Name your biggest concern about the remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
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That it is cut up into pieces, because square can never seem to shake their incompetence.
they gonna cut it in 5 pieces and sell for 150-300$ total
if 1st part actually ends when you leave Midgar it seems pretty likely
It'll cost over $200 for the whole game. Such a rip off.
Cait sith and red XIII being cut as characters because of the new battle system
If they somehow put in so much content that it takes 40 hours or so to beat the game, I'll be okay with it
I have two concerns and they aren't very big.
That they'll bloat the story to high heaven with all of the terrible spin-off shit that's been released since the original game came out. And considering that they're splitting the game into two or more parts, that's nearly a 100% guarantee.
Combat looks like ass.
Splitting it up into episodes for jew gold
It being episodic is pure greed
Genesis shoehorn.
As someone who preorderd FFXIII, FFXV, and KH3, I learned my lesson. I'm going to wait until everything releases and goes on sale. I can't trust SE anymore.
The lack of a jump button will make navigating the enivronment feel awful. I expect there will be a whole lot of waist-high piles of rubble that you can't go around. Square Enix has a huge history of having godawful invisible walls.
Tifa looks so fucking cute in this.
If the first part is indeed only in Midgar, there's no way that they can make it into an actually interesting 40 hour game without boring padding,
um, why? I can see Red tackling enemies.
I'll die before I get to play it all.
No characters will be cut. But I can see things like the chocobo farm, chocobo raising, maybe fort condor and possibly gold saucer being cut.
Vincent will still be the shittiest character
People are worried about mostly irrelevant shit like oh no my favorite nostalgia won't be there but the true issue is that this might be some 60 dollar 3 hour experience that we won't get the next 3 hour installment of for years.
Episode 2 get cancelled
Hopefully the Chocobo sidequest will still be in. But I hope they make it a touch faster. I replayed VII not too long ago and can say that the x3 speed boost is a fucking godsend for stuff like that sidequest.
It was the combat but that's mostly been assuaged with the recent trailers. Looks phenomenal.
Now, it's just actually getting a complete retelling of FFVII in our lifetime. I don't think dev time on each game will actually be 5+ years but I do expect 2-3 at least. Square is just deeply mismanaged and I don't see that changing any time soon.
On a minor note, if I can't get Carbuncle as separate DLC I'm gonna be pissed. He's my favorite summon and locking him behind an unobtainable collector's edition would be bullshit.
Combat being some random button mashing, bleep boop random numbers popping out on screen omg they're flying now whoohaha this Cloud dude is just like a male Lightning, and what is this materia thing anyway, I never use it lol
"The game is just too big" being used as an excuse to stretch the game over too long releases.
The textures and fidelity are very impressive. I'm curious to what extent 2 blu-ray discs are as a result of 'new things to do' rather than just textures and data.
It goes into even further development hell and is rebranded as Final Fantasy XVII and is announced as a launch title for the PS6 7 years from now
A shame that Carbuncle is currently locked behind the Shinra CEO edition. Always been one of my favourite FF characters.
Didn’t they said Midgard is gonna be fully explotable?
This is scary because it could be very true.
They said you can "play the game how you want". That just means that the combat seems entirely meaningless in terms to strategy.
I know FF7 wasn't the most challenging game but I'm hoping for some resemblance of challenge in this release.
>No one buys Episode 1 because who wants to pay full price for an incomplete game?
>Rest of game is cancelled
>"Final Fantasy VII's lacklustre reception has shown us the future of gaming is on mobile. We are proud to announce Final Fantasy: Pay to Win"
episodic format
Squeenix has the actual worst habit of shuffling around team members based on the boards mood that week. I'm scared that this is going to drop out of the number one priority spot some time, it's going to lose team members to FF14 or some shit, and episodes 2+ will drop in quality and also take forever to release.
Bike design is pretty cool. Looks a lot better than that gay thing from AC.
It could mean that you just get the materia from the start of the game instead of unlocking it later.
It's a godsend for everything if you ask me.
I'm always torn between playing at normal speed for the actual experience and leaving x3 speed on because a lot of the older FF titles are just really, really fucking slow without it.
So whole part 1 will be based in Midgar as a stand-alone game. Does that mean that levels, materia and equipment won't carry over? So we will be able to play part 2 without even having to play part 1?
They won't do all the weird stuff like traveling to space, the tactics light minigame, etc
It's being directed by Tetsuya Nomura, a man that knows cool shit, but he has no idea on how to deliver cool shit in a cohesive way. There will be dumb changes to the story or lore that contradict the original or entries in the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" because Tetsuya Nomura wanted to add something cool, but doesn't know how to properly fit it into the game. The man is like a shounen manga author that writes chapter to chapter, with either no clear direction or a loose guideline of what the story will be. Sure the remake will have to follow very closely to the original, but with Tetsuya Nomura at the director's helm, the game will lose everything that made the original endearing.
Also, games are usually a product of their time, so even if the overall story is the same, some aspects will be changed to reflect the sensibilities of today.
That none of that attention to detail, budget, or genuine care will go into the rest of the game, and the post Midgar remake will be half assed or just scrapped altogether.
An option to remove the thigh highs, sports bra is okay.
The combat being as dull and uninspired as XV.
Not staying true to the original story.
Slow release of each individual part.
Too expensive.
$15 Original Outfit DLC Pack. Please enjoy!
dumb phoneposter
Censorship. Actually, I think Nomura has already said some thing WILL change because the times are different.
>some aspects will be changed to reflect the sensibilities of today.
I don't think you realize how little of a shit nips give about current trends and politics on a global scale.
More like $15 for all the advent children designs and OG tifa is in there too because lol
my biggest concern is Aerith surviving and Tifa getting sidelined until the reveal of Cloud larping as zack
Besides they nerfing Tifa, it will take nearly 10 years to be completed and they may ruin the story and characters in the process.
Half Life Episode Three
Barret's sunglasses and Tifa's body show a lack of understanding of the characters core themes, and therefore a likely failure to capture the greatness of the original.
