Discuss cyberpunk sexuality
Discuss cyberpunk sexuality
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I like women with dicks.
Looks male to me.
How long until the pendulum swings far right?
inject yourself with drugs to make you want to fuck anything, and nano machines prevent stds and un wanted pregnancy
Is it actually a dick though? Really?
Or some weird lighting on the costume? I can't imagine it's a vertically erect penis in the game.
fuck why are they following me everywhere
i dont wanna be aroused by these freaks
just relax and embrace it goy
A popular propaganda technique is to make your people seem much more numerous than they actually are.
>Game about putting robot part on your body
It could be an android, a cybercock or whatever
Fucking retards. The trailer had people with entire robotic parts and you bitch about a dick
Hot future sex with attractive ladyboys with big dicks. Can't get diseases, high on best boner pills, feeling stimulants and pleasure drugs.
There isn't a single good video game where I can actually do this.
Cyberpunk sexuality is hyper-degeneracy.
>Wanna-be ninja. Works only for money no altruism or cruelty. Focus on stealth. Melee only. Get the arm-blades ASAP
>Corpo netrunner. Avoid open conflict and build on social/hacking skills. Suck up to Mommy Meredith and any other Corp.
What do you think of my ideas for V?
Imagine having a squad of cyber futa bodyguards.
Long dong girl best girl
there isn't much to discuss, dickgirl characters exist because men (target audience) are into them, especially straight and bisexual men
it's like asking why DoA characters have big tits, but you also have one pedobait, because the male audience likes the former and MR fills the pedo niche
>trannies seethe because they’ll never pass or look feminine
>40% will skyrocket when crispr or science makes real life futanari
it'd be hilarious if it wasn't a dick and trannies are fetishizing it themselves.
It's somewhat transphobic and I've seen a fair amount of arguments to support it
>posts flat tranny (they call themselves traps)
shut the fuck up tranny
The fuck is that?
>garter belt
my weakness. Fuck, i'm not gay
Modular sex
I will be extremely disappointed if there aren't blatant dickgirls in the game.
I will be understanding but still disappointed if girl V can't get biosculpting titjobs or giver herself a dick.
there's nothing wrong with males looking like that, as long as they have sex with females like good heterosexuals
Woah, Sombra looks like THAT!?
>straight men
they aren't straight. what im basically saying is cope
you've seen arguments to support that it's transphobic, ok
normal people don't care and just want to play the game, what's your next move?
First you have to put the Pandora of female democratic vote back in the box. Wouldn't hold my breath. Until serious war, famine and pestilence happens, basically apocalypse, I don't see the cancer of women voting with their feelings going away anytime soon.
I declare myself bunnysexual
I'm all for CDPR fetishizing trannies/futa. Hopefully we get the option to have an explicit sex scene with one in the game.
There are no arguments to support it. Shut the fuck up and have fun already.
That's fucking disgusting. And that's okay for Cyberpunk.
*homemade grown carrot sold separately
>boys are dickgirls
The time of the far right is over. At best we can get center right.
check again...
How is it transphobic? I have yet to see an understandable reason why.
Honestly the ad itself implies that what it depicts is something you'll LOVE.
Reminder that the 50m closed doors E3 demo confirms that keanu reeves is just a "ghost" like character that's in your head. No one else in the game can see him and he'll always show in to aide you and give you tips.
This. Also,
>no testicles
Nyunzzi only can do good are females draeneis the rest is trash
What are you talking about?
Among millennials and gen z there was a higher proportion of women voting for Trump than Clinton.
Stop using internet, disgusting north american mental freak.
Thats actually Nyuunzi one the olderst western futa artists. Also. Shes femalelandwhale
Your problem isn't women precisely.
It is coming.
You will have nowhere to hide.
>All these newfags don't know about Mr. Studd/Midnight Lady
It’s not gay if it’s still a woman right?
What about a neural implant that stimulates the feeling of orgasm constantly all over your body
Reminder futa is not gay.
LGM-118 Peacekeeper missile test.
Alt-right is the right wing's worst enemy and they continue to thrive on the internet
It's like running for mayor but your son keeps getting caught dressing in nazi uniforms and spraying swastikas everywhere. Left wing socjus types should thank their lucky stars the alt-right exists because without them they'd have to go toe to toe with the good ol boys club and that club never loses a fight in an even match.
