had some solid level design (compared to most modern games these days) and got straight to the point usually. Open world trash belongs in the garbage.

>This game looks like a worse Human Revolution
This, they even copied the "take the vents or hack the door" gameplay


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when did being woke become associated with the left?
being woke comes from the matrix and understanding the control machine, aka being red pilled.

Reminder that trannies/gays will never be happy no matter what you do for them, they mutilate themselves because they aren't happy. Fagets may say they don't envy or want to be women but I mean, they call their anus pussies, call each other sis, their heroes are fucking majority women singers, they prance around like women and take the side of women always. They hate themselves, what they are, and they have to make everyone else feel as self hating and uncomfortable as they do. They envy heteros, and despise the fact that heteros don't feel the same way. They hate straight white men, because straight white men don't want to fuck them. Fagets are all mostly straight chasing cunts, and coming to terms with the fact they will never get that tall, handsome straight tanner infuriates them. That whole James Charles situation was hilarious, because all the gays were acting like the behavior was so out of the norm when straight chasing is HUGE in the gay community. They even pretend to be women just to bait straight guys out of their nudes, and then want to act like they aren't predators.

>At least HR had some solid level design
haha no

Hacking is a fucked if you do fucked if you don't situation, your supposed to use it during fights to hack torrents and guns and stuff so it needs to be fast or it throws you out of the action, but if you use watchdogs style press button stuff happens hacking if feels underwhelming as fuck.

It's ironic, a term used to describe twitter outrage culture

It's RPS and the guy was very clearly trying to hate the game. I'll wait for a reviewer that doesn't mainline cock into his veins.

Woke is an ironical term for progressive-compliance.
Mocking woke capital has been a thing in both far-right and far-left circles.

higher levels let you hack faster
problem solved.

this game will kill game journalism

The Witcher 3 combat is dogshit, don't expect much there.

I agree, it's hard to implement. But I'd like it to more useful than situational turrets, opening doors easier, and set-pieces. I think I remember seeing it used on enemies in the gameplay trailer, so I'm not really worried, but I really want them to go in-depth with it. I still have faith.

>RPS only talks about V killing blacks and shit
>watch Easy Allies segment on the same demo
>RPS never commented on all that cool shit that happens
is journalism dead?

>shooting niggers is somehow bad

After all this shit i believe that game is doomed.
Because journos opinion IS important, even if you don't like it. Their cooperation could sink CDPR for good.
So... that's sad, but game will flop.

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Hah, good joke.

>color of skin doesn't matter!
>stop shooting black people!

>angry at being able to shoot niggers
I thought they wanted "representation" in media

>At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.

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Because at the end of the day you're playing a video game. Other mediums do story better. You're basically doing bicep curls with a motorcycle.

Very, very few games are like that. It's silly to single this game out for doing what the entire does especially when this is the one setting where it can be justified

Witcher also got panned for not being inclusive enough and it sold 20 million copies because people don't give a shit about politics and what "game journalists" have the say about fucking anything.

can i use a big fuck you huge auto rifle and a big iron in this game?

>Game doesn't have black people
>Cry racism
>Game has black people that can be killed
>Cry racism

Right okay, so the game should be filled with black people. That you can't kill or harm in any way. And they're all good guys.

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>buying a year before no product
amazing how gullible are you people

Still can't get over W3 winning GOTY over Bloodborne

What's the problem? That looks like something I'd see at a Pride parade.

Based Mike.


nazis and russians/gommunists are both overdone antagonists.

If you wanted to be genuinely SUBVERSIVE you'd have a game where the antagonists are open borders neoliberals who believe in nothing but a world where labor and capital flows without hindrance, and "countries" are nothing but arbitrary economic zones.

This is precisely why Deus Ex (the original) was B&R'ed. The "antagonists" were people you could dislike regardless of if you were left or right.