As casual interest dies off between Episodes they turn it into milking as much DLC and merch from the fanbase as possible
No, only Sector 7 is explodable iirc
>how little of a shit nips give about current trends and politics on a global scale.
Didn't Sega remove a side quest from Yakuza 3 because it was "transphobic"?
Extended FF7 universe being shoehorned into this game. Holy fuck Crisis Core's plot is so bad it's frightening.
It will be 10-20 hours in length instead of 30-40.
That Square expects us to pay $60 for a remake of the first 5 hours of a 20+ year old game
This is not funny.
>Midgar alone is 2 discs
I'm not gonna have enough space on my shelf for all the discs by the end of these games
What if they actually make Aerith's death avoidable? I'd still make sure she stays dead.
i guess the "episodic" nature. Gameplay looks like it might be interesting, visuals all look decent so far, and i feel that they wont mess with the story.
Tifa looks fine.
Episodic release
Tifa is desexualized (confirmed)
Expensive (Confirmed but more annoying than an actual issue)
Will take a decade to come out (confirmed)
Gag side quests removed in favor of super serious ones (partially confirmed)
I'm pretty nonplussed with this remake. Even if it "looks better," if the game isn't fun, why am I playing it instead of the original PS1 version?
I suppose it's possible it's just an early access summon. But it'll probably be DLC.
Tifa redesign/ localisation /adaptation censorship will be only the beginning; Don Corneo and Honey-Bee Inn either cut or almost feminist propagandan, for starters. Shills/Trannies won't stop making excuses.
Have they said anywhere recently that its still episodic? Could they possibly be rusing us and this release is the FULL game? Seems odd that the title isnt marked "Part 1" or something.
>Barret's sunglasses [...] show a lack of understanding of the characters core themes
>Cloud not having his original 7 hair
>Fragmented release plan
>Music just being run of the mill orchestral remixes so far with the occasional piano piece
>silly new shit like Barret pulling his gun on Cloud the minute the scorpion shows up just to poorly illustrate that he doesnt fully trust him
>getting the feeling that Barret is gonna be the real nigga he was in the japanese script, but not necessarily the same as he was in the PSX ENG script
>Minimal addons tacked onto Tifa's outfit that hardly necessitate a change from the original outfit at all.
The movement is just way too slow. Plus it helps if you're grinding out enemy kills to level up your limit breaks.
I'm already betting that the first excuse will be "if you don't like it, then just play the original".
>that Barret is gonna be the real nigga
meant to say ^ISN'T here.
Barret has never been the "cool" type or the kind to hide his emotions. He's a loud, passionate man who does what he thinks is right openly and can barely stand the necessity of hiding his tiny group from the most powerful company on the planet. He's prone to emotional outbursts at all times, and uses his rough and intimidating nature in public. Privately, he's a sweetheart who cares for his adopted daughter and agonizes over the pain of his past.
Nomura said "cool black guys wear sunglasses" and that's as far as it went.
Biggest concern is that Tifa is too skinny. She's a brawler, she needs a bit more muscle tone. Not saying she needs to get hulked out, just less twiggy. I realize that her original model was very skinny, but they're obviously trying for slightly more realistic interpretations here.
Abs are good though.
1. How expensive it will be to buy three separate products for a single game
2. How long is it going to be between parts, a year, two?
this is the only real concern i have regarding Tifa's appearance. you're alright.
Tifa's design.
I'm 24 and I'll be 6 feet under by the time the final boss happens
The game not having alt costumes. I really liked bunny Tifa
That the same turbo retards in charge of Tifa are in charge of other characters and parts of the game.
It will be at least 4 chapters and we'll see it finished in 2048 after spending at least 300 $.
If it's less than 4 chapters it will be a lame-ass summary resembling Xenogers' 2nd CD.
snoy exclusive with no mods to fix tifa
Imagine how kino it would be if you literally kill Sephiroth on your deathbed. Your whole life would be building up to it.
The music. Not sure if I was feeling the boss theme.
I already know the rest is going to be a big overhaul and different experience. Seems fine so far.
Well that render they released has Barret without the sunglasses so maybe it's just a Reactor mission thing and he loses them after storming Shinra HQ.
The videos shown so far show that he's still a loudmouth with a large, brash personality with a sweet inner core, though. He was pretty quick to turn his gun on Cloud when he thought he was set up right before the mecha-scorpion tutorial boss fight.
>Tifa is desexualized (confirmed)
You are blind (confirmed)
The sex scene between cloud and tifa will be pre-order only
Wall Market and Don are in. Plus in the teaser we see Cloud, Aerith and Tifa fighting Alps.
i dunno about blind, but lad certainly doesnt have taste.
Some user wrote two paragraphs about how the music wasn't distinct enough from the scene and I wish I saved it because it summed my feelings up very well.
>tifa sex minigame
Yes please.
No 10 minute scene of fucking Tifa
>people using "muh realism" as an argument for change
Literally nothing in Final Fantasy VII is realistic, apart from corporations not giving a shit about killing people and destroying the planet.
>Name your biggest concern about the remake
how much of the compilation will be added to mess up the story.
E3 confirmed the gameplay is good so the fear of VIIR being another Hold O mess has been destroyed.
What the over world will look like. Will there even be an over world or will it be like FFX and just be points on a map and long corridors to each point?
The combat looks dull and shit.
Square-Enix hasn't made a good in-house product in well over 10 years and I have no reason to believe that they'll suddenly break that trend.
Why post this?
>10 minutes
I think it's annoying how much they talk in combat. Reminds me of Spider Man in a bad way
>implying cloud could last ten minutes
>implying you could either
>a year, two?
Oh user.
3-5 years. They haven't even decided how many parts it will be and are in the planning phase for part 2.
>Pacing ruined
>Continuity of side quests and content between episodes?