I dont even get the picture
why, if it is a tranny, would it have a raging fucking huge boner in the picture? just to show that, yes, trannies exist in 2077?
why would the dick look like that? in the original, even the bell end of the ding dong looks like its on backwards. Is it supposed to be a codpiece instead? I absolutely do not understand what the bulge is supposed to be.
Anyways, laughing at all the twitter trannies upset by this things inclusion because "its not the trans rep we wanted" because "its not realistic for us"
daily reminder assfaggot both demos take place on literally the first two missions of the game.
I thought the game was supposed to be dystopian but I can't think of a better future than one where I can suck huge tranny cocks and then wash the cum down with a refreshing tranny energy drink.
boys SHOULD be dickgirls
the purest form of love is female(male) on female
Never. Enjoy your tranny sons and black grandchildren.
trannies need to be fetishized, it's the last thing they want
>Even his name sounds like Johnny Mnemonic. You're also haunted by a "digital ghost," a.k.a. Keanu Reeves's character, named Johnny Silverhand. Which, holy hell, what a name.
Stay mad kid. Keanu Reeves is a ghost.
Can someone post the twitter tranny hating on cyberpunk pic?
Forgot to save it.
never, grow up
its the future, your cyber dick can look like whatever you want it to.
>why, if it is a tranny, would it have a raging fucking huge boner in the picture
Because in 2077 standards of society have evolved so much that if you want people to notice your sexy advert, you gotta have something way more sexual in it than what modern world is used to.
>why would the dick look like that
It's a cybercock.
From the chart it looks to be only because men in the youngest cohort tend to vote for meme libertarian candidates more.
Get fucked fringe cuck, hopefully the pendulum stops dead radical center and we put you along with commies to death
Ciri was also a fucking ghost but after you did the first campaign you go to play as her reunited with her.
Same shit gonna happen with Johnny Silverhand.
Project blue beam you sheep
have sex
Wasn’t that fucking obvious to anyone who saw the reveal? Keanu literally glitches in and out for a moment at the end, and the flying billboard is advertising eyes similar to the ones of the girl who disables V before he gets blasted.
You’d think for a board that obviously watches dozens of reaction videos, posters here would be more receptive of minor details.
you could always not browse the website
I want to put on bright lipstick and cover astolfs giant member with kisses
only if on female
We caught on Johnny/Keanu being AI within hours of the reveal trailer.
...And what the fuck is a point about complaining about his name? He's the same character as the one from original pnp RPG, of course his name will be the same.
>futanari hentai anime dream
semantics, characters like Astolfo, Poison and Kainé exist to please pretty much the same audience
you're not gay, as a rule gay men don't like "draw a girl, call it a boy" traps, except when they self-insert as them
fucking a trap is straight, only wanting to be fucked by one is gay (or bisexual)
Dude, Johnny is dead. He died way back in 2010s, the game takes place in 2070s.
It bothers me deeply because the dick is the wrong way round
Why does she have a baguette in her leotard?
>someone actually made this
>many people in vee love traps and futa and spam them basically everywhere they can
>trannies think everything is about them and are hypersensitive babies on any representation
>vee trap and futa lovers are hypersensitive babies on their fetish being portrayed anywhere
>tranny and queer haters want to REEEEE at everybody and everything
it's not actually rocket surgery
why, my peanus weenus of course :)
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)
why, my peanus weenus of course :)
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)
why, my peanus weenus of course :)
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)
why, my peanus weenus of course :)
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)
the only one doing that here are the polfags obsessed with trannies
Ah a fellow ps4 man
Women with fullpac dicks no vag are pure kino
She doesn't have any pockets, where else would she keep it?
not if it's a horse cock
or it could just be a false impression from the texture of the leotard
because it's not a dick. come on now
>ciri was a fucking ghost
Johnny silverhand is literally a ghost. He is dead. He was alive in 2020. It is 2077. Does he look like an old man? His digital conciousness lives in the net. That is tech his girlfriend was making in the tabletop
>can't even draw a goddamn soda can properly
Shad is a fucking disgrace.
Astolfo isnt a dickgirl, shes trans though.
Anime is lying to you. No boy has those kinds of hips and shoulders. This can exist only in 2D.
>not recognizing that bulge
>Your whole main quest is about immortality chip
>Johnny wants to help you to get Immortality
>Johnny becomes main villain becus he wants immortality
>You shit Johnny and literally become Johnny yourself
based, but not redpilled
if it's got dick and balls and no vag its not a woman
not that there's anything wrong that with, big titty thicc ladyboys are great (in a purely fantastic setting of course)
Wait a sec, I recognize that bulge...