Also, isn't it weird playing Human Revolution now and listening to the Alex Jones analog? He's actually presented in a sort of sympathetic way, like he knows what's going on, despite all the bluster and hyperbole. I don't think that would be acceptable given that Infowars has been memory holed by the powers that be now.

here's the archive for people who don't want to give clicks: archive.fo/A2zER

and for fun here are some choice quotes from this travesty:
> I want moral dilemmas and a thoughtful exploration of transhumanism. More importantly, I want the game not to lean on racial stereotypes.

>He told me that nuance would appear over the course of the game, and that the Animals would appear again under different circumstances. He didn’t give me any examples of that nuance, mind.

>We’re discovered soon after, as a stealth attack goes awry. We punch that man to the floor, then stab another Animal many times with a broken bottle as they try to run away from us. It’s horrible.

>Once our cover’s blown, we start hacking people’s robo-arms, making them prematurely pull grenades or shoot themselves in the head. It is, again, horrible

>I asked Tomaszkiewicz for examples of quests that explored the kinds of questions I’m interested in. Questions less like “how many people can I chop to bits at once with my Nanowire”, and more “what are these cranial augmentations doing to my identity”

>I’m also increasingly concerned about Cyberpunk’s handling of non-white cultures... I asked Tomaszkiewicz if he was concerned they weren’t treating certain cultures with enough respect.

>"As for The Animals, if you play through the game you’ll see that they’re not mostly black people, it’s mixed.”
Oh lawd I wonder if it's just the writer himself being racist with the animals/black people connection.

>but after this year’s inconsistent combat and questionable representation, my expectations have been tempered.

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>this is not reflecting well on Keanu
I love how they always immediately jump to guilt by association

That's why they were so happy with RDR2. All the antagonists are white men, the Natives can't be killed or fucked with at all, etc.

>I’m also increasingly concerned about Cyberpunk’s handling of non-white cultures.

what a faggot

>You're basically doing bicep curls with a motorcycle.

what is this even supposed to mean?

>The game is racist against black people
>Creator is black
>You can kill whites and other races as well
>Can do a no-kill run
>Can make your character black

This is madness. I hate everything.

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I always thought that ABC and 7 were both shit but then I remember ABC is state funded

holy shit what a fucking nigger faggot
he probably made this thread

if it's not black people as the good guys killing all the evil white men it's racist

>and a thoughtful exploration of transhumanism
AKA I want the game to say it's okay to hack off bodyparts whenever you feel like with zero repercussions.

Lefty here, please stop associating us with people manufacturing outrage for money, plenty of lefty people find that shit as funny as you do.

None of those things happened in the cyberpunk universe, you know, the board game that this game is based on?

The official account in russkie social network posted this, and I'm surprised people are freaking out about some tranny when this is the kind of degeneracy Cyberpunk world has stooped down to. This is some JM Empire shit right here (not that I'm complaining)

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you all vote the same way

Isn't saying black people are animals literally one of the most racist things you can say? It's unironically more offensive than just calling someone a nigger. No one was thinking it, this guy just jumped to the conclusion. He literally thinks like a comically racist Nazi.

It means you're a brainlet that should stick to "story driven" walking simulators as a simple analogy seems to have escaped you.

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It's less the augmentation angle and more that some of the subtler themes in cyberpunk games/literature are about the world becoming increasingly more homogenized as all these things liberals clamor for, like open borders, are realized by woke capital.

They don't like the nagging realization that they're actually just parroting establishment agitprop by adopting coca cola-tier social and cultural politics about LGBT, globalism etc.

At least Easy Allies' coverage was 100% positive and excited.

You'd think people would know better than to post on Nu-gaf if their going to go against the grain.

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The left is famous for its fragmented voting, also I don't think you even know who I voted for.

>Remember to not give a shit about CP2077's metacritic score
I guess this is one way of convincing people to ignore review scores. The marketing people can get pretty creative.

Woke gamesite gets all pussyhurt not enough gay naggers aren't in the game. Imagine that.

can I get a quick rundown?

That's straight from the core rulebook for 2020

Best quest in the entire game was the one with the charlatan native trying to screw over that village. It was a good inversion of the noble savage trope.

so you're saying that replying to my post is basically doing bicep curls with a motorcycle.


