This is the best game of all time, and there’s nothing you can say that will prove me wrong
This is the best game of all time, and there’s nothing you can say that will prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
It's definitely the best Final Fantasy game that's for sure
I really loved how every character was developed & fully fleshed out, it made them feel like real people.
Cringe and dilate
Based and redpilled
Yeah I loved Gogo's character arc, it really spoke to me
Not Gogo, Mog and the yetti
Definitely the best final boss theme of all time. I love IX, I should really play this, it looks amazing.
Started a bit too slow for me.
I should go back and give it another try.
Is Cyan supposed to feel awful to use anyway?
That’s it, I had enough of this fucking spam
V is better tho.
gotta love how after years of 'turn based is shit bro' every zoomer is hopping on the jrpg trend now that P5 and FFVII Remake have flashy visuals
>"you guys are saving the world? hmm I think i'll do that too!"
he was based
Yes Cyan sucks ass, what of stupid mechanic is "just wait a bunch and do nothing"
3d remake good
No, 7 is better in every way.
The only FF game I've played that I liked VI more than is II. It's some seriously overrated shit that I'm absolutely sure is only praised because of nostalgiafagging. Esper system is absolute garbage and requires you to go full autismo if you want all of your party members to actually gain the stats you want them to gain on level up, most individual character skillsets are useless the longer you go on and your final party is determined mostly by which party members can use the same generic magic spells the best, and that's not even getting into the plot, in which the second half of the game is essentially fucking Mass Effect 2. It's shit.
People only pretend to like this game because FF7 is too popular
I'm willing to accept 7 is better then 6 in certain aspects, but as a whole 6 is better then 7. If you actually believe its better then 6 you need to bait harder.
But I am curious to see if you can dig yourself out of the whole. In what specific ways is 7 better then 6?
Should I play this or FFVII?
Is FFVI intuitive with good pacing like Chrono Trigger or is it a grindy slog that you need to play with a guide like most JRPGs of the era?
play both. Both are incredibly good.
I liked III.
Eternal Wind is one of my favorite tracks.
I'm pretty sure they designed the game with the philosophy that every character is a main character instead of having one or a small group of main characters surrounded by supporting ones.
why bother with VII now that the remake is around the corner?
Play VI, probably the best thing you can do with your life right now.
I like FF V more.
No one other than Terra, Locke, Setzer and Celes have any depth, unless you want to argue that that Moogle shithead could be a main character or the stupid crap that Sabin and Gao were doing in the World of Ruin mattered
>It's definitely the best Final Fantasy game that's for sure
FF6 is full of broken, unbalanced, janky-ass shit compared to 4, 5 and 7.
Go dilate tranny, FF6 is the epitome of cringy tranny fashion
Switch port when
FF7 is a downgrade in every regard & isn’t even a top 5 RPG on the PS1. It’s only popular because it’s babby’s first RPG. Everyone knows that FF6 is the best in the series
> FF5 Hipster
Fuck off you miserable cunt
The style of ff6 is perfect you niggerfaggot
>This game and V get shitty mobile-tier remakes
Those two games deserved better, dammit.
VI and then VII.
The only way in which VI is better than V is in terms of graphics.
FF6 is perfect & doesn’t need a remake. FF7 is outdated garbage which is why it needed a remake to be playable in 2019
All the guys in this game look like pre-op trannies, go FUCKING DILATE AND GET OFF MY FUCKING BOARD
Fuck everyone in this thread, we all know the best FF is Tactics.
VI is a close second, and XII has the best asses, VIII had merit for including paper mario mechanics and the protag having the biggest harem.
Try again, my favorite mainline game is 4 which gets no hipster cred. I can't play FF5 anymore without ditching it for FF Tactics, but it's better than 6.
FF6 is an alright game especially if you're a storyfag, because it's got a lightweight, fast-paced SNES-style narrative but still has a lot of story content and elaborate cutscenes (eg Opera Hourse).
FF6 is a game with a lot of promise and feels like it should be the best Final Fantasy ever, which is why a lot of plebs and hipsters argue for it. But the fact is once you take a closer look at it, you start seeing all the broken shit and failed ideas.
FF7 is dumbed-down and laden with minigames and elaborate cutscenes, but at least its basic systems are solid unlike FF6.
>muddled focus on plot
>doesn't even have a main character
>85% of the game railroads you into picking certain party members or removes party members altogetherll0
>half the party is worthless and boring
>villain has no motivation besides "he's crazy" and his backstory is glossed over in two lines of dialogue from an optional encounter with a nameless NPC
>tonal clusterfuck
I could go on.