Nazis get the bullet too.
I've seen you just post this in another thread. trying to make this the new brap posting?
Far right, but wives with feminine penises when?
doesn't even bother to lose weight
Fetishizing trans(not 100% if postergirl is) people is a pretty big reason why
the amount of seeth this comment generate
Gimme some Hot tips bro
If you've studied history society would need to collapse before it swings back.
the hell would be the equalivent of trannies for far righters?
That's a big dick.
what the fuck is that a massive corn cob dick?
Reminder you are stupid and gay
>Put a tranny on a poster
>Don't put a tranny on a poster
>"muh representation"
>no vagina
At best, that's gender bender. At worst, literal tranny.
In the future, you can put a dick on anything. Even your girlfriend.
Love hearing /pol/ and the sjws cry on eachother's shoulders.
Good time to be a tranny.
The game is fucking set in 2077, over fifty years from current time. The standards of society will have changed tremendously, rather than plain fetishizing, it's possible that the person on poster is a model like any other and is simply being used as postergirl for soda, much like models these days are being used to sell whatever.
Rather than seeing it as fetishizing, I see it as normalization. And it makes sense, the world of Cyberpunk went through phase when people were fucking modding themselves to look like animals or actual fucking clowns, it's not far-fetched to say that come 2077 transexuality would be totally accepted and normal part of society.
the clock was changed to digital
Why do so many people think that this is supposed to be a tranny?
It's probably more likely that it's just a woman who got a dick implant for fetish reasons.
I mean body modification is supposed to be a big thing in this game.
>stop having high expectations of us!
>we all willingly decide to look like 60-year old wine aunts!
>b-but also have sex with us!
Haha, you remind me of myself when I started browsing this site 12 years. Futa was so gross to me back then.
But now?
Christian conservative traditional 1950s housewives (male) married to powerful working women
holy fucking EPIC
I suspect it's a dildo, not sure why it's not actually in them though so maybe it's actually just a weapon or something else.
I want to blow him
Already coming with new shit up with your discord tranny comrades huh?
Is that a baguette?
>have sex, incel. *SLAM*
Just confirming that futa is the scum of all fetishes
How is it any different from fetishing big muscular men or BBW women.
>futa is a new threat to my conservative video games board!
the newest
when it stops being fucking cringe
The worst part of all this is that retards think Futa and Trans are the same thing.
The last thing you see
Including the vagina in artwork is a cope
The LGBT crowd doesn't actually want "normalization" because that would mean the complete eradication of their political power in the form of their self-enforced permanent victimhood. If anybody can switch their functional healthy biological gender at any time and have the option to reverse it right back, it completely destroys the "culture" self-destructive tranny insanity has built up.
Imagine, a straight white male can temporarily convert himself to a black lesbian female, and not only undermine their locked-in notion of immutable "born-as" sexuality, but their whole pyramid of privilege.
It makes sense here because 50 years in the future you can bet your ass that these degenerate liberals will be all for blatant sexual advertisements. It fits the exact thinking of that time period.
Actual, literally literal futas for real, literally, that are transSEX and not trans"gender".
Sex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"gender"
>durr it's a dick
No, it isn't, You guys are fucking retards
you haven't seen many fetishes then. fucking zoomer
*puts you on all fours*
Yeah baby ljust like
*insets majestic futa cock in your anus*
Yeah baby ur gonna love this
*Starts throbbing cock in and out in your anus*
Yeah baby yeah....!!
*Start pumping the futa cock more and more dedeper in to your anus*
Hahahaah... Baby you should see your stupid lookn your face..
*Cums about two gallons of cum in to your anus cum inflating your whole body*
Wheh baby you were really well then i guess its round 2!!!
Admit you enjoy futa you fag
Not even 1% as bad as pedos.
Fuck you luigi, you ain’t shit
you can literally add a penis to a biological female
I full expect dickgirls in a cyberpunk dystopia
YOuve cracked the code
>16 flavors
>16 confirmed genders
What did the devs mean by this?
Where is female Sundowner from?
>not wanting to have sex with a tranny is transphobic
>wanting to have sex with tranny is also transphobic
wait a minute I know that boner
>Fetishizing trans
trannies think people are attracted to them. LOL
The far-right never came to power democratically
It always rose when the regular right got afraid of communists and used them to contain commies
However, communism is dead
There is no alternative but eternal liberal future
Futa in 16 different futa forms.