Surprise surprise when you spend all of your time looking for signs of THE ENEMY you find it more often than not.

I feel sorry for CDPR having to deal with all this "BUH BUH RACISM AND TRANSMISORGIKNEE HUH HUH WHAT ARE YOU NAZIS HUH?" How they keep their composure is beyond me. I'd say they need to start being extremely selective when it comes to interviews or just cut that shit out and just stick to making announcements.

The problem is no-one knows what the fuck they want
no trannies = lack of representation
trannies = fetishisation
doomed if you do, doomed if you dont

CP2020 is directly after the Collapse and the nukes though so 2077 is probably less of a hellhole.

I think the gang you're fighting is called the animals

Its just like with that whatever brand ad with a black kid on a sweater that said "coolest monkey in the jungle"
Actually, imagine being black, imagine having some white faggot come to you and tell you "hey man, look that black kid is eating a banana, isnt that racists? you know because you monkeys like bananas dont you?"

>I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals
fucking morons dont know its based on a lore written by a black man?

>Banned for saying they'll get the game
>"They're banning people for saying they'll get the game"
>Banned for peddling disinformation

How anyone can stomach that hellscape for more than 5 seconds I will never know

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Fucking niggers, fuck journos, and FUCK CDPR.

Posting some more

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>game is revealed
>game pisses off some trannies on twitter
most predictable fucking board on this site. stop obsessing over culture war bullshit you stupid niggers

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The most important question is whether or not Exotics will appear in 2077.

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>Gameplay demo has you mow down niggers

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> The problem is no-one knows what the fuck they want
But they told us pretty clearly why they are dissapointed.
See: the name of the drink ChroManticore
manticore is a mixture of lion and scorpion
advertising slogan "mix it!" how to make a man and a woman laugh

Considering yourself not a cross between men and women.

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If you look at literally any other picture of this poster, it's so obvious it isn't a dick.

Then speak up you spineless fuck. You let these people speak for you

Based resetrannies kicking out CDPR drones.

>weak gameplay

then you watch easy allies preview
>amazing gameplay
>incredible world building

so who is a lying piece of shit here

Attached: images - 2019-06-12T004858.530.jpg (640x360, 26K)

Its so obvious is not a dick, do you really think they'll go and print giant posters of a chick with a huge erect cock clearly in view?

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voting is a spook you stupid kike

Didn't Keanu date a tranny tho?

>Why are leftists always subtle racists?

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What is it then?

It even sounds the same way. God, trannies are pathetic and are mentally ill

I dont give a flying fuck about what some gaming """journalist""" has to say about anything, neither about some bored kids on the internet getting butthurt at it, you can all go and kill each other for all I care, this isnt politics, its manufactured outrage and you are eating it like monkeys.

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Love seeing this knowing that both the sjws and /pol/ are moaning over it.
Best year to be a tranny ever, best year to love the futa dick.

Wrinkles? her abs? I dont know but it isnt a dick, do you really think it can be a dick?

Are you 12?

looks like a big fucking dong to me

>who is this journalist and how do they have a job?
Very likely some unqualified fraud beholden to RE.

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Nice cherry picking
nope. Those are filthy and don't deserve any human rights. They need to be castrated. Yes, I am talking about mudslimes, straights, etc. cuz they are pedophiles.

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My money is on the guy that cries when killing minorities

It does look like a big fucking dick to me, the question is, do you think they'll put a chick big fucking dick in clear display in every poster on their e3 booth?

fuck off with your obvious shilling for clicks, nigger

*Hits glass with fork*
All Trannies need to go dilate
Also fuck kikes and fuck jannies

Where's the list of democrat pædos?
>straights etc.
How to destroy humanity with this one weird trick

Exactly. Im glad we see eye to eye. Fuck Nazis, fuck commies, fuck statists. No gods no masters.

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sounds like a smear campaign by those journalists offended by shit no one cares
Gameplays will be shown soon anyway so who cares

Anarcho-anything is fucking retarded

>cherry picking
Gays are overrepresented in pedophilia.