>85% of the game railroads you into picking certain party members or removes party members altogether
I really think IV is highly overrated as well for this reason alone. Very difficult to make yourself a consistent strategy when the game forces you to change party members every two cutscenes.
>In what specific ways is 7 better then 6?
1) Way better graphics
2) Extremely more varied and better looking locations
3) Extremely bigger world and exploration
4) Extremely better protagonist
5) Extremely better antagonist
6) Higher quality sound
7) Better overall gameplay (less annoying rate of random encounters, lots of minigames, etc...)
8) Way better endgame, sidequests and secrets
9) Way better growth/development system
10) Way better plot, narration and themes
>Extremely better protagonist
>Extremely better antagonist
>Using graphics as an argument for a better game
Stopped reading there, kys graphics whore
>Very difficult to make yourself a consistent strategy
That's the whole fucking point.
>I really think IV is highly overrated as well for this reason alone.
No, it's massively underrated by people who care way too much about being able to customize your party. I mean, I get it, it adds an interesting meta and more potential for replayability (FF4 Free Enterprise lets you customize party which is great). But the JRPG combat system is really limited and it winds up being a lot harder to come up with interesting combat scenarios when you have to balance everything to assume some level of min/maxing.
This is doubly true for the heavily casual Final Fantasy series.
Graphics matter a lot more in turn-based JRPGs than they do in other kinds of games since most of what you're doing is going through menus and selecting which pretty animations you want to watch
It's one of the main reasons Persona is a lot more popular than mainline SMT. The art has more stylization to it (though the actual animations are just as lackluster)
>Best game of all time
>Barely even a video game
Fantastic thread
>I really loved how every character was developed & fully fleshed out, it made them feel like real people.
The more I hear FF6-fags speaking, the less I believe they're for real.
FF6-fags must be the Yea Forums equivalent of Madoka-fags on Yea Forums or Flat-earthers on /sci/.
There's no other explaination.
After skipping P4, I'm genuinely amazed P5's gameplay is still dogshit.
I thought Atlus would be better than this.
Why aren't Turn-Based JRPGs referred to as SRPGs?
It's a rhetorical question
>That's the whole fucking point.
If it was then they'd regularly change out your entire party instead of just one person at a time (or two, when Palom and Porom are involved)
And having a more interesting meta is fairly important for a game like FFIV, which still has a pretty barebones "overthrow the evil king" plot. Yes, it was an SNES game, but so was V. There's not much reason to go back to IV, and I say that as someone whose primary experience with it is the DS remake
>insert disk 2 to continue
>until this day sephiroth is the embodiment of edgelord with mommy issues
>who cares about end game, fucking mmo fags, what's important is the actual game and having memorable moments, besides aeris dying and the cross dressing FFVII is forgetabble shit, all you do is fight fucking thugs and have some retarded amnesia crusade, it has less characters and one of them isn't even developed.
Nocturne looks way better than Persona 3 and 4, though.
All of this is factually wrong, and i played FF7 before FF6. FF6 was so superior that FF7 is basically unplayable now
I believe it'll be the next game square will give attention too.
With it being featured in that Square Enix Music ad.
And what do you know, it's the most popular main SMT game. Go figure.
Fuck you, FF6 should NEVER be remade under any circumstance.
>Gameplay at #7
It's also irrelevant, because all Final Fantasy is born of Dragon Quest, which was (and still is) an extreme bastardization of early virtual D&D adaptations.
Your argument is also flawed. Even if it is true that 7 has less frequent random encounter rate, it easily takes 10x as long to get in and out of said trash encounters.
It's also worth questioning why random encounters are in either game or the series/genre to begin with. They're never difficult and it the idea of running out of mana/potions was a concept long since abandoned by the time of VI/VII, so there's no compounding risk of any failure.
They're literally just there because they had no idea how to make a video game and needed the padding and gameplay to make it seem like a video game, other than the atrocious visual novel shit both games are.
Your logic is flawed because you can't see the forest for the trees.
on an unrelated note, please stop pretending Final Fantasy (or Japanese media in general) has ever had writing even halfway competent enough to argue that X game's protagonist is better to Y, and so on and so forth.
Japs wouldn't know characterization or proper storytelling if it was written right to left and included in a picturebook.