I want a lolibot like Pino
As long as the alt-right continues to behave as it does, never.
You know what's the best thing about cyborg futas? They're born AS female, but later got a cyberware dick installed to become a true futa. It's ultimately just a girl's favorite dildo attached as cyberware. Everybody wins, everybody is happy, and Feminists, SJWs and genderdysphorics literally have to deal with it.
THIS is a Win-Win situation on an omnipresent level regarding personal opinions, deal with it.
>He wouldn't suck a futa cock
What are you? Gay?
Naw, that's literally just me going around posting in every Cyberpunk thread.
I have nothing better to do on a Wednesday afternoon.
gay, but I respect your sincerity and will defend your freedoms
no it isn't. it is a woman with a dick and balls and no vagina.
a tranny is someone who is transitioning.
dickgirls aren't transitioning. they are women.
#TrannyPunk 2077
Since CD Project Red has turned to the sjw LGBTPQ radical left now, can we expect a Dilation Edition?
>implying tomboy futa isn't the ambrosia of fetishes
You are literally gay.
Pretty soon. It happens about every generation
Can someone explain the appeal of Futa?
>draw a thicc girl
>put a dick on her
I don't get it
tfw no v bf
>no it isn't. it is a woman with a dick and balls and no vagina.
That's gender bender.
>Whito Piggu Disgusting
>Openly Trans
>lives and works in japan
How the fuck are japanese tolerating this?
Last I heard they love foreign things but hate foreigners and most of all americans.
Is this like some health related shit? Or just typical mental illness stuff
fuck yeah i love futa cocks
im straight man but i love the taste of cock i love the msell of cum i just love cocks and females with cocks is all i need in my life
The ingame poster has a flat chest and entirely male secondary sexual characteristics though.
I’m bi and sometimes it’s nice to have a little of both.
dickgirl male - male who becomes feminine, but keeps his genitalia
dickgirl female - female who acquires male genitalia
cuntboy male - male who acquires female genitalia
cuntboy female - female who becomes masculine, but keeps her genitalia
nullo male - male who removes genitalia
nullo female - female who removes genitalia
cuntboy nullo - female who becomes masculine and removes genitalia
dickgirl nullo - male who becomes feminine and removes genitalia
male (female) - woman who gets a dick and balls and removes her tits, but otherwise remains feminine characteristics
female (male) - male who gets a pussy and tits, but otherwise retains masculine characteristics
somebody help I'm running out of genders to invent
I HRT myself,
What am I looking at here, user? I need some help.
It's for virgins and people who are addicted to porn. Even i you're straight long exposure to porn will make your tolerance go up forcing you to watch even darker more fringe and fetishy shit. Then there's the unironic people with mental illnesses that like that kind of stuff, but they're much more rare
>want to beat off to lesbian porn
>actual lesbian porn is a snooze fest outside of kissing
>add a dick to girl
>actual sex commences
>muh cyclic history
Fascism and communism were based on ideals and a romanticized vision of the world
The time of big ideals and romanticism is dead. Apathy won. History did end.
>a girl with a dick who looks and acts like a boy
at what point does this become gay? I'm very confused
Please don't. It's making me sick.
In regular hentai you have sexy girl and fairly uninteresting guy who is necessary for inclusion of the dick, which is needed for penetration.
In futa hentai you have a sexy girl, and another sexy girl that happens to have a dick. It's as simple as that.
are you seriously telling me that men wouldn't use the opportunity to use cybernetics to become futas themselves
mentally ill tranny got its arm skinned Terminator 2 style so they could construkt a fake penis for "him".
By the way this is perfectly healthy and normal according to the WHO.
do you think i care? as long as he's my strict bottom girlfriend he can identify as anything
>No boy has those kinds of hips and shoulders.
i barely watch anime, but that's exactly my point, those fictional characters are literally drawings of females wth a dick
even the majority of women don't have the curvy body proportions seen in some traps
>vagina and penis mixed together
>sometimes the penis is like 20 inches
no idea, girls are better as girls with vaginas and traps are better as girls with dicks
There's legitimately a pendulum swing about every 20-30 years in politics. You're underage b& if you don't know about it.
Maybe it's just 2077 Fashion's idea of a fannypack.
>tomboys act like boys
Only an uncultured faggot would think this.