Well, gunplay was shit in that 48 gameplay footage.
And that "press X to hack" does sound like CDPR.

And this makes you feel empowered because you're a faggot?

New Vegas is one of my favorite games ever but it is nowhere near an 11/10

Liberals realizing there's something wrong about calling niggers animals only proves that they too, if unwillingly, know it's true.

Are you telling me that 80% of muslims are gay?

It isn't necessarily anarcho. I believe the same shit but understand the necessity of a state. But the state needs to be carefully constructed and curated to ensure efficiency and to weed out corruption. It needs to be a crane doing the heavy lifting of the nation. Not a ruling entity.

>Reviewing off of someone elses gameplay

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How about these fucking niggers actually show us some fucking gameplay. It's not hard to believe it looks like shit if they're not even willing to showcase it to the public.

>critically acclaimed
You niggers need to make up your mind, do you care about "game journalists" opinions or not? I mean you have people in this thread rightfully shitting on those hacks, but then you still get posts like this saying "b-but the critics liked it, so that makes it good".

It is actually a tranny lmao

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Got some stats my dude? Hard stats, not just the hilarious age of consent.

Yeah, whites really need to do something about their genetically inferior brethren, given that these people control your institutions and culture.

It's not 11/10 for it's gunplay. Also it's not really 11/10.

God it must fucking suck to make games these days and deal with these creatures

>you will never make a game, get a booth at E3, and have the chance to chase away journalists with a broom

Nice meme

just a mad sjw trying to hurt the game

>slow mo
That's a bad thing.
>shooting through walls
Just a few dedicated walls. Other than that it's just cosmetic.
>blowing off legs
That would be cool if it could happen before HP reaches zero. If your hit does not kill a guy, he doesn't care at all. You could fucking nuke him, but if he survives with 1 HP he wouldn't even blink, yet alone get some injuries or just fall.
And yet when you remove that last bit of HP enemy transforms into a pile of ragdoll parts and flies all over the place
>different movement like sliding
Instead of this they should make basic movement smooth and pleasant.
>ricocheting bullets off walls
That is a good thing


I like exotic "females"

Attached: 11-6-2019 14.6.5 12.jpg (473x638, 114K)

apparently its the nomads that are the exception

Attached: diversity.png (351x437, 134K)

Yes, it is. Deal with it, bigot.

>The research by A. Nicholas Groth, a pioneer in the field of sexual abuse of children, shows that is not so. Groth found that there are two types of child molesters: fixated and regressive. The fixated child molester — the stereotypical pedophile — cannot be considered homosexual or heterosexual because "he often finds adults of either sex repulsive" and often molests children of both sexes. Regressive child molesters are generally attracted to other adults, but may "regress" to focusing on children when confronted with stressful situations. Groth found, as Herek notes, that the majority of regressed offenders were heterosexual in their adult relationships.
>majority of regressed offenders were heterosexual in their adult relationships.

>you will never fuck a cybernetic bunny girl

This game came out in the 80s.

Are you 40%?

>CDPR goes out of their way to pander to trannies
>trannies predictably bend over backwards to think up ways how this makes CDPR nazis or something so they can screech on twitter about it


Wow, health ticks down? It's almost like this is an RPG and not a shooter, wow, wild.

>a pioneer in the field of sexual abuse of children

>you see just because they fuck their same sex, that doesn't mean they are gay

and yet fallout 3 is the superior game

Got something to back that claim up?

Ugh... Don't misgender me!!

>this box art thinks that if fast food workers want to make more money, they should get STEM degrees

Is this bitch stupid? Yes, education is the pathway out of poverty. Yes, a degree in a technical field virtually guarantees a higher paying job than gender studies or a psychology undegrad

What the fuck.

>a majority
You know that 60% is a majority, right? You know that if even 15% of pedophiles were homosexual, they would be overrepresented right?

>>you see just because they fuck their opposite sex, that doesn't mean they are straight

what kind of mental gymnastic is this? Let guess he just asked them whether they are heterosexual or not.