>Extremely more varied and better looking locations
kek, have you played after disc 1?
The best part about VIIR being episodic is, ironically, you can just buy Midgar and the final act separately and skip the generic bullshit that comprises 80% of the fucking game.
V exists and is far more fun. VI has the same problem IV has where it tries to go up its own ass with the melodrama.
but what if it's good?
Only after IX.
>primary experience with it is the DS remake
Probably why you lack appreciation for that that game really did well and why people like it so much (and liked it so much back then).
>There's not much reason to go back to IV
Except that it's a 15-20 hour game (the SNES version is, the DS version with all the voice acting shit is much more drawn out). so playing it again is not much of a commitment. You can also pay closer attention to stat mods on equipment and realize that there's actually quite a bit of customization available.
That's why most fans of that game play the Free Enterprise randomizer hack. There are a lot of bells and whistles and QoL features but the main ones are:
1. Story removed (once you've seen it a few times no need to replay it).
2. Open World design (start game with Enterprise airship)
3. Customizable party (although not freely so, restricting to 5 random characters is a popular flag and even without that you still have to earn all but the first two)
4. Clever randomization of Boss encounters (basically, each randomized boss is adjusted to the stats of the slot the boss is replacing).
But still, it's not as much fun to blow away with Magus Sisters with Palom's Quake or Rydia's Summons like you can in Free Enterprise, if you haven't already played the original and understand that fight was originally designed for a party of 3 melees and 90mp Tellah (with no wall-ignoring spells).
The only way freeform party management could ever work in a JRPG as mechanically simplistic as DQ/FF is if the enemies were adaptive.
I.E. You roll as X, Y, and Z with skills A, B, and C, and the enemies with their pool of skillsets would be adaptive to that and actually, you know, try to fucking win.
The problem with these basic bitch games is that you're the only one playing. The A.I. is nonexistent and does nothing and is predictable after the second turn, unless in classic Japanese ebin twist fashion, a boss might have an endgame attack or full heal or some shit.
You're rolling as a certain paradigm, so to speak, and you enter a level run by the generic Empire antagonist group, but you've been fighting them for hours now, so you know them as much as THEY should know you, so their tactical approach within the dungeon and the units they dispatch differ for every player and paradigm, as opposed to a level filled with monsters.
I fundamentally do not understand why such basic fucking design work is considered off the table or incomprehensible to these faggotniggers working on these sad excuses for video games.
This is the mentality of the DMC team, and that's a franchise/genre that Squaresoft, let alone Square-Enix, can never hope to match. This is a company whose sole focus since somewhere between FFIII-IV has been graphics and shitty, inhuman plotlines with a cast of predictable characters who are less convincing as characters than the cast of fucking Sesame Street.
Graphics wouldn't matter if there was any actual gameplay.
>inb4 dude menu navigation is gameplay
Yeah, it is, that's not what I meant though.
If navigating that menu was an actual tactile choice that you were pondering, rather than explicitly picking the shit that has cool animations or gets you out of the trash mob quicker.
FF has no strategy. It's retard proof.
This is an overhyped and painfully average JRPG with no interesting game mechanics.
>Not even the best turn based rpg on the snes.
Chrono Trigger is still king faggot.
Umaro has the deepest lore
Only when you patch out the countless bugs.
>Probably why you lack appreciation for that that game really did well and why people like it so much
On the contrary, I should have gained more of an appreciation for it than had I played the original since it's more difficult and should theoretically require more thought. Instead I just felt like arbitrary contrivance held me back in certain places since some characters are clearly better than others (I would never even consider using Edge if the game didn't force me to).
>there's actually quite a bit of customization available
No more than is available in any other turn based game. Everything has equipment mods, it's not special.
>But still, it's not as much fun to blow away with Magus Sisters with Palom's Quake or Rydia's Summons like you can in Free Enterprise, if you haven't already played the original and understand that fight was originally designed for a party of 3 melees and 90mp Tellah (with no wall-ignoring spells).
