They better start issuing apologies to the trans community and fixing their shit pronto. If they release Cyberpunk in this state there will be blood on their hands.
They better start issuing apologies to the trans community and fixing their shit pronto...
fuck off why the hell they should care that 0.01% are offended?
Don't worry, if they ever step foot into Canada or UK, they will be arrested for hate speech.
I will buy a full price copy for every tranny that kills themself over this game
lmao seething discord tranny
cope harder incel
have sex
Have sex and dilate.
we already have 4 threads for this shit, go seeth over trannies in one of those
fuck trannies
I didn't need to see this evil
That was something I really didn't need to see but I'm really glad that these people are removing themselves from the gene pool
I want to falcon punch this into oblivion
my god
these people are mentally ill
game isnt out yet and sjws are already frothing
yra. TRANNY blood. lol, dilate.
CDproject is sell out whores to GLOBOHOMO agenda, witcher 3 was filled with political correctness
also that witcher 3 sucked
newfag kys, he is literally against trannies you single digit cdpr drone
OP you faggot I want to inform you that if you ever shake a trannys hand you'll probably have blood on your hands too, because I'm pretty sure most of them sure as shit don't wash their hands after dilating
seething about yor kin being alive is a good thing unironically
>Wake the fuck up Samurai!
>We have trannies to burn!
It was really necesary this line for the plot?
I think it's dilate o'clock, user.
why did I click this I knew what it was going to be an how much I would hate seeing it
speaking with memes only proves you are worse kind of human
Its not even that many.
So you won't buy It?