>Timeframe between releases (will apparently be fucking massive now)
>Expanding Midgar to be its own game is going to mess with all of the above while potentially making the final product feel very different compared to the original
The payoff for this project was getting to see the entire game start to finish, experience the whole story in modern graphics and production values and with what they've done to it that pretty much gets thrown out the window. We're only going to get Midgard at first, which is going to be expanded with who knows how much new content to flesh it out, and then we are going to have to wait 3-4 years for the second episode. How can anyone be excited at that point? What made Midgard so fun in the original was eventually getting to step out of it into the rest of the world and set off on your journey, you're ripping that wonderful moment out of the game and forcing people into a multi year roadblock. It's a shame that there are an infinite amount of bandwagoners that adore the idea of expanding the Midgard portion because they are completely oblivious to what this does to every other aspect of the game.
I don't like the prospect of having to wait 10 years to see the full game, I was hoping they'd finally rediscovered how to put games out in a timely manner but I guess not.
This remake just made me realize Nomura's a bigger hack than Kojima (if Kingdom Hearts hadn't taught me that already)
>I don't like the prospect of having to wait 10 years to see the full game
at least we are getting stuff in the 10 years.
Unlike the last FF game that took 10 years JUST TO BE RELEASED IN AN UNFINISHED STATE
Episodic isn't the end of the world to me, it's squares reputation on taking forever to release any game in a timely manner
It's episodic. When was the last time FF had good non-mmo gameplay?
>When was the last time FF had good non-mmo gameplay?
Lighting Returns?
Yuffie. I better fucking see that tummy and unzipped shorts.
I think you're fucking nuts if you think they'll cut some of the most famous shit in the game. Fort Condor maybe, although I really hope not, but Golden Saucer? You're fucking crazy mate. and Chocobo farm? You think they're going to gut an extremely simple system that will tack on hours of gameplay to their game for essentially no effort while also fucking the original version of the game? I don't think your logic is based in reality friend. You're just spouting shit.
How does that counter what he said? XV had an explorable world as well. As b did MGSV. Both games are boring as fuck
This. I can't wait for her reveal
In 10 years
I seriously hope they abandon this. The is another FF Spirits Within in the making. How can't they see it?
>XV had an explorable world as well. As b did MGSV.
with hardly anything in them
shit music
Chocobo raising being in all depends on if the game will have an over world or not. If it's like FFX and just long corridors to the next town/zone it'll be cut. The thing with gold saucer is what game will it be in? and will it be visitable in later games?
It's not a really great claim anyway. A bluray disc can only hold 25 GB on one side. 50 if you use both. Very unlikely they are talking about a multilayer BD.
If it's 2 layers, that's only 100GB. FFXV was that big and how impressed were you all with that scope?
They are using moron talk for people who don't understand that 2 BDs is fuckall info for anything. That could be 90% uncompressed audios and FMVs for all we know.
that the complete experience will take 10 years to finish development
I wasn't hyped for this at all. Don't see much point when I've already played the original and am familiar with the story and the characters. The battle system looks neat though. I hope they added enough to the game to warrant a remake and cutting it up into pieces.
Not sure but you do realize you've picked the actual biggest fuck up in all of Japan for the game industry as your example right?
What do you mean? That they're totally missing the mark?
>first game comes out
>no ff7 content ever again
This will happen and you know it.
No, that this is a mammoth project that will take too much time and too many resources. They'll make money with it, sure, but they'd make more money by doing more, smaller projects.
I just hope the combat isn't repetitive and braindead. It looks like a Tales of game where you just mash attack and pop potions when needed.
Also it'll probably be super linear. They won't put wutai in every game, you'll probably be forced to recruit yuffie in a specific episode. And you probably can't revisit old areas in newer episodes.
that i cant date barret in the gold saucer
I think it's highly likely that all the games will eventually be able to be merged into a single game. I can't deny the possibility of absolute retardation but if the morons who built Warhammer II can pull it off, it should easily be pulled of for this game seeing as it was a single game to begin with.
As for the chocobo, I suppose you have a point but that doesn't mean they'd be gone. I fairly sure FFX let you rent Chocobo's even though they were useless. I just don't see those things getting cut in anyway. It doesn't make any sense.
Ok, so it'll be redesigned/ localized/ adapted censored or it'll become almost feminist propaganda.
It will never be finished. Bloated Midgar was a mistake. The game will not have a world map.
the only problem i have is how many parts its getting till its done
they wont make the cloud dressing like a girl scene because its too rapey
Distinct lack of soul. Also episodic.
Hopefully Squeenix won't cave into to SJW and make her fat and ugly,.
Oh wait
Do you just live your life in perpetual victimisation and pessimism?
>just don't voice your fears on current trend in video games becoming the norm, just consume
Having to get a PS5 to play the latest parts.
FF games don't bomb. The real issue is that SE will see the sales drop from part 1 and 2 and assume they don't have to make the other parts
They still made Lightning Returns after XIII-2
The development has been restarted.
The game is an updated FF 15 combat system which for all intents and purposes fucking sucks.
The game is one part of a game that we already know the full story of.
Graphically it's great but some of the redesigns look poor.
Final Fantasy 7 isn't even the best final fantasy and is probably my 6th or 7th favorite if I'm being honest. I have to assume that most retards here have only played 7 so that's their only experience with the series. I'm more excited for this game to be absolutely garbage and those same fags shitting their pants because the only final fantasy game they have ever played won't live up to their nostalgia. While that is happening I will play the comfy as fuck FF 8 remaster. Get dabbed on faggots.
I didn't even think about the fact that you can't backtrack in between games
God I've always hated FF7 but I feel a little bad its probably going to have a worse fate than Fabula Nova.
Assuming the same doesn't happen to this project, who knows what might happen in the next 4 or so years it takes to make episode 2, and then looking beyond to 3 and however many they make.
Really there is no guarantee they ever finish it.
>10 years of Tifa porn
I don't get it, how's that bad?
She literally has never ever had any muscle tone in any single one of her depictions.
Her original concept art was a literal fucking stick with big tits and all future designs have been variations of that with various sized tits.
What is your major malfunction?
The number of episodes. First one it's only Midgar and it's 2 discs.
Actually based post.
There's also not a single original artwork with a sportsbra and stupid fucking thigh highs and clown shoes. What's your point?