You say that as if customization is incompatible with game design. If you ever played the ports of FFV and went to the bonus dungeon, some of the bonus bosses are specifically built to fuck with the popular spellblade+rapidfire strategy. Of course, you can easily counter by mimicing Dualcasted Bahamut, but it's still a pretty hard fight with the party nukes and stuff. It's true, there's not enough of that in games like V or Tactics, but it's a possibility that exists. They just need to playtest for OP strategies instead of shoving the game out with no QC
>1) Way better graphics
Not really, bad 3d isnt better than good 2d , this graphics argument is RETARDED
>2) Extremely more varied and better looking locations
Not even close
>3) Extremely bigger world and exploration
>4) Extremely better protagonist
.... maybe personal opinion but Cloud is one of the worst in all FFs, close to Tidus
>5) Extremely better antagonist
Hahahah good one, sephirot its like 3-5th in a top 10 villains
>6) Higher quality sound
You are right, next gen console tho
>7) Better overall gameplay (less annoying rate of random encounters, lots of minigames, etc...)
>8) Way better endgame, sidequests and secrets
>9) Way better growth/development system
>10) Way better plot, narration and themes
Best of all time? Explain.
Limitations is what makes a strategic video game strategic.
Games like FF, especially ones with the Job System, have no limits. You can do anything whenever you want, with no fear of choosing something that might be your undoing.
There's no gameplay. You're just interacting with a spreadsheet.
Choice, not just related to dialogue (which ironically this series also has none of), is what makes the genre work. All the developer does is create the tools and make sure to balance them to the best of their ability against each other and the opposition you face, and then let you choose which tools to take and work out the synergy yourself, limiting your backtracking on choices related to said tools, hence making your choices to require thought.
And better still, which tools are beneficial in the interaction of the context, not just at it relates to clubbing enemies over the head. This is another major element that is completely absent from most JRPGs: Interaction with the game world, I.E. Gameplay other than the previously established mindless combat.
This is something present in almost every RPG and a core aspect of the genre and its source material, but it's so absent in Final Fantasy that the blatant copy/paste job that was Octopath Traveler was treated as unique because you had four skills that allowed you to interact with predetermined NPCs with absolutely no conesequence.
Fuck me, Square is the most incompetent purported video game company that ever existed. They should have been dissolved after that stupid ass movie, the fucking retards.
Evasion was a bugged stat that did nothing
Stamina doesn't do anything except increase the poison damage your character takes
>FFVII had better graphics
also most of the enemies are insects or stupid wild life
Where's the third guy mentioning that none of that shallow garbage has anything to do with the inherent lack of gameplay in either title?
Oh, I guess that's me.
Certainly, Square showed their true colors as a film studio long before Spirits Within.
>Complicated Plot
There's a fine line between Complicated and Convoluted. VII is the latter moreso than anything. The core plotline is not exactly delving any Shakespeare, all that could possibly be considered complex is the terminology.
I mean it's not fucking Dune.
All that being said, IX is abhorrent in its intentions. VII was at least born of some creative spark. IX was born of desperation after the lukewarm reaction to VIII. That was the ugly era when Square became comfortable in their commercial success, and didn't want to lose it. That's when all artistic integrity was truly lost.
And nothing of value would have been lost, if you retarded assholes would've just let them die.
This is a meme that goes around just because the devs said it, but:
>half-human half-esper, thus special for being the only character to be born with magic
>game's story is about magic, espers and their relationship with humans
>family killed by evil empire
>main villain happens to be a magitek knight just like her
>bunch of plot points where she's the main focus
>is on the game's fucking cover
You gotta be a serious brainlet to not understand Gogo.
>I should have gained more of an appreciation for it than had I played the original since it's more difficult and should theoretically require more thought.
This is a meme, neither game is very difficult. Although certainly they're both more difficult than FF6 but this is nitpicking.
The DS version is an entirely rebalanced game from the ground up and nothing you learn about playing it should be assumed to apply to the original.
>No more than is available in any other turn based game. Everything has equipment mods, it's not special.
Seriously don't start saying stupid shit like this.
Every game has equipment mods. Not every game has items with major penalties and bonuses that let you dramatically alter the way you play the character.
Rydia with Flame Whip + Black Belt + Bandanna + Strength Ring is optimized for melee, and her spell damage will suck.
Rydia with Stardust Rod + Tiara + Sorcerer + Rune is build for dealing spell damage.
you can do
>Isn't required to complete the game
Why would you ever build Rydia for melee? That's up there for one of the dumbest strategies I've ever heard
And yeah, choosing between strength and magic is something that anything that has even an ounce of customization involves. It's the most basic thing imaginable.
Did you even play the game?
What about Edgar/Sabin's subplot, Cyan gets MULTIPLE subplots, then there's the whole interplay with Shadow/Strago/Relm, even most of the side characters like Cid have more going on than the average JRPG main character.