Next generation, but you won't like it anyways because it'll be differenti from the current far-right.
that's because you are a small (fem)BOI
that's the literal definition of the word, you dumbass
Why is a trans figure in a game now transphobic when the people screeching about this fucking topic are always like "waa there's no trans" and now there is and they're like "this is transphobic" like come on, we can have women (actual) in a sexual light but the moment trans people are cast in a sexual light (that isn't politically-motivated faux-virtue by way of extant "transition") it's "transphobic."
Explain this to me, not because I think you may have a point, but because I want to see your stupidity firsthand
I want him to fill my mouth with his seed
this is correct
God I can't wait to cut off tranny dicks and pull their fake labias out, feed it to them and watch them cry as we hoist them up with a noose around their neck
The skin from their arm was used to make their "penis".
What am I looking at and why am I even asking?
Because liberal don't want change, they want outrage.
Tomboys generally retain a lot of their femininity because they aren't fucked in the head, it's not that they are trying to act like a boy, it's just how they are, unlike trannies.
lurk moar
you are not as intelligent as you think you are, average IQ brainiac.
I'm left with even more questions. Why the arm? Can you get more skinned if you want a really big dick? Does it feel stimuli?
this is transphobic
Not in our lifetime. Arm yourselves.
it never can, because you autistic fucks don't realize that gays and trannies are here to stay
the Pandora's Box of sexual liberation cannot be undone, you can't magically get everyone to stop being gay without suppressing it either through force or societal repression (which realistically can never happen in the West)
it'd be like trying to get people to stop using smartphones, you can't stop progress, and instead of trying to preserve your unattainable pipedream of a nuclear family unit and what remains of it you should rather anticipate the developments of the future and the inevitable transhumanist furrymen that comes with it to control and contain them before they spiral completely out of control
In 2019 people form large fetish communities on the internet. I don't think it's unrealistic to portray a world 57 years in the future as being even more degenerate to the point where fetish communities now have a foothold in mainstream advertising. Especially not when technology has advanced to the point of allowing realistic body modifications. If that tech existed today, we'd already have billboards like these. So I think it's a very poignant piece of worldbuilding, which few developers could handle with maturity and tact, if they had the spine to go there in the first place.
literally me
Yea Forums cherrypicked a handful of Twitter screengrabs and pretended that literally the entirety of the LGBTQ community was mad about It when It wasn't.
As for the exact argument, mostly misunderstanding of what's "Chromocure" a pormentau of.
They don’t know what they want. The same people complaining about this will turn right around and talk about being sex positive is a good thing.
This actually made me dizzy. I know there's no simple answer and i already know why, but im gonna ask it anyway.
Why do we as humans allow this, these people need serious help.
>In the future, you can put a dick on anything. Even your girlfriend.
no dick no date and no commitment! those are my rules
turbo cringe
what the fuck do you plan to do with your arms?
I refuse to believe this is real
you can answer your own questions simply by using common sense. something the trannies just stop doing at some point in their lives.
>Especially not when technology has advanced to the point of allowing realistic body modifications
giving trannies their fake vaginas at 850 m/s
nothing is worse than a far-righter, so nothing
Because the other option Is the leg, and it's easier to deal with a damaged arm than a damaged thig.
No point in getting It more skinned (can't get up on its own), but you can.
It does feel stimuli, but only on the tip.
there is more to women than vags
I sure hate it when i get a boner everytime i drink something
So annoying
>wanting to be able to defend your life is turbo cringe
What are you actually trying to say? That you concede I have a point and can't argue your own in the face of it, and instead choose to lash out; or that you are mad I have explained the vapidity of this "outrage" in such a concise way?
At any rate you're a fucking retard so begone
>Why do we as humans allow this
Because global narratives are controlled by global media corporations, which are uniformly on one side of the political spectrum, and they have learned that the single most effective word used to curtail debate and get what they want is calling their opponent "bigot".
futa, furry... what will be next?
Just give me my optimistic steampunk game set in Victorian London where you get to talk shit about the Huns and Frogs.
t. cuck
Vore in my case, friend.
>I'm so scared of non-existant death squads, I NEED to arm myself.
It's a hedonistic world with technology advancements that allow for massive body modifications, along with the heavy corporatist/consumerist aspect that comes with cyberpunk. It's also a mature rated game that has the capacity to add this sort of thing
holy shit, no wonder they keep killing themselves
is what you're saying real? do you have any link/article/whatev talking about this?