Mate, why even buy it on ps4? It's on life support already, no one has good reason not to pirate the parts and maybe buy the final version on ps5 or whatever. I won't because of censorship.
>Really there is no guarantee they ever finish it.
FFXV ended up being unfinished
Old Yea Forums was straight.
Nu-Yea Forums is gay.
That it's being split up in unknown amount of parts. The first game is literally just going to be Midgar and they claim it's going to be "two Blu-ray discs worth of gameplay content", which sound like complete horseshit marketing bogus since you can't measure "gameplay content" in gigs. Most of a game's file size tend to be shit like uncompressed audio and pre-rendered cutscenes.
boobs too small
They're not small enough.
I can't wait to find out the true amount of gameplay hours it'll have, if it's anything less than 30 I'd consider it a massive failure. But the longer it is the more new content they've shoved in so that sucks too.
XIII-2 and Lightning Returns were designed with a lower budget in mind though. They can't do that with a remake unless they just start making huge changes and cutting parts of the original.
1. Cut up
2. How Cloud and Tifa are handled. Hope it does not go for ambiguity (but that’s a ways off)
3. Aerith. If they fuck her up the game doesn’t work. And it will be obvious far more quickly.
4. Cloud too
>only 5 parts
>when midgar was not even 10% of the original game
you wish
How fucking terrible the wheelchair segment will be.
Being split into more than two parts because of greed, and further content being cut from the original because of that episodic nature or censorship (Don Corneo crossdressing arc, Honey Bee Inn, Fort Condor, Gold Saucer etc.).
The fact that first part is only Midgard worries me. Midgard in the original is what? 5 hours? Are they going to bloat that with filler to make it 15-20 hours?
Just for original's disc 1 they still need to do Kalm-Junon-Costa del Sol + recruiting Yuffie, the Barrett Corel arc, Cosmo Canyon, recruit Vincent, Rocket Town then finish with Aeris death.
Discs 2 and 3 would be another 3-4 arcs the size of Midgard in the original. They could make FF VII in 7 parts and it wouldn't be enough.
+1 year gaps between each parts. It’s too long of a wait. And it’ll probably be one year or even more between each part.
no explicitly but they alluded to it. it looks like you'll be able to drive across the new highways they added all across midgar that you can see in the new opening shot, judging by that and the new bike scene with jessie if they make her a temp party member I'll lose my shit
Episodic nature and apparently the staff are “fans” so now I’m worried they’ll use the opportunities for expansion to deliver on what a theoreical fandom would want even if it conflicts with the gestalt of the original game
>Final Fantasy: Pay to Win
this is already a thing though
They kept cloud's hairstyle and not tifa's breastsize. Too much political correctness.
Even Square confirmed they have no clue what they're doing. They don't know how many years part 2 will take, nor how many parts the whole game will take. They probably haven't even planned how the rest of the story will play out.
No Cloud crossdressing
No dates
>No more Steve Burton
>No more Beau Billingslea
>Tifa is wearing thigh high and clearly has 0% body fat along with 0% Body muscle. She's a walking black hole, devoid of any and all meat
>Episodic still
>five fucking years and this is still all they have to show
Of all the things I'm seeing red flags for, the combat is the least of my worries, if at all.
>on-rails wheelchair segment where you play as Tifa as you QTE your way out of Mideel
You know it's coming.
I'm so fucking tired of the glorified cutscenes that literally force you to just hold down forward.
well, to be fair to square, they had them back for the first trailer and performances were awful. steve burton has no emotion in his delivery on cloud, and was only ever decent in crisis core. new voice actors already sound leagues better, the only one I hope they bring back is zack's original va. dude was phenomenal
They are remaining faithful to the original design without adhering to it like autistic glue. Making everyone else have new more realistic designs and just keeping Tifa as a twig with basketballs strapped to her chest is retarded and you should feel bad for desiring it.
Have sex.
>Name your biggest concern about the remake
no boobs
no dolphin tail
no panty
no legs
no soul
no fun
the game's just gonna be corridors.
no bath scene
>Tifa looks like Anri
>can't fap to Anri's tits anymore, since I know they're bigger now
They will milk it forever instead of doing VIII's remake
This going to be hilarious.
no boobs
no doIphin tail
no panty
no legs
no soul
no fun
Does Square have access to all of the original assets from FF7, do you think?
That they actually said that the first part is going to be midgar. The game was announced FOUR YEARS ago. Including next year, the first game is going to be coming out after FIVE YEARS have passed. Yet its going to be just midgar? Not even against it being in parts, but how can you fuck up this bad?
Two parts? Easy! First part ends at Meteor being summoned.
Three parts? Also easily done. Have it like the original did. First part ends at her death, second part ends before the final dungeon, and make the final dungeon fucking huge and being the entire third game.
But the first part will end at Midgar? Even with extra content, we have seen what happens when Square Enix doesn't reach its goals (FF15DLC). They fucking quit. If part two also takes five years, how will that work out? The PS5 will be out by then. Am I expected to have to buy that to see part two? And if part three also takes 5 years, am I expected to buy a PS6 for that as well? Who's even going to still be alive here in 10 years?
go away pedo
So fap to Tifa's tits.
no boobs
no dolphin tail
no panty
no legs
no souI
no fun
My biggest concern about the remake is it will lack content.
Crisis Core esque combat except even more casualized - check
Shoving Sephiroth in prematurely and often because he's popular and you know you're not leaving midgar until 2030 - check
Messing Up Aeris' looks - not checked, she's drop dead gorgeous and literally the reason to buy the game
Messing up Tifa's looks - check, she looks like a jav star fucking yikes
Altering the story as a whole for reasons - unknown
Taking out the soul of all the NPCs, little interactions and locations - unknown
Unengaging kill X enemy X times "sidequests" - unknown
Removing "SOUL" - already happening, extent unknown
>seethrough shirt with exposed belly
>massive tits
>short skirt that exposes ass with any amount of movement
>a cumbucket slut design
Yeah nah
>Messing Up Aeris' looks - not checked, she's drop dead gorgeous and literally the reason to buy the game
They changed her form-fitting and unbuttoned dress.