Terra Locke and Celes are obviously the focus, but everyone important gets multiple major scenes.
Choice related to dialog is reliably shit. It almost always makes games worse and fuck all you retards who somehow think that multiple-choice dialog is "roleplaying" anything like a real conversation.
True, however:
>Fuck me, Square is the most incompetent purported video game company that ever existed
No, not at all. The fact that Final Fantasy has lots of interesting complexity without consequence is what makes it fun for casual play and why it turned into a fucking billion dollar franchise. Anybody (including prime audience of 10-year-old boys) can play Final Fantasy and win, but there is more to the game for anyone interested in looking deeper. Decisions have SOME consequences, but never anything too harsh or punishing.
>medieval town 1
>medieval town 2
>medieval town 3
>modern metropolis
>medieval town 4
>medieval town 5
>medieval town 6
>"wooow best game evar!!!"
>modern metropolis
>medieval town
>beach resort town
>african village
>american indian village
>chinese city
>aztec/mayan temple
>bone city
>seashell city
>"generic bullshit."
>"oh, except for the modern metropolis already seen in thousands of other games... THAT had SOUL!"
The absolute state of ff6-fags
Decent but not great.
Ok plot boring gameplay.
> Edgar/Sabin's subplot
>Come back and act like the prince you are
>Cyan gets MULTIPLE subplots
>I couldn't save my kingdom, I'm such a failure
>Oh wait there's a girl I want to bone now
>then there's the whole interplay with Shadow/Strago/Relm
>I'm actually your dad but I'm not going to mention this and the game isn't going to do anything with it because the devs didn't see fit to give me more than 3 lines
And you still have no counter for Mog, Umaro, Gogo, etc
wow lava stage desert stage forest stage! ow they got everything!
I'll take the internally consistent world over the shitty ass literal clashing theme park any day.
So you're conceding the point, cool, thanks.
>I'm actually your dad but I'm not going to mention this
This is the best fucking part, he didn't seek redemption on it and it is VERY counter norm for stories like that. All he wanted was to die and fade away, but he got his last good act in then did just that. There was no reason to intrude on their lives anymore.
Mog is a moogle and fights for you just like before, Umaro is his autistic friend.
Gogo found SOMETHing to copy after transporting from FFV, and the first thign he does is mimic your characters trying to save their world
You're a fucking idiot.
>planet has different locals and this somehow not consistent
2 beats this game by a milestone.
You neglected to mention Figaro castle and Doma, retard.
Nope.In fact, I'll go ahead and make the opposite point, that no one got any major scenes, not even people like Terra and Locke who were supposed to be the focus. All the character shit you see in VI literally doesn't matter. None of it actually ties into the plot of the game in a meaningful way. It's all filler.
>Why would you ever build Rydia for melee?
Maybe think about it for more than two seconds. Fuck how much of a closed-minded pleb can you be? You're just outing yourself as someone way out of your element who doesn't even understand the first thing about the game he's trying to criticize. Some enemies counter magic and summons. Some enemies have weakness against her weapons. Her whips have a paralyze effect that can be handy. The melee+build armor has higher physical defense values. Melee attacks don't have cast delays like most spells, and don't cost mana.
>And yeah, choosing between strength and magic is something that anything that has even an ounce of customization involves.
>It's the most basic thing imaginable.
So? The game allows some basic customization, meanwhile focused on trying to provide interesting encounters designed specifically around the ATB combat system which was brand-new in 1990. I never argued that customization in FFIV is amazing, but there is some available with equipment and the equipment in the game is specifically designed to allow for this kind of customization (and not just OP crap like most of the high-end items in FF6).
>he didn't seek redemption on it
>but he got his last good act in
>You're a fucking idiot.
Pot, meet kettle
Except every character's personal struggles are tied into the main theme of finding something worth protecting and a reason to fight, especially Terra's who is completely focused on it
Every plot important character has their "faith" in the world and the people around them tested and resolved as part of their subplots, this is the main theme of the game is finding a reason to struggle even in the face of impossible pressure
By your definition of "filler" there's nothing in any jrpg ever that isn't filler
>Some enemies counter magic and summons. Some enemies have weakness against her weapons. Her whips have a paralyze effect that can be handy. The melee+build armor has higher physical defense values. Melee attacks don't have cast delays like most spells, and don't cost mana.
