>here are your new mantles kiddo
Here are your new mantles kiddo
Weird way to spell monster but ok.
>He thinks this is all the new monsters coming
Cringe and bluepilled
>New mantle that increases attack and/or attack speed (without changing motion values)
>Mantles/Tools will be upgradable to have either a stronger or longer effect (being able to autododge longer, increased temp HP for the vitality mantle, higher defence for rocksteady, etc.)
>Being able to bring an extra of the same mantle
>Hunters will be able to carry a third tool
I dont understand this meme.
mantles have slots now
they showed on the stream yesterday you can upgrade mantles and they get deco slots. no third tool though unless it's a late game unlockable.
its a reskin of "me and the boys" featuring a bunch of Spiderman villains
Please don't World-ify Tigrex's weapons
So help me fucking God if the Tiger Agito is a bone GS with fangs taped on I will be furious
Seriously? I missed that stream and only skimmed it since I didn't have time to watch it.
Some of that sounds interesting but so far they did say you can put decorations on the mantles now. So maybe it frees up a single or multiple slot for builds or maybe it does something else for the mantle itself but they didn't elaborate on it yet, just mentioned it.
only other new info i can remember was some stuff about difficulty scaling. they're adding 2-player scaling and making it so that if people leave your hunt the difficulty will scale back down if you're left with two people or by yourself.
>they get deco slots
Monster Hunter is dead
It's worse than I could have ever imagined.
I wonder if the decos are only active when you're wearing the mantle
They didn't World-ify Deviljho's weapons. I think you're safe
they did to Luna's
It would make no sense otherwise
>Temporal mantle+
That's gonna be everywhere
Oh, yeah. I forgot Luna had weapons before World. I guess they're not gonna change the desingns for monster that are very popular. Lunastra was almost forgotten by everyone because before World she was just a weaker reskin of Teostra
as well as Barroth and probably a few others, who knows what they'll do at this point though, weapons design is all over the place in the base game and it looks like it'll be more of the same in IB
I don't keep up with Reddit memes, what the fuck is this "me and the boys" shit
>Same recharge and uptime
Literally worthless. 2 level 1 skills wont do shit
I hope we get more weapon designs, but Tigrex's weapons could honestly use a makeover. All of his weapons are ugly as fuck, I hated using them.
no u
I want to play FU so bad but my computer is kill. Fuck.
How could you possibly hate this?
>none of my normalfag friends care about Monster Hunter anymore
Is Iceborne going to "fail"?
In the demo they tell you the slots are active only while the mantle is on.
Sure, just like MHW failed last year. Can't you remember?
nah, wait for advertisements to start showing up all over television and they'll be interested again
I browse reddit pretty much every day while taking a shit
I dont know either
This honestly. Like, his bowguns were just memes but all the blade master shit looked abhorrent. The LS especially was atrocious. I don't want the Weapon skin model, but they need a new design.
Dude they are probably just burnt out, wait till Iceborne.
Japanese are apparently super excited, since every trailer on the japanese channel seems to have almost more views than vanilla MHW
Western vets are gonna buy it anyway
Normies will buy it when they see the spots on tv
Have they announced anything interesting?
nothing at E3, it's just been some gameplay of Tigrex and not-Jade Barroth
It'll easily do record breaking numbers for a G-rank game, just as MHW did for a non G-rank game.
They did. Showed Nargacuga and Tigrex in-game, revealed 3 new Iceborne monsters, a Legiana variant, and teased Glavenus. As well as all the new weapon moves and a lot of Hoarfrost footage + booth demo which will give us even more. A lot of new armor and weapons too. And finally the new hub, the new mechanics within (there's a mini-game that gives you armor spheres thank god) and its comfy music.
It's just that they released the trailer earlier since Sony didn't go to E3 this year. But it's still E3 stuff.
More info to come in Gamescom
This & I unironically love the shiny blue jade/xeno or nerg powerup motif her weapons have now
I hear people aren't happy with what was shown at E3 for MH, what was talked about?