More like it will be stuffed to the brim with filler content that will:
A. Ruin the original story.
B. Waste a lot of time and be grindy as fuck.
C. Push some kind of stupid fucking agenda.
D. All of the above.
If Midgar is a whole game, how will they manage the return to Midgar?
Poor little white boy.
They cut out the sex scene of Cloud getting gang banged by a bunch of buff dudes and also him seducing Don for information in his slutty dress.
We've got several years to come with terms with the return being a hallway simulator
that they wont release on pc so i can mod tifa's tits to their correct size
Hi is this the baseless assumptions thread?
Making Aerith a generic pure maiden like she is in everything BUT FFVII.
>Only 4 playable characters
>One fucking city
>Locked summons
>100+ fetch quests like xv to fill the game
>Waiting another 5 years for episode 2
>Censored bullshit
no boobs
no dolphin tail
no panty
no legs
no soul
no fun
"We are sorry, but we found these scenes to be offensive stereotypes that harm our (Sony) most important gamer demographics, non-binary and trans people."
Expect it.
My biggest concern is that its going to be another boring, uninspired "action RPG" borefest. We have been trying to reinvent the turn-based RPG into something more action oriented for more than 15 years now. I was playing Sakaguchi´s Last Story the other day wich I think ended up being one of the most succesful in this conversion. But it has the same issues that all action RPGS have, and that 7 remake will have: YOU JUST CONTROL ONE GUY AND THE REST RUN IN AUTOMATIC. AND IF YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR PARTY YOU NEED TO STOP ACTION, GO TO SOME HYBRID "TACTICAL MODE" BULLSHIT AND THEN CHOOSE. No one ever changes characters so you end up playing a 60+ hours game with the same guy hacking and slashing in automatic, with the rest of your party being nothing more than glorified NPCs and companions. Yeah... thats NOT what I play a JRPG for.
We had Bravely Default. we had Octopath, WE HAD PERSONA 5, yet the game industry keeps with this mantra that "turn based battles was a bad mechanic". What people dont realise is that turn based battles werent "a weakness" of old Final Fantasy games or "a vestigial game design crutch of the old days", but A CORE MECHANIC, AND WITOUTH IT THE FINAL FANTASY DESIGN DOC MAKES NO SENSE AND ALL MECHANICS AND EVEN THE PLOT SHOULD THEN CHANGE. Turn based battles are key to deliver on the core final fantasy experience. Turn based battles are mechanics as a metaphor. How would you do Tellah witouth his quirky magic commands? How to cement the moment of his death if the player never tried to cast meteo only to not have enough mana to cast it? How summons in final fantasy 9 would be so impactful if dagger handt had them for all the game up to that point? Would you care about General Leo from 6 if he was just some NPC running arround in automatic? I could go on and on with examples like this. Final fantasy witouth turn based battles is a different game.
The first E3 trailer from 2015 was prophetic as fuck. It basicaly said that the game might go vaporwave at some point.
>it may bring fear, it may bring joy but let's embrance whatever it takes. At last the promise has been made.
Nigga they knew shit was going to hit the fan one day or another.
But yeah, by all means, spend 60 hours of your life moving your only character forward and see him move and auto-attack with the rest of the NPC party in a hack and shalsh game more basic and rudimentary than DmC or Bayonetta or any other real hack and slash. And then pretend that was better and more "gameplay" than a turn based battle where you ARE the party.
Fuck this dumb planet.
>My biggest concern is that its going to be another boring, uninspired "action RPG" borefest.
I mean this was the "combat" of the last FF game
very accurate post
Retarded fans.
We never saw that in the original, it was just implied.
Midgar isn’t half or even a third of the original game, how are they going to include all of the other locations
You forgot the no sex
Who was even supposed to be saying that
>real hack and slash
the reboot is considered to have the worst gameplay of any Devil May Cry game
You're forced to buy a PS5 to play the last part.
If part two is going to take five more years to be made, forget needing just a PS5 to play part two, expect to also have to buy a PS6 to play part three at this rate.
damn you're one flaming faggot retard
Unlike Midgar, there's not much expanding to do with other locations. In-universe, Midgar is an incredibly massive city that houses an incredibly disproportionate number of people compared to any other populated area on the planet. I would not be surprised if it comprised anywhere from 40 to 60% of the total population. Could be more.
What I'm saying is, if they really choose to make the most out of Midgar, it could easily be tremendous compared to any other individual location.
I honestly don't see the problem with the design. Literally the most important part is the gameplay and content and her design is perfectly fine.
Main concern is whether or not the first game will actually have enough content to justify a stand alone game,
>the first trailer
for real?
you could absolutely do a ton with Costa and Junon.
>Vince,Yuffie and Golden Saucer are dlc
>Sid is not an asshole, Scarlet is not a bitch
> dirge chaos is back
They're going to cut so much shit out of it, aren't they
Are you paid by square enix to come here and say stuff like this to curve expectations? Fuck midgar, its not even half of the first disc. If thats all there is to this chapter 1 then this game is bombing hard.
Find a real, decent job.
you idiots will pay 200 dollars for one game
otherwise game play looks decent and production values are high
Bro, you'll never even get to those points, by the time we get past the midgar zolom cave it's fucking 2040
More like you are the one being paid to doom the remake with baseless assumptions and memes like muh soul
>Square-Enix hasn't made a good in-house product in well over 10 years and I have no reason to believe that they'll suddenly break that trend.
Didn't Squaresoft face bankruptcy right before they made FFVII?
Oh so I can doom this shitty sellout corporate revisionist game with my negativity???? Thats news that actually make me happy. Ill be as negative as I can then and hope this shit bombs, Squeenix closes and Sakaguchi gets the Kojima treatement he deserves.
nah you dont remember shit, you are like all the final fantasy 7 remake fans: you were a dumb kid in the 90s and got into FF7 for the hype. Now you are grown up and you NEED the remake to be decent so you can show your normie friends you dont have weird animu tastes, so you will praise this mediocre generic game to heaven just for your own self steem.