And literally none of this matters. You yourself said both games were easy. There's scarcely any point in wasting time creating these builds when you can still more or less bulldoze over enemies strong against magic with your dedicated melee characters even if Rydia is left without something to do. I could see this being useful only on challenge runs, but I'd rather play a game that's designed around challenge instead of having to limit myself for the sake of it.
nice bait retard, have a you.
this is a truth most fags can't handle, user
as long as you mean the re-released versions
> I'd rather play a game that's designed around challenge instead of having to limit myself for the sake of it.
So in other words you prefer FFIV to FFV or FFVI? Because at least IV is minimally designed around challenge rather than just letting you build up whatever the fuck you want to win.
Shit gameplay.
All of the FF games prior to VI were much more focused on plot. None of them had optional digressions that had nothing to do with the overall plot for the sole purpose of expounding on a supposed theme that isn't even evenly applied to all characters and for some characters it isn't even clear that they're participating in that theme at all. VI has loads of filler, the prior games do not.
boring gameplay
>Because at least IV is minimally designed around challenge
You're reaching here. It's not to a significant enough extent that it would cause me to have a preference over any of the other games in the series that I've played. I could make a stronger case for I-III having more challenge simply on the basis of the spell charge system, and III still lets you use whatever build whenever.
>You're reaching here.
You're the one who opened up the argument citing the lack of customization in FF IV as some kind of major un-acknolwedged flaw.
Too serious story and not as fun as 5. Because of the jobs 5 is more fun to build characters in and level up. The strength of 6 is its cast but the rest is overshadowed by 5. 5 has a great cast anyway and the balls to kill someone off too, it has a more fun setting and really really doesn't want to be seriously. On paper and in practice 5 is a lot better and more fun than 6.
You never really argued against my points for that, which were that neither the game design as it stands nor the story is really enough of a draw to play the game given the lack of customization options or really anything else to do at all
It's essentially the same argument I make against "precision" platformers like IWBTG, the only difference being that it's actually easy. Nonetheless, the only thing you can do is the one thing the game wants you to do and there's little room for deviation so you just keep doing the same thing over and over until you succeed.
Playing the game to begin with is optional so by your definition they're all entirely filler
Whether or not you're "forced" to do content to complete a game says nothing about its plot relevancy, and even the narrow way you're defining "plot relevant" would mean that still basically everything you do in every jrpg is still filler since almost all of it is side diversion to stall the main confrontations
>Playing the game to begin with is optional so by your definition they're all entirely filler
Just because I'm criticizing your favorite game doesn't mean that disingenuous arguments are acceptable.
>and even the narrow way you're defining "plot relevant
I'm not defining it in a narrow way. I'm defining it in exactly the way you would expect those words to mean. There is little to no case that you can make for Terra being in some podunk town taking care of some nameless kids being related to climbing a tower and killing demon clown man other than the most indirect, tangential way, and the irrelevancy of it is reinforced by it being optional.
Yes, getting the airship in most FF games isn't an interesting event, but it's not filler either. It actively leads to new things happening and the story can't finish itself without that happening.
>disingenuous arguments aren't acceptable
>characters don't inform or affect the plot, themes don't exist and even if they did aren't plot relevant because they're not a physical event and thus can't inform the plot at all
Considering that you can complete the game with only three of the sixteeen playable characters, yeah, I'm gonna say they don't inform or affect it
You'd have a point if you didn't pretend that Square only made kiddy trash like FF or CT.
yet again even if you want to take that silly stance you've already defeated yourself
if you never convinced terra to fight again that has a direct effect on the plot because it means she wasn't actually in the fight, she even shows up in a different way if you don't do that, even on a basic level multiple parts of the ending sequence change depending on who you got back so even in your tiny narrow borderline useless definition you're still incorrect, please think about this even a tiny bit dude
He can and most likely will die on the floating continent. He dies being a hero no matter what, but like a shadow doesn't get his recognition for it.
>Gameplay at #7
This style of cherrypicking can only be the unmistakable mark of WRPG-kun! It's you isn't it?
>Even if it is true that 7 has less frequent random encounter rate, it easily takes 10x as long to get in and out of said trash encounters.
Even if this were true, it would still be better since it makes the gameplay way less broken by continuous annoying interruptions
>on an unrelated note, please stop pretending Final Fantasy (or Japanese media in general) has ever had writing even halfway competent enough to argue that X game's protagonist is better to Y, and so on and so forth.
Nice way to a priori disregard every argument concerning writing WRPG-kun!