The most laughable thing here is that you go to that website.

Just because you're black and have a cousin in prison doesn't mean you get to play the chimp card, nerd

>>Bullets pile into people as their healthbars tick down, each shot lacking impact despite goon after goon tumbling to the floor
This is the only thing that worries me here. Other then that, this game is going to be good.

the majority of pedophiles is straight while the minority of them is gay.

Gays does do that either to look the part or for the purpose of procreation, have you been living under a rock?

>Cybernetic bunnygirl playing a guitar
Let's rock!

Attached: 1445695675422.jpg (600x602, 32K)

would this satisfy Yea Forums?

Yes, but homosexuals are also a minority population, but make up a disproportionate amount of the population of pedophiles. The percentage of pedophiles that are homosexual is larger than the percentage of the general population, whether or not they are minorities in both. This is what overrepresentation is.

>not even trying Human Revolution level of hacking

Thanx devs.

We wuz cyber n sheet

I'm so glad every game needs to pass the nigger tranny faggot moral inquisition these days

I wouldn't be surprised if the character customization extended to custom whorehouses too, seems like a natural fit.

>At one point V, the player character, mockingly says “and who aredem” in response to Placide’s pronunciation. I asked Tomaszkiewicz if he was concerned they weren’t treating certain cultures with enough respect."
It's like this journalist doesn't understand creole language idioms.

>regular grade autists
So the real target audience they should be aiming for? Not a smart move to alienate most dedicated fans.

then what about bi guys? I can image that percentage would be larger than gay.
I think this whole thing is totally stupid because the pedophiles being gay are very very rare.

Perfection. Do just that, it would scare normies the fuck off.

To be fair, who does?

No wonder that polack is ageing like milk. He must die a little with every one of these interviews.

>very very rare
Same sex pedophilic pairings are a very large minority

Gays have sex with underage girls? That's really stupid I've ever heard.


It's happening!

You gotta love how much SEETHING CDPR is throwing upon trannies and SJWs.

Attached: 166ltr.jpg (250x231, 5K)

Larger than the gay population? nope. What about those straights? very large, thanks to muslims, those in Thailand and more shitholes.

How about you actually look at what the post replied to?

The straight population of pedophiles is a smaller majority than their general population percentage, and we don't have figures for the middle east.

>"I’m also increasingly concerned about Cyberpunk’s handling of non-white cultures. Last year’s Gamescom demo drew criticism for its clumsy and inauthentic presentation of a Latino character,

its a different world and time, no shit the characters aren't accurate to real life you clown

Well to be fair language historians and people who's entire purpose is to understand linguistics for languages to allow people to translate and communicate and write in said forms of languages probably would understand. However anyone who has even attempted to learn a second language and is observant and listens would pick up on these details.

>larger than the gay population?
No, but larger than the gay proportion of general population. It would be very difficult for more gay pedophiles to exist than gay men, you know.

>Yea Forums supporting angry balding manbaby now

You don't understand a nonwhite spoke without a golden halo around their head, this is problematic representation.

>Shoots black people
Wtf this game is literally Hitler, I'm going back to Naziblasters right now, Avengers assemble!!

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Yeah, pretty much this. I don't even know what to say sometimes, they're so uneducated about the rest of the world and are deracinated to the point of hilarity

Foreign exchange students from non-western countries are people I tend to get along with, I've seen them cringe numerous times at some of the gay things my university does.

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>action adventure story
Strong yikes. What the fuck is this, a walking simulator with some shooty shooty segments? LMAO the fucking shitposters were right.

Attached: 1551056924421.png (1128x180, 57K)

it's so fucking retarded that they complain about everyone not being apart of a homogenious culture while at the same time wanting to point out every single minority like they for some reason should be excluded from that very culture they're complaining about everyone not being apart of

>At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.
How do these people not realize how racist they sound? Holy shit, man. Why does race even play a fucking role here? Are all these liberal journo types just closet racists overcompensating to the max?