I spit in FF7 remake, Nomura, and all the Cucks hyped for this trash.
It was around before FFX actually.
Stop, user, you are being too based in this thread.
Ill die before it comes out. I’m 30. Will be 40 by the time it’s finished.
>been on forums since 2000 talking about remaking the game.
>listened to them tease for years about it.
>now that it’s here it’s multiple parts that will probably extend into the PS6 - if it gets finished at all.
Just fuck me in the ass m8.
That proyection huh
Why would you ever want to explore Midgar? What narrative purpose does that serve? This is Final Fantasy, not Skyrim, zoomer.
No, it wasn't until around 2001~2002.
The first part of the game is only going to be Midgar. Midgar was only 4-5 hours tops in the original game, i'm very confused about this and quite worried desu, it's a bad sign imo.
So what, you want an exact 1:1 remake of the original? Nothing new, nothing we haven't already seen? You can go play the original any time. It's still there. I'm perfectly happy to see more of the world and experience things in it that I haven't experienced before 20 years ago.
The saddest part is that all this hype comes from the trailer not being absolut shit and having some elements of the original game on it, some nods to original designs, etc. Thats all the normies needed from this game, to be mediocre with good graphics. That way they can show it to their normie friends.
Final fantasy fandom became about celebrating mediocrity.
Kinda upset they ditched the original voice actors. I really liked Steve Burton
>celebrating mediocrity
Just like on your birthday
some enhancements are nice but a full exploration of this crappy city, who wanted that?
first part will be delayed. 2020.03.03? hahaha yeah sure
What actually happens with nostalgia glasses taken off and taking into consideration that SE will want to be able to hold bragging rights in the future as an excuse to trust them even if they mess up some games again at some point:
A. Expanding the story and adding scrapped ideas that the developers couldn't include in the original due to time/tech limitations raising the total playtime for all parts combined to 150+ hours in total
B. Combat super engaging and a clear improvement over the original that fixed all the flaws of the original (bland physical attacks, redundant "defend" and "position change" options) and making the materia more balanced as in getting the tricky and useful combinatons much earlier so you can actually enjoy them against someone other than Northern Crater enemies and Secret Bosses.
C. Flesh out important plot points and character development that have only been lightly touched upon out of nowhere but never addressed any further, e.g. the whole "wait a sec, we are actually terrorists who involve innocent civilians!" issue that only gets brought up in a single conversation between Barret and Reeve (Cait Sith) on the Highwind once and never again either before that or afterwards. The remake already addressed that much more than the original ever did.
D. All of the above.
All everyone has been asking for is to relive Final Fantasy 7 with graphics above the standards of a cardboard box. But Square Enix saw this as a chance to milk fans as much as they could instead. Why is that bad?
>You can go play the original any time
No I cannot, it has the same bad graphics.
>It's still there.
As a timepiece with bad graphics.
>I'm perfectly happy to see more of the world and experience things in it that I haven't experienced before 20 years ago.
You wanted a different game then. You wanted a namemake, not a remake.
The rest of us wanted to play a great game now with great graphics. But you wanted a bad game with great graphics. What a shame that you cannot tell the difference.
There's literally nothing I'm not concerned about at this point. MAYBE the voice acting, as cloud's VA doesn't sound as shit and uninterested as he usually does. Though Sephiroth's is as bad as ever.
The world of final fantasy 7 will be reduced to 2 or 3 locations in this remixs, maybe the most iconic ones. We can even bet on them!
I say we are having:
- Gold Saucer with microtransactions - Junon city is merged with it as the "gold saucer city", also has a beach that plays as costa del sol.
- Foregin City: Wutai, Rocket town and Corel, all merged into one big foregin country that got annexed by midgard. Explaining different wars for reactors and resources is too complicated for normies: baddies took foregin city its all they need to know.
Nibelheim will be in the game as its the background for SEPHIROT and I dont think even Squeenix is that dumb to cut all that part...
Why do you consider it a crappy city? You have seen almost nothing save a half dozen screens worth of slums with nothing interesting to explore. Midgar is supposed to be fucking massive, it's ripe for expansion.
You must have missed E3. They already explained several aspects of the gameplay, even adding "Cloud needs much more than just hacking & slashing". It's a Hybrid System. Watch for yourself:
>"They will be able to explain more on the vague and subtle plot points"
So they will casualize the story so idiots can understand it better. Thanks for ruining everything idiot. If you needed parts of the story more fleshed out, then you are a casual, a moron, a idiot. Not the demographic this game should have been made for.
the city is 80% slums why the fuck would anyone think it's anything BUT crappy?
they fucking took away my bros steve, and newbern out of their VA spots!!!!!!!!
new ones sound like ASS
>keep outdated game systems
>make it prettier
You want a facelift. You can mod the original right now and make it as pretty as you like. The fact is that FF7 in it's original form is outdated. The world and characters are perfectly ripe for transfer to a modern game.
But some women have large breasts. I dont understand
>Why do you consider it a crappy city?
from what you have been shown in FF7
The city you were allowed to explore in the original is 80% slum. You are literally complaining about a problem they are fixing.
>The fact is that FF7 in it's original form is outdated.
It isn't. Fuck off zoomer.
Midgar was one of the best and most iconic parts of the game. This makes me feel like you're the zoomer pretending to be a boomer.
What the fuck are you talking about? Be specific so I can laugh at you.
holy shit that literally is Anri
>If you needed parts of the story more fleshed out, then you are a casual, a moron, a idiot.
I am not talking about "understanding for the player", but rather how self-aware the characters act, how human they appear rather than just being "game characters". For example it was retarded that it took 30+ hours until an executive of the regime of a Totalitarian Super Corporation points out the rebells called AVALANCHE actually involved innocent civilians in their attacks. Not during or right after, but 30 FUCKING HOURS into the game. I thought it was really bad and the Cait Sith conversation frankly felt like it was shoved in, or that several scenes that this particular scene was supposed to build up on were removed at some point during production.
Now with the remake that can finally be fixed and it's a great opportunity.