I refuse to believe we live in a world like that
she was a woman before the augmentation you bigot!
I just want trannys gone, I dont care about Jews and blacks
>there is more to women than vags
there literally isn't, because vaginas can only exist through the definition of female, that is an XX chromosome pair
we're talking about a fictitious scifi fantasy world in the future here
In the game, brainlet. In the game set in the future, they look realistic. Not right now.
from what?
come back when you have an argument
>are you seriously telling me that men wouldn't use the opportunity to use cybernetics to become futas themselves
Primitive idiots exist.
>shooting a gun isn't fun
Alright nancyboy where on the doll did your police state touch you?
>not being ready for anything, no matter how far fetched it is
Thats how you end up dead. Of course those death squads will never happen, but what if something else were to happen? What if someone were to break into your home, what if some sort of civil unrest were to happen, what if there was a nuclear fallout?
I'd rather have a firearm, then not.
>there literally isn't, because vaginas can only exist through the definition of female, that is an XX chromosome pair
You're thinking of uteri. Otherwise, medically, there's no differenze between a Natural vagina and a neovagina.
Reminder there is LITERALLY nothing wrong cyberpunk traps in a dystopian setting
Do you even wonder why does Yea Forums love "skin I live in" movie so much? it's an dogshit movie, but they still love it.
just saying newfag doesn't make you fit in kek
I'm going for the second option, playing as a corporate scum as one of the idol is a Corporate dude, I reckon that there are additional choice related to having a corporate background. I'm going to suck up to Mommy Meredith but if possible undermine her as much as possible because a good corporate scum don't stay low on the ladder
This is what fake women actually think
The only help we can give them is a bullet to their skull. Unironically and not trying to pass off as an edgelord. There's no curing their mental illness.
Her draenei shit is nerve wrecking, probably the only futa ive liked
this is the kind of life I want to have...
Thanks, user. My curiosity is slaked.
Read spengler. So about a hundred years
>medically, there's no differenze between a Natural vagina and a neovagina
You know when shitposters talk about seething and coping and dilating? They're talking about you.
oh wait a second, that shit was actually IN GAME
based cdprojekt, can't wait for the SFM porn
>mass replying
>is a faggot
Read the commenti chain you moron, you May understand the context.
add femboy
i'm just a normal straight man
There isn't but apparently trannies don't like it
They're mad when you don't put them in, they're mad when you put them in, what do they want
Only women and faggots mass reply
>What are you going to do with your gun
>defend my life
>from what? Made up death squads?
>Not just that, but all these other situations that are plossible
Its never too late to own a firearm, I suggest you get on ASAP.
What aliments that affect the vaginal canal affect only natural vaginas?
It's very real and it's alarming. Twitter slacktivists and rainbow flag waving corporations who RUTHLESSLY hijack this stuff SOLELY for profits and positive goodie points publicity, because it costs the marketing team nothing at all, love to blend out this reality. Which is far from sunshine, rainbows and happy smiling drawings of happily ever after transitioned people.
Trans are deeply mentally disturbed people. It's not some kind of hip fashion fad for fuck's sake.
in 2077 are female x trap x futa threeways common?
I want to play as a male character and get fucked in the ass by a girl like that
He’s not trans, he a transvestite, a trannie.
This is going to be what decides if I buy the game or not. If they publically apologize for transphobia over a dickgirl bulge, I'll drop the game and never look back. If they don't, I'll pre-order.
>no matter how far fetched it is
then why only guns?
surely you should have a nuclear bunker filled with years worth of supplies, right?
if you acutally believed what you just said you would spend every hour of you life preparing for things no matter how far fetched they are, no?
Don't you mean a crossdresser? Wearing women's clothes doesn't make you a woman.
But...the whole point is that you self insert as the guy, that's why plain is best for that
All you guys fapping to this trannyshit, maybe take a break from porn.
>dickgirl male - male who becomes feminine, but keeps his genitalia
>dickgirl nullo - male who becomes feminine and removes genitalia
I meant what I merely said. That you are, in fact, a brainlet who thinks he is hot shit.
it could be piercings
it could be a strap-on/robocock
it could be a genetically modified cock
it could be a transplanted horsecock
I mean, have you seen the shit they're capable of doing IN-universe from what we've seen so far? a cock job would be nothing
and altering people's sex lives is what's going to bring transhumanism on the main scene
that's pretty bigoted of you to say
not him, but crossdresser is the PC word for transvestite / tranny
Imagine how porn looks in 2077, motherfuckers fucking each other with T-Rex cocks.
