> We’re playing as a Netrunner, which means we can hack turrets. It’s a little disappointing that the first example of hacking is so mundane, but soon we’re tapping into robot boxing trainers and gym weights. The robot punches someone’s face off, and a poor fella who’s working out gets his neck crushed. It’s neat, but very Watch Dogs – you’re not being creative, you’re just walking up and pressing a contextual hack button.
> The stabbing causes V to level up, and the person playing the demo opens up a menu with twelve options for skill points, though we don’t get a good look at them. Once the menu’s closed, a man comes at us with superhuman speed, but we grab hold of him and advance on a turret as it riddles his body with bullets. Then – because again, we’re very strong – we rip the turret off its base and turn it on the Animals. At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.
> On a very different note, the shooting looks limp. Bullets pile into people as their healthbars tick down, each shot lacking impact despite goon after goon tumbling to the floor. I’m hoping I won’t need to resort to my gun too often, though: abilities like that turret manhandling spice up what looks like piddly gunplay.
This will get bombarded by reviews. Remember to not give a shit about CP2077's metacritic score since everyone will take off marks for problematic representation of trannies and niggers