What the fuck are you talking about? You think there is a whole "hello we are terrorists?" unadressed issue in the original Final Fantasy 7?
There is no such thing you disgusting corporate shill. In FF7 there is no dilemma about it because ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO IN THAT WORLD. Final fantasy was a pro-terrorist game, one of the few that dared to show that in real life acts of terrorism are sometimes justified.
Now you want that original narrative to be replaced with something diluting or softening the fact FF7 is a pro terrorist game????? You are proving the other guy point about agenda pushing already.
The game trailer does this already now that I think of it. They never set up the bomb themselves, but the bomb gets activated by enemy robot when it explodes, diluting Clouds responsability. A "he shoot first" situation to fit the stablishment cultural morality standars.
I hope some guy in japan remembers FF7 is a pro terrorist game and reminds squeenix how a bombing run looks like.
He is saying that everything besides the graphics of the old game is outdated. Which I entirely disagree with.
Active Time Battle turn-based system. It's fine and I enjoy it, but they don't make as many of them anymore for a reason. Dragon Quest will probably always stay the same, but I'd say the fanbase of DQ is even more resistant to change than FF fanboys.
The mods look like complete shite, man. Seriously, how can people even play with those fucking things?
They don't make as many because casuals are the majority now rather then back then when people were not as casual. You are wrong. Casuals suck and should not be catered to.
Yeah the reason is that Sqenix went through the same tism fit as Capcom and all the other major Japanese devs of the time (save Nintendo) and it blew the fuck out of Final Fantasy's brand value and goodwill. The whole fucking point of wanting the FF7 remake in the first place was to get away from the shit that was wrong with 12, 13, and 15 and go back to what people liked in the first place. That includes ATB you retard.
Not Tifa's tits, that's for sure.
Not only that, he is implying just explioring the Slums part of midgard was an outdated limitation, and that we should be happy we will now be able to go trough the rich parts with high graphical detail...
except that, as someone said before, this game is final fantasy, not skyrim. Just knowing the slums of midgar was CORE for the narrative. Who will give a shit about Barret speech about "that damn pizza!" and poor people being like a train following their tracks, when you can just go explore the big and lavish midgard theme park.
Oh and im sure barret pizza speech will be replaced with some "thrilling" in-action banter speech, like in Anthem, or any other AAA game ever where all dialoge is in-fight banter. Yay! Videogames! Fun! Improvements! Ohhh those pesky boring old versions are gonna get improve I tell yah!
I hope the poor bastard gets cancer.
VIII should have been remade and VII remastered
Would perhaps be true if no one ever mentioned it. But in-game they actually did, which was the conversation between Barret and Reeve (Cait Sith) on the Highwind. I am saying the original fucked the whole "you killed innocents too!" conversation up because either removing it entirely, or expanding upon it much earlier would have been better than just suddenly bringing it up at the 11th hour, which was just dumb. And it seems it was clearly part of the original vision for the game but they removed 90% of it which resulted in the clusterfuck situation I am describing here.
its the worst game in the series
>VIII should have been remade and VII remastered
VIII needs a re-worked story, better written romance, removed level scaling, fixing the need to draw for spells, and make the Card game not bullshit
this, ffviii combat is pointless in the original because you can one turn every boss with renzokuken, it would have profited far more from the action combat than vii, who had a good system in place just a tad too easy
I agree 100%. Everyone wanted a return to a great game now updated with better graphics. Getting to see amazing cutscenes for all the scenes that get told but not scene. To get away from current year Square Enix's terrible gameplay choices. Like how terrible 13 was. Or how terrible 15 was. To bring back a diamond and polish it further. Instead, Square Enix is just using it to push their terrible current year ideas yet again, and they fucking ignore the actual fans of the original. There is no reason to buy the remakes at all now.
So true. Broken game should have been remade, while great game should have been remastered.
Not "everyone". I bet there'd be AT LEAST just as many people who'd complain that SE is just "re-using materials" and such stuff and that it's therefore just an uninspired cash-grab. They would have gotten controversy on their hands one way or another.
will each game have all your progress transfer?
will abilities in the first one be very limited cause it's the first one?
how would they balance future games if they do transfer progress
it would really suck starting from level 1 again
No that's what people said about re-releasing the fucking PC version. Again. An actual remaster with actually upgraded graphics people would not have complained about. Imagine showing off a cutscene of "Sephiroth" tearing through the Shinra Building. Nobody would have complained over seeing that, even better hiding the fact that its Jenova in disguise.
You will probablly start with the generic equipement and materia for that level of the game.
Being cut up into 4 or 5 games for 60 each. That was a deal breaker already. There's no chance I'll buy it in pieces like that, shinnier graphics isn't worth 200$.
>will each game have all your progress transfer?
It would be retarded if they did not
>will abilities in the first one be very limited cause it's the first one?
Probably. Hell, I don't expect Red to be playable in part 1.
>how would they balance future games if they do transfer progress
make each episode have a level cap.
I'm concerned that they'll cutscene up everything that was previously text and make the game take even longer than it was when it was turn-based. And also that the combat will share the same shitty "HEY LOOK AT THIS" design as Kingdom Hearts III.
Keep in mind Squaresoft was already back in the green after the huge successes of FFX and KH. They had fully recovered from the box office bomb that was Spirits Within and one of their own board members even cautioned against going through with the Enix merger since there was no longer any reason to do so and he correctly estimated that Square and Enix's drastically different approaches to development would hinder them in the long run.
new filler characters
Maybe they can take the trails in the sky route
Trials in the sky had a level peak like 50 or something (not because you stop leveling up, but because Its takes way too much to level up so People doesnt do it) , next game by default started like level 45 but you can transfer levels and equipment, they are still weaker than the New weapons in the New game, also game is rebalanced around the New Stats
Its pretty awesome system if you ask me
they changed her design immediately
you will have to pony up $10 for the dlc costume
How is the affection system going to work through multiple games? I want to be able to date Tifa, not Aeris.