No matter what you think about JRPGs in general, if you can't see how Cloud alone has objectively more development that the entire cast of VI put together you can stop babbling about stuff like "writing", "characterization" of "storytelling" because you clearly have no clue what any of those words mean.
>If you never convinced Terra to fight, it has a direct effect on the plot because of things that are only related to Terra and have no effect on anything else
The only thing that changes is the ending sequence, and only barely. That's literally it. I mean, there barely is a plot in the World of Ruin, so I suppose that's as much as she can change it, but nonetheless, it's still not a convincing argument for the characters actually mattering.
that's what I've been trying to tell you, with your working definition of "plot relevant" nothing at all matters in any game, not just this one
9 > 6 > 7 > 5 > none of the other ones fucking matter
And I still don't know how you're coming to that conclusion other than being a brainlet.
"It matters if it causes something to happen in the overarching narrative" is not a high standard to meet.
Oh, right, those 2 completely identical medieval castles totally add a burst of variety to the rest of the medieval world
Name a single steampunk location besides Narshe (which is already the same lame medieval shit... except with a couple propellers here and there! WOW SO DIFFERENT!)
>2 completely identical medieval castles
>Identical to Doma
Shit dude, you got 1 perception. You should kill yourself and reroll your worthless life.
It's not him, the formatting is different and he also makes some valid points, doesn't cherrypicks and doesn't even pushes the usual WRPGs to make a point.
I mean, he's still a faggot for make those generalizations, but he's definitely not WRPG-Kun, it's not his style.
>which were that neither the game design as it stands nor the story is really enough of a draw to play the game given the lack of customization options or really anything else to do at all
these is some pretty inane subjective shit but OK:
FFIV has good encounter design. The JRPG system is pretty limited, but FFIV makes the most of it. Bosses all have strengths, weaknesses, and counter-attacks. Many bosses have state changes with changing weak points and phased AI scripts. Others telegraph their major moves giving you a chance to react and/or prepare. All these state-changes happen in real-time and usually in a rhythm meaning you often need to make risk decisions based on your estimation of how much time you have.
Yes, all the subsequent Final Fantasy games do this. But the ATB system was new in FF4. They really wanted the player to appreciate how cool it was. So the emphasis was more on making decisions in combat than preparing for it. People who complain about the game's lack of customization always fail to appreciate this. You can try to argue against it, but you can't just dismiss it with a hand-wave or an appeal to "the game is easy anyway who cares."
>Name a single steampunk location besides Narshe
Is this a trick question?
yes, and anything a character does meets that standard which is why your definition of "plot relevant" is wrong
terra's choice not to rejoin the fight affects the narrative directly because she has to be convinced to rejoin the fight, and the way this happens even changes based on your choice
if you wanted a stronger argument you could argue that a side scene like sabin reuniting with his master to learn his final blitz isn't "plot relevant" because it's not a part of his character arc and changes his decisions in the narrative zeron but it meets the bar of "causes something to happen in the overarching narrative" since it's an event that can happen, doesn't necessarily happen, and contextualizes events earlier in the game and what led up to this point, it affects your perception of the narrative and is an event within the narrative, and on a more fundamental level you can only use the technique if you learn it so it can directly affect ingame events
now I don't actually think sabin learning his final blitz is particularly plot relevant, but I just laid that example out to show how you haven't thought at all about what you're saying
FFVI and the Avengers have the exact same storyline.
I hate both
If you ff6-fags really want to sound so much more old and experienced, shill FF4 instead of that shit.
Granted, they're both mediocre prehistoric relics of an inferior era, but at least 4 tries to have an enjoyable story.
Go back to your Naughty Dog games, user. Grownups are talking here.
I said steampunk, not modern
Just finished it and I disagree with this opinion
>Fucking 10 hour long tutorial
>Fucking shitty magicite system
>Bad humor to lighten up the mood in the first half
>Fucking, Gogo, Gau, Umaro and Mog. Relm is absolutely useless.
>Kefka is the poor man's joker, he is completely overrated, irrational and one sided, the emperor was a better villain actually.
>Dancing Mad is fucking overrated, the first two parts are garbage, only the two last ones are good.
It's a very flawed game that isn't as good as either FF4 (short but better focused, flawless soundtrack better characters) or FF5 (Best game systems of the series, and Galuf is a fucking bro)
Still it had a great second half and the scene in pic related, but that's not enough to better than the 2 prior games.
>steel didn't exist in the 19th century
Jesus you are an idiot