He identifies as male, hes even added to the most popular male gacha banner. He just likes to tease, I think hes one of the few characters you can call a trap.
I'm offended that not only do they cater to tranny faggots, they glorify it with this profane shitty sjw tattoo fucks. Fuck them, and double fuck the people complaining about it. This whole era is absolute fucking cancer and I cannot wait for the cleansing fire.
she would be a better dickgirl if she wasn't an ugly brown mutt and she got rid of those shitty tattoos
this but also smelling their ball musk
replying to three different posts isn't mass replying you newfag ribbitor
femboy is just a male though
that's like adding in reverse trap, it's just a female who happens to be androgynous, there's no real physical change being discussed
I suppose I could add
>full-package male - male who has become a dickgirl with both male and female genitalia
>full-package female - female who has become a dickgirl with both male and female genitalia
>hermaphrodite male - biological male who has acquired both male and female genitalia, but is outwardly masculine
>hermaphrodite female - biological female who has acquired both male and female genitalia, but is outwardly masculine
or maybe switch the titles, I don't fuckin know
Theres a difference between whats reasonable and possible, and whats too far and unachievable.
Would I like to have a massive bunker to survive all situations? Absolutely. Can I afford, build, and maintain one? No.
I can, however, posses several firearms of various calibers and thousands of rounds to at least protect myself.
Don't be autistic.
Dangerously based post
what you think is the center is the radical left of 70 years ago
>tags: futanari, netorare
>history society
it's called anthropology history you pseud faggot
hopefully never, niggershit.
Cuddle with them
>lolibot with a horsecock upgrade
Crossdresser: person who wears the opposite gender's clothes. This can be done ocassionally as a hobby or kink.
Transvestite: person who wears the opposite gender's clothes, 24/7.
Trap: person who can pass off as the opposite gender. Usually a crossdresser or transvestite as well.
Transexual: person who underwent sex reassignment surgery, regardless of whether they have kept their ding dong or not.
Trannie: slang for transexual.
Shemale: slang for transexual.
Dickgirl: fictional, plainly put "a woman with a dick". Usually has balls.
Futa: fictional, plainlu put "a woman with a vagina and a dick". Rarely has balls.
I want to believe strong amazonian futanari are a natural born gender from a far primitive island and want to snu-snu us all
>C-Cyberpunk is left wing guys.
Better dead than red
fpbp, but only 2d
>70 years ago.
Try 30.
Be careful, this level of redpill can have serious consequences
shit taste
No crossdresser means you wear women's clothes
And you think you're correct in your assertion simply from a single post
Wow what a conceited shit you are
I think you are the pot calling the kettle black, no?
>be boring white guy
>turn into "girl"
>Cyberpunk 2077 is a dystopia because 58 years have passed and boring white men aren't extinct yet
man this dude has no self-awareness
Kill yourself and who knows what might happen!
Based Mike.
as a male you know dicks feel good, so adding a dick onto a girl means you know how to please her and know how good it feels for her
it's as simple as that
No, this is the future largest voting block in america. We are fucked.
>Women with no vag
??? but thats just a dude with tits
t. porn connoisseur
>crossdresser means you wear women's clothes
yes, a tranny / transvestite
the game is based based!
I’d later ask quest director Mateusz Tomaskiewicz if the factions are more nuanced than they appear. So far, they’ve all been defined by one fixation: juice for the Animals, uploading themselves for the Voodoo Boys.
But near the end of the demo, we meet a white man in a suit and tie who gives us the information we need. He also tells us the Voodoo Boys are going to turn on us the moment we’ve done their dirty work – and is immediately proved right.