If that's all people wanted they might have just made an animated movie series or even an anime series for that. No need to remake the game if it's literally the same. Would be more profitable for them that way.
fucking kek, those shitty things remind me of .hack on ps2
what a fucking ripoff that was
>And also that the combat will share the same shitty "HEY LOOK AT THIS" design as Kingdom Hearts III.
at least it's not
People who correctly predict the future are rarely listend to.
Well he shut up about it when they gave him more money to back the merger.
They should have made FFXVI instead of remaking a (still) good game
materia system
Just time. And Square being Square I can easily see the development of the other parts running into issues and being delayed too.
Well we already saw materia slotted into the Buster Sword and Jessie handing some magic materia to Cloud.
>mfw incels on Yea Forums think that these are small breasts
maximum kek
Square is gonna square this up. I can see them goong full George Lucas and changing the story of 7 massively by “adding things”
One thing I expect is they will make the LOVE TRIANGLE more balanced early on because fans really like the Cloud and Tifa pairing, which in the original game is set up and forshadowed in disc 1 but not much more than that. Because Tifa struggles to communicate her feelings to thickskulled Cloud until Disc 2. So the more willful Aerith “takes the lead” which is to make it hurt mkre when she inevitably dies.
If they change that then the two heroines look like catty shrews squabbling over the main man. Cloud and Tifa’s build uo is dragged on unnecessarily, and Aerith gets shortchanged for the relatively brief time she is in the game. Bad for everyone.
Compilation trash (including Crisis Core, fuck gackt) infecting it
Even they know compilation trash would scare away fans, they haven't mentioned it once ever since the remake was announced
but how deep will the system be? what combos won't be possible anymore? what new materia will they introduce? will it be fun? will it be overly simplified for zoomer audience? there's just too many questions left unanswered.
>Evaluation Expired
Aerith was shown casting magic as like “her thing” in the trailer. So is she just especially good at it? Or is casting full spells something only she can do with the Bolt materia while everyone else gets a playstyle specific effect from it?
That’s what I wonder
Well there's new Carbuncle, Cactuar and Chocochick summon materia.
I'm fine with changes. Just turning Midgar into a 40 hour game sends the entire project into "Expanded fanfiction" territory. They can do whatever they want because I don't really want to wait 10 years for them to slowly tell the same story I heard 20 years ago. 30, by the time they're done.
She was casting probably Bolt 2, it looked like that
And the first thing we saw was healing wind, ultimate
That’s a good summation if my fear: fanfiction.
A lot of the dev team are fans. And the typical fans of 7 have no idea why it worked imho
That’s what I think but you never see anyone else cast magic do you? If they all can then how is she special to play?
People forget that midgar can easily be expanded into shinra vs avalancha in multiple ways, but they keep waiting nfor sephiroth and shit, stay with the fucking premise, dont think about jenova yet, let alone sephiroth
And yes, we have sephiroth clips, probably just to show whats next, but thats it.
Cloud and barret cast magic in the battle system explanation
The pacing will be god awful with these episodes
Ah. In the original instruction manual Aerith is described as “having the ability to use magic” so I thought naybe they were committing to that probabl antiquated entry
Isnt it a worryign fact that the first totally new confirmed addition to the game is the obviously cynical "CHOCOCHIK" materia?
You fucking kidding me?
Trails in the sky did it, Why cant ff7?
Maybe that means magic like healing wind, not magic materia, dunno
The rest have Just fighting Skills, not magic
Honestly they're better off forgetting the compilation existed altogether, they can't even continue its plot anymore since they can't use Gackt's likeness due to legal issues
Trailsof the sky was planned asa multiparter right? This is being split up and they dont even know how many parts it will be
Like LOTR being 3 movies makes sense but not the Hobbit.
Just wondering what she does in combat that’s special I guess. Tifa, Cloud, and Barrett seemed to be reasonably unique in what their normal attacks could do
>breasts so small they got deleted
They can redesign him. They’ve redesigned all the other characters so that’s not an issue.
You see second chapter plot being hinted in FC thousands of times yet they dont explore it because FC has Its own plot
Same here, you can hint jenova and sephiroth, but right now the fight Its with shinra
Hopefully. Having Sephiroth show up in a full hallucination seems overly dramatic compared to the low key space outs Cloud had in the early game. Hopefully that was just an e3 thing
We havent seen any abilities of her Just yet, maybe she has a magic spell unique on her. I can see also something like a geomancer stance, where her atb charges faster but she has to stay still, so she can cast more spells. Shes a White mage arquetype after all, shes not gonna be staffing people
Tifa's costume sucks . I know there will be microtransactions so i just want to belive you will be able to buy her Original costume .
>not gonna be staving people
My thoughts as well.
Well sephiroth is mentioned in midgar in the og, and i guess they dont have trouble showing him now considering everyone already knows him. But it Will probably just hints, hallucinations for later.
Game is actually 4 games, as put it; the battle system paves the way for enemies and bosses to become damage sponges for the sake of cinematics and padding; various materia and how they're now supposed to function.
Also, how the hell is vehicle travel and underwater supposed to work? Is there a world map anymore?
I was just thinking this too. First Nomura is getting people to buy DLC to play as Roxas again, now it's to have a fan favorite character look normal
all these faggots bitching about something thats actually happening. years ago this was just a joke and a thing people wanted now its here and people are upset over stupid shit lmao this website is amazing just get a different hobby and be happy its actually happening cause we dont deserve it, ii will be happy as a child when it comes out bad or good this was a myth among any gamers that one day FFVII would get a remake, sit down you fucking virgins the best is yet to come.
>That could be 90% uncompressed audios and FMVs for all we know.
We know damn well that's exactly what it is.
I know he’s mentioned. That’s my point. Cloud will space out and Sephiroth’s name will come up. Good way to start the playing wondering.
>not much changes in the story, though they already seem to be doing that already with Sephiroth showing up before the Shinra building
>releases too long between episodes
>episodic quality dropping
>doesn't finish all the episodes due to financial or other reasons
>nickle and diming for all kinds of DLC that is available in the original game
>0.5 shekels have been transferred to your account