is there anything stopping the player from only recruiting a gang of white skinheads
Is there anything stopping the player from only recruiting a gang of white skinheads
there will be no white people in the game
they won't stop you from making a gang of only niggers either nigger.
Quests will only be voiced for specific characters
No probably not. Ubisoft games aren't as politically charged as they like to make it seem. However they are buggy as shit with shallow mechanics and barebones amounts of content
>its another luciferians fill the game with occult symbolism episode because it's the age of Aquarius
This is getting real old, Fryman
>game is advertised using a paper-thin political theme
>everyone loses their minds, talks about it nonstop
>play the game
>its just GTA with hacking
Good luck finding that many white men who aren’t cops
Name anything that doesn’t. Not that you’re wrong a paranoid, but that shit really is everywhere ESPECIALLY in Ubisoft
the trailer showed some vital characters that are probably immortal and story related like the old lady
>Name anything that doesn’t
It's a sick joke and I want out.
It's going to be shit and Ubisoft direction for randomised mission generator is worrying.
Is there anyone on Yea Forums who's an active skinhead and not just a neet stormfag?
Have you people even been to London? The city is even more multi-cultural than NY.
I'm tempted to get this game since it actually looks fun, and gives me the option to just play as whites.
Now the question is whether I can kill civilians as well.
Probably not.
Ubisoft games tend to spread out all ethnicities on both sides to stop any controversy.
London is about 2% whiter than NYC.
>Is there anyone on Yea Forums who's an active skinhead and not just a neet larping as a white supremacist?
The white conservative libertarians are all supportive of the draconian government and you're given good boy points for killing them, attempting to recruit them immediately makes them call you a minority and curb stomp you
This is a worse case than the first W_D reveal, which only promissed cool graphics. There's going to be only a handful of unique playable NPCs, and the rest will be randomly generated with no special skills, no cutscenes and no distinctive stories, practically making them non-canon. Only completionists will play as all of them.
Ubi only delivers when expectations are low.
So they're going for realism then...
>Ubisoft games
>Not politically charged
>Watchdogs 3 has you in a post-Brexit apocalyptic London where an authoritarian fascist regime has taken power, is locking up immigrants and deporting them while you build a resistance to RISE up and oppose them.
Not buying the game is stopping me from doing it
Is there a big budget game that people don't buy en-masse just because it exists? Seriously, Watch Dogs 1 and 2 are some of the all round worst looking games I've ever seen. No idea why anyone touched them.
You're right, at that point we already are in another galaxy adding new planets to the greatest empire of the universe..
Is anything going to stop me from making an all granny squad of old lady antifas?