The violent black thugs betrayed us, as the corporate white man said they would.
drag queens, dick girls and numerous other deviants are cyberpunk 101
Furries are literally canon in the Cyberpunk 'verse
its a phalloplasty, a medical surgery where skin from a donor area is made into an artificial phallus for transmen
the biggest dangers don't actually come from the donor area, but rather from the genital side of things
its a risky surgery, as no optimal method has been determined, and it requires a lot of research before undergoing
I looked at some images for you guys, its not pretty, but its interesting
the new penis looks more like a finger, but they are functional
they can even manage to grow hair, feel sensation, and with an implant, get an erection
but I imagine the 2077 penis's are fancy 3D printed pornstar penis's installed by robotic surgeons, for a much more natural look
hell I'd even wager that some people with less than adequate penis's get new ones installed
No a tranny is somebody taking meds/has a boobjob
>Don't be autistic
you are the manchild here that tries to justify his toys
if you were to actually look at the situation reasonably you'd conclude that guns for "protection" are just as much of a waste of money as the bunker,
if i were to sell you an antiode for a zombie virus for 1000 bucks, would you buy it? it's only 1000 bucks, if you can afford your guns surely you have no trouble getting that much together for a 100% guarantie of never turning once the zombie outbreak happens
>doesn't self-identify as the girl with the cock doing the fucking, but instead thinks of how to get fucked by the cock
its just funny how he just flips a switch like that and jumps what he thinks is the "other" side. he's practically just projecting what he thinks is the right thing to say when he was just a boring fucking white dude who wanted to cling onto some identity
dick and asshole good
dick, asshole and pussy bad
Because its the future and everyone will have massive dicks
holy shit the game will be gold mine based mike
not all black people are bad afterall
>this level of coping
Damage control more tranny
you missed the point, but then you're just a frogposter so you must've done so on purpose
so have a (you)
lmao is that really from the tabletop CP2077 rulebook?!
Based Mike
Basado Miguel
zombies don't exist though, whereas murderous burglars and muggers do
>3 replies
>mass replying
imagine being this lowbrow
get it installed as a penis probably
>i am silly
2020, but yes, it's from the Neo-Tribes sourcebook.
they dont exist tho. Keep pretending they are really women with dicks, fag
I will never get that fetish I suppose xenophilia is what I am about
tranny is just someone who crossdresses zoomer-kun
the ones taking meds are the "transgenders"
This garbage shoudn't be released to the public. It's demeans people.
not enough
Yeah no, if you're not on meds/had an operation you're not "transitioning" you're a crossdresser.
Buying 2 copies now.
Tranny is someone whose transitioning has tragically and comically failed. Which is 99% of trannies.
I told you to not be autistic, and then you just continued to be autistic.
As someone has already pointed out, zombies don't exist, burgles, psychopaths, etc, do.
Firearms are not toys, and the fact that you think they are shows you're either a super liberal who has never handled one, or a kid who has only seen them in games. They're a tool, and a deadly one at that.
So you like men
>if you're not on meds/had an operation you're not "transitioning" you're a crossdresser
correct aka tranny / transvestite
>Futa x Male: For fags that want an excuse to take dick that want everyone to know
>Futa x Female: For cuckolds that think it's not cuckoldry if it's a girl and want everyone to know
>Male x Futa: For fags that can't get off without fantasizing about fucking something with a penis
>Futa x Futa: For based and redpilled patricians that are the apex of masculinity, heterosexuality, humanity and intellect
tranny is just someone who transvests, crossdresser is just the SJW term
>CDPR doing cyberpunk right
>Seething trannies getting mad on twitter
I'm worried bros. Will they cave? Bad press isn't something any company wants.
Not even mad.
Imagine the butthurt once someone posts a gameplay video where he hunts down various degenerates like furries and trannies.
do you live in such a bad neighborhood that murderous burglars and muggers are common?
also, surely if someone had the intention of hurting you, they wouldn't give you the chance of retaliating.
or you do you believe that you are going to kill the murderous burglar, in the middle of the night, while you are sleeping, or shortly after you just woke up unsure of what exactly you are hearing before he is going to off you?
>Trap X Male: For fags who want to enjoy homosex with a feminine bottom
Basiert und rotgepillt
>male on trap
>male on girl
>trap on girl
>girl on girl
the only acceptable pairings
exotics are canon in the original game but I dont know if they will be included in the videogame and player custom options
Well that was fast
>tranny = transvestite
>tranny = transfaggots of all kinds
Me too, and i'm straight as an arrow.
Yes, that is what you think it is.
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
>a trap is 200% gay, not only are you fucking a dude, you are putting up with the faggotry of a female
my fucking sides
not that I disagree, traps are gay, but gay BECAUSE they're feminine? That is some batman logic right there
That's like saying the earth is round because "fuck this gay earth" and "delicious flat chest is not gay" therefore the earth cannot be flat
How can one man be this based and redpilled?
Neither does calling an old copypasta a new forced meme.
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