>wait a year for an expansion
>make the expansion cost as much if not more than the base game
>delay the PC release even though after @Nerd you had all the time in the world ( pun ) to fucking keep parity between platforms
>Release in fall after all that other shit that premired on E3
It's going to sell but it's going to hurt Crapcom, people who don't have a lot of money will buy CoD MW or whatever else comes out a month later, hell even vets and MHW fans are getting tired if Capcom doesn't do at least 3 more collabs between now and Sep their finished.
Yeah that definitely wasn’t a Jade Barroth, you’re right. It’s closer too Duramboros than that iceshitter anyway. Put some respect on Banbaro’s name, bitch.
60's spiderman
It’s 40 dollars for just the expansion and 60 for the deluxe edition. Only supreme nerds will be getting the latter, so you’re point is moot. The delusion. Must be the gas leak in your basement you can’t afford to fix.
When you beat the main story you unlock the infinite duration temporal. It's not unbalanced though because you had to beat the game to get it so you already completed the challenges.
How is that making people mad?
Ironically the new Legiana variant looks like the most intimidating
>hell even vets and MHW fans are getting tired if Capcom doesn't do at least 3 more collabs between now and Sep their finished.
>source: My Big, Red Ass
most of the stuff in that post was shown in a trailer a couple weeks ago, the only thing they showed at e3 was a short demo of hunts in the new area and a new minigame in the new town, people were expecting another trailer or reveal
>More info to come in Gamescom
Wait, when did they say that?
>wait a year for an expansion
As was the case for all G-rank games ever in MonHun's lifetime.
>make the expansion cost as much if not more than the base game
Actually Iceborne is the cheapest G-rank title of all time, what you're describing is all previous G-ranks. Iceborne is an improvement but your retard braindead World hatred blinds you.
>delay the PC release
Only point you have. Not even "good point", just literally a point. In the entire post.
>Release in fall after all that other shit that premired on E3
Welcome to the gaming industry, where the vast majority of games release at that time or Q1 (when MHW was released) The one and only quarter of the year that isn't often full of releases is Q2.
>people were expecting another trailer or reveal
>expecting two trailers IN A WEEK
Are people retarded
they said specifically in the last trailer to expect more at e3, so people were looking forward to something new
It's not. Everyone is beyond happy and Iceborne is shattering expectations for a G-rank game, there have never been so many new weapon moves in a G-rank entry before, for example.
It's just that a veeeery small minority are absolute retards and don't understand that Capcom decided to start the marketing campaign a bit before E3 instead of literally the day of (which wouldn't make sense, since they'd to it on Sony's conference which didn't exist this year). Retards aren't counting the trailers from 2weeks/month ago as E3 content, when it absolutely is.
I actually have a working relashionship which I can't disclouse and was told that.
Not having pc parity pisses me off honestly
Goddammit why does this have to be an edit? You made me check the artist for nothing.
>All these buffs to the hunters
>Still absolutely nothing of note given to most monsters
Iceborne's going to be absolute fucking piss, isn't it?
>they said specifically in the last trailer to expect more at e3
They said more info coming during E3 time in the first trailer (shown at State of Play) and the Spring Update.
And the second trailer, plus all the weapon videos, dropped last week, few days before E3.
At E3 we got a look in detail at the new hub and multiple full gameplays of Banbaro and Tigrex.
They did everything they promised, I have no idea why people were convinced the trailer released 3 days before E3 didn't count as the E3 trailer.
Who the fuck still watches television?
don't worry user, you'll get even more aoe spamming end game monsters to compensate
Well good news, I'm the artist of the edit.
Just paint Black Blos weapons black, and I'm cool.
normalfags, the main audience for videogames
Wait, do we get Iceborne late? Cause I was gonna move from Ps4 to PC when it goes on sale.
Dont expect anything until Gamescom, theyll probably realease the final trailer there
why are you bootlicking so hard? are you an actual employee of capcom? they brought out a giant flagship statue and didn't even show any new gameplay of the monster itself
Well, now you'll move 4 to 6 months later